Iit Kanpur Ganapathi

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Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Golden Jubilee August 2009-Dec 2010 ENERGY CONCLAVE 2010 International Symposium On New Paradigms for Energy Policy and Regulation January 8, 2010.

Paper Presentation By SOMANA GANAPATHI

NATIONAL GROWTH BY LOWERING ENERGY INTENSITY From. S. Ganapathi, S.E. (Retd.,) # 4-329/4, Bommuru 533 124 Via. Rajahmundry. A.P.

www.energyconservationworld.com Mobile : 91 98481 55231 E-mail:[email protected]

Introduction: India spent Rs. 3,40,572 cr. Excess Energy in 2007 compared to U.K. & Denmark. Energy Conservation has to be seriously implemented by all of us for less carbon emission and less electric bill, and to keep India as a developed nation much before 2020. In pursuance of the decisions taken by Prime Minister and Dy. Chairman, Planning Commission, GOI, New Delhi, it has been decided to setup 21 member “Expert Committee” in 8/2004 on Integrated Energy Policy to study the requirement of energy (Electricity, Coal, Petroleum, Oil & Gas) for the next 25 years for India. The report was submitted to the Government in 08/2006, by the Planning Commission, after having discussions, Round Table conferences etc. headed by the then Member (Energy), Planning Commission, GOI, Dr.Kirit S Parikh. Central Cabinet approved the Document on 26th December 2008. The 1st Page in the report “THE CHALLENGES”, said, India Energy Intensity was 0.16kgoe (Kilo gram oil equivalent) per capita for 1 US $ GDP in PPP (Purchasing Power Parity) terms compared to 0.13 kgoe for Denmark in 2003. Energy Intensity is the energy required for manufacturing a product / for extending services etc. This 0.03 kgoe excess energy intensity in India per capita for 1 US $ GDP in PPP terms is equivalent to Rs. 2,86,675 cr. excess spent. There was a saving of Rs. 65,000 cr. in 2007 by improving energy efficiency, better conservation methods adopted compared to 2006 in India. Still there was excess spending of energy for Rs. 3,40,572 cr. (8% of our GDP) with more CO2 emission. Our country has to become developed nation quickly, the earlier we reduce excess energy spending by minimizing wastage, in electricity, oil, gas, water & food etc., following energy conservation methods still effectively, improving energy efficiency systems still & for less carbon emission. Abstract : I studied some Central and State Government buildings, IITs and NITs as far as energy consumption, and energy conservation aspects. This shows how much excess energy is used, than required in different Government buildings and institutions. Reactive power in Northern states have to be added by 5000 Mvar as on date in Transcos and Discoms for better quality of electricity to the Public in general. The excess usage of energy for Rs. 3,40,572 Cr. in 2007 in India is to be reduced. It is requested for speedy implementation of Energy Conservation act 2001 effectively by lowering energy intensity by plugging wastage in Govt. Buildings for becoming India developed nation before 2020. We will be celebrating “Energy Conservation Day” every year on 14th December. BEE, under Ministry of Power GOI, has been showing Rs. 3,000 Cr. saving for 2007, below 1% of excess energy spent by India. Hence I personally request that the matter has to be monitored monthly from Prime Minister’s Office / Planning Commission Office only (since the subject is interlinked with several ministries), GOI by reducing energy requirements through energy efficiency and conservation, till India reduced energy intensity on par with UK & Denmark.



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


China Australia Brazil Denmark Germany India Indonesia Netherlands Saudi Arabia Sweden U.K. US. Japan World

GDP Per Capita – PPP (US $ -2000)

4838 28295 7359 29082 25271 2732 3175 27124 12494 27869 26944 35487 26636 7868

TPES Per Capita (kgoe)

1090 5630 1094 3852 4210 439 753 4983 5805 5751 3906 7835 4052 1688

TPES /GDP (kgoe/ $2000 PPP)

Electricity Per Capita (Kwh)

0.23 0.20 0.15 0.13 0.17 0.16 0.24 0.18 0.46 0.21 0.14 0.22 0.15 0.21

1379 10640 1934 6599 6898 553 440 6748 6481 15397 6231 13066 7816 2429

Kgoe = Kilogram Oil Equivalent Source = International Energy Agency, Paris, www.iea.org, Key world energy statistics, 2005. The above table had been covered in the first page of Integrated Energy Policy Document prepared by “Expert Committee” constituted by The Planning Commission, Government of India and submitted to Central Cabinet in 8/2006. Denmark Energy Intensity is the lowest at 0.13 kgoe in this table. MTOE :

Million Tone Oil Equivalent ( Original Units have been converted, based on kilorific Value of respective Energy Source)

Lignite Coal Natural Gas Crude Oil

= = = =

3,000 Kcal/ Kg 6,000 Kcal/Kg – Below 2000 Kcal (in some cases) 9,000 Kcal / m3 1 Mil Ton = 1 Mote.

