Kat Chapter 3

  • April 2020
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CHAPTER 3 ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATION MATTERS ADMISSION PROCESS New admissions occur every semester or twice per year. Students can also apply for the Inter-Semester session at IBMT. The respective dates for application, placement tests, the first day of classes, and other academic and administration matters will be announced regularly. Prospective students are encouraged to contact the IBMT office for more detailed information. The application form is available at the admission office. There is a non-refundable application fee of Rp. 200.000,-.(USD 20) The deadlines for entry application and fee payments are subject to change without prior notice. Those who live out of Surabaya may obtain the application form by writing, faxing or emailing your request to the Office of Admissions at IBMT or by simply calling our office. IBMT seeks students who possess a true desire for career preparation and who have the ability to achieve academic success. Although academic qualifications are important, student motivation and interest in succeeding are given strong consideration in the selection process. The educational environment at IBMT is designed to assist students qualifying for admission to succeed.

FRESHMAN ADMISSION SELECTION PROCESS Admission of first time freshman students to the undergraduate programs is subject to the following requirements: 1. Senior High School graduates or those who possess equivalent education (twelve years of schooling) as certified by Indonesia’s Department of Education and Culture. 2. National Examination grade point average = 7 or higher, or top 25 % class rank. 3. Pass IBMT entrance exam and have TOEFL scores of 500 or more. Those with TOEFL score fewer than 500 or not passing are placed in English upgrading courses. 4. Those who are deficient in Mathematics as revealed by the placement tests are required to take Mathematics remedial courses/upgrading classes. 5. Submit the application form with 2 photos 4cm x 6 cm and certified documents (high school transcripts, English language certificates, and birth certificate) The Committee will give students who are unable to fulfill the requirements strict Individual consideration from the Office of Admissions regarding their petitions for admission. 9|Page

ADMISSION TO INTER – SEMESTER SESSION INTER-SEMESTER REQUIREMENTS Students beginning to pursue their degrees in the inter-semester must apply, meet eligibility requirements for admission, and be officially admitted as for any other semester. The prospective students will be notified of the application deadline. Students transferring from other universities or colleges who want to apply for intersemester session need to apply before the deadline. New students may be required to take several upgrading courses to meet the requirements for admission to IBMT. Inter-semester admission requirements for all regular degree students are the same as those for all other semesters.

ADMISSION OF TRANSFER STUDENTS FROM OTHER UNIVERSITIES Students from other universities seeking to transfer to IBMT will be given consideration after an individual review of their applications using the following evaluation process: 1. Ability to communicate in English (TOEFL 500 and above) and pass IBMT entrance test 2. Evaluation of the number of credits transferable : The possibility of transferring courses and credits depends on the similarities in content of the respective courses, the method of teaching used in the respective courses, and the individual grades of the students in the respective courses (no less than B). Decisions on credit will be made solely by IBMT academic administrators or advisers. Please submit official records for evaluation of eligibility for admission and transferability of credits.

3. To earn a Bachelor’s degree from IBMT, student must take a minimum of 145 credits at IBMT. Therefore, the maximum numbers of credits transferable to IBMT from other universities are 70 equivalent credits. The procedures for students transferring to IBMT:

1. Fill out the application form. There will be a non-refundable fee of Rp. 200.000,(USD 20) application fee. 2.

Enclose 2 recent photos 4 cm x 6 cm.

3. Submit transcripts from the previous university or college. If the number of credits to be transferred is less than 30, the prospective student will also have to include their high school transcripts and other academic proof. 10 | P a g e

4. Include certificate or other kinds of proof regarding English proficiency 5. Include the syllabus from the respective courses as the basis for determining the courses allowed to be transferred.

RE-ENROLLMENT Former IBMT students who wish to re-enroll at IBMT after formally resigning or after completing leaves of absence for specific periods may do so providing they are eligible to re-enroll. Students who have been absent for 4 (four) or more terms should contact the Registrar to reactivate their files and update the information. If the re-enrolling students have attended another college or university after their last semester at IBMT, they are required to ask the Registrar to process the transfer of credits. The procedure for re-enrolling students is similar to that of transfer students.

REGISTRATION The dates for registration and schedule adjustments as well as the details of the registration procedures will be posted on the announcement board. Students should read these carefully before they come to register. Dates will be announced in the Academic Calendar. If students miss the deadlines for registration, they will be assessed a late fee of Rp. 50.000,Students are officially registered and eligible to attend classes after they have completed all procedures and paid all fees.

