Industrial Training

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  • Words: 1,314
  • Pages: 21
Industrial Training @ RELIANCE Communication, Chennai - By Karthik Balaji .P. S 06EC25

Agenda • • Module 1 - Wireless technologies 

• Module 2 - WIMAX 

• Module 3 - Planning and Operations • • Overall Experience

Wireless Technologies • • • • • 

Complete access technology portfolio Accessibility Reduced Time to Revenue Provides broadband access extension

Some Basics • • • • • •

Broadband and Narrowband Licensed Band and Unlicensed Band Point to Point and Point to Multi-Point Different Modulation Schemes Concept of ISM bands and Interference

LMDS Technology • • • •

Local - limit in the potential coverage of a cell site Multipoint – Transmission is P2MP, Return path is P2P Distribution - simultaneous voice, data, internet, and video traffic. Service - subscriber nature of the relationship between the operator and the customer.

• Reliance Communication uses 10.5 Ghz Band at an average of 53 seconds unavailability per day • 

Why LMDS? • Point-to-multipoint technology provides high-capacity local access • Less capital-intensive than a wire line solution • Faster to deploy than wireline • Cost is not incurred until the CPE is installed • Last-mile solution to deliver services directly to end users • Lower entry and deployment costs • Ease and speed of deployment(systems can be deployed rapidly with minimal disruption to the community and the environment)

Why LMDS? • Fast realization of revenue (as a result of rapid deployment) • Demand- based build out (scalable architecture employing open industry standards ensuring services and coverage areas can be easily expanded as customer demand warrants)

• Cost shift from fixed to variable components – the operator needs to spend money only on the CPE in the case of a willing revenue paying customer unlike traditional infrastructural costs of wired line services.

• No stranded capital when customers churn. • Cost –  

effective network maintenance, management, and operating costs

WalkAirTM System

Base Station

Business Customer Application

3.5 GHz 10.5 GHz 26 GHz

Radio To The Building (RTTB) Application

Terminal Station

Micro Cell Feeding Application

 High Spectral Efficiency, Single Platform Solution to various technologies, Cost Effective Infrastructure and Customer Premises equipment

System Specifications Frequency Band

10.15 -10.65 GHz

FDD Separation

350 MHz



Emitted Power: Terminal Station

18 dbm

Base Station

27 dbm

Antenna Characteristics Terminal Station

8 deg , 25 dbi

Base Station

90 deg ,15.5 dbi

Limitations of LMDS • The Operating Costs are higher as a royalty amount has to be paid every year for the usage of the frequency spectrum • Lack of Standards. The solutions available today are mostly based on proprietary technologies. • There is limitation to the Bandwidth available to the user. • Still requires fiber at the base station for back-haul. • Requires Line of Sight for Information Transfer 

WIMAX • World Interoperability for Microwave Access. 

It is a standards based technology enabling “wireless broadband services” as a last mile alternative to wired connections and as an improvement in range and throughput over existing Wi-Fi technology

• • Although a theoretical estimate puts the total bandwidth of around 75 Mbps over a distance of around 50km, in practice this is never reached owing to several environmental constraints. 

• In applications where the user is mobile, a WiMAX system is expected to prove up to 15 Mbit/s of capacity within a typical cell radius deployment of up to 3 km.

Key Technical Features • Resilience 

WiMAX does not require a clear line of sight between the base station and the user’s equipment. As a result, WiMAX can tap a wider pool of customers than just those with a clear view.

• Coverage 

The base stations will have a coverage radius of up to 50km, depending on factors such as terrain and population density. The more geography a WiMAX base station can cover, the lower the service provider’s overhead costs.

• Spectrum 

WiMAX can be used in licensed and unlicensed frequencies, initially between 2 GHz and 11 GHz, with the possibility of future support for frequencies up to 66 GHz. The first WiMAX certified products will be available for the 2.5 GHz, 3.5 GHz and 5.8 GHz bands.

A WiMAX Base Station: Base station consists of indoor electronics and a WiMAX tower. Typically, a base station can cover up to 10 km radius (Theoretically, a base station can cover up to 50 kilo meter radius or 30 miles, however practical considerations limit it to about 10 km or 6 miles). Any wireless node within the coverage area would be able to access the Internet. A WiMAX receiver - The receiver and antenna could be a stand-alone box or a PC card that sits in your laptop or computer. Access to WiMAX base station is similar to accessing a Wireless Access Point in a WiFinetwork, but the coverage is more.

Planning Division

Planning Division(Contd..) • B&P( Bids & Proposals) – Essentially, the B & P team is responsible for the initial feasibility report generation based on the field surveys conducted by the Survey Team. The survey team visits the site and takes down readings of the latitude ,longitude and the altitude.   • SCR (Scope change Request) – Based on the initial feasibility report, the SCR team provides the final connectivity solution in cases when the initial plan needs revision. The SCR team coordinates with the field teams and upon confirmation, offers the most effective solution to an order request.

• • GIS ( Geographical Information Systems) – The GIS team, in addition to enabling the identification of the buildings on a CAD based map, also provide for the monitoring of the fibre splicing procedure. They are responsible for assigning the GIS UIDs and FAC Ids (Facility Ids) and updating the CAD drawings based on

SURVEYING • LMDS(Local multipoint Distribution Service)- works in the licensed 10.5Ghz band, operates within a 5km radius and requires a clear line of sight (LOS),can provide VPN,LL(leased lines) services also. • • UBR(Unlicensed Band Radio)- works in the unlicensed band, uses the 2.4 GHz and 5.8 Ghz bands, operates within a radius of 5km, requires clear LOS, transports voice and data • • WIMAX – used for operation for internet broadband within a 3km radius. Does not require a clear LOS, operates in the licensed 3.5 Ghz and 5 Ghz bands. • • Microwave Links – Operates in the licensed 15 GHz band, Can operate over large radius, Requires a clear Line of Sight for operation. 

Survey 1

Survey and Planning(contd.)

Servicing of an Order Order is acquired by the Sales team Information is uploaded onto the Portal Survey team gives initial input B&P provides Initial Connectivity Plan

Feedback and Confirmatio n from the sales and marketing team

Need Scope Change?


Final Connectivity Solution is provided

The Order is Sent for Field Installation


SCR team performs an accurate analysis

Field Installation Plan READY for ELECTRONICS (RFE)






RFS Check


RFE- When all the pre-work has been completed and the site is ready for installation of the necessary electronics. UNIT INSTALLATION- This is the status flag once the electronics has been installed in the premisis FIELD AT – this is done by the O&M team which involves the verification of the installation LINK DESCRIPTION- This stage involves the documentation of the node and the link properties specifying the Ring, IP and the setting up of the NE (network element) ID CNOC ATP – this involves a data and link verification by the local NOC located in Chennai. ANOC ATP – the Final verification procedure carried out by the NOC in Bombay. RFS – The status “Ready for Service” is issued once the link is verified and the service order is formally closed.


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