Recommendations of Integrated of Energy Policy India faces an enormous challenge if it is to meet her energy requirement over the coming 25 years and support a growth rate of 8 percent. This challenge can be met with a coherent approach, which develops all available energy resources. The main area of action, for which detailed policy recommendations have been make as follows. 1. Reducing energy requirements through energy efficiency and conservation. 2. Augmenting energy resources and supply. 3. Rationalization of fuel prices to mimic free market prices that promote efficient fuel choice an substitution. 4. Promoting coal imports. 5. Accelerating power sector reforms. 6. Cutting cost of power. 7. Encouraging renewables and local solutions. 8. Enhancing energy security. 9. Promoting and focusing energy R&D. 10. Promoting household energy security, gender equity and empowerment through targeted entitlements for the poor. 11. Creating an enabling environment and regulatory oversight for competitive efficiency. With the implementation of the recommendations of the committee India can meet her energy requirement in an efficient, cost effective way and be on a path sustainable energy security. My paper presently deals with energy conservation case studies and excess energy India is using compare to Countries like UK, Denmark etc. Energy conservation act 2001 had been in operation since 01-03-2002 with BEE under ministry of Power, GOI. Our hon’ble Prime Minister recently on our 63rd Independence day addressing the nation from Red Fort said we need a new culture of energy conservation, since our natural resources are limited. Excess Energy Spent in 2007 – Detailed Analysis : For 2007, India used TPES (Total Primary Energy Supply) 594.91 Mtoe. India energy intensity for 2007 is 0.1478 kgoe, TPES/GDP in PPP, in per Capita. Denmark energy intensity is 0.1144 kgoe. If we consider our energy intensity on par with Denmark, the excess energy saving will be 0.0334 kgoe. India total TPES = 594.91 Mtoe. Excess Energy India spending = 0.0334 x 594.91 / 0.1478 = 134.44 Mtoe. = 985.45 Million Barrel oe. (1T = 7.33 Barl) = Rs. 3,40,871.5 cr. (1 Bar = $72, 1$= Rs.48) TPES for India = 591.91 x 7.33 = 4360.69 M.B. (Million Barrels)

TPES, cost = Rs.15,07,055 cr. Excess Energy in India spent in 2007 w.r.t. Denmark = 22.6% = Rs. 3,40,572 cr. ≅ 8% of GDP of our Country. Saving in India in 2007 compared to 2006 = 0.0063 kgoe. For 594.91 Mote saving is 25.36 Mote = 185.875 M.B. = Rs. 64,238.46 cr. (1 ton = 7.33 barrel, 1 barrel = 72$, 1 $ = Rs. 48. This has not reflected in Energy Intensity when it is taken for 2nd decimal place. When it is taken up to 4th decimal place, saving of Rs. 64,239 cr. was achieved by India. (Noticed) For 2006 TPES is 565.82 Mtoe at 0.15 kgoe. Saving of 0.01 kgoe, compared to 2003 = 37.72 Mote = Rs.95588 cr. (1 ton = 7.33 barrel, 1 barrel = 72$, 1 $ = Rs. 48. Power shortage is at 9.6%, peak demand shortage is at 13.8% for us. Singareni Collieries Company Ltd., increased coal production increased from 37.72 Mt in 200607 to 41.5Mt in 2008-09. Energy consumption declined from 16.77 Kwh / ton of coal 13.93 kwh / ton. This is the one of the best examples in lowering energy intensity by 2.84 kwh / ton of coal excavation with 4 Mt excess also. Their employees quarters were also metered and billed and the energy consumption as come down from 500 units to 182 units monthly in 2006-07. The electric bill as also come down from Rs. 250 cr. to Rs. 170 cr. The college authorities used to pay electric consumption bill for Rs. 10 lakhs kwh (units) monthly in one of the engineering colleges in Andhra Pradesh. When the management informed the student to pay there hostel electric bill, the monthly consumption has come down to 5 lakh kwh (units). The college authority did a good thing in reducing the energy intensity. I request all college authorities also to cooperate in reducing energy intensity from the hostels duly appraising the students for paying less electric bill. BITS Pilani, NIT Suratkal students have been consuming 70-80 kwh (Units) monthly. Solar energy for hot water has been using in BITS Pilani with 80,000 Ltrs. / day, followed by IIT Delhi, IIT Nagpur, to name some colleges. Indian Railways has 3180 locos out of which 161 locos have regeneration capacity. These gave 59.18mu yearly. If all locos are provided regeneration capacity (Regen-Converter), 1370 mu energy is available by reducing the electrical bill 12% and improve energy efficiency, reduce energy intensity. An investment of Rs. 1.5cr for each loco with a pay back period of 8 years will make the project successful. Let us hope Indian Railways do fast in this regard who had remitted Rs. 1 lakh cr. to Govt.A/c., wiping out all deficit.