ADVISING INFORMATION It is recommended that students discuss their proposed course of study with their academic adviser prior to registration in order to choose the appropriate courses for the semester and plan for future semesters. Each student will be appointed one academic adviser. This information is posted on the announcement board. Academic advisers care about the success of the students’ academic study here at IBMT. They are here to help students to plan their career goals and to provide any assistance and support necessary to ensure students’ success. Students are strongly advised to arrange a special time for regular informal meetings with them to discuss their plans, share their academic problems, ask questions and express concerns. The earlier the student start using this resource/service the more he/she gets benefit from our education here.

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ACADEMIC MATTERS Administrative Requirement A few students may have administrative holds placed on them, which will prevent their registration for several different reasons. When this happens, please contact the office that has placed the hold. The different forms of holds include (1) financial obligations from previous semesters, (2) incomplete grades from previous courses, and others. Credit Loads First semester students (freshmen) can take up to 18 credit/non-credit loads, provided they have a TOEFL Score of + 500. For other students, their accumulative GPA determines the maximum credit-load for the last two semesters. The ranges are: Cumulative GPA 0.00 – 1.49 1.50 – 1.99 2.00 – 2.49 2.50 – 3.49 3.50 – 4.00

Maximum credit load 9 and upgrading classes /tutoring classes 12 and tutoring classes 15 18 21

Course Restriction Class, major, college standing, or prerequisites can restrict enrollment in some courses. If students do not satisfy the course restrictions, the Registrar and / or students adviser will explain further regarding the matter. Time Conflict The registrar will not permit students to take two classes that have a time conflict. Closed or Cancelled Courses If all seats are taken in a course or a course has been cancelled, students will be informed when they register. Grades Grade reports will be distributed at the end of the semester Registration Cancellation/Withdrawal from University If students register and no longer wish to attend, students must cancel their registration or withdraw from the university to reduce or eliminate students’ academic obligations. Registration cancellation or withdrawals from the university must be done in person at the Registrar’s office.


ACADEMIC CREDITS IBMT operates on semester system. The academic year is divided into two semesters of fifteen (15) weeks each. During the summer months there is the InterSemester session. The inter-semester program consists of 8 – 10 weeks of intensive study during which a maximum of 3 courses may be taken provided students are in good academic standing. One semester hour or semester credit represents 15 – 16 hours of class attendance. For laboratory assignment one semester credit is equivalent to two or three hours of work. Semester credit for internship or project work has its own credit system. Course Number 010 – 99

Preparatory courses such as upgrading courses and fundamental courses. The grades received for these courses will not affect the students’ grade report, however some courses will require the students to achieve a satisfactory grade before they can continue with university level courses. Courses designated for freshman in the first year of study Courses designated for sophomores in the second year of study Courses designated for juniors in third year of study Courses designated for seniors in the fourth year of study

100 – 199 200 – 299 300 – 399 400 – 499

GRADING SYSTEM Grade points are computed as follows:

Grade Range 90 ­ 100 80 ­ 89 70 ­ 79 60 ­ 69 0 ­ 59 Withdrawal

Letter Grade A B C D F W

Quality Points 4 3 2 1 0 0



Not figured in GPA

Withdrawal Grade

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Explanation Excellent Good Average Below Average Fail Withdrawal before  the deadline. After  deadline withdrawal  petition not  granted Granted at instructor  discretion

Any student wishing to withdraw should first contact his / her adviser for advice and approval. Advisers are here to help students find the best academic alternatives. Students who wish to withdraw must submit a petition to the Academic Administration office. Those who do not attend the class without withdrawing will automatically receive an F. Please notice that the last day to withdraw from a course is before the first midsemester exam of the respective course. Incomplete Grades When a student cannot complete all course requirements for reasons acceptable to the respective instructor, the grade “Incomplete” will be granted under these conditions:  

The student so far has a passing grade in all academic work in the course. The student will finish the requirement in the additional time given by the instructor

