Ingles 3t Nivel Bajo T

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 1,022
  • Pages: 4
NAME: SURNAME: Teacher: Natalia L. Arias Turno Tarde Modalidad:

Course: 3 Tecnico

Nivel Bajo

A) Read the text carefully.

THE AMERICANS When asked about the Americans, most Europeans will probably say they are all fat, speak too loud, dress very badly, drive huge cars and eat beef for breakfast, lunch and dinner, followed by enormous ice-creams topped with lots of whipped cream. They will add that they are all very rich and live in very big houses. It’s clear that the Europeans who think the Americans are like that have never been to America. I can’t agree with this stereotyped description of my fellow citizens. It’s true that we can come across lots of fat people when we travel through America. But it is equally true that most of us are quite normal and there are even a few, especially young women and teenagers, that are very thin. Did you say all Americans are rich? A big surprise for Europeans touring America is exactly the large number of poor people they see, especially in very large cities. Unfortunately, too many Americans live below the poverty line due to unemployment or other social reasons. We often see men and women looking for food in trash cans or sleeping in the street or on park benches. America is a country of contrasts: there are extremely rich and extremely poor people; somewhere in between are the rest of us – the middle class, treasuring life’s little joys and sharing our families’ and our friends’ sorrows just like everyone else all over the world. The difference between the Americans and people from most European countries is that there are more of us and we have many different origins; so we have more fat people, more loud people, more rich people and probably more varieties of ice cream. Remember it is always dangerous to believe in stereotypes. After all, you wouldn’t like to be thought of as one of the oliver-skinned, lazy Portuguese, would you? B) ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS ABOUT THE TEXT. 1. What nationality is the author of the text you’ve just read? Quote from the text to justify your answer.

________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _________According to the Europeans, what are the Americans like? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________Does the author agree with that stereotype? Why (not)? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________The writer says that you can find many poor people in America. Where and how can you find them? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________According to the text, how can we explain the difference between the Americans and the Europeans? ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ____________________ C) COMPLETE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE VERBS IN BRACKETS INTO THE PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. 1. It __________ (be) a beautiful spring morning when Emma and her father __________ (decide) to visit Seaton Castle. The sun __________ (shine) and the birds __________ (sing). Emma __________ (feel) very excited. 2. The castle __________ (be) very old and made of stone. They __________ (climb) the steps to the top of the tower. While they __________ (admire) the view, they __________ (hear) some noises. They __________ (look) around but they __________ (not see) anybody. 3. After a while, they __________ (go) down to visit the cellar of the castle. Emma __________ (examine) an old barrel when she __________ (hear) the door of the cellar close behind them. 4. “Dad”, she __________ (say), “don’t close the door!” “But I __________ (not close) it, dear”, her father __________ (reply). Emma __________ (turn) around and __________ (see) a shadow on the wall. She __________ (know) then that the ghost of Seaton Castle __________ (watch) them!

QUANTIFIERS Complete the sentences with a few, few, a little, little, much, many or a lot of, a lot.

The postman doesn’t often come here. We receive ______ letters. My father likes golf very much, but unfortunately he has ______ ability. She hasn’t got ___________ friends. ______ people arrived before the party, but not many. There’s not ____________ food in the cupboard. My lesson was so difficult that ____ students understood it. I have _______ time to read. I’m very busy with the children. 8.- My parents’ house really needs _______ more pictures. 9.- Could I have ______ sugar in my coffee? 10.- I’m sorry. I haven’t got ____________ time. 11.- The receptionist didn’t give me ____________ information. 12.- I can lend you _____________ money until tomorrow. 13.- There isn’t _______ time before the show starts. 14.- There are still __________ people dancing. 15.- My neighbour’s got ________ children to look after this weekend. 16.- She hasn’t got ___________ friends. 17.- I asked him to put ____________ milk in my coffee. 18.- How ________ times have you met her? 19.- I didn’t drink __________ coke at the party. 20.- There were __________ people at the match. More than I expected 21.- She started feeling ill only _________ days before the exam. 22.- I didn’t have __________ opportunity to talk to him. 23.- How _________ pasta have we got? 24.- I’ve seen her __________ times this year, but not very often. 25.- We only have _________ petrol left. 26.- Not _________ people come here in the winter. 27.- Did they pay you _________ money for working there? 28.- There aren’t __________ towns in this part of Cantabria. 29.- _______ children like the teacher. He is very unpopular. 30.- Susan has _______ chance of passing her English exam. She hasn’t done anything during the term. 31.- There was _______ food in the house, so we went to the restaurant. 32.- They spent __________ time doing their homework. They started at 4.00 and finished at 8.00 33.- I don’ t like ________ violence in the films. 34.- Only __________ students are going to fail the exam. 35.- I didn’t have ________ money to spend when I was in Salamanca, but John had ______. 36.- Have you read ___________ books in English? 37.- My grandmother had ________ money to invest, and made herself very rich. 38.- There weren’t __________ seats so some of us had to stand up. 39.- There are ______ pandas left in China now. We need to do something quickly.

40.- I bought ___________ books. They were selling them cheaply.

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