Effective – Reactive Power Western Railways, Mumbai received Rs. 7.24 cr. incentive on Rs. 107cr electricity bill by maintaining power factor at 0.99 lag in 2006-07. All organization, make the industries, institutions, Govt. Buildings, the total inductive load has to be compensated by automatic power factor regulators, by keeping required capacitor banks with a frequent check (weekly at least) for less electric bill and quality of power with less CO2 emission. Northern Zone states have to add 5000 mvar for their Transco / Discoms as on 30-09-09 (www.cea.nic.in). Just by erecting and commissioning required capacitors at 220kv, 132kv & 66kv in Transcos and 33kv and 11kv in Discoms will have to lower electric bill with lower energy intensity. For 1 MW connected load at 11kv system, for 0.999 lag power factor, it takes 52.5 amps. If the power factor is at 0.8 lag, it takes 65.5 amps, 13 amps excess, for just 1 MW. Concerned Govt. authorities, and Pvt. Setor have to take advantage of their connected load, inductive nature with well compensated by capacitors for better power factor. Some Methods to Lowering Energy Intensity / Conserving Energy. 1. A study of 27 Central / State Govt. Buildings at head quarters was done. For 2005-06 NTPC, employee per month used 48 units (kwh), against 480 units by Gail staff in H.Q. this is 10 times more than NTPC Employee used. No quota has been fixed in office buildings for usage. Considerable excess energy has been using. This is to be minimized. Chart Enclosed. 2. Energy usage Reputed Institutes like IITs, NITs, IISc, BITS, Pilani, was studied. Among all Bits, Pilani, has been conserving energy very well compared to IIT Kanpur & other IITs Chart Enclosed. 3. 4800 MVAr. has been is in need for northern zone as on 30-09-09 (Cea website). This reactive power has to be converted to active power by providing adequate capacitor banks for immediate conversion of 4,800 MW. Mvar in other zones is ok. As a matter of fact, all the inductive loads are be compensated with suitable capacitor banks for better quality of electricity and less electric bill. 4. CFLs usage should be implemented speedily for saving 6000-9000 MW for 400 million Nos. in India. 5. Senior officers have to inspect at random the energy conservation measures, and energy usage in the buildings they are in association during inspections. Agricultural farmers are to be provided better quality of foot valves, Capacitors, etc. with financial assistance even by Banks as said by our Prime Minister on Independence day for better quality of electricity.

