June 2 2009 Newsletter

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Colonial Heights United Methodist Church PO Box 6027 Kingsport, TN 37663

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JUNE 2, 2009

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The Colonial News (423) 239-6031 or 6081 Email: [email protected] Web Site: www.chumckpt.org The mission of Colonial Heights United Methodist Church is that by the Grace of God and the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, we will LEAD people to Christ, DISCIPLE people in Christ, and SERVE people for Christ!

WOW! THANKS! AND LOOKING FORWARD! WOW! We say a big wow about last weekend’s mini-bazaar and pancakes, in that with very little promo over $1400 was raised for our conference askings. One can only get excited at what God might do this autumn when we have the Big Event! WOW! As of this writing, we have 35 mission kits with a value of over $1,000. We hope to have several more turned in this week. AND, our Sudan offering was over $500, hopefully reaching $600 before we turn it in. That would be a conference mission offering of nearly $2,000!!! THANKS! To all of those who have made these wows possible with hard work and sacrificial gift. I want to say thanks for your spirit and efforts! It would be easy to take the low road and not serve, only receive. But you have chosen to hear God’s challenge. Again, thanks!

Remember or honor your father this Father’s Day. Just fill out this form, attach a donation and put it in the offering plate or bring to the church office. UMW will use the money to purchase a prepre-lit Christmas tree for the Chrismons and will split the remaining funds between our preschool Deadline: June 15 In Memory of: _________________________________________________________ In Honor of:____________________________________________________________ Given by: ______________________________________________________________ Paid $______

check or cash (circle one)

Make checks payable to CHUMW.

LOOKING FORWARD! On July 4th we are going to have a special worship service honoring our servicemen. We are building the service towards a special offering for the devotional books that go to servicemen and women entitled, “Strength for Service.” We are trying to do a couple of extras that day. LOOKING FORWARD! Pastor Tom is going to Orlando for training in the “Stephen Ministry” program (a lay caring program) next week. The goal is for Colonial Heights to field at least four “Stephen Ministers” who would take a major role in the care giving ministries of our church. The training classes will begin in July. LOOKING FORWARD! Sunday, June 21 at 5:30 PM we will have a farewell covered-dish meal and reception for Pastor Angela. We will have a meal and program and a gift tree. Blessings Always. In Christ, Pastor Tom

RECEPTION FOR PASTOR ANGELA Everyone is invited to a special farewell dinner and time of fellowship for Pastor Angela on Sunday, June 21 at 5:30 PM in the Ministry Center. This will be a covered dish dinner with lots of music and times of sharing. There will be a love offering for Pastor Angela. Come and share with us as we bid her a fond farewell. She will be so missed!

INTERFAITH HOSPITALITY NETWORK Colonial Heights United Methodist Church is hosting Interfaith Hospitality families June 7th—June 14th. Currently, Interfaith has 11 guests. The two families have a total of seven children; ages 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 20-months, and 17-months. Our Mission Team will be signing up volunteers for meals hosts, evening hosts, and meals. Call Mira Wilhelm (477-7406) or Frances Statzer (288-9835) if you would like to help.


The Front Porch Traditional Service

88 173

Total Worship


Sunday School



Receipts 5/24



OUR SERVICE JUNE LECTOR Jill Herren Please sign up at the Welcome Center to be a Lector in 2009. JUNE OFFERING STEWARD Robert Shelton & Jack Christian

HOMEBOUND MEMBER OF THE MONTH Paul Bragg Holston Manor 3641 Memorial Blvd, RM 506 PO Box 3768 Kingsport, TN 37664 Please let Paul know how much he is thought of and cared about by sending a card, calling, or visiting.

FALL CHURCH BAZAAR Beginning the week of June 1 and continuing through the summer months, we will be collecting items for the October Bazaar Garage Sale by appointment. Please call Edna Vesley (2398955), Nancy Locke (239-9083), or Lesa Worsham (349-5740) to set up a time to deliver your items. Please remember to price your items and no clothing please.


