Insulin Regular

  • Uploaded by: Christopher Lee
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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 339
  • Pages: 1
G e ne ric nam e T rade nam e Class ifica tio n Insulin regular Novo lo g hormone s

Route SQ

T im e/Fre quencyNorm al Dosa ge - 0.5 -1 unit.G iven on A C HS Q ID PR N a scale B S - 1 50/5 0x2 = insulin given w/ A ccucheck

In dications-O nc e-daily treatm ent of diabe tes m ellitus. Con traindication s/w a rnings /interactions - allergy; stress; C ontrol of bloo d gluco se in d iabetic p atients pre gnancy; infec tio n; re nal/hep atic imp airm ent (m ay d ecrease insulin req uirem ents); G eriatric patie nts; Children. M echanism of ac tionL ower b lood g lucose by Com m on side effec ts-Hypo glycem ia; lip odystrophy (lipoatrophy stim ulating g lucose uptake in skeletal m uscle and fat, and lip ohypertro py); pruritus; rash; alle rgic reactio ns inhib iting hep atic glucose prod uction. La b v alue alteration sDecrease serum and inorganic p hosp hate, mag nesium and p otassium levels. Nursin g Con sid eratio nsTake vitals; sym pto m s of hypo glycem ia and hyperglycem ia. Monitor body weight pe riod ically In terac tions w ith other patien t dru gs, O T C , or herbal m edicines-Be ta blockers; clonidine; reserpine ; Thiazid e Why E valuation-C ontrol of bloo d diuretics; cortico steroids; danazol; diltiaze m; do butam ine;w ould you hold or not give glucose le vels without the thyroid preparations; estrogens; isoniazid; nicotine; th is m ed?Hypoglycemia ap pearance of hyp oglyce mic or phenothiazines; p roge sterone; p rote ase inhibitor; hyperglyce mic ep isodes antriretrovirals; so matropin; thyroid ho rmo nes; sym patho mem etic age nts; rifamp in; testostero ne; alco hol; A C E inhibitors; clofb rate; disop yramid e; fluo xe tine; MA O Is; NSAIDS ; octreo tid e; oral hypo glycem ic agents; propoxyphene; sulfinp yraxozo ne; salicylate s; tetracyclines; phe nylbutazone; warfarin.

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