In The Begining

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  • Words: 8,568
  • Pages: 13
In the beginning, there was darkness. In that darkness was created light. How true this statement is, much can be seen in the overall view of our universe in the complexities of energy, light, matter, and the naturally evolving galaxies that fill the space within our universe. What we can see in the megacosmos is reflected to a great extent in the microcosmos that we have been able to explore with our primitive technologies. Our universe is far more complex than what we can imagine it to be when everything is compounded by the sixteen natural dimensions that separate energy and matter. Or, is the number sixteen relevant to the billions of years that the universe has aged from it's first beginning. Perhaps the complexities of dimension are dependent upon the number of multiverses of which our universe is only a tiny fraction. Ancient sacred geometry is based upon a complex flower much like the fundamental structure of a buckminsterfullerene. Experiments in Japan have confirmed stable complexities of two hundred plus mathematically theoretical dimensional structures. So, what does that mean in layman's terms? It means that very complex dimensional structures can exist with continuity and stability enough to support the evolutionary byproducts of matter, antimatter, and other energy degenerations that make up the apparent and visible universe as we know it. At some point in time, humanity branched off the evolutionary tree before full sentience could have developed as an inherently reliable characteristic supported by necessary genetic biological background. Where physics concerns energy and matter potentials as likely probabilities, psychic capabilities inherently evolved to control possibilities in reference to future events and unfolding evolutions beyond patterned predictabilities determined by logical extrapolations. Sometimes it is necessary to alter or influence natural evolutionary patterns in order to create and preserve possibilities that couldn't otherwise exist. It is one thing to create something and another thing entirely to create the appreciations and other intangibles associated with that creation in syncronistic balance of basic existence within complex multidimensional multiverses. Paradoxes are natural endings of possibilities that have been somehow affected or influenced to exist beyond natural endings in normal circumstances. Often, survival means the influence of paradoxes to yield up alternative circumstances to support existences beyond natural or visible factors that would negate any possibilities of survival. In that sense, intangibles such as chance and skill can become inherent patterns of reliable predictabilities ensuring evolutionary assurance of survival rather than a sum of random factors resulting in existence of possible survival. Inevitably, there will arise intelligences that will take advantage of ensuring existences beyond the natural limitations of each dimension of each universe in a multidimensional multiverse. At this point in time, humanity is only beginning to understand the context of singular existence in a single dimension of a single universe. Theoretical predictions of stable dimensions can be construed as likely generalized directions for determining proof of probabilities in the existence of far more complex structures in existence within multidimensional multiverses. Only the range of imagination can hint at the possibilities of the kinds of survival necessary for existence in multidimensional multiverses where psychic capabilities necessarily predict possibilities to the extent of determining probabilities by factors beyond naturally evolving logical limitations. Correspondingly, there are levels of intelligences that necessarily evolve conditionally to meet the demands of survival in complex existences determined by circumstances in multidimensional multiverses. Factors of complexity are only conditionally relevant in evolutionary existences of intelligence to the degree of

predictability necessary for survival. At some point, factors of intelligent energy and matter must combine to provide the continuity and stability of predictability. The duality of existence is not necessarily interchangeable. Energy and matter are separately dependent upon natural evolutions for inherent continuity and stability. Combined, both energy and matter are still limited conditionally and necessarily dependent upon their combined patterned values. Only energy can exceed the bounds of existence to provide continuity beyond dimensional limitations not evolutionarily inherent. Only energy forms the basis of all other energies and matter that are separated into dimensional existences within the multiverses. So, how often is it that little things just seem to fall into place as easily as they had fallen out of place in the first place? Right. Never, not often, or as it is with me, whenever I have need of things to go the way they are supposedly intended to be. I can only think of the 'luck' that is involved in everything we do. Then it has to be said that it isn't so much as luck as it is just the following of patterns that have been made consistent down through the ages by everyone to bring about the same sort of circumstances that culminate in the same sort of patterns being basically maintained. In that sense, Luck takes on the significance of being infrequent occurrences of reliable patterns that just aren't as readily perceived. I don't think of it all as being a magic as much as it is merely following some sorts of patterns that we just don't happen to see very clearly while it is happening. We do owe a lot to our ancestors for so many things that we do almost unerringly inherently. Our personal habits are just habits that have been enforced with continuity over the course of our lives to the point that we do seem to benefit from our own patterns of behavior. The luck we seem to enjoy so much in our lives is often a direct result of following patterns we have made for ourselves. We are gregarious and habitual creatures that often find the easiest way of doing things, and by cutting corners, we often become more efficient with our efforts. I don't often look through the dirt that I sweep up from the floor. But, when something catches the eye, or when something is lost, that little bit of extra attention makes a big difference in finding little lost treasures, like the small earring backing that dropped invisibly and soundlessly into the bath mat. In that case, a little treasure was lost and subsequently recovered when it could just as easily have stayed lost. It was of no real significance, yet some sort of continuity was maintained in finding that little piece of metal. And, there is no way to determine the actual precipitation of events that could have unfolded from the loss of the earring backing. We take for granted that we can rush through habits without consideration of other factors. It isn't necessarily a guarantee that the habits can be relied upon to the extent that we do. It is merely a generalization of efforts directed over time to accomplish a particular task. We don't consider the forces of friction and dissipation created by our actions and spill energies that become actualized by the energy of effort that we generate. We don't consider the impact of our actions in other dimensions of the multiverse. Perhaps one day we will have evolved to the extent that we might be able to perceive or predict the effects of our actions in ways we can't consider now. How can time be going by so quickly? I am shocked at the rate that time seems to be passing by right before my eyes. I think it has a lot to do with my prescriptions, but there are other factors at work that do deserve as much consideration as being part of the cause. I do know that there are many events in my past that did involve electricity, high energy, high altitude, deprivations of

