June 6-spoken English

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ñªëÅ]î¦ô¢Ù 22 WûË 2005 before?

7. ÏÙêŸ-›úí£² ÓÚÛ\-è[ª-û¦o÷±? Where have you been all this time?

8. Oªô¢ª ÓÙêŸ-Ú¥-õÙÞ¥ ÏÚÛ\è[ª-û¦oô¢ª? How long have you been here?

9. í£²á ÏÙêŸÚ¥õÙ ÓÚÛ\-è[ªÙC? Where has Pooja been all these days?

eg: Is he happy? Are they clever? etc.

ÏÙTx-ùÃö˺ have been / has been ÚÛª à¦ö° vð§÷³ÜuÙ ÑÙC. ÞœêŸÙö˺ ÖÚÛ-í£pæ¨ ìªÙ# Ïí£pæ¨ ÷ô¢ÚÛª Þ¥F, ÏÙÚ¥-Þ¥F Ôëµjû¦ ÑÙç¶ Î ÑÙè[-è¯Eo I, We, you and theyêÁ Íô³ê¶ 'have been'êÁ Þ¥F he, she, it êÁ Íô³ê¶ 'has been' êÁÞ¥F ú£«#þ§hÙ. ÏÙÚÁ-N-ù£óŸªÙ... ÞœêŸ Ú•Eo ôÁV-õªÞ¥/ Ú•Eo ÞœÙå-õªÞ¥/ Ú•Eo ûµõ-õªÞ¥/ Ú•Eo ú£Ù÷-êŸq-ô¦-õªÞ¥ ÍÙç¶ for

šíjì àµí‡pì ÷«å-õ-EoÙæ¨Ú¨ English ÷«åõö˺ question practice à¶óŸªÙè…. Question structure Þœªô¢ªhÙC ÚÛë¯?

the past (The last)... days/ ... hours/ ... months / ... years (Ý°Sö˺x ôÁVõª,

a) vb+Sub [Are (verb) you (sub) happy?] b) first word of the verb + sub + other words of the verb. [Has (first word of the verb) he (sub) been helping (other words of the verb) you?]

ÞœÙåõª, ûµõõª, ú£Ù÷-êŸq-ô¦õ ú£ÙÜu.)

It is an ox. etc.

Pooja: Are you happy?

Ð ÏÙUxù£ª ÷«å-õêÁ tice à¶óŸªÙè….

(ú£ÙêÁ-ù£ÙÞ¥ Ñû¦oî¦?) Durga: Certainly I am.

(Í÷±ìª) Pooja: Why are you happy?

(ÓÙë]ªÚÛª ú£ÙêÁ-ù£ÙÞ¥ Ñû¦o÷±?) Durga: My cousin Saraswathi is here for vacation. We shall be happy in each other's company. (÷« ÚÛ>ûË ú£ô¢-ú£yA šúõ-÷±-õÚ¨ ÏÚÛ\-è…Ú¨

÷#aÙC. ٠ÚÛõ-÷è[Ù Ïë]l-JÚ© ÓÙêÁ ÎìÙë]ÙÞ¥ ÑÙåªÙC.) Pooja: What will be your plan?




1. ÍêŸè[ª ò°Þ¥ ð»è[ªÞ¥?

(F ð§xûË ÔNªæ¨?) (¸ôí£± ÏÙæ¨Ú¨ ô¦. F¸Ú êµõª-ú£ªhÙC.) Ð ú£ÙòÅ°-ù£é àŸ«ø‹ô¢ª ÚÛ믖 am, is, are; was, were; shall be, will be êŸô¦yêŸ happy, plan ö°Ùæ¨ Ô ÷«åöµjû¦ î¦è[-÷àŸªa. Ð Ú¨ÙC î¦æ¨E ÷«æ°xè[ªêŸ« practice à¶óŸªÙè…. Blanks ìª Brackets ö˺ Ï#aì ÷«å-õêÁ

EÙí£Ùè…. I am ________ I am Pavan) I am _____ He is _______ They are ________ My friends will be ______

(Oª ›íô¢ª àµí£pÙè…. Ñë¯:



