Nick Corona March 16, 2009 INDO 1011 Food of Kalimantan In Kalimantan, Indonesia, there are very unique and specific culinary traditions that play a dynamic part in the island’s rich culture. In the highlands of Toraja, Kalimantan, it is not uncommon to witness large feasting rituals involving the sacrificing of cattle for the purpose of “redrawing social status lines.” The distribution of the animal depends on the class or social standing of an individual within the community and often inherited lineage and family history play an intricate role in this. Three delicious sounding Indonesian food recipes which I found to be native of Kalimantan are Dayak-Style Shrimp, Fresh Vegetable Saute and Sayur Asam Kutai. These recipes sound delicious and are making me hungry just thinking about them! Sources od_and_culture.pdf+Kalimantan+specific+food+recipes&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us& client=firefox-a