United Methodist Men—Our monthly dinner will be held on Thursday, June 4 at 6:30 PM in the Ministry Center. Jim Lyon will do storytelling. The menu this month is fish, baked potato, slaw, hushpuppies, and dessert. Cost is $10. Please call the church office if you plan to attend. Sunday Night Worship on June 7—The speaker will be Wes McConnell from the Society for Biblical Studies. We will meet at 6:00 PM in the sanctuary for his presentation on tours to the holy lands. SBS has coordinated many pilgrimages for members of Holston Conference and is planning 4 for the coming year, including a trip to Italy coordinated by Bishop Swanson. Ruth Circle—Meeting on Monday, June 8 at 11:15 AM at Shoney’s. Good Samaritan Circle—Meeting on Tuesday, June at 11:30 AM for a covered-dish luncheon at Linda Thoma’s home (401 Chesterfield Drive).

the family of Joan Bowery and Doreen & Ted Chapman on the death of her father, Elgin Correa


Showtime at First Baptist, Barter - SHOW IS SOLD OUT!! - instead we’ll do lunch at Kaffe Blue - meet at the restaurant at 11:30 AM Natural Tunnel - bring a packed lunch - meet at CHUMC at 10:00 AM

CHUMC PRAYER LIST Pastors, Staff and Ministries of CHUMC Our children and youth Paul Bragg Dot Campbell Nancy Collins


Given By:

Doris Little Tom Little Tom & Doris Little Harold Watson

Joann Wood Joann Wood Irene Hite Joann Wood

Janice Fields Kent and Angie Harris (Jane Harris’ son & daughter-in-law)

Given By:

Catherine Gilbert

Upper Room SS Class

Must be able to spel.

Ferril Harrison Brad Jefferson

In Honor Of:

Someone to keep the Lebanon Road sign updated.

Contact Danny Fleming if interested.

Janet Manning’s father Arthur McNutt


Betty O’Leary


Michael Putman (Frances Reed’s grandson)

The Kingsport District has a goal of 300 kits. The following items should be included in each kit:

• • • • • • • •

2 toothbrushes 2 tubes of toothpaste (4 oz) 3 bars of soap 1 bottle of roll-on deodorant 1 bottle of cough suppression syrup (Equate) (i.e. Robitussin) 1 bottle of cough suppression expectorant (Equate) (i.e. Delsym) 1 bottle of children’s cherry flavored cough syrup 1 bottle of children’s animal shape vitamins

Edie Roach Harold Shell Carol Shelton Betty Starnes Rhea Starnes Wanda Stewart Mack Whitlock Our At-Home Members

Stop by the Ministry Center to pick up a 2-gallon storage bag for these items. Filled bags should be returned to the church no later than Sunday, June 7. A $5.00 donation for shipping is to accompany each kit. Please make your check payable to CHUMC and designated Zimbabwe. Attach check to the outside of the kit—DO NOT PUT ANY MONEY IN THE BAG.

Those who are in a nursing home/assisted living

Let’s do our part to reach the Kingsport District goal of 300 kits!

(If you would like to be removed from this list, please contact Jane Miller in the church office.)

All serving in our military

THOUGHTS ON PRAYER Praising God for who He is (the “A” part of A.C.T.S.) merges into acknowledgement of who you are. This is the “C” or confession mode of prayer. Confess what? All things considered, you are a reasonably good person. Any of the Big Ten you broke in the past few days? No. Persistent faults or failings? Not really; a few little things, but they are just part of your sparkling personality. Seriously, if some hurtful sin is on your heart as you place yourself in His presence, you will be unable to stop yourself pouring out your soul to your Lord. And blessed are you, for you will be forgiven, comforted, and strengthened. But if you really have a hard time recalling sins you committed in the past few days, you may need to smack yourself (metaphorically) into some spiritual sense with the basics—Psalm 14: “There is no one who does good;” Romans 3: “All have sinned and fall short;” and 1 John 1: “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves!” Recall the tax collector’s admission of being a sinner (Luke 18). “C”onfession need not be a listing of sins. It need be nothing more than, indeed it should be, nothing less than crying out sincerely to God, a humble, heartfelt admission that you are a creature, not Creator, servant not Master, sinner in need of mercy, saint only when filled with His Holy Spirit and living for Him.

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