Eâ°-óŸªB ö¶E, ì÷ªt-ë]Þœ_, ì÷ªt-ö¶E– Ð í£ë¯õÚÛª, ÏÙÚ¥ Oªô¢ª àµí£p-Þœõ í£ë¯õÚÛª ú£·ôjì English ÷«åõìª ô¦óŸªÙè…. am, is, are; was, were; shall be, will be í£ÚÛ\ì î¦æ¨E à¶Ja ÷«æ°x-è[Ùè…. šíj ÷«å-õÚÛª ÏÙTxùà ÷«åõª– tall, short, fat, slim, happy, sad/sorrowful, kind, cruel, good, bad, lazy, active, patient, clever/intelligent/wise, foolish, talkative, reserved, honest, dishonest, reliable, unreliable

ÏÙÚÁ ÍÙøŒÙ... öµÚÛ\-ší-ç¶d-î¦-æ¨E English ö˺ countables ÍÙæ°ô¢ª. Ñë¯: man, book, student, pen, town, village etc. singular, plural singular


ÑÙæ°ô³. Íô³ê¶ Oæ¨ ÷³Ùë]ª Óí£±pè[« 'a' Ú¥F, 'an' Ú¥F ô¦î¦-õû¶C Þœªô¢ªhÙ-àŸª-ÚÁ-î¦L.

I am a student. He is an engineer. She is a doctor. She is an eye surgeon. He is an uncle of mine.

eg: for the past (The last) 2 days / 2 hours/ 2 months / 2 years ö¶ë¯ for 2 days / hours / months / years now ÍÙæ°Ù.

Îû¦æ¨ ìªÙ<... Ðû¦æ¨ ë¯Ú¥..!

Druga: Come home tomorrow. You will know.

šíjì Ï#aìN sampleÞ¥ ÷«vêŸî¶ª. ú£«dèµÙæËÀ, ú£«dèµÙæËÀq, ð»è[ªÞœª, ð»æ¨d, ö°÷±, ú£ìoÙ ú£ÙêÁ-ù£Ù-Þ¥/-ë]ªÌ-ÜÙÞ¥, ë]óŸª-Þœõ, vÚÛ«ô¢-iì, ÷ªÙ#, àµè[ª, þ¼÷ªJ, àŸªô¢ªÚÛª, ÚÁí£Ù Þœõ, ×ô¢ªp-Þœõ, êµL-îµjì, êµL-N-ö¶E, î¦Þœªè[ª, ÷³òÅ°÷Ù Þœõ, Eâ°-óŸªB Þœõ,


2. Î ÍÙë]ÙÞ¥ ÑÙåªÙë¯? 3. Î ú£ÙêÁ-ù£ÙÞ¥ ÑÙåªÙë¯? (futureö˺) 4. î¦üŒ‰x Eâ°-óŸªBÞ¥ ÑÙè¶ î¦ü‹x? (past) 5. î¦ü˜xí£±pè[ª ÏÚÛ\è[ ÑÙæ°ô¢ª?? 6. ¸ôí£± Oª·ô-ÚÛ\è[ ÑÙæ°ô¢ª? 7. î¦è[ª Eâ°-óŸªB Þœõî¦-è[E OªÚÛª ì÷ªtÚÛÙ ÑÙë¯? 8. ÍêŸè[ª â°vÞœ-êŸhÞ¥ ÑÙæ°è¯? (futureö˺)? 9. Oªô¢ª ú£ÙêÁ-ù£ÙÞ¥ ÑÙè¶-î¦ü‹x? 10. ÖÚÛ-í£±pè[ª Î ö°÷±Þ¥ ÑÙè¶ë¯? Answers: 1) Is he very tall? 2) Is she beautiful? 3) Will she be happy? 4) Were they honest? 5) Where are they now? 6) Where will you be tomorrow? 7) Are you sure that he is honest? 8) Will he be careful? 9) Were you happy? 10) Was she fat once?

ÏÙTxùÃö˺ ÞœêŸÙö˺ ÑÙç¶, was, were. Ïí£±pè[ª ÑÙç¶ am, is, are ÞœêŸÙ ìªÙ# Ïí£pæ¨ ÷ô¢ÚÛª Ú¥F, ÏÙÚ¥ Ú¥F ÑÙè[è¯Eo àµí£p-è¯-EÚ¨ have been, has been î¦è[ê¦Ù. I, we, you, they Íô³ê¶ have; he, she, it Íô³ê¶ has î¦è[ê¦Ù. 1. ÍêŸè[ª û¦õª¸ÞüŒx vÚ¨êŸÙ ÏÚÛ\è[ Ñû¦oè[ª. He was here four years ago.