Energy Conservation Case Studies 1. Coal : Singareni Callieries company ltd., consumed 13.75kwh / ton excavation of coal in 2008-09, compared to 17.75kg in 2001-02. For residential quarters also employees reduced their consumption monthly from 500 kwh to 182 kwh from 2007 onwards when the electric bill was paid by the employees itself. Rs.250 cr. Electric bill yearly has comedown to Rs. 170 cr., a good saving of Rs. 80 cr. to the company. 2. Western Railways, Mumbai received Rs. 7.24 cr. incentive on the electric bill of Rs. 107 cr. for maintaining excellent power factor in 2006-07. The incentive facility for maintaining excellent power factor is presently available in some states in our country. It is requested to consider the concerned authorities for extending this benefits for remaining states also. 3. Student hostels : When the management used to pay electric bill to the hostel student the bill was Rs. 10 lakhs monthly in one of the colleges in Andhra Pradesh. When it was asked to pay by the students itself, the electric bill has come down to Rs. 5 lakhs monthly. 50% wastage has been reduced in this college. There may be some more Engineering colleges to follow this example to reduce carbon emissions, a burning problem for the world today. 4. Aluminum : 14000-17000 kwh per ton of production presently taken compared to 18000-20000 units earlier. 40% production cost is to be paid for electricity only. US is making at half of this consumption for each ton. 5. Cement : In 1990s 120kwh / each tone of cement used to consume with 876 Kcal / kg Clinkar. Now 82 units / tone of cement is used with 723 Kcal / kg Clinker. (2005) 6.a Soda Ash : 30% of cost production for electricity only. Latest information available is 162 units / tone + 3.6 tons of steam for each tone of soda ash manufacturing. 6b. BSNL arranged certain SMS in Tamil Nadu at the Request of TNEB from 14th to 20th December 08. Energy is life, use it wisely, Save Electricity today for a bright tomorrow. Today’s Electricity wastage is tomorrow’s Power Shortage. Turn of Light and equipment when not in Use. I request the concerned authorities to arrange such type of messages on the eve of Energy conservation week in other states also, for the benefit of Society. I enclosed herewith certain tables on Energy Consumption/conservation for ready reference.

Energy Consumption of various organizations per month per employee for 2005-06 Sl. No.

Name of Organisation

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

NTPC - Delhi REC - Delhi SCR – Secunderabad TNEB – Chennai M.P. Transco – Jabalpur ONGC – Dehradun Rail Bhawan-Delhi A.P. Transco – Hyd. Singareni – Kothagudem RBI – Mumbai Southern Rly.-Chennai Western Rly-Mumbai APSRTC-Hyd. Dak Bhawan - Delhi Delhi Transco-Delhi Nuclear Power-Mumbai Planning Commission-Delhi. U.G.C.- Delhi NHPC-Delhi Shram Shakti & Tran Bhawan – Delhi PFC – Delhi Power Grid – Delhi PMO & South Block – Delhi CEA – Delhi BHEL-Delhi GAIL –Delhi Rashtrapathi Bhawan – Delhi (Incl. Mogal Gardens & Qtrs.)

21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27.

Total Yearly employees consumption in in H.Q. Kwh. Lakhs

Units / month / employee kwh.

783 363 3350 2421 2325 2689 3000 1500 659 4000 3313 4597 952 921 282 1537 1183 324 1623 800

4.54 2.26 22.1 15.18 15.4 21.26 24.96 14.20 6.45 44.89 3748 5310 11.53 11.6 3.64 28.93 23.26 6.46 34.5 20.4

48 52 55 55 55 66 69 79 82 93 94 96 100 105 107 157 164 166 177 208

289 831 2954 1176 850 468 311

8.62 25.68 92.4 40.38 30.16 27.5 55.7

248 258 260 246 296 489

NTPC, the highest generating company (India), in Asia has 48 Kwh (Units) consumption per month per employee in 2005-06 against GAIL at 489 Kwh units consumption per employee.

Electricity Consumption of Reputed Technical Institutions for 2007-08 & 2008-09 Sl. No.

Name of Institution

1. IIT – Kanpur 2. IIT – Bombay 3. IIT – Delhi 4. IIT – Kharagpur 5. IIT – Madrass 6. IISc-Bangalore 7. BITS Pilani 8. NIT – Nagpur 9. NIT – Allahabad 10. NIT-Durgapur 11. NIT – Trichy 12. NIT-Warangal BITS Pilan has 80,000 IIT Kanpur has 38,000 NIT Nagpur has 14,000

No.of Students

Yearly 2007-08 Consumption in Kwh. in Lakhs

Yearly 2008-09 Consumption in Kwh. in Lakhs

4085 155.59 257.43 5420 221.94 278.62 5070 156.87 175 6118 277.77 250.87 3600 262.00 316.95 4000 245.46 Data awaited 4290 37.88 36.32 2237 28.11 30.22 2632 57.81 54.40 2403 30 23.38 3600 77.3 41.12 2630 26.1 31.55 LPD (Liters per day ) on Solar System. - Do – – Do –

Consumption per month per Student in 07-08

Consumption per month per Student in 08-09

317 341 258 378 606 511 77 105 183 104 257 83

523 428 281 300 637 Data awaited 72 130 148 93 95 100

Students for 2008-09 have been taken almost same as previous year for electricity consumption. IIT Students are consuming 300-400 units monthly and NIT Students are consuming 100-150 units (Yearly) almost 25% IIT Students. Energy conservation is in need more in IITs & other colleges.