The instructor has complete authority to decide on the granting of the I (Incomplete) grade as well as the additional allocated time for the student. The instructor will report to the Registrar the deficiency of the student and the deadline for completing the missing grade. After the student has completed requirements, the instructor will submit the appropriate grade to the Registrar. If the student fails to complete the requirements within the additional time granted, the instructor has the option of either submitting the temporary grade, or leaving the I grade on the student’s record. The Incomplete will automatically be replaced by an F (Fail) grade by the Registrar if the student does not complete requirements before one year. The Incomplete grade is commonly granted in classes that require 2 semesters of work, such as the Work Experience program and the research classes. The Incomplete grade will have no effect on the student’s Grade Point Average. If a student misses exams or projects without notification and approval from the instructor, then the instructor will give a zero score for the missing work and then calculate the total grade according to the grade distribution system as in the syllabus. Retaking Classes Students who obtain a D grade for any course can retake the respective course by informing the Academic Administration Office. Please notice that to earn a Bachelor’s degree at IBMT, students are only allowed to have 3 “D” s and no “F”s. However, students must pass with a (C and above) specific courses that are prerequisites for more advanced courses. Students who obtain an F Grade for any course will be required to retake the course, unless it is an optional course. If it is an optional course, it will not be counted forward graduation credit.

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The original grade and the retake grade will both be revealed in the transcript. However, the calculation of the cumulative grade point average will only include the best grade.

ACADEMIC REGULATIONS All students are expected to work diligently to complete course work satisfactorily in order to obtain the best grade possible. At the end of each semester, students will receive grades for each course they have taken. A transcript of the cumulative student grade reports can be requested at the Academic Administration office. Academic Warning and Probation Students whose semester GPA fall below 2.0 will be placed on the Academic Probation list. Students will receive letters of warning and parents will also be informed. Students who have completed two or more semester at IBMT and have the cumulative GPA below 2.0 will be placed on the Academic Probation list. If the cumulative GPA increases to 2.0 or better, they will be removed from the Academic Probation list. Students on warning or probation are required to work out a plan with their academic adviser on how they will improve their GPAs. Students on Academic Probation will not be allowed to take classes at IBMT for one full semester. Repeated failure to improve the academic performance once they have been readmitted will lead to dismissal from IBMT. During probation, students are advised to use the time effectively to improve their academic standing. Leave of Absence Students in good academic standing may take a leave of absence for a certain period of time. The leave of absence cumulatively will not exceed one academic year. The student will be required to pay 50 % of the tuition fee during the leave period. Students who plan to take a leave must submit letter to the Academic Administration office.

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GRADING COMPONENTS EXAMINATIONS Students are expected to take all examinations for courses they are enrolled in. Please note that the scores of Mid-Semester and final examinations account for 50 % - 70 % of course grades. The rest of the scores come from other requirements such as attendance, homework, papers, projects, participation, case studies, etc. as stated in course syllabi. CLASS ATTENDANCE Students are expected to attend and participate in classes, laboratory, and project work activities. Absences will affect the final grade or eligibility to take the final examination. ACADEMIC HONESTY IBMT expects the students to be honest in their academic work. Dishonesty in the academic environment is considered a violation of the principles of ethics and the student responsibility inherent in IBMT’s Code of Conduct. IBMT’s CODE OF CONDUCT: Students are STRONGLY prohibited to: 1. Change the grades of courses and / or modify official records without permission from authorized person,

2. Use any means or material not permitted by the lectures or the designated examiners on any exams or other academic work, 3. Copy or rewrite the work of other students on any kinds of exams, 4. Cooperate with other students on any kinds of exams without instructor permission including giving or receiving information or data, 5. Steal, buy, or obtain exam materials or information before the exam is held,

6. Cooperate in any kind of individual academic work including laboratory work, home works, assignments, projects, and others, unless authorized by instructor, 7. Replace other students or being replaced by other students in doing exams, 8. Acknowledge somebody else’s work, either wholly or partially, as his/her own, including the idea, concept, title, report, research paper, paper, essay, computer program, and etc. that are related to academic work and assignments,

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9. Submit any work done previously for another class unless authorized by instructor, 10. Plagiarize (copy or manipulate others’ words, ideas, comments, argumentation, etc. without using references, quotations or footnotes, 11. Intentionally sabotaging other students’ work, 12. Disturb in any way the teaching and learning process at IBMT, 13. Abuse the use of official IBMT documents, 14. Submit false data in the lab reports, survey reports, or other research type reports, 15. Intentionally commit dishonest behavior that disturbs the academic process at IBMT.

GRADUATION REQUIREMENT To obtain a bachelor degree at IBMT, the students are required to have: 1. Completed 145 – 160 semester credits (hours) prescribed by the curriculum with a grade point average of 2.00 or higher on 4 point scale with no more than three (3) D’s

2. Successfully completed and defended a comprehensive paper with a passing grade 3. Achieved a minimum TOEFL Score of 550 and TWE score of 5 4. To have cumulative work experience of no Less than 900 hours

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