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R. McWhorter

FireDeporlmenlsUnited Firefighfers of The Volunteer Boy, Briqr, Reno ond Pelicon together for o LoJunlo come conlrolled burn on Sundoy. The piles of brush locoted next lo the boof dock were set obloze oround 8:30 om. Copt Diggs used lhe city's new woler tonker to sproy woler on the oreo sunounding the brush before it wos ignifed. When lhe smoke cleored, o lone tree limb wos the only thing stonding. The limb wos in the shope of o cross. Could this be o sign?? This reporler thinks so. The cify ond fire deportment hod been working for 2 yeors to get the brush disposed of. But with burn bons being in effecl, or olher octs of noture prevented the disposolIt could hove cost the city lhousonds of dollors fo hove hod the brush houled owoy by o controctorThe owner of lhe property moy now proceed with ony plons. It is illegol to dump within the city ond viololors cought will be prosecuted

FR EE S A CKT U N C H Azle ISD is once ogoin supplying FREESock lunches from JUNE 5 AUG ll, ot City Holl fiom 12:1512:45,Mondoy-Fridoy. Sock lunch will contoin o sondwich, chips, fruit, milk & dessert. Sock lunches ore Free for oll children under the oge of 18.

FOOD PANTRYIS OPEN Are you hungry? Know someone who is? The Eogle Mountoin United Methodist Church is sponsoring o Food Ponlry, every Mondoy, 4:00 lo 6:00 pm. Just come to 7955 Reed Rood ( 5 miles norlh of Azle on FM 73O,1/zmile eost on Reed Rd.) The Food Ponlry is OPENto oll who ore in need of ossistonce.

"lVhatgou tho"lJ kno* about your citg"

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Issue Number 3

MEETING FIRST COUNCIT June l3 wos lhe firsl council meeting with the new moyor ond councilmembers. Council opproved fhe zoning chonge on the 50.59 troct of property, which will known os Loguno Boy. The zone chonge wos from Agriculturol lo Single Fomily Residence. A conlrocl with H2M Utility Construction, t.L.P., for the TCP woter wells. wos tobled. Aldermon McWhorter presented o proposol for o 25th onniversory celebrqiion for lhe city. Sgf O'Donley hod discussed this moffer in o stoff meeting severol weeks ogo. McWhorter opprooched O'Donley to confirm his ideo. The proposol osked for o $500.00 budget from fhe city ond stoted lhol donotions would help promole the evenl. Aldermon Nightingole motioned thot this item be tobled unlil lhe June 20tt'budget meeting. He stoted thot 5500 could help poy for equipment for the fire deportment. Phone/fox service hos been opproved for the fire deportmenl. With the new dispotch service, coll forms need lo be foxed between ihe ogencies. A phone/foxlcopier wos donoted to the deportment. Aldermon Sporks nominoled Aldermon Nightlngole for onother yeor os Moyor-Pro-tem. Before the vote wos token, the city secretory reqd from the locol governmenl code book concerning lhe dulies of o moyor-pro-tem. Aldermon McWhorfer then mode o sfotemenf ogoinst the nominotion. Quote, "Nightingole hos gone out of his woy, in my opinion, to directly disrupt the duties ol the moyor.." She qlso sloled," his experience should come to on end-" Afterwords lhere wos opplouse from lhe citizens. The vote possed, 3/for,1/ogoinst. Sorry): ):

DateJune l612006

POLICE REPORT For lhe month of Moy, I l0 Citoiion violotions were issued. Arrests: 8 felonies, 15 misdemeonor; for o totol in fines; 522,824.00. Two vehicles thol were seized in drug bust hove been oworded by the lorront County DA fo the deportmenf. Plons ore to ouclion them off ond use the proceeds to purchose equipmenf. With 6 more seized vehicles, the deportmenf is owoiling judgmenls on. Officer Joson Jorvis hos been occepted os o reserye officer. He possed oll quolificolions for hire ond wos opproved by the orol boord. Officer Jorvis hos been o reserye officer for fhe city prior. We welcome him bock to the Boy....

