JIS-A: Grammar: ni and de*
名前: ________________________________________
Particle に is used to indicate a location of existence**. Basically, when indicating a location with あります or います use particle に. Particle で is used to indicate the location of an action. Basically, when indicating a location with verbs other than あります or います use particle で. Particle に is also used to indicate a destination. There is a distinction here between a location (where something is) and a destination (where something goes). Verbs that take a destination are いく, くる, and かえる***. がっこう
I studied at school. I went to school.
学校で 勉 強 しました。 学校に行きました。 じしょ
辞書ですか。 机 の上にありますよ。
The dictionary? It’s on top of the desk.
次の文章を、日本語で書きなさい: 1. Shall we study at the library? (speaking to another student you don’t know well) _______________________________________________________________________________ 2. Where is the dictionary? I thought it was on the teacher’s desk, but… (speaking to a friend) (「と思う」を使いなさい) _______________________________________________________________________________ 3. I thought he came to the game, but actually he didn’t. (speaking to a friend) (「と思う」を使いなさい) _______________________________________________________________________________ 4. Turn left at the next intersection, and it’s on the left hand side. (speaking to a stranger) (「-て」を使いなさい) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 5. This weekend I’m going to go to a football game, see a movie, and play video games (lit. do video games) at Jack’s house. (speaking to a friend) (「-て」を使いなさい) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ 6. You want to go outside? But it’s raining, so you can’t play outside, right? (parent to a child) (「から」を使いなさい) _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ *Mistakes related to sentence endings and particles に and で will be penalized. **Particle に has many functions. We will cover others later.
***Verbs such as はしる and あるく, which describe how one goes to a destination, do not take a destination. To indicate a destination they need to be paired with いく, くる, or かえる.