f -3-oX Paper1 lnstructions CD 395.Fall2008 Due:Sept.17in class Length:5 pagesdouble-spaced AnswerONE ofthe following questions:
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Oneclearmessage in the readingis that sciencehasgonewell beyon(glib)eferencesto gene-environment interactions.Moffitt, Caspi,andRutterdistinguishiE-urtypesof geneenvironmentinteractions.For eachone,offer a brief definitionandcritically discussone interaction, empiricalstudyin the readingthat exemplifiesthattype of gene-environment consideringhow well its methodsandresultssupportthe conclqsionthat it demonstrated an interaction O 2. [n severalof the readings,thereis evidenceof ch of poprlationchatucteristim(e.g.,Flynn on IQ, Goffesman& Hansonon autism)and l.
(e.g.,E?I6p'tIon studies). What are the implicationsof thesestudiesfor conclusionsabout genetic and environmental effects, including the interaction of G x E? Do the G x E studiesilluminate thesefindings?
3 . Write a lectureto be givento e groupof parentsaboutcurrentthinkingon geneticand environmEiElinfluenceson children'sdevelopment.Your audienceis reasonably wellI w":liA educated.Extractthreeor four generalizations from the readingon this topic,anddiscuss rc.^s 1u1prJv t;l' them. Briefly describeempiricaldatasupportingthem. Be specific. Don't just saythat Jchoo t e^'+fits it's very complexandeverythingis interdependent. 4. Format tc I,l4
useAPAstylefootnotes andreferences. Nomorethan5 ,"-lfil*ril
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pageswill not be read). SeeAPA Publication Manual for guidelines. Use headingsat one or two
Writing style
Your writing shouldbe parsimonious.All of the wordsshouldcarrymeaning.Edit your work to eliminateextraneous wordsandphrases. Use directsentences withoutendlessqualifiers. jargon Herearesometips for avoiding and socialscience-ese. o o
Avoid passivenounwith activeverb. Peopledo things;studiesdo not. Wrong:A studyfound... OR A hypothesisproposes... Selectsimplewordswhenlongeronesaddnothing(e.g.,useratherthanutilize;methods ratherthanmethodology).
Usenumeralsas specifiedin the APA PublicationManual. ln text, numeralslowerthan 10arespelledout (with someexceptions).
Don't startsentences with "however"or "also." Be sparingaboutusingothertransition words,e.g.,"furthennore,additionally."
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The word "look" meansvisualbehavior.It is colloquialandshouldbe avoidedwhen discussingwhat someoneshrdied,thoughtabout,or evaluated. a quantitythat comesin Be alertto countnounsvs. massnouns. A countnounrepresents units(e.g.,eggs);a massnounrepresents a quantrtythat comesin amount(e.g.,flour). You use"more" with both,but you use"fewer" with countnounsand"less" with mass nouns. E.g.,fewerfamiliesdo x with lessmoney. Danglingcomparatives.Whenyou say"mor€" or "less" be sureyou saywhat is being compared."More peoplewant child care." (morethanwhat?) Be carefulaboutthe verbs"to affect" and'otoeffect." Theword "since" is usedto designatetime (e.g.Sincethe lastelection,the rateof sexual harassment complaintshasincreased).It is not usedasa substitutefor "because." Wrong:Sincemother'seducationpredictsschoolperformance, we controlledit in the analysis. Similarly,the word 'lvhile" denotesa temfroralrelationship.It is not a goodsubstitute for "although." Correct While Nero fiddled,Romeburned. Wrong:While not everyone liked Nero,he waspowerfrrl. Try not to split infinitives. [t's technicallyincorrectand is usuallyawkwardaswell. Right:to measureaccurately Wrong:to accuratelymeasure
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Try to avoid"in termsof..." Avoid phrasesof the following form: "lncomeis predictiveof happiness."Better: Incomepredictshappiness. (exceptfor its); they do not Useapostrophes correctly. They belongin possessives but ordinarilyyou do not belongin otherpluralwords. They alsobelongin contractions, professional usecontractionsin writing. Singularandpluralof wordsderivedfrom Greek:e.g.,criterion(criteria),phenomenon (phenomena), andso on. Theword compriseis usuallyusedinconectly. The wholecomprisesthe parts;the parts do not comprisethe whole. Correct The library comprises3000books. Wrong:The library is comprisedof 3000books. .1
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