all kinds for many different reasons, and the fact that I have always had a high level of adrenaline in my system. I think that has a large influence on how I act and react to circumstances in general. One thing for sure, I am getting older, not any younger as days pass by in rapid succession. It's funny to think that I would have lived as long as I have, considering all of the things that have happened to me for bad and good over the years. Some things were much harder than others to recover from, and then other things have left invisible scars as much as the visible ones that mark my soft skin in such a ruthless manner. I wasn't always peaceful and quiet as I like to think of myself as being now. There were times when my circumstances demanded all that I could do and more just to survive literally impossible odds against success. Success always meant the successful completion of my job, project, or mission of whatever I had set for myself to complete. So, there were times when I was not entirely as successful as I would have liked, incurring damages, contaminations, and sometimes wounds to mark the moments when I should have ducked or dodged, and otherwise avoided certain circumstances. But then, there were times when risk wasn't such a consideration when something had to be done to save an even worse outcome. It is a good thing to know when it is necessary to act despite any risks. Gee, it sure is a great thing to be able to sit back and think of all of the good things I have done in my life. I think of this and that, all the while time is ticking away for the movie we rented and have yet to return to Blockbusters. Right. It all comes out in the end as to whether or not we have what it takes, the mental and physical disciplines and all of the right stuff of what it is by being alive in the end, having accomplished all that we were supposed to do, and by getting the rented movie returned within the designated amount of time specified in the rental agreement. Gee, no wonder I get to pay fines on occasion, eh? How often is it that we have tried to say something worth while and some sort of senseless dribble spouts out of the mouth past the lips instead of what we really meant to say? How often we think of great dialogs in hind sight for those past occasions that we know we made such blundering mistakes over? How often we think of wanting to do things all over again for whatever reason, simply because we know we should have done so much better than what we actually did. But then, are we really so sure we only think we could have done differently when the script we followed was actually what we were supposed to follow, and the things we said or did were not any different than what was already written and what we wanted to have written. Could we have created some sort of paradox by not following our scripts as we were supposed to do, or are we so wrong in following our own inner scripts as we are prompted to do when we make those vital decisions. I guess it all boils down to how well we trust our instincts and make decisions on the fly by following our own advices. How do you tell time? It used to be that I told time by simply looking at the position of the sun in the sky. Now, of course, I am lucky to see the sun in a day. I spend a lot of time inside, looking at a northern view. So, I have lost the ability to tell time by looking at the position of the sun in the sky. Funny how something as simple as that could disappear so completely and quickly. Hey, I don't even wear a watch anymore. It just isn't important to know the time of day. Time is such a fleeting thing that changes so quickly and constantly. Most of the time, I am not aware of the passing of time nor do I even care. I could sit for hours in the same position and not care about how long I sat. I think it happened in 1987 when I had a concussion from an accident. It wasn't entirely my fault that the brakes locked up and I couldn't release them. It seems to me that ever since that incident, I have not been able to tell what time it was. I might be