2. ÍêŸè[ª Ïí£±p-è…-ÚÛ\è[ Ñû¦oè[ª. He is here.

3. ÍêŸè[ª û¦õª-¸Þ-üŒ‰xÞ¥ ÏÚÛ\è¶ Ñû¦oè[ª. He has been here for the past four years.

4. ·ôÙè[ª ôÁV-õªÞ¥ ò°Þ¥ ÓÙè[Þ¥ ÑÙC. It has been very hot for the past two days.

Oªô¢« ô¦óŸªÙè…!

5. òÅ°ô¢ê 1947 ìªÙ# ú£yêŸÙ-vêŸÙÞ¥ ÑÙC. India has been independent since 1947 (for the past 57 years)

þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTxùÃö˺ Oª ú£Ùë¶ï£„õìª 6. ٠í£ë¶-üŒ‰xÞ¥ šïj°ë]-ô¦-ò°ëÂö˺ Ñû¦oÙ. þ¼p·ÚûË ÏÙTxùÃ, ví£AòÅ¡èµúÃ\, Ðû¦è[ª, We have been in Hyderabad for the þ¼÷«>Þœ«è[, šïj°ë]ô¦ò°ë–82

#ô¢ªû¦÷«ÚÛª í£Ùí‡ÙàŸ÷àŸªa.

email: pratibha@ eenadu.net

past ten years (since 1995)

íÆ£ö°û¦ ôÁV/ ÞœÙå/ ûµõ/ ú£Ù÷-êŸqô¢Ù ìªÙ#

Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥u-õÚÛª Oæ¨Ú¨ English practice à¶óŸªÙè…. 1. Oª·ôÙêŸ Ú¥õÙÞ¥ ÏÚÛ\-è[ª-û¦oô¢ª? 2. çµÙè[«-õ\ô ÓÙêŸ-Ú¥-õÙÞ¥ vÚ¨·Ú-å-ôÂÞ¥ Ñû¦oè[ª? 3. ÎóŸªì 2001 ìªÙ# ÚÛöµ-ÚÛd-ôÂÞ¥ Ñû¦oè[ª. (since, for the past ·ôÙè[« Ñí£-óµ«-TÙ# àµí£pÙè….) 4. ÎóŸªì 2001 ìªÙ# 2003 ÷ô¢ÚÛª ÏÚÛ\è[ æ©àŸ-ôÂÞ¥ Ñû¦oè[ª. 5. à¦ö°-Ú¥-õÙÞ¥ èÅ…Mx ÏÙè…óŸ«ÚÛª ô¦á-ëůEÞ¥ ÑÙC. 6. ·ôÙè[ª ôÁV-õªÞ¥ ÎóŸªì Fô¢-ú£ÙÞ¥ Ñû¦oè[ª. (Fô¢Ùú£Ù– Weak) 7. Oªô¢ª î¦ô¢Ù ôÁV-õªÞ¥ G@Þ¥ Ñû¦oô¦? 8. ÎóŸªì ÓÙêŸ Ú¥õÙÞ¥ áñªsêÁ Ñû¦oô¢ª? (áñªs– ill/sick)

9. ÓÙêŸ Ú¥õÙÞ¥ îµjÓúà ÷³Üu-÷ªÙvAÞ¥ Ñû¦oô¢ª? 10. Oªô¢ª à¦ö° Ú¥õÙÞ¥ ÏÚÛ\-è[ª-û¦oô¦? Answers: 1. How long have you been here? 2. How long has Tendulkar been a cricketer? 3. He has been a collector since 2001/ for the past (last) 4 Years. 4. He was a teacher here from 2001 to 2003. 5. Delhi has been the capital of India for a long time. 6. He has been weak for two days now (for the past/ for the last two days) 7. Have you been busy for the past (last) one week? 8. How long has he been ill? 9. How long has YS been the Chief Minister? 10. Have you been here for long? šíj Sentencesö˺ have been/ has been

î¦è[ÚÛÙ Þœ÷ª-EÙàŸÙè…. Ú•ÙêŸ-Ú¥õÙ vÚ¨êŸÙ ìªÙ# Ïí£pæ¨ ÷ô¢ÚÛª Þ¥F, ÏÙÚ¥-Þ¥F ÑÙè[-è¯Eo have been/ has been êµL-óŸª-â¶-þ§hô³. Question structure Óí£±pè[« verb + subject Þ¥F, verb ö˺ ·ôÙè[ª÷´è[ª ÷«å-õªÙç¶, Ist word of the verb + Subject + other words of the verb Þ¥F ÑÙåªÙC.

