Group Presentation Instructions

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 247
  • Pages: 1
Group Presentation Instructions Once your group and group topic has been assigned, you will research your topic and create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint (not including slide for references) to present your findings to the class. You must include all the information required, but feel free to add any information on the topic you found interesting or relevant. Follow these steps to ensure organization and that you hit all the major points of the assignment. Topics: Japanese Americans: Internment Camps, Native Americans: Victory Gardens, Women in the Workforce, African Americans: The Fight At Home. In your slides, please answer these essential questions and include the following: 1. Title slide including topic, related image, names of all group members, and class period. 2. Introduction of topic and briefly go over what you will be discussing. 3. Overview and background knowledge about your assigned group of American citizens. 4. Tell us about their involvement and achievements in World War II. 5. Also describe action taken on the Homefront, including opportunities gained in the work force and/or war effort. 6. Please include at least one activist group or leader that spoke on behalf of the minority to promote change. 7. When the war was declared over, what happened to these citizens and their positions? Was their quality of life better or worse? 8. How might this time have affected these American minorities in today’s society? 9. Please include all references on the last slide after your “thank you” to your audience.

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