aware of a lot of things, but I don't know about the passage of time in any way. Funny how it just isn't important to tell the time of day anymore now that time is told by the high or low of a pill. The flow of time from beginning to end can pass in an instant. Or, the beginning begins and takes forever to end. That is the story of the multiplex universe and our simultaneous existences as I am led to believe. Somewhere in the flow of time is a world, our world, passing slowly through existence as we know it. Our place in time is marked like the patterns of genetics, evolved into a state of existence by simple factors and forces that unite and break down the cosmic building blocks of matter and physics. What matters is the part we play in the continuity of energies and patterns that play out in the proximity of humanity. In a flash we are created and become alive. In that same flash we are multiple universal expressions have empowerment and importance within the continuity of time. The question remains concerning how we make choices if those choices are to only follow patterns that would be naturally inevitable. Natural flow of time is like energy in motion of a sort. The precession and procession of the instant can flow around a bubble of the present. Yet, within the present we can't divine anything outside that bubble of time. We can only say that Time stands still because of the effects that seem frozen into immobility. So much of our societies are derived from or are part of the process that is time. So, from an early age we are taught how to see and what to do within the bubble of the present that is our time, and our existence. Now that you can see what is created and maintained as a cosmic factors of existence, you can also determine what part of the cosmic flow that Time comes from and how it is maintained within any paradox. Time can have a rippling effect, or simply move into position as if by it's own accord. There is a certain amount of adjusting to fix continuity into existence. The term of fixing only refers to the little adjustments that have to be made to minimize the effects of inevitable paradoxes that do occur. A flash of light, a burst of energy, and a ripple of time always distort existence when one timeline joins up with another timeline, no matter how sensitive the sensors are that control the energy adjustments. It never seems to be just right and other factors always need a slight rearrangement to line up the time lines perfectly. Paradox only means that one timeline will end before another timeline can begin. A timeline is like a line, or more preferably, a string that stretches from one moment into the next, bridging progressions of actual evolutions. According to most authorities on time, any adjustment of a timeline will always shorten the length of that timeline because of energy that is lost in the making of any adjustments. There are many kinds of paradoxes that all mean a shortening of a timeline in one way or another. I have gone into such a long explanation to show how complex everything can be if distorted from the natural courses of evolution. Evolution is the base stability and continuity of a timeline. And, it is by the adjustments of the factors of evolutions and evolutions themselves that make the sensitive adjustments of timelines. I know how important it is to try to keep the natural evolution of a timeline for more than just the obvious reasons. You simply can't have timelines start from nothing or end with nothing because of the resulting repercussions of energy disturbances and imbalances. The effects of a distorted timeline can be as disastrous as a theoretical black hole that eventually consumes the entire universe. It is an unthinkable circumstance of destruction and disaster.

Life begins with a burst of energy that expands and matures in the exquisite dances of energy and matter swirling along a timeline. The timeline of Life only ends when that energy is slowly dissipated enough to let matter be released from existence. It is the evolution of life that joins patterns of energy and matter until entropy and degeneration set in to allow the slow release of energy and matter over the course of generations of patterns until that timeline can no longer be supported. That is how timelines of existence evolve and degenerate in natural circumstances from beginning to end. Theory of natural timelines are taught to many kinds of scientists and researchers in the hope of preventing avoidable disasters from which there can be no escape. The concept of making a super bomb to blow up a star or a star system is taught as simple basics. The key moral to that lesson is the fact that the destruction wave carries out indefinitely so that the entire universe is eventually consumed. It is a reminder to be responsible for the effects of whatever is designed or created. The gist of that lesson rings in my mind as I think of my past accomplishments and my future intentions. Nothing is spared when anything is possible. And, with sufficient energy and time, any sort of evolution can be created and recreated. The main factor of any evolution is the intent of the intelligence or intellect behind the forces controlling the directions of evolutions. Natural evolutions can be hastened or delayed according to the demands of controlling intents. And timelines can be as malleable in the same way as evolutions if the conditions are altered enough. Artificial control of the conditions means infinite possibilities can be inserted or recreated into any evolution depending upon the desired results that are coaxed along through evolutions into timelines. It all comes to an end that only the controller intends to allow to be that final possibility. I have faint recollections of times when there weren't enough factors present in the actual circumstances to allow for the desired end results to come about. What happened was that a number of timelines were followed back to points where they could be altered enough to bring about the desired conditions in the present conditions and then recreated as evolutions to bring those actual events into existence and replace the conditions of the present sufficiently to allow the desired evolutions to end as was originally desired. I know it seems to be a real confusion of wording to portray the impossible factors that did evolve in other timelines to recreate the circumstances necessary to advance the evolutions of that present timeline to continue in the new directions. What I am trying to say is that there is no end to the possibilities of any evolution being recreated to alter the circumstances enough to ensure the desired results in any timelines. The key factor of it all is the continued manipulation of energy and matter until the effects are seen to produce the desired results. In the final evolution, only the desired circumstances and factors are present when the rest have been reduced to no effect or eliminated. The hard part is to realize that somehow the basic laws of fluid dynamics and energy have to be obeyed in every respect during the entire process, even if it means to alter some factors in artificial circumstances that would allow such possibilities to exist in the first place. Space and Time have no limits to size or extent in artificial circumstances and it is possible to carry out seemingly impossible alterations that are constrained only by concepts. There is a good reason that less energy and light reach the earth. Our little star system is going into a dust cloud that stretches across the path of our galactic orbit. Isn't it strange that we would be learning of this condition by