FIREDEPTUPDATES Copt Diggs is siill the officer in chorge. Inventory of deportment equipment, rodios, bunker geor. etc, is being conducfed. Some ilems ore missing ond unoccountoble for of this lime. Former Chief Mitchell, who hos ploced been on indefinite suspension, dropped off bunker geor during o Wednesdoy night troining closs. When Council member Hubbord wos queslioned concerning the geor, she confirmed thot Mitchell hod broughl il in ond she believed il hod been donoted "owhile bock. ond lhinks he hod lhem stored ol o friends house." When counled, ihey geor consisted of 27 bunker coots, 20 bunker ponls & 6 poir block boots. While lhe deportmenf is in such o need for geor, why were these items held bqck?? There still exist lension between the city ond lhis deportmeni. The moyor hopes lo hove oll problems resolved soon.

fage 2 Four new opplicotions were opproved by council for fire fighters. Joe Berry, Joey Toylor, Joson Frizzell, ond Jomes Sporks. This new crew will be the first lo go through the new process for considerolion. They oll ore on the 9 month probotion. All existing fire members ore olso under this probolion period until oll new quolificolions met. One ore opplicolion wos lobled.

ANIMAL CONTROL CODE ENFORCEMENT you Hove noliced certoin properlies thol hove cleoned up? Code Enforcement works when residenl reolize thot the city hos lows ond ordinonces lo follow, ond lhey ore lo prolecl everyone. Residenls ore reminded to mow your lowns, follow the woter rotioning doys with no woter on weekends, permils ore required for pools, BURNBAN is bock in effecl in Torronl County, no oulside fires, check before lighting thoi chorcool grill, new residents need lo register your dogs/cols & only 3 per household without o speciol pel permil, check with city holl before slorting o project, (EX; fences insfolled, sheds, borns, etc), ollneed permils. The onimol clinic is open on Soturdoy's from 3-5 PM of city holl. Donotions ond volunleers ore olwoys in need. Help out your onimol shelter. GOVERNMET WORKSHOP Aldermon McWhorter ond City Secretory Nold ottended ihe IMI workshop in Austin. Closses were held on Public Informotion Act ond Open Meetings Acl, olong wilh guest speokers on olher governmenl issues.

Newly elected officers hove g0 doys otler being sworn in, lo toke o closs or wotch o video to sotisfy the requiremenls of Government Code, Section 551.005. leorning lhe proper procedures will chonge the woy the city conducls oll meelings open io the public. Pleose be polienl while the moyor, council & stoff odjust to these new procedures. Cilizens who moy hove comploints or concerns should pick up o form from city holl, include your nome, oddress & confocl phone number, o brief stotement of your concern ond/or comploint, refurn it to city holl ond lhe form will be turned over to the oppropriote deporlment. The city hopes this will help with concerns from lhe residenls ond how stoff is hondling eoch concern. A residenl osked how to conlocl your city officiols. You con leove o messoge of city holl requesling o meeting or write o letter, which con be dropped off or moiled lo the city's oddress. Address it to the individuol to whom you wish to conloct. Your conlocl moy not be oble to onswer or solve oll your concerns bul eoch council member should do os much os ollowed to help eoch cilizen. Council sholl work for oll ils cilizens no motter whol personolity conflicls exisl. One wrong decision con offect us oll.

CITYBUDGET MEETING June 20, council will be meeting to review ifs budget. Amendmenfs will be necessory to offsel excusive spending by some deporlments. With the high cost of fuel os well os other ilems, council needs to moinloin control of fhe city's fiscol offoirs- All cilizens ore welcome to ottend.

25IhANNIVERSARY CETEBRATION The detoils of lhe proposol Aldermon submitled by McWhorler ond Sgt. O'Donley ore os follows: Tenlotive dote is Ocl 22,2006 (Sot). We will be seeking donotions fo help fund lhe evenl, with the locotion to be determined of o loter dote. The plons include music, gomes, roces, lownmower food, crofts, ond much more. The evenl will need lots of volunleers to ossisl in plonning, orgonizing, sef up & cleoning crews, collecling donotions, elc. We hope for fhis to be o fun filled doy for olllhe citizens of the Boy ond oll the visilors who moy come inlo our city. lf you would like lo volunfeer, pleose leove your nome, oddress, phone number & how you con help with the evenl ql city holl. We hope to celebrole even if it's withoui city funds. Thonk you. COUNCII meefings ore held the second Tuesdoy of eoch month ot 7:00 pm. Seoling will be limited, if you plon lo ottend, come eorly. There will o sign up sheet for residents lo requesl lo be heord during citizen porlicipolion. All commenls ore limiled to 2 minules. Residents moy moke o slotemenl bul queslions connot by be onswered council. It's going to be o hol summer. Be sure to sloy inside if you problems. hove breolhing Keep cool & drink plenty of woter. See you next printing.(: VVfllU R. McWhorler

All comments are strictly those of the writer and not intended to influence another. If you would like to comment conceming your city, reply to Bay Informer, PO Box 709, Azle, TX 76098. Include your name & phone number, if verification is needed. Comments may be edited for content, language or length. The Bay Informer is publishedby R- McWhorter.

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