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  • August 2019
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  • Words: 579
  • Pages: 6
#include <Wire.h> #include <SHT1x.h> #include LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd (0x27, 20,4);

// sensor anemometer const int sensorPin = A0; //Defines the pin that the anemometer output is connected to int sensorValue = 0; //Variable stores the value direct from the analog pin float sensorVoltage = 0; //Variable that stores the voltage (in Volts) from the anemometer being sent to the analog pin float windSpeed = 0; // Wind speed in meters per second (m/s) float Speed; float voltageConversionConstant = 0.004887586; //This constant maps the value provided from the analog read function, //which ranges from 0 to 1023, to actual voltage, which ranges from 0V to 5V //Anemometer Technical Variables //The following variables correspond to the anemometer sold by Adafruit, but could be modified to fit other anemometers. float voltageMin = 0.15; // Mininum output voltage from anemometer in mV. float windSpeedMin = 0; // Wind speed in meters/sec corresponding to minimum voltage float voltageMax = 5.0; // Maximum output voltage from anemometer in mV. float windSpeedMax = 30; // Wind speed in meters/sec corresponding to maximum voltage

// sensor wind direction int VaneValue;// raw analog value from wind vane int Direction;// translated 0 - 360 direction int CalDirection;// converted value with offset applied int LastValue; #define Offset 0; int degree = 360;

// SHT15 #define dataPin 2

#define clockPin 3 SHT1x sht1x(dataPin,clockPin); float temp_c; float humidity;

void setup() { LastValue = 1; lcd.begin(); }

void loop() {

//program anemometer sensorValue = analogRead(A0); //Get a value between 0 and 1023 from the analog pin connected to the anemometer sensorVoltage = sensorValue * voltageConversionConstant; //Convert sensor value to actual voltage //Convert voltage value to wind speed using range of max and min voltages and wind speed for the anemometer if (sensorVoltage <= voltageMin) { windSpeed = 0; //Check if voltage is below minimum value. If so, set wind speed to zero. } else { windSpeed = (sensorVoltage - voltageMin)*windSpeedMax/(voltageMax - voltageMin); //For voltages above minimum value, use the linear relationship to calculate wind speed. } if ((windSpeed >= 0) and (windSpeed <= 0.56)) {

Speed = (windSpeed*3); } if ((windSpeed > 0.56) and (windSpeed <= 2.71)) { Speed = windSpeed*1.376; } if ((windSpeed >2.71) and (windSpeed <= 5.63)) { Speed = windSpeed*1.2078; } if ((windSpeed > 5.63) and (windSpeed <= 6.78)) { Speed = windSpeed*1.1579; } if ((windSpeed > 6.78) and (windSpeed <= 8.14)) { Speed = windSpeed*1.1057; } if ((windSpeed > 8.14) and (windSpeed <= 8.55)) { Speed = windSpeed*1.1579; } if ((windSpeed > 8.55) and (windSpeed <= 8.91)) { Speed = windSpeed*1.1448; }

//program sht15 temp_c=sht1x.readTemperatureC(); humidity= sht1x.readHumidity();

//program wind direction VaneValue = analogRead(A1); Direction = map(VaneValue, 0, 1023, 0, 360); CalDirection = Direction + Offset; if(CalDirection > 360) { CalDirection = CalDirection - 360; }

if(CalDirection < 0) { CalDirection = CalDirection + 360; } // Only update the display if change greater than 2 degrees. if(abs(CalDirection - LastValue) > 5) { lcd.clear(); lcd.setCursor(0,1); lcd.print("Wind D:"); lcd.setCursor(8,1); lcd.print(CalDirection); lcd.setCursor (13,1); getHeading(CalDirection); LastValue = CalDirection; delayMicroseconds(10); }

//program lcd lcd.setCursor(0,0); lcd.print("Wind S:"); lcd.setCursor(8,0);

lcd.print(Speed); lcd.setCursor(13,0); lcd.print("m/s"); lcd.setCursor (0,2); lcd.print("S:"); lcd.setCursor(3,2); lcd.print(temp_c); lcd.setCursor(8,2); lcd.print("C"); lcd.setCursor(10,2); lcd.print("H:"); lcd.setCursor(13,2); lcd.print(humidity); lcd.setCursor(18,2); lcd.print("%");

delay(1000); } // Converts compass direction to heading void getHeading(int direction) { if(direction < 22) lcd.print("N"); else if (direction < 67) lcd.print("NE"); else if (direction < 112) lcd.print("E"); else if (direction < 157) lcd.print("SE"); else if (direction < 212) lcd.print("S"); else if (direction < 247)

lcd.print("SW"); else if (direction < 292) lcd.print("W"); else if (direction < 337) lcd.print("NW"); else lcd.print("N"); }

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