Ingles 5to Y 6to Construcciones Nivel Bajo

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,068
  • Pages: 5
Curso: 5to- 6to Construcciones Profesora: Lorena Muzzicato

Nivel: Bajo Fecha de entrega: 5 de Agosto. TP# 1

* Read the following letter and complete the activities below. Dear Sally, How´s life back in Bristol? I´m having a great time in Shangai with my Aunt Pat and I´ve already made some friends. The flight to Dubai was fine. No one sat next to me so it was a quiet flight. I wanted to read my book but the light was too bad, so I listened to a CD. When I got to Dubai, I had to get another flight to Shangai. It was much worse than the earlier one because I had to talk to a boring man and the food was disgusting. The good thing was the film, Spiderman 2. Have you seen it? It was great. I was also glad and I´d chosen to sit next to the window because I didn´t feel sick. Shangai is a beatiful city and has many modern buildings. There aren´t a lot of museums or galleries there, but the restaurants are brilliant. We´ve been going out to eat every night. Aunt Pat told me that there isn´t a lot of crime in the area so I feel safe on my own. I really like two of my cousins, Lucy and Heather. I´m not sure about Tom. It´s not that he´s unfriendly or boring, but he never tidies up. His room is such a mess! Lucy´s great. She´s been showing me around Shangai and I´ve met some of her friends. When I first arrived, I didn´t know how to get into the town centre. She was really patient with me and told me where all the buses were. She sometimes makes me see red, but I really like her. What´s the weather like in Bristol? When I first arrived here, it wouldn´t stop raining, but for the last two days there hasn´t been a cloud in the sky. It´s been really warm. I can´t wait to see you next month. I hope you´re having fun. Write or send me an e-mail. Love, Karen. Xxxx

1) Answer the questions about the passage: A- What was the best thing about the first flight? ....................................................................................................................... B- Which options did she have to entertain herself during the flight? ......................................................................................................................... C- What´s the comparison she provides between both flights? ............................................................................................................. D- Is Shangai similar to Buenos Aires? Why? Why not? ............................................................................................................. E- Does Aunt Pat cook meals for them? ............................................................................................................. 2) Make questions for these answers. A- ............................................................................................................. ? Yes, some. B- ............................................................................................................. ? Yes, I think it was great !!! C- ............................................................................................................ ? Because he´s very untidy. D- ............................................................................................................. ? She’s been showing me round Shangai. E- .............................................................................................................. ? Next month.

Curso: 5to- 6to Construcciones Profesora: Lorena Muzzicato

Nivel: Bajo Fecha de entrega: 5 de Agosto. TP# 2

A- Multiple choice: Circle the right option I would like to write about Miss Grey. She is 1)………………. teacher at my secondary school. She 2) …………… very patient because she has to put up 3) ………hundreds of students every day. She 4) ………….French for nearly twenty years and still loves the job. If you have a problem, she 5) ……… help you. She 6) ……………………in a bad mood and will only make a fuss 7)…………….you don’t do your homework. I wish all the teachers at the school 8) ……………….to us. I have only seen Miss Grey lose her temper once. One student 9) …………………….to do his homework and was being cheeky in class. She went mad and 10)………………… leave the class. I think she 11)……………..a bad morning that day. If I could be anyone in this world, I 12)…………………….to be like Miss Grey. I hope I’ll have her patience and strength in the future.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A) A)

a can’t to was teaching will try never is because listen has forgotten told him to has had would choose

B)the B)must B) together B) has been teaching B) is trying B) is never B) if B) listened B) forgot B) said to B) must have B) chose B)

C) -------C) mustn’t C) with C) had taught C) tried C) had always been C) although C) will listen C) forgets C) asked C) must have had C) chosen C)

Curso: 5to- 6to Construcciones Profesora: Lorena Muzzicato

Nivel: Bajo Fecha de entrega: 5 de Agosto. TP# 3

1) Complete the second sentence so it means the same as the first. a) The youth centre opened three years ago. The youth centre ……………………….here for three years. b) Why don’t you buy that CD? If ……………………………………, I’d buy that CD. c)I have a very old car and I don’t like it. I wish ……………………………………………….this very old car. d) It’s possible Helen is upset. Helen ………………………………….. upset. e) Jane said she didn’t want to go to the cinema.Jane said: “ I ……………………… ………………………….. want to go to the cinema. f) They started learning German two years ago. They ………………………………German for two years. g) My dad forgot his passport so we didn’t get on the plane. If my father hadn’t …………………………………………………………. on the plane. h) The storm destroyed these houses. These houses……………………………………………………….by a storm. i)“Where’s the bank” I asked the police officer in the street. I asked the police officer…………………………………………………………… j) “I haven’t seen Kevin for ages” Melanie said. Melanie said…………………………………………………………………………………….. 2) Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense.Simple Present; Present Continuous; Simple Past; Past continuous; Present Perfect; Past Perfect; will; Going to Dear Melanie, How are you? You know that every Wednesday I 1) …………….(go) to the cinema in town because it 2)……………………….(always/have) the latest movies. Well, you won’t believe what’s happened. I 3) ……………………….(walk) past the cinema on Thursday evening when I noticed someone 4)……………… ………….(put up) a poster. It said: ”For Sale”. It’s outrageous! Well, a few of us decided to do something about it. I5) …………………….. (ring) some people at the council and asked them when they were going

to close it. They 6)…………………….(not/give) us a definite answer then, but yesterday I watched the news. They 7)……………………………(close) next month. I’m so unhappy! I think I 8)……………………………….(miss) going to the cinema so much! Anyway, we 9)………………………………………(just/start) a campaign. Tommy 10)…… ……………(already/make) 30 posters, and tomorrow I 11)………………………. (visit) other people at the council. I hope all this works.

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