Ingles 3t Nivel Bajo M

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 950
  • Pages: 5
Curso: 3 Tecnico Mañana Profesora: Angie Agosto 5

Nivel: Bajo Fecha de entrega: Tp#1


Can May Might Must Can’t Mustn’t Needn’t Had better Ought to Should I’d rather

Permission: Can I come in? Ability, capacity: I can play tennis Possibility: He can come today Possibility: It may rain today Permission: May I see Mr. Brown? (formal) Remote possibility: They might phone us later Obligation: I must do it now. Positive Deduction: He must be 25 now. Negative Deduction: She can’t be more than 20 Prohibition: You mustn’t stare at the people. Absence of necessity: You needn’t drive so quickly, we have time Piece of advice: You’d better go now. Advice: You should /ought to eat less Duty: You should/ought to obey him. (formal) Preference: Would you like coffee? I’d rather have tea.

Fill in the blanks with a suitable modal. 1- A: ………………………………you type well? B: Of course, I………………………………… A: ………………….you speak any foreign languages? B: I…………………….speak German and French. A: You………………………apply for the job then. 2- A: I…………………………..(not) find Peter. Where……………………he be? B: That’s difficult to say. He………………………….be at home or he…… at the club. A: Do you think he………………… at the cinema? B: He……………………be, though it’s not likely. 3- A: I……………………….say good-bye now. B: ………………………….any longer? A: I’m afraid I………………………..(not). I…………………… something. B: What a pity! Good bye, then. 4- A: How about going out for a walk? B: I’m afraid I………………………(not). I……………do the washing up. A: But you……………….(not) do it now. The maid………….do it for you. 5- A: I’m trying to loose weight. B: Then you…………………(not) eat bread and you………eat a lot of fruit. A: Is that enough? B: Well I think you……………….see a good dietician as well.

6- A: Mary looks a bit haggard today. B: She……………………feel ill. A: I don’t think so. She……………….have quarrelled with her boy friend. 7- A: I’m going to buy a motor bike. B: I don’t think you……………………… A: Why no? B: Because it’s dangerous.

Curso: 3 Tecnico Mañana Profesora: Angie Agosto 5

Nivel: Bajo Fecha de entrega: Tp#2


Read the passages about different people and answer the questions for both 1- What job has she/he had in his/ her life? 2- Where does he/she live now’ 3- Which countries has he/ she been to? 4- Did he/ she marry and have children? 5- Is her husband/ his wife still alive? 6- When and why did he/ she give up smoking cigarettes? 7- What do you learn about other people in his/ her family? 8- Has she/ he ever been very ill? 9- What food does he/ she like? 10- What exercise does she/ he like doing? Joyce Bews Joyce Bews was 100 last year. She was born and grew up in Portsmouth on the south coast of England, where she still lives. For many years she was a dressmaker, and she didn’t marry untill she was 65. Her husband died of lung cancer only ten weeks after they married. It was then that she gave up smoking. Joyce has had only one serious illness in her life- she had pneumonia when she was 20. She has lived in Australia and America. She lived in Australia after her husband died, and she went to America when she was 75. She has just returned from a holiday in Spain with her niece, aged 75. She says: “I’m not sure why I’ve lived so long. I’ve never exercised but I’ve always eaten well, lots of fruit. My youngest brother has just died, aged 90.”

Tommy Harrison

Tommy Harrison is exactly 100 years old. He’s a retired engineer. His wife, Maud, died 14 years ago. They had no children and now he lives alone in his flat in Bristol. Tommy has smoked all his life. First he smoked cigarettes, about 10 a day, but 40 years ago he changed to a pipe. He has only been ill once in his life, and that was just before the First World War, when he had rheumatic fever. The only times he visits his doctor is to get a certificate to say that he can still drive his car. Every day he has a full English breakfast- bacon, eggs, toast and marmalade. He has only been abroad once, to France during the war. He says: “ I still go dancing and swimming but I don’t want to live for ever, perhaps 12 more months. My father lived until he was 99.”

Curso: 3 Tecnico Mañana Profesora: Angie Agosto 5

Nivel: Bajo Fecha de entrega: Tp#3:

Put the verbs in brackets in one of the forms of the present tense 1-What................................................(you/do)? Nothing. I...............................................(just/finish) my lunch. 2-Jane looks great. ........................................(she/lose) weight? Yes, she........................................(exercise) a lot recently. 3-............................................(you/do) right now? I....................................(type) this report 4-Who.........................(be) your favourite actor? I.................................(admire) John Connery since I was a child. 5-Where.....................he........................(work)? He ................................(not/work) at the moment.

Choose the word that correctly completes the following sentences. 1) May I (do / make) a suggestion, please? 2) His husband never (does / makes) any housework. 3) How can you (do / make) such a boring job? 4) The president (did / made) his speech and sat down. 5) I have to (do / make) a phone call urgently. 6) My children hate (doing / making) the washing up. 7) You mustn't (do / make) any noise. 8) Can you (do / make) the shopping for me, please? 9) I've (done / made) my decision, and it is final. 10) Who (did / made) this stupid mistake? 11) I just wanted to (do / make) you a favour, you know. 12) Oh, you're always (doing / making) such a fuss about small things.

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