our own personal observations instead of reading about it in astronomical journals and other media presentations. It just so happens that I read an article on the Internet about the dust clouds and the effect on the amount of energy that radiates from the sun. The article was one of the short stories I blogged within the past month. While everyone is worrying about global warming, another era of cooling has begun. Perhaps a glacial age can come about much faster than previously supposed. It would be a disastrous thing if that were to happen. Supposedly it would only take a matter of seven years of continuous cold weather to initiate the factors necessary for a glacial age to begin.So, here it is that we are talking about inevitabilities. There are so many inevitabilities that we must be prepared for, in a realistic manner with an appropriate timetable. The only trouble is that there are so many lists of priorities that we have to busy ourselves with before we even begin to think of the longer lists of priorities further down the road. Perhaps we should count ourselves as lucky to get even a little of our priorities out of the way. The real fact is that there are a lot of things that go on in our lives that we don't have control over, don't expect, and most often, don't have any preparation for. Every actor goes on stage with ringing comments of "Break a leg." Little of that remark has anything to do with the height of a stage above an audience as it does in preparing ourselves to expect the unexpected. That doesn't mean to say that we should expect to fall over the edge of a high stage at any point in time. The question of control in any part of our lives is a hotly debated topic. The fact is that humanity is a gregariously dichotomous carbon-based waterbag lifeform that supposes unique intelligence with self-righteous and self-aware attitudes of discernment. Pros and cons of discussions regarding humanity as a species will invariably agree to disagree. And, so it is with people, who function at various levels of one structure or another, with or without the self-assuaging manipulations of interactive interpersonal coercions. To say that it is complex is a gross understatement. Yet, there are those who would at least try to connive or control every last detail of any possible circumstance or situation. Fortunately for most, not all humans are bent on complete total control of their own lives as much as that of others within their spheres of influence. Still, there are enough humans striving to rise above others around them to cause more than enough concern. Humanity is a very adaptable and capable species that survives well enough if adequately prepared to meet their circumstances. There is a sense of multipurpose motivations that drive most individuals efficiently enough, and further for some who accomplish very high ideals. While Earth is a bountiful planet, not all share in the vast opportunities and resources that can be made available. There is a wide range of differences between those who have and those who live in primitive conditions, and between those who live in rural verses urban areas of development. Why is it that I bother with all of these basic generalizations that everyone would take for granted in knowing. It is only to help set the bounds of the extent that a greater theoretical stage may be set. That stage is the playground of principles and paradoxes that faintly define even fainter conceptual patterns, timelines, and other structures including universes. The bounds of energy and matter encompass that much and more beyond which we have no clues. It is a fact that the visible universe is only the apparent result of many unseen factors that produce the effect of what we see as being the visible universe. There can be and usually is a large number of facts that result in many effects that sum up together to result in the end product that we determine as the final end in a visible universe. How many times do we not see what goes on in the

