End Paper Glove Instructions

  • December 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 649
  • Pages: 3
NOTES: Depending on when you need to stop to split for the fingers you will be on different rows of the chart. Continue on from the row you left off at, do not start at the bottom unless the last row you completed was the top row. Like you did for Chart B these charts must be mirrored. The center stitch you pick up/cast on will be the seam stitch. The rest should be picked up/cast on in pattern. The seam stitch should always be picked up/cast on in the main color. When finished with Chart B, start Chart A until you reach the point you need to split for the pinky (I did about 4 more rows). Knit 6 from the front, cast on 1 in pattern and 1 in main color (seam stitch). Place the next 43 stitches (22 stitches from the front and 21 stitches from the back) on waste yarn. Cast on 1 in pattern on the needle for the back and knit the remaining 7 stitches. Knit pinky following chart below until it is correct length. On the next row K2Tog until the end in main color. Draw yarn through all remaining stitches. Pinky cast on stitch

Place the stitches on waste yarn back on needles. Pick up 2 stitches in pattern from the pinky in front of the seam stitch. Knit the next 21 stitches in pattern and purl the previous seam stitch. Knit the next 21 stitches in pattern and pick up 2 stitches in pattern from the pinky behind the seam stitch. Pick up one stitch in main color exactly on the seam stitch of the pinky. Follow the following chart until you are ready to split for the rest of the fingers (I did about ΒΌ of an inch). Rest of Fingers picked up stitches

Knit the first 8 stitches in pattern, cast on 1 stitch in pattern and 1 stitch in main color (seam stitch). Place the next 33 stitches (17 stitches from the front and 16 stitches from the back) on waste yarn. Cast on 1 in pattern and knit 8 stitches in pattern, purl the seam stitch. Knit ring finger following chart below until it is correct length. On the next row K2Tog until the end in main color. Draw yarn through all remaining stitches. Ring finger cast on stitches

Pick up one stitch in pattern. Place the first 8 stitches on the needle and knit them in pattern. Cast on 1 stitch in pattern, 1 stitch in main color and one more stitch in pattern. Place the last 8 stitches on the needle and knit them in pattern. Pick up one stitch in pattern and 1 stitch in main color exactly on the seam stitch of ring finger. Knit middle finger following chart below until it is correct length. On the next row K2Tog until the end in main color. Repeat previous row. Draw yarn through all remaining stitches. Note: There are no picked up/cast on stitches worked in pattern. The picked up and cast on stitches are seam stitches. Middle

Pick up 1 stitch in pattern, knit 7 stitches in pattern, purl seam stitch. Knit 7 stitches in pattern. Pick up 1 stitch in pattern and 1 stitch in main color (seam stitch). Knit index finger following chart below until it is correct length. On the next row K2Tog until the end in main color. Draw yarn through all remaining stitches.

Index picked up stitch

Knit front of thumb in pattern, purl seam stitch, knit back of thumb in pattern, pick up 1 stitch in main color (seam stitch). Knit thumb until it is correct length. On the next row K2Tog until the end in main color. Repeat previous row. Draw yarn through all remaining stitches. Note: There are no picked up/cast on stitches worked in pattern. The picked up stitch is seam stitch. Thumb

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