STATUS OF CAPACITOR INSTALLATION as on 30-10-2009 State / U.T./ System

Installed as on 31-03-2009

Addl. Requirement during 2009-10


Andhra Pradesh Karnataka Kerala Tamil Nadu TOTAL

B. NORTHERN REGION 3476 0 3359 816 5713 767 3785 484 5812 1449 353 233 514 37 147 1124 127 30 23286 4940 WESTERN REGION 4621.507 Data awaited 4145.400 .. 753.435 .. 5954.446 .. 149.800 .. 15624.588 .. SOUTHERN REGION 6593.400 55 4493.660 147.8 1005.000 15 3947.500 101 16039.560 318.8

Grand Total


Delhi Haryana Punjab Rajastan U.P. Uttarakhand Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Chandigarh TOTAL (NR) Gujarat Madhya Pradesh Chhattisgarh Maharashtra Goa TOTAL (WR)


(All figures in MVAr) Actual Balance Addition from 01-04-2009 to 30-09-2009 C.


0.000 0.000 186.079 7.600 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 193.679

0.000 816.000 580.921 476.400 1449.000 233.000 37.000 1124.000 30.000 4746.321

0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Data awaited .. .. .. .. ..

0.000 30.000 0.000 0.000 30.000

55.0 117.8 15.0 101.0 288.8



Ref : www.cea.nic.in

Targets being finalized by WRPC. The Mvar has to be compensated with suitable capacitor banks on 220kv, 132kv & 66kv on Transcos, 33kv & 11kv on Discoms in northern Zone for better quality electricity to the customer.

IMPORTANT PARAMETERS OF POWER SECTOR FOR 2005-06 Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

State Maharashtra Tamilnadu Gujarat Andhra Pradesh Uttar Pradesh Karnataka Punjab M.P. Rajastan West Bengal Delhi Haryana Sub Total In % Balance 17 States + 6 UTs Grand Total

Units available in MU

Units billed in MU

T&D Losses incl. Theft.

Losses in %

11KV feeders

Consumer in Mill.

Dtrs Transformers Lakhs.

No.of Pump Sets in Mill.

85870 54730 51452 49822 45084 36597 33493 32322 29983 27883 26120 22199 495554 83.7 96433

58732 44516 37092 39829 30374 25702 24261 19371 18014 20957 13423 15426 347697 84.4 64190

27138 10214 14360 9993 14709 10985 9232 12951 11969 6925 12697 6773 147857 82.1 32243

31.6 18.66 27.91 20.06 32.63 29.77 27.56 40.07 39.92 24.84 48.61 30.51 31.01 -

8744 3508 5610 7401 8507 4570 5928 5660 8411 2387 1850 3888 66464 85.4 11385

15.9 16.13 8 19.86 8.8 12.99 5.83 6.49 5.84 4.72 2.67 3.92 11.05 84.5 20.41

2.22 1.61 2.43 3.52 3.3 1.44 2.17 1.6 1.88 0.53 0.08 1.33 22.19 90 2.30

2.572 1.854 0.807 2.374 0.844 1.434 0.912 1.329 0.714 0.112 0.462 13.44 93 1.1









11 States and Delhi Consumed 85% of the Power of the 29 States and 6 UTs. Hence Energy Conservation is more in Need for CO2 and Energy Intensity reduction.

CO2 Emissions in selected countries for 2006 & 2007 Sl.No.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.


