King Faisal University College of Applied Medical Sciences Respiratory Care Department MSRT412: Professional Ethics in Respiratory Care
Instructions for Term Paper Presentation: 1. Each group will be given 35 minutes (25 min for presentation, 10 minutes for discussion). 2. Prepare your slides to be presented within the time allowed (25 minutes). 3. Each student in the group must participate in the presentation. It is your responsibility to divide of presentation time equally for each student. 4. Expect questions and discussion from instructor and students. 5. YOU choose the best method of presenting your paper. The idea is to deliver the message to students and instructor by any appropriate method.
Presentations Schedule (Male Students) الموضوع 1. Milk Bank. 2. Test Tube Babies. 3. Cloning. 1. Embryo Sex Determination. 2. Uterus Transplant. 3. Medical Errors. 1. Plastic Surgery. 2. Withdrawing and withholding life support. 3. Stem Cell Research.
اليوم والتاريخ 10/1/2007 الربعاء ظهرا3 – 1 14/1/2007 الحد ظهرا3 – 1 15/1/2007 الثنين ظهرا1-3