Int Fin

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  • Words: 993
  • Pages: 32
Presented by: • • • • •

Bala Vijay Meetul Komal Apurva

06 17 59 60 61

Contents • • • •

Meaning Objectives of trading blocs Formation of trading blocs Examples of trading blocs

Meaning Of Trading Blocs • A trading bloc is “a group of countries that join together in some form of agreement in order to increase trade between themselves and/or to gain economic benefits from cooperation on some level.”

Objectives Of Trading Blocs • To reduce or if possible to eliminate trade barriers among member nations. • To promote free transfer of labour,capital and others factors of production. • To maintain better political,social,and political ties with each other. • To promote growth of the region through mass production and marketing of goods. • To impose common external tariff & non-tariffs barriers on non-members.

Formation Of Trading Blocs

Formation of trading blocs

Positive impact

Negative impact

Positive Impacts • • • • • •

Expansion of markets Development of the region Benefits to consumers Increase in exports & imports Better relations Free transfer of factors

Negative Impacts • Common external barriers • Collective bargaining by member nations

Examples of Trading blocs NAFTA UNCTAD


Trading blocs








• Headquarters: • LOGO


Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Vienna, Austria

When was OPEC founded? Five oil-producing countries: • Iran • Iraq • Kuwait • Saudi Arabia • Venezuela. OPEC was registered with the United Nations Secretariat on 6 November 1962

World map showing OPEC Member Countries and the Secretariat

Objectives Of OPEC • • • •

To ensure stabilization of international oil prices Protecting the interest of oil producing nations Securing a steady income. An efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consuming nations. • A fair return on capital to those investing in the petroleum industry.

Functions Of OPEC • • • • •

Stability and harmony Support of members Factors formulating the policy Maintaining the stable price Regulation

NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)


: (North American Free Trade Agreement)

• Formation year

: 1ST January 1994

• Member Countries : United States, Canada, and Mexico

OBJECTIVES • To eliminate barriers to trade. • To promote conditions of fair competition. • To increase investment opportunities in their territories. • Protection and property rights.




• Effective implementation of agreement & and to resolve the dispute.

Elements Of NAFTA • Tariffs Barriers • Non Tariffs Barriers • Intellectual Property Rights • Safeguard • Standards

Supplement Agreements NAFTA & LABOUR: NAALC : North American on Labour Cooperation Objectives : Protection against child labour NAFTA also established (NAO) National Administration Office to look after labour problems

NAFTA & The Environment NAAEC

: (North American Agreement on Environmental Co-operation)

Objectives : To protect the environment Achievement: NAACE established two financial institution such as BECC and NADB for developing the infrastructure of environment.

EEC European Economic Community

• EEC • Created • Flag

: European Economic community : March 1957 :

• EEC was an International organization created to bring about the economies integration between : Belgium France Germany Italy Luxembourg Netherlands

Objective of EEC • To transform the conditions of trade and manufacture on the territory of the community. • To contribute towards the functional construction of political Europe and constituted a step toward the closer unification of Europe.

EU-India Relations 1963 India establishes diplomatic relations with EEC 1973 Commercial cooperation agreement 1983 EC sets up a Delegation in New Delhi 1988 EC-India, first Joint Commission meeting 1993 Joint Political Statement 1994 Cooperation agreement on partnership and development 1996 Enhanced EU-India partnership 2000 First Summit, in Lisbon 2004 5th Summit in Hague: launch of Strategic Partnership 2005 6th Summit in New Delhi: Joint Action Plan 2006 7th Summit in Helsinki 2007 8th summit in New Delhi

India – EU Strategic Partnership Joint Action Plan It was done to • Strengthening dialogue and consultation mechanisms; • Deepening political dialogue and cooperation; • Bringing. together People and Cultures; • Enhancing Economic Policy Dialogue and Cooperation; • Developing Trade and Investment

DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATIONS : EDUCATION • Sarva Siksha Abhiyan -EC & GOI - Euro 200 millon For seven years

• The Education Guarantee Scheme (EGS) - Scheme For Tribal

• Programme for Enrichment of School level Education (PESLE) - Euro 11 million - Project for Urban Poor, working children, minority communities

Development Co-operation: Rural and Natural Resources • Environmental Rehabilitation - 12 projects - overall funding volume of Euro 240 million - rural development, land rehabilitation, irrigation to agricultural

• Irrigation - Sidhmukh and Nohar Irrigation Project - contribution of Euro 45 million - North-western part of Rajasthan, - Building of irrigation canals, running through Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan

Economic Co-operation: EU-India Civil Aviation Project • Providing technical assistance to Indian Air Traffic Management. •

Providing training on the development of airports infrastructure.

Assisting in pilot training.

Stimulating collaboration between Indian and European aerospace manufacturers.

Developing local knowledge and practice of modern product support, maintenance and overhaul techniques.

INTRODUCTION TO UNCTAD The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was established in 1964 as a permanent intergovernmental body. It is the principal organ of the United Nations General Assembly dealing with trade, investment and development issues. The organization's goals are to "maximize the trade, investment andevelopment opportunities of developing countries and assist them in their efforts to integrate into the world economy on an equitable basis." (From official website). The creation of the conference was based on concerns of developing countries over the international market, multinational corporations, and great disparity between developed nations and developing nations

Functions of UNCTAD •

1 Commodity diversification and development

2 Trade Negotiations and Commercial Diplomacy

• • • •

3 Trade Analysis and Information System 4 Trade and environment 5 Competition and consumer policies 6 International investment and technology arrangements

• • •

7 Investment Policy Reviews: 8 Technology: 9 Empretec

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