China Australia Brazil Denmark Germany India Indonesia Canada Saudi Arabia Russia UK US Japan France Spain Maxico Argentina South Korea South Africa Turkey Italy World

CO2 Emission in 2007 (Mil.Tones)

6071 396.26 347 50.46 798 1324 377 573 358 1587.36 523 5769 1236 369 345 438 163 489 346 265 438 28962

CO2 Emission in 2006 (Mil.Tones)

5648 394.45 332 55.18 823 1250 335 539 340 1587.18 536 5697 1213 377 328 416 149 476 342 240 448 28003

Reduction in %

Raise in %

8.55 3.04 2.43 2.12 2.23 -

7.49 0.46 4.32 5.59 12.54 6.31 5.29 0.01 1.26 1.90 5.18 5.29 9.4 2.73 1.17 10.42 3.42

1. Germany, UK, Italy and France ( Four Countries of G-20) and Denmark have reduced CO2 Emissions in 2007 by 3.04% 2.43%, 2.23%, 2.12% and 8.55% respectively. 2. Indonesia, Turkey, Argentina, China, Canada have raised CO2 emissions in 2007 by 12.54%, 10.42%, 9.4%, 7.49% and 6.31% respectively. Other G-20 Countries are below 6% raise. World average at 3.42% CO2 Out put has fallen by up to 3% in 2009 alone. (The Hindu 5-11-2009). Source : www.iea.org.

World wise GDP Raise & Energy Savings in 2007 w.r.t. 2006 TPES : Total Primary Energy Supply, PPP : Purchasing Power Parity.



GDP in 2007 PPP Terms in Billion US $

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22.

China Australia Brazil Denmark Germany India Indonesia Canada Saudi Arabia Russia U.K. U.S. Japan France Spain Mexico Argentina South Korea South Africa Turkey Italy World

10156 667 1561 172 2315 4025 847 1047 361 1604 1833 11468 3620 1738 1084 1169 580 1066 517 821 1570 61428

GDP in 2006 PPP Terms in Billion US $

8916 632 1477 170 2255 3671 796 1017 357 1474 1749 11265 3538 1695 1046 1030 534 1014 490 786 1535 57564

% raise in GDP

TPES in Mote in 2007 Mil Tons.

TPES in Mote in 2006 Mil Tons.

% Saving in 2007

% Raise in Electricity in 2007

13.91 5.54 5.69 1.18 2.66 9.64 7.54 2.95 1.12 8.82 4.8 1.8 2.32 2.54 3.63 13.5 8.61 5.13 5.51 4.45 2.28 6.71

1970 124 236 19.65 331 595 191 269.37 150 672 211 2340 514 264 143.95 184 73 220 134 100 178 12029

1897 8.92 122 4.12 224 0.66 20.97 7.07 349 14.37 566 4.09 179 -0.09 269.74 3.02 146 -1.96 676.2 8.7 231 12.88 2321 0.97 528 4.70 273 5.59 144.56 3.62 177 17.71 69 2.33 217 2.34 130 1.89 94 -1.67 184 5.00 11740 3.97

14.67 1.06 5.83 -2.38 0.008 9.37 7.63 2.46 4.43 2.89 -0.39 1.5 3.5 0.43 3.18 2.66 2.39 5.78 4.65 9.02 0.005 4.66

1. China has highest GDP raise at 13.91% followed by Mexico at 13.5%, India at 9.64%, Russia at 8.7%, Argentina at 8.61%, World average at 6.71% for 2007. 2. Mexico has highest saving in Lowering Energy intensity at 17.7 % in 2007, followed by Germany 14.37%, UK at 12.88%, China at 8.92%, Russia at 8.7%, India at 4.09% and world average at 3.97% equivalent to 477.86 Mtoe. 3. Indonesia, Turkey and Saudi Arabia had raised their energy intensity marginally in 2007 over 2006, by 0.09%, 1.67% & 1.96% respectively. 4. World average GDP Raise at 6.71%, electricity raise at 4.66% for 2007. This indicate a good sign for lowering energy intensity. 5. U.K. is the only G-20 Country to use less electricity in 2007 by 0.39%. Denmark also used less electricity by 2.38%. Italy, Germany & France have only mariginal raise by 0.005%, 0.008% and 0.43% respectively. 6. India has 9.27% raise in electricity for 9.64% in GDP.

CONCLUSION The Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) observed if the present rate continues, the likelihood of Himalayas disappear by 2035 and perhaps sooner is they very high their keeps warming at the current rate. The Hindu 08-12-2009

Hence we have to observe Energy Conservation. The future is shocking at our door right now make no mