Darkness Book 1 The Begining

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  • Words: 3,905
  • Pages: 6
Intro My name is Daniel, if your listening to this, that means that my plan was discovered and i'm already dead. This war has been going on for so long most of us don't even know what we're fighting for anymore. All we know is what our suprieriors tell us, they tell us that it was the Chinese, the commies as they're known now, that started the fighting, but 'm not to sure anymore. The life as an American federation soldier is complete hell now days, i would'nt be in this gaddamn mess if it was'nt for the fuckin' draft, can't imagine that the commies are having a much better time though, poor sonsabitches. There's talk of using nukes around the base, i hope for all our sakes that don't happen. Dammit i just wanna get this shit over with and go home, never thought i'd say that, i hated that fuckin' farm, but anythigs better then this shithole. Aother rumor going around is that we gonna attack one of the commies strong holds in india, that country is now just a burnt cinder, completely destroyed in carpet bombings, that place is hell on earth. I know a man that went in on one of the first attempts to destroy that base, poor sonofabitch lost both his legs and his right arm. The stories that man tells... they make me wanna just shoot myself and get it over with, but i won't, it's true that i started this against my will, but i'm still gonna see it through till the very end. You might be wondering how long this shitstorms' been going on, this war has been going on for the last 85 years, ain't many countries that are even fit to live in no more, over 75 percent of the earths land mass is completely uninhabitable, if this don't stop soon it won't matter if your american or commie, we'll all be fuckin' screwed. That's why I don't even care who wins anymore, i just want someone to win, then humanity might still be able to salvage the world. That's why i'm betraying my own side, the country i was forced to protect but don't want to, what their're willing to do to win just ain't right, they carpet bombed an entire damn city in Russia because they Heard that a commie bigwig was holeing up in there, turned out to be a false report, millions dead for one guy that was'nt even there. So i'm gonna rig the the tanks to explode, fuck up the attack real good, it's what those assholes deserve. You can call me a traitor, hell, you can call me the scum of the earth for all i care, but since when is trying to end a war a bad thing, no matter how you do it.

Chapter1 Five months after the interigation and execution of the Private only known as Daniel the American Federation used nuclear missles against China. China, along with the rest of the world went up in flames. It is now over 600 years since the war, and the planet is almost completely recovered from the the nuclear hell. Humanity has also made a miraculus recovery, the world population, which was at 150,000 at the wars end has built back up to just over 350,000,000. But the trials of humanity are not yet over, recently odd portals have been springing up all over the world, the scientists that we're sent in to investigate never came back... whole. A new Hell is about to be unleashed upon the world, and Humanity had best be ready... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The demon lord, Kane, grined, soon it would be time to march and take the mortal world for his own, finaly. The humans would be his slaves at long last, yes soon the day that he has dreamed of will come, even the heavens will tremble at his power. "Guards come here," ordered Kane, in his deep raspy voice. Two hulking demons came from behind the door to the thorne room, they looked up apprehensivly at the demon lord, they were big, standing at 6 feet tall and extremly muscular, but Kane... this man was 8 feet tall with spikes growing from his elbows and knees, and long curving horns on his head just above the ears, and a scar across his neck from a wound, and a mind more cunning, brilliant, and evil than any demon lord that came

