Nnp yonr Sr,tr_ Orncr or Prn*s, Rf,cnnerrow eNn HlsroRrc Fn:snx,r^rrJ C^toL /tSH Commissoncr
January Z3,Z00B
Honorable John F1 anagan New York State Senare Room 817 - LOB Albany, NY 12247 Dear Senaror Flanagan:
I write in response to your January I lb
and January l8d letters regardrng the Govemor,s proposcd $ 100 rrullion invcstment in state parks capiral proJecrs.
I understand that' carlier this week, Lrz Gordon provrded you with the derailed Ist of State Parks and Fhstonc Sites capital construcuon and deslgn pro;ects that OpRHp wrll advance in FY2008-09 through thrs initiarive. I am attaching.a copy of the documenr ro
bc sure you rcceived Thc hst includes 44 construction and.aWiS" prqects in Long Island Srate Parks and Histonc Sites
The capital lnv6516.trt projects were setected tO address rhe agency's highesr priority capiral needs. The hst includes a srong emphasis on public hcalth and safery, as well as rehabilirarion of detenorared park and historic srte facilirics. Please feel free to contacl me
this hst.
if you have questions about any of the capital pro,€crs
&."-"2-r,*;---Carol ash Commrssioner cc'.
Andy Beers, Executive Deputy Commissroner Ron Folcy, Long Island Regional Director
z0 'd
r A€cncy Building I . aJbeny, New yortr I ?!!g 518-474-Oq4g " Fax: 518-4?4-136b
Sr.ate Plere