Íì-è¯-EÚ¨ since ÍÙæ°Ù. ✫ I have been here for the past (last) two years. I have been here since 2003 ✫ She has been here for the (last) past two months. She has been here since February end.

I am a student

ví£øŒo: áì-ô¢-öËÀÞ¥ ‘Í÷ªt-ñ-è[ªìª’ – ‘à¶óŸª-ñ-è[ªìª’ – ‘û¶JpÙ-àŸ-ñ-è[ªìª’ Íû¶ ú£Ùë]-ô¦sÄö˺x verb v3 E ÓÙë]ªÚÛª Ñí£-óµ«-T-þ§hô¢ª? Ñë¯--ô¢-éÚÛª– Milk 'sold' here; Job work 'done' here; 'Spoken' English Institute verb v1 v3

Ïö° ìª Ú¥ÚÛªÙè¯ E ÓÙë]ªÚÛª Ñí£-óµ«-Tú£ªhû¦oôÁ N÷-JÙ-àŸ-Þœ-õô¢ª. – ¸ôÿ§t, òµõxÙí£Lx

áî¦ñª : 1.

verb v3 past participle: done, spoken, seen etc. passive form verb 'be' form + past participle. 'Milk sold here' 'Milk is sold here' short form. verb 'is (be form) + sold (past participle of sell)' 'Job work done here' 'Job work is done here' is done, (passive) (is - be form + done - past participle). 2. past participle (p.p.)





✫ India has been independent for the past (last) 57 years. India has been independent since 1947. Ð for the past (last)ÚÛª, since ÚÛª ê¶è¯ à¦ö°

÷³ÜuÙ. Ð Ú¨ÙC î¦Ú¥uõª àŸ«è[Ùè…. ë]ªô¢_ Eìo ÏÚÛ\è[ ÑÙC. Durga was here yesterday.

ë]ªô¢_ Ïí£±pè[ª ÏÚÛ\è[ ÑÙC. Durga is here.

ë]ªô¢_ Eìoæ¨ ìªÙ# ÏÚÛ\è¶ ÑÙC. Durga has been here since yesterday.

î¦üŒ‰x îµ³ìo ÓÚÛ\è[ªû¦oô¢ª? Where were they the day before?

î¦üŒ‰} Ïí£±p-èµÚÛ\è[ªû¦oô¢ª? Where are they?

î¦üŒ‰x îµ³ìoæ¨ ìªÙ# ÓÚÛ\-è[ª-û¦oô¢ª? Where have

they been since the day

ÚÛª ÏÚÛ\è[


ÚÛª Íô¢nÙ– Í÷ªt-ñ-è[ª-꟪ÙC. ÍÙç¶ ÍE Íô¢nÙ. ÍÙç¶ à¶óŸª-ñ-è[ªìª ÍE. ÚÛª ÏÙÚÁ Íô¢nÙ ‘ñè…ì’,

‘ñ趒 ÍE. eg: The man seen here every day torn paper spoken english

ÏÚÛ\è[ #Ùí£-ñ-è…ì àŸ«è[-ñè¶ ÷uÚ¨h. ÍÙç¶ Ú¥TêŸÙ. Íö°¸Þ ÷«æ°x-è[-ñè¶ ÏÙTxùà ÍE Íô¢nÙ. ÷³ÜuÙÞ¥ ÷ªìÙ ôÁW ÷«æ°xè¶ êµõª-Þœªö˺ passive voice î¦è[Ù. ‘Í÷«t, ÍìoÙ ÷Ùè[-ñ-è…Ùë¯?’ ÍìÙ ÚÛë¯! Íö°¸Þ ‘#Ùí£-ñè[f Ú¥TêŸÙ’ ÍE ÚÛ«è¯ ÍìÙ. ‘#E-Tì Ú¥TêŸÙ’ ÍÙæ°Ù.

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