before him, it was said that he killed the previos lord without having to lift even a finger, so powerful was his black magic. Kane grinned at them, and they fliched as though they had been struck. "Guards, I need you to bring my son to me, I would get him myself but i have much to prepare for our grand arrival on the mortal plane and my son is a key part," said Kane with an evil grin. "Yes my lord," the two gaurds said in unison, relieved that they would exit the throne room alive. They bowed then turned to walk away. "Wait," commanded Kane,"how many men does it take to fetch one person?" The gaurds turned around, confusion in there eyes. Then one blurted out,"One my lord." Kane grinned malevolently,"Very good, very good indeed" The guards stared confused and fritened of what might happen next, then suddenly the guard that spook clutched his chest and doubled over in pain. He started shrieking in agony and his fellow watched with both fear and amazement. Kane simply grinned and watched as his magick worked it's horrid wonders. Then the gaurds' chest exploded outward covering the floor in black blood. Kane looked at the remaining gurad all humor gone from his face,"Now go get my son, and send someone to clean this mess." "Y-yes m-my lord," the guard stammered and rushed from the thorne room. Kane turned to the large map of the mortal world that covered one whole wall of his thorne room, conquering the human world has been his obbsesion for centuries, and now the time has come. The foolish humans weakened themselves in thier 85 year war, and now instead of numbering in the billions they number only in the millions, spread across the globe, no standing army any one of the new nations pocess would be any match for Kanes forces, they would be swept away. Now all that was left was to decide were the initial strike should happen. Kane looked over the map pondering each option. As he looked the capital of Ancient America, Washington D.C., stood out to him. It was on this continent that the worlds most powerful recent nation appeared after the 85 years war. A nation known only as Phoenix has risen to lead the world of humans to a new era of prosperity. They are powerful magick users but not just that they also came up with new technologies that even the old world with all its knownledge only dreamed about, they perfected how to make andriods, artificial humans to expand the ranks of their army, and also how to attach artificial robotic limbs for the wounded or handicaped right to the the nervouse system, they move just like normal limbs. Kane looked at this spot for quite some time, he knew that it was this nation of Phoenix that would give him the most difficulties. This simply made Kane smile, what better stageing area for his campaign of demonic conquest then the strongest of the new nations, cut off the head and the body dies, kills the Phoenix and the rest of the world will fall as though it was nothing. Kanes' son Ramiel walked down the main hall of the great citidel towards his fathers thorne room, the guard that came to fetch him looked completly terrified. Ramiel could not help but grin, wondering what his father had done to frighten the guard so much. Ramiel was accually very small for a demon prince, only 5 feet tall and very slim. That however does not mean that he is weak, quite the oposite, his magick is rumored to be at least as strong as his fathers, and he defeated 30 well trained warriors from their own elite ranks at once in physical combat. Ramiel just like his father had spikes growing from his elbows and knees, and curved horns just above the ears. Ramiel enter the thorne room and bowed to his father,"My lord i have arrived as you ordered." Kane looked over from the map of the mortal world,"Ah, Ramiel, my son, stand. Come here I have a very important task that i can trust only you to complete." Ramiel stood and walked to his fathers side and looked at the map,"It is soon time to make the humans world our own." Ramiel stated. Kane grinned as he said,"Yes my son, but before we make our move i want you to gather as

much information as you can about the nation of Phoenix." Ramiel stared at his father for a moment,"The nation of Phoenix my lord," he said in a puzzled voice,"I've not heard of these people." Kane glanced at his son,"They are the most powerful nation on the new world, as the humans call it," Ramiel looked back at the map and grinned evilly," I look forward to this mission then my lord." Kane looked at his son sternly," Ramiel, this mission is observation only, do not engage them in battle unless absolutly nessecary, do you understand me Ramiel." Ramiel glanced at his father with defiance in his eyes, but then looked down and said,"Yes, of course my lord." Kane smiled and looked back at the map,"Good, lets keep it that way, you are dismissed." Ramiel left the thorne room in a foul temper,"Foolish old man, I could take that nation myself, one day his crown will be mine and i will be the one giving the orders." he thought to himself," However... until that time it will do me no good to disobey him, I must go to the archives and learn more about these people so that i may better complete my mission." So Ramiel started toward the archives, a great tresure trove of knowledge collected over many eons, surely there must be something there about this nation of Phoenix. Ramiel grimaced at the thought of having to deal with the ancient and sinial scroll keeper, Azial. Ramiel hesitated outside the Archive doors. "I truly dispise having to ask this sinial fool for help, I do believe he is uncapable of shuting up," Ramiel thought in anoyance. Then the door creaked open and a feeble voice came from the cavernous archives,"My young prince, I have been expecting you, you seek knowledge of the new nation known as Phoenix." Ramiel step forward into the archives,"How did you know honoured scroll keeper?" he asked in some amazement. "Let's just say that I am not as sinial as you might think," Azial chukled. Ramiel laughed,"Fair enough old one, what information do you have for me." Azial stepped forward holding one of the newer aditions to the archives, a book instead of a scroll which is rare. Azial himself was hunched with age, he had been the scroll keeper for eons, few demons remember when he was young. He wore plain grey robes, suited for the quite life of a scolor. "In this book, my young prince, is the only information that we have at present about the Phoenix" Azial said in mild anoyance,"the human scientists that we captured could have given us much more information had my requestes to question them further been granted, instead of killing them almost imediantly." "It will have to do," Ramiel cut in, not wanting to give the old man an excuss to keep ranting. "Yes... yes I suppose your right my young prince, forgive an old mans' rambleing." said Azial bowing in apology. "Of course old one," Ramiel said,"Now let us begin please, tell me what you know." Azial cleared his throught,"Well, as you know, the mortal world was at war over 600 years ago, the 85 year war, at the end of which the Ancient American nation used weapons that they called nuclear missles and inadvertently destoyed the old world along with their enemies." "Yes," Ramiel said nodding,"The fools destroyed their own homes to destroy thier enemies." "Indeed," Azial said,"The human race was almost destroyed, however in 600 years alog with the world they have recovered, new nations rose from the ashes of the old, many decided to keep the old nations name in rememberance of where they came from, such as Japan, China, Germany, and many more, however there was one nation that did not do this." "Phoenix," Raziel stated. "Yes," Azial confermed,"So ashamed were they of the nation that they rose from, for it was that nation that destroyed the old world, so they renamed themselves after the legendary fire bird, that is reborn from the ashes, quite symbolic." "Touching," sneered Ramiel.