background of any given circumstance? How often do we sail on uninterrupted into an incident of encountering rough waves of an oncoming storm of contentions? At what point do we determine to take heed of the warning of impending circumstances enough to begin altering our course and thereby changing the effects of possible impending circumstances? Humanity is a product of serial successes that result in our continued survival leading up to the present point in time. By whatever means we have taken, we do arrive at the present moment by maintaining serial events of consistent continuity in our course of actions. We do depend upon the momentum of maintaining our course of actions up until the point of perpetrating our species (or not) and the successive series of actions that generally leads to the present. The question is that we have to decide at what point is it necessary to review and alter our course of actions to take into account the changing of circumstances that alters the action and reaction of our survivability. At what point do we decide to forgo continuity for an altered course that leads into a new future of possibilities? I can think of many examples where a warning of some sort decided the alteration of events to change for the better or worse, but decidedly different outcome of events. It isn't usually apparent at first, but eventually there can be small changes in the series of background events that do change the outcome of the future events by acting or reacting differently at critical moments of time. The future can be changed from inevitable series of events into a new realm of possibilities by introducing new factors and products of events. We can decide to change the future by our actions even if we only change our attitudes and reactions at critical moments. We can train ourselves to be better survivors by being more sensitive to the background events that we usually take for granted. We usually take for granted that continuity will go on until something significantly changes the course of events that determines the present. We can arbitrarily change the course of events at any given moment or by following certain patterns that take precedence over the sum of background events. By changing the resistance to change we do change the effects of inevitable resistance at different moments than what a natural pattern would normally begin alterations to occur. Is it still today or is it tomorrow already? I can't tell. I am in such a state of mind that there is no difference between the days or nights. All I care about is the fact that a steady supply of pills slide down my throat to sting my stomach with acids and spiral my mind up into a blissful oblivion of painless awareness. Only then do I have the chance to make my muscles work in the ways that they were designed to work and then on to do the things I do. Who cares what I do so long as it keeps me busy and not involved in other things that could cause so much trouble to some, some merriment to others, and perhaps keep a balance that only I and a few others could barely perceive. Balance, what is that all about? Is it the eternal fight between good and bad or is it merely patterns living out their lives in the dance of genetics that culminates in the final day of days. All leads to the end, but only how we dance to let it happen as it speeds along it's way through the universe like the waves of light it follows. Who cares about the laws of hydrodynamics or the laws of the photons? Some do who have to know that there are limits to everything, including the unfathomable and intangeable worlds that are beyond any possible understanding. Believe that they are there, just as there are vast reserves of accumulated matter and energies waiting to be used as was originally intended. It is only a matter of time before that preparation so long in the making will unplay to the ends of space and time.

A few words at a time for each entry always spares the mind from the full impact of the view. Who else would dare to see and so unerringly plot to those ends? It isn't a matter of seeing into the future as much as it is of remembering the events of the past. What happened so long ago was hidden and still remains hidden. Yet, the knowing of those resources, those little bits of technology that remain scattered across the surface of the planet are still there in waiting. One day it will be necessary to collect those bits and put them to use in the manner that they were intended to be used. Now wouldn't that be an amazing thing to see come about. Why is it so easy to express something in English and yet that very thing is so complex and difficult to accomplish or bring about. The main reason is that English is an evolved complexity of a command language. Some languages are evolved for different reasons. Arts and poetry's languages tend to flow and be overly descriptive in certain aspects while neglecting attention in other areas. Hence the necessity of management in certain areas of language structures to be adapted to certain specific circumstances and situations. In this respect, English is a very accomplished language even if it does lag behind in certain conceptual adaptations. Perhaps it is the certain lack of energy and motivation that prevents me from entering anything descriptive about the concepts that I want to express in my blogs and other works. I will admit that there is nothing to relate to in my immediate environment. And, most often I will instantly refer to almost lost memories that were instilled many decades ago under extreme circumstances. However, any post trauma stress fails to establish a connection to the almost lost memories simply because there isn't any trigger circumstances similar in adrenaline stimulated moments, energy, intensity, and significance of priority. Those four main factors would normally trigger PTSS events that would eventually lead to coping with the stress levels. But, the almost lost memories that weren't ever uncovered by similar circumstances are forced to remain in an unaltered and unremembered states as maintained by natural mental processes. It's these kinds of almost lost memories that I want to be concerned with momentarily in the present as conceptual descriptors of circumstances that would be possibly treated somehow in artificial safety. Not everyone has events of trauma in their past that can't be adequately managed or dealt with in some manner. For those few who do have that certain uniqueness, there are factors beyond fear levels involving interactive adrenaline communications and vaulted bodily capabilities. Realms of conditioned reflexes can exist for the fleetingly momentary instances when such necessities are primal survival skills and traits instead of relying upon raw luck in making valid choices. The odds of success in survival do change radically from theoretically predictable odds to ones of ensured values. The odds of success in survival for most humans can be simplified to a base level or something that is or it is not. But, in certain humans who have backgrounds of extraordinary circumstances and conditioning can be seen to exhibit survival odds of significantly greater success rates ranging from three fourths to almost perfect scores of demonstrable success rates. Along with success there comes other factors of mental and psychic capabilities that rise unexpectedly to phenomenal levels of observable control. By most appearances, there is no connection between luck and intangeable or psychic abilities with those of conditioned skills and physically prepared capabilities. Intellectual and mental processes aren't necessarily dependent upon physical capabilities. What does matter is the background of hidden genetic

