January Newsletter 09

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January 2009

An insight into the ministry of LCMS Long-term missionary Megan Birne y serving Christ in Togo, W est Africa

‘Tis the season!

to die is our salvation, this time of year we move to study the ministry of Jesus and His time here, we don’t forget but the Christmas season has passed. It is amazing how God provides these seasons. It is incredible to see such beauty come from a ground so rocky and dry. It is extraordinary to see celebrations spring about because of the abundance! The way the Togolese give praise for God providing in the seasons has given me a very thankful heart for things I use to take advantage of. I have also seen that as each season comes to an end, another season begins. Even when it may seem like nothing could grow out of the dry, dusty groud accompanied by the high temperatures, God has made His presence here “And we know that in clear through these provisions. This month has been all things God works full of good lessons! The Fluegges cat had kittens in for the good of those early October so when we came back from FES in who love Him, who December, two came home with me to the guesthave been called achouse! Thinking I am a know it all I thought taking cording to His purcare of these cute little guys would be easy, but it is poses. For those God harder than I thought and I have learned some lessons in responsibility, including that if you are going foreknew He also preto take the litter box outside to change it, they WILL destined to be conpee on your bed! My kittens (Rilo & Kiley) have been formed to the likeness quite a comfort to me and I am very thankful for them! of His Son, that He I also had the opportunity this month to meet our might be the firstborn local Peace Corp workers here in northern Togo. It among many brothers... has been a blessing to have a group of people to If God is with us, who process my experiences with considering so many can be against us?” things are still leave me in awe. I praise God that He Romans 8: 28-29, 31b knows the every need, praise, and cry of my heart and meets me where I am.

Living in Florida my whole life, I cannot attest to experiencing a real change in seasons. Yes, it does get cold and somedays we have frost on our windows but the leaves never change colors and it never snows and it rains... all year! The calendar in my life has always rotated around semesters and holidays, never around the changing of the seasons. It seems God has brought me all the way to West Africa to teach me about His seasons! Now, I am a very environmentally conscious person and I have always tried to buy produce “in season” and buy fruit that didn’t leave a giant carbon footprint traveling to the US from Chili… However, here in West Africa seasons determine the ebb and flow of life. I have heard many missionaries talk about their “busy times” meaning times when evangelism is easier to do because the farmers are not out in their fields. I think it’s funny that even though the only real change in the weather here in West Africa is the 6 months it rains non-stop and then the 6 months it never rains and is dry and dusty, the people here are so in tune with traditions and the earth that you can plan ministry around it. Right now it is carrot season. I do not think I have ever truly experienced “seasoned” produce like I have here. I remember eating carrots two months ago and they were bitter and woody tasting and then out of the blue a month ago, sweet, flavorful carrots appeared EVERYWHERE! A couple who minister to the Togolese in Kara (about two hours south of Dapaong) came up two weeks ago with a couple giant coolers to bring home carrots. I thought it was odd and said “Surely you have the same delicious carrots down in Kara?!”. But no, only in ...to all the SOTC small groups this little area do these nutrious, delicious carrots and individuals that have sent come about. Upon this discovery, also comes with the realization that just as Christmas has me letters, packages, and seemed to fade from our minds by now, so will sponsored FES projects! Your carrots in a few weeks. Now, I am not comparing the birth of Christ to carrots by any means. But kindness extends farther than while the reality of Christ coming to earth be born

Thank You!!

you will ever know!

January 2009

The President of Togo in Dapaong! President Faure visited Dapaong on January 19th. This was a tremendous occasion for the city and thousands upon thousands of Togolese gathered for the celebration. While you are absolutely NOT allowed to take pictures of the president (even if you can get close enough!), you can also not take pictures of the military so this is a picture of the crowds from the road to make sure we wouldn’t get in trouble. If you look close you can see all the people in the trees!

LCMS World Mission 800-433-3954 www.lcmsworldmission.com [email protected] Learn more about the work of LCMS World Mission in Africa by visiting: www.lcmsworldmission.org/africa

Prayer Requests Contact Info Megan Birney B.P. 38 Dapaong, Togo West Africa

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[email protected] Check out my blog:


Visit my project page: www.lcms.org?13343 Download my prayer card: www.lcmsworldmission.org/ prayercards Access my photo albums: picasaweb.google.com/ megaroonski

Strength, guidance, & courage as the Lord is constantly teaching me about West Africa, Him, and who I am in Him every day. His will for the next 4 months in Togo and discernment for the future. Pray that the Lord would continue to be prevalent in the lives of the Fluegge children and that I would continue to be effective instrument of the Lord in their learning. For health; that the Lord would continue to keep my mind and body free of sickness, fatigue, & anixieties especially with the upcoming rise in dust and the heat index. The students at the CLET (Centre Lutherien D’etudes Theologiques); that God would steady their hearts to pursue their calls to leadership training in serving the Lutheran Church in West Africa. The CLET professors that guide the students journeys; give them strength and affirmation in their calls to teaching and strength to lead the CLET.

Praise for a teacher for the Hewitt family; Angela Bell. Pray for her adjustment to living in West Africa.

Prayer for February/March term of FES (02/23-03/13).

My fellow long-term missionaries serving this year, for the opportunity & strength to live out Christ’s love on the mission field.

For the hearts of West Africa.

If you would like to receive this newsletter electronically, please e-mail me at [email protected]!

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