"Really you think so as well young prince." Azial said. "You've got to be kidding me... grrrr, just get on with it please," growled Ramiel. "Ah, very well, just like all young people you are to egar to go forward, that you will not take a moment to see what you past," sighed Azial," as I was saying this one nation rose above all the others, not only in their understand of magick, but also in their understanding of of science, though the kowledge of how to fly to their moon was lost they figured out how to create artificial life, what they call andriods." "These andriods, are they powerful?" asked Ramiel somewhat concerned. "They poses great physical strength because they are made of metal, however not being truly alive they cannot use magick, light or dark." explained Azial "Ah,"said Ramiel, relived by the news,"So, they are still no great threat." "Don't be so sure young prince," Azial started to warn. "Enough, please continue," interupted Ramiel. "Very well," said Azial, annoyed,"They also have the knowledge to make their wounded soldiers whole again." "Yes," interupted Ramiel agian,"I know of this magick, in fact i use it myself to heal soldiers that are still of use to us." "No, not magick," Azial said, holding back the annoyance in his voice,"but science, they can attach perfectly functioning artificial limbs." "Hm, now that is impressive, please continue," said Ramiel, his voice dripping with false respect. "Very well, child," sneered Azial,"This nation, Phoenix, has also changed it's outlook on forgine trade, they no longer judge a nations worth on what type of government it has, Phoenix trades with democracies and communists alike." "What is the point of telling me this old man," said Ramiel angrily. "Well child, when you are on earth scouting Phoenix you cannot go looking as you do now," explained Azial, smileing at the look on Ramiel face. "You mean to tell me," said Ramiel angrily," that I, the prince of all demons, must disguise myself as one of these filthy monkeys." "Yes," said Azial matter-of-factly," you can't expect to go wandering about looking like something that came from their worst nightmares, you must go undercover. And you can't go in trying to make it look like you were always living there, they have way of keeping track of their people. You must go in as a tuorist, maybe from Japan, Phoenix's closest ally." "Damn you old man," Ramiel said, his fury evident. His full demonic form was coming forth in his anger, his fangs grew sharper, his fingers turned to wickedly hooked talons, and his massive batlike wings burst from his back, a dark aura sorrunded him. Azial did not flinch at all, but suddenly Ramiel body was racked with pain, he reverted back to his normal form, gasping for breath. "What was that," gasped Ramiel. "I suppose your father felt your rage and put you down, young prince," said Azial, concern in his voice,"Are you alright." "Yes," said Ramiel shackily," I was out of line, I will do as you say honured scroll keeper." With that Ramiel bowed his way out of the Archives. "Hm, I did not mean to cause the boy that much pain," thought Azial,"I quess I still don't know my own strength even after all these years." Azial watch the young prince go "That boy has much potential but not for us, his path lies elsewhere, but I'll let him discover it for himself." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ramiel stood outside the dungeon, where better to get a disguise then one of the captured human scientists that are still alive, the only way for demons to disguise themselves as human is to literaly steal the appearance of a human. It is a painful procedure that melts the skin off the victim and then covers the demon that wants to disguise himself,

like a living suit. He grinned to himself and thought,"I wonder who's skin I will steal for this." With that pleaseing thought he entered the dungeon. The guard at the door saluted Ramiel as he passed,"Where are we keeping the remaining human prisoners." demanded Ramiel. "Right this way my lord," the guard said and started down the coridor. "How many more are there?" asked Ramiel. "Only two my lord," the guard answered," The king had already put the others to death." "Of course," thought Ramiel," The old fool would'nt make this easy for me, only two," "Here they are my lord," the guard said stopping in front of a cell in the very back, inside were the two human scientists. Ramiel grined," bring me the Japanese man, he well make a suitible disguise" "Yes my lord," the guard said and took the prisoner out of the cell. The prisoner glared up at Ramiel and shouted,"Do what you want to me demon, I'm not afriad of you!" "Well,"Ramiel said with a grin," we'll just have to change that won't we." Then suddenly the human screamed in agony, he looked at his hand and saw that the flesh and muscles were melting dripping to the floor,"AHHHH," the man shriecked. He was writhing on the floor as his flesh melted all over his body. Organs started spilling out as the was no more flesh and mucle to hold them in. The human tried to beg for mercy but he could no longer speak because his lips and tougn were gone, now in the puddle that had once been the flesh and muscles of his body, the last thing the man heard was Ramiel laughing and saying," So do you fear me now, monkey." After a few minutes all that was left of the human were his bones lying in the puddle that had been his flesh and muscle. Ramiel grimaced a bit thinking of what came next, not that it was painful, but because having to take on the appearance of this monkey nusiated him. Then the puddle started to move toward him, it took only a few seconds to reach him and as soon as it touched his feet the "suit" began to materialize around him. Within moments Ramiel stood there as the very image of the Japanese man that now lay dead. He now had the long shoulder length hair and tan skin of the human. He also had a scar over his right eye. It was obvious to Ramiel that the human had trained in some ancient martial art, for he was slim but powerful, making Ramiel wonder why this human had chosen the quite life of a scientist. He was dressed in plain jeans and a white button down collared shirt wearing a brown leather trench coat over it. On his feet he wore plian brown loafers. "I believe that I am ready to go to the human world." Ramiel said. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A few hours later Ramiel stood in front of the portal that led to the capital of Ancient America, Washington D.C.. How ever the portal was three days walking from the nearest Phoenixian city. "Damn," thought Ramiel," And I can't use my wings, this is going to be a pain," With that final thought he stepped through the portal, there was a feeling of being pulled forward, almost like being dragged by a hook. The next thing Ramiel knew he was stand in the middle of a ruined building. Ramiel looked around, trying to get a feel for his surroundings. There were what used to be portraits on the wall, most were either destroyed by fire, or wasted away by the many long years of negelgct. By the looks of the portraits that were still somewhat perserved Ramiel gathered that they were portraits of the Ancient American leaders, which meant that he must be standing in what used to be their palace, their center of government. He spent fifteen minuets looking for the door out, but the halls were like mazes, after another 20 minuets he finally found the door out. "I have'nt been here for more then 40 minuets and this is already agravating." Ramiel thought. Ramiel looked at the ruined city around the place, which is how he thought of it. "There must be something I could use as a weapon," Ramiel thought to himself. He was not

permited to bring his demon arms, his enchanted sword and bow, Kane had told him that they would give him away since only deomns could use weapons with such enchantments. So Ramiel started off down what he assumed was the main street of the Ancient country's capital. He was wandering for about an hour when he saw a rather large building, the sign was no longer readable, but something in the back of his mind told him to go inside and look around, this instict told him that he would find something useful. So Ramiel went inside, and right away he could tell that this is were the Ancients of this land kept there objects of historical value. "I may find exactly what I am looking for here," Ramiel said thoughtfully to himself," maybe they kept some powerful weapons here." But then he looked around the main room, and hugh room by itself, and the many branching hall ways. He settled his mind and began to concentrate to try and "sense" what he desired. "I must find a weapon," he thought to the emptieness. Then his eyes snapped open and he looked down a hallway. "That way then," he said to himself. Ramiel walked down the hall for about five minutes when something caught his eye, it was an old sword of the ancient Japanese nation, at first glance it looked rather unimpresive, but it beckoned him, told him to pick it up. Ramiel obeyed the call and went to it, he stood and looked at the sword for awhile. The sheath was metal, surprisingly well preserved for being at least one thousand years old. He picked it up and grasped the handle and pulled, the blade came out the sheath and shined with an inner power. "You will do perfectly," Ramiel said pleased," I shall call you sentoyuko, might as well go all the way with this disguise by the way," With that Ramiel laughed and started toward the exit of the "archives" as he thought of it, not knowing what it was called back when it was new and well preserved. Things were starting to look up.

end of chapter 1

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