capabilities that does make a difference in the odds of survival through extreme circumstances however unlikely survival might seem. The importance of genetic backgrounds does deteriorates rather quickly, but it still does make a difference in subsequent determinations. The importance of familial backgrounds becomes evident when generalizations are made about specific populations. tbc It's funny to think that what I write should be read by the light of a yellow star. Any kind of darkness changes the mood, the texture of meaning and the connections of the threads that weave together to make the words come out. It isn't just a matter of meaning that is coloured by the yellow light, but also of context and priority of significance that underlies the framework of words in building the whole story as it should be told. Otherwise, there is no sense or sanity to connect the intentional phraseologies and descriptive dialogues. I was just out to see the little area of the world that comprises my mundane world. It is a piece of the city that borders a river to the west and the southeastern boundaries of the urban area. It would be considered a day's worth of travel to cross the land by foot. But, a mere half hour was all that was needed for todays' little outdoor adventure. I don't go out every day, but I do go out often enough during the week to keep our house in supply of it's basic needs. It isn't all that interesting to see me out and about, driving around like the professional that I am. I've not had any accountable accidents and I do avoid most little surprises anyone might encounter in city traffic. What I am getting at is that I might have particular destinations in mind, but I also listen to some sort of warning I might have about my intended route. It's only when I am not driving that I might have any trouble with circumstances and situations that I might handle inappropriately. Decades of evolving my driving skills has enabled my senses to recognize accidents in the making and other sorts of trouble spots as they arise. It is much like having someone drive ahead to report on the road conditions as to what I might expect. I rely on my warnings to keep me out of trouble that can't be allowed to happen. So far, my survival has been literally ensured because of timely warnings and something I call extra help during emergencies. How many people depend upon extra senses and conditioned responses in times of danger? I would suppose that there are more people than you might imagine who do have developed their inner senses and skills of survival to a point that far exceeds what might be explained by genetic background and carefully honed skills. Yes, a certain amount of our skill conditioning becomes programmed into information that is maintained and gets passed along in our genetic material. Humanity began to survive and build genetic libraries of information before we learned to talk and make tools. Those libraries of information still carry information that made the difference in survival for our ancestors long ago and down through the ages. Those innate libraries of information are still being maintained and added to as we evolve ourselves and our civilization. Somehow, the complexities of genetic structures are able to contain and maintain those innate libraries of information that define the bounds of our existence and survival. Humanity has an amazing amount of information recorded in our genetic material. That genetic information is added to and enhanced by new skills we develop with conditioning to increase our chances of survival in circumstances and situations we encounter. In a sense, we learn and increase our intelligence by our learning as we continue to survive. Yet another factor of our ability to survive is the fact that we can and do anticipate situations to the point that we can even

psychically sense dangers before they arise should we begin certain courses of action. It is thought that at a certain point of intelligence, a level of psychic ability arises to increase our states of awareness and our perceptions to the point of being able to make reliable and safe choices of actions in our daily activities. It isn't just a matter of going from point A to point B, but of also being able to expect what might happen as a result of making those specific choices. No one leaps ahead in time to actually see what might be ahead in the future. But, something similar can result from making informed and rational decisions about what might be possible to expect. It isn't necessarily the same as seeing into the future, but it does do a considerable task of anticipating what might be expected to occur in the future given the present circumstances. No one leaps ahead in time, or do they? I have often had thoughts of having recognized places and people before the actual moments of the present encounter took place. Literal flows of information passed in thoughts from somewhere to me that contained sufficient information for me to alter something appropriately for the better. I have avoided unnecessary and unwanted trouble or was able to give certain advice that was far more accurate than could be explained. Deja vu is often connected with psychic possession or reincarnation. It doesn't necessarily connect with time travel from the past or into the future. Rather, it is information that might be possessed by someone from the past or future who is separate and different than the person involved in the present. Deja vu is not to be confused with time travel because the amounts of information involved are vastly different in basic composition and content. There is no logical or rational way to compare information that is passed by either deja vu or time travel other than the sense that the source of information is one or the other. I have sat still and mused the thoughts I experienced about various past and future experiences. It is my opinion that the information I receive at times can be only attributed to remembering from times when I was actually in the past or in the future at specific locations while engaged in doing something logical and reasonable with set priorities and significances as if I had been on some sort of mission to gain specific information as I needed it. However, I came about having the information I needed was not by any sort of deja vu experience. Survival is a cruel and primitive aspect of life. You would think that not everyone needs to be in a survival mode at all times, especially in a civilized world. There is a time and place for everything, survival included. But, when it comes to survival, it must be that survival takes the highest priority in any circumstances. It is only after the fact of survival being ensured that there could be any debate as to the why's and wherefore's of any given circumstance. I do know that not everyone would agree with the matter of survival over moral or social objections to actions that might be taken in the course of survival. Survival reduces everything to the most basic levels of argument regarding conditions and possible actions. It is thought that survival at the cost of another's life or an action such as cannibalism would be disdained in the face of survival. Such arguments go back to the basic tenants of personal values. Would you or would you not do such things under supposedly extenuating circumstances. The real fact is that you won't know until you are faced with the actual

circumstances bringing about those decisions. It is one thing to sit and gloat in judgement over innate values of personality when it isn't necessary to actually face the circumstances that cause those decisions in the first place. I am not entirely sure that I would be able to avoid making mistakes in judgement while under extreme duress. I do think that almost anyone can be coerced into making decisions they wouldn't ordinarily make. But, that sort of generalization would have exceptions, especially in regard to strong-willed individuals with high moral standards. Survival doesn't necessarily lend itself to concessions. Arguments in hindsight are better than no arguments at all. It is necessary to survive first, then debate the aspects of concern once survival is ensured. A hungry hunting creature doesn't debate the facts of life with it's intended prey or victims. Perhaps it is a human value to be able to discern the fine line between predators and prey or hunters and the hunted. We really don't know what goes through the minds of such creatures of questionable intelligence. In times of war, are we necessarily reduced to primitive survival values or do we carry our ethical values with us through to survival in times of war. Rarely does it matter what you think beyond making decisions that ensure survival. A heritage of successful ancestors have only succeeded in creating successive genetic lines that culminated in the present individuals who may or may not carry on the lines of successful genetics. The past weeks of than the survival priority clothing up.

several days have been idyllic and warm by comparison to the previous frigid snowy conditions. Nothing makes Life more pleasingly comfortable enjoyment of warm weather. Warm weather also eases the hardships of provided there are enough other factors that aren't as important in as the survival triangle. Somehow, shelter, food, and comforts of and furniture all take a back seat in importance when the weather warms

People can say that it has been a long winter. We haven't passed the record in snowfall, so it hasn't been as cold as it could have been. Still, weather plays an important part in the overall disposition of populations. I should have kept up my watch over the SOHO images that I normally copy to my harddrive. It is with regret that I allowed myself to be sidetracked enough to forget my habit of sun watching and monitoring the flow of energy to Earth. Originally, I became interested in the anomalies that often showed up near the sun that led to my sun watching habit. Today was busy enough for me while I remained awake. I did sleep away the afternoon after getting a minimal hour and a half of sleep during the night. Perhaps I will manage to get to sleep earlier tonight. Missing out on sleep is a bad habit to start especially when I can fall asleep in an instant when I am tired. It becomes increasingly dangerous for me to stay awake when I tire out. Funny how I don't think of what cost to me personally it might be when I try to stay awake for long periods of time. I really don't need to demand so much of myself about anything anymore in my disabled condition. Yet, I still drive myself relentlessly to keep busy and accomplishing things as I always have. I know I am very hard on myself in many respects. It bothers me a lot to see anyone who is not as self-disciplined and motivated as I am. I had to survive in very difficult conditions and against sometimes impossible odds. I had to sacrifice all kinds of things that almost everyone else takes for granted. Yet, I am jealous of anyone who has had an easy life, who also gets more chances and luck in life. But, when it did count, I was the lucky one who got away, who was able

to do the impossible and get things done. That's when I used far more luck in mere moments than most people might have consumed during their lives. Luck isn't a value commodity and it isn't something you can buy, earn, or manage in any realistic way. I know I have been luckier at some things, not at other things that I might have preferred. I would have had a far different life had I any sort of say in what luck I did get. Perhaps the luckiest thing I should consider is the simple fact that I survived as I did when I know other people simply didn't. I really can't complain about anything considering how lucky I really was to survive at all. I will be the first to admit that I wasn't the most capable or learned sort of survivor. It wasn't a matter of skills that I did survive. It was a simple matter of blind, ignorant luck that I was able to accomplish even some of the things that are attributed to me. If anyone were to examine the factors of circumstances and situations that I was able to survive, it would not be easy to identify any one particular factor or skill as being the main contributing factor. I know that there were times when I was able to be skilled enough and at other times when I was lucky enough, and then the rare instances when I simply did survive. My survival wasn't simply because of background genetics, or of skill, as it was a result of the combined factors that culminated in my survival. I take for granted that I go from one place to another with speed and safety that puts me in a rare two per cent of the world population. I take for granted that my survival puts me in an even more rare percentile of the population. And, I take for granted that my combined factors of survival, circumstance, and situation, also put me in a rather unique class of survivor. Perhaps it is the main reason why I think of things in the manner that I do, thinking of subtleties that few would even begin to reason out, let alone develop into a skill set that I can depend upon as I do. Who knows what all goes on in the name of survival, evolution, and the progress of life in general. It can be so complexly convoluted that any maze by comparison would seem so simple. Perhaps that is the best way to describe the dance of atomic structures, energy flows, and genetic evolutions. In the face of the almost limitless background complexities, humanity has the great self-awareness and temerity to announce the 'right' of choice in any matter. Choice? A human has no more choice than a rock has in rolling down a river bed in the push of water flowing by gravity to wards the ocean. Most of the world of humanity lives without the benefit and freedom of choice in most mundane activities. Can humanity have the grit to say that there is such a thing as choice in the world, or the universe, for that matter. Then again, what is meant by the word 'choice'? Humanity does seem to have the mental capacities to deem choices in actions and other distinctions. The question is whether intelligence has the option for choice in the face of patterned universal existence. Given multiple dimensions in multiple universes, there should be the inevitable fact that something will occur at some point in time regardless of any other factors. Scientists go so far as to imagine monkeys playing symphonies in at least one of those multiple existences. I think that is taking the possibility of inevitability too far in even the theoretical definitions of multiple dimensions and multiple universes. Humanity does live in a petri dish of existence. It is one thing to sit back and imagine the world as we know it at the mercy of infinite factors of energy and matter that may or may not be influenced by alien and even unknown intelligences who deign to interfere with the course of humanity's actions and interactions.

While humanity professes a certain amount of awareness and self-assuring perceptions, humanity can barely see a tiny portion of less than five per cent of the universe's measurable energy and matter components of existence. It is what humanity can't imagine or perceive that can and often does make a significant difference in the evolution and outcome of existence within the invisible petri dish. Woe be it that humanity should ever escape the bounds of that invisible petri dish. It is hard to imagine the bounds that define human existence. The simple ability of humanity to adapt and alter innate patterns of existence also changes the possibilities that may be realized by any of those changeable factors. As humanity evolves into the future, the complexities of patterns increases accordingly. At some point in time, humanity's innate intelligence would increase enough to be able to redefine the bounds of existence and so escape the petri dish. What if the impossible happened and Humanity somehow escaped the petri dish by some inconceivable method? What would be the effect of Humanity upon any other intelligence or lifeforms? What could Humanity do that hasn't already hasn't happened in the natural course of evolutions within the multiverses of existence? The answer, my friend, isn't blowing in the wind. Instead, it is carved across the annals of space and time within the existences possible within this dimension of this galaxy in this multiverse. The answer can only be begun to be discovered as energy converts to light and matter that can be broadcast across the galaxy from an incredible power source. Now, isn't that a simple thing in the complexity of everything. See, we are back to the point where a primitive language doesn't have the expressions to convey concepts that contain elements. Somehow I have ordered the conceptual information into more relevant terms that anyone can grasp. What isn't offered up are the technologies and sciences necessary to bring about the creation of the survival sphere or ship that would be needed to cross the void of distance, energy, and time between the here and now existence to the where and when position of future reference relative to the point origin of the multiverse existence. I admit that I have experiences that I remember as having at some point in the past or the future. The simple fact that I exist now is my own proof of having successfully gone through multiple paradoxes, multiple universes, and probably multiple existences. How that all came about is not something I can answer, only that what did happen is only relevantly represented in the scraps of memories that I manage to remember. It might not be important now, but at some time it was vital to existence. At some time I did have the controls of what was necessary to bring about the natural flows of energy past problematic obstacles to the future possibilities beyond what would have been otherwise prevented and or impossible to exist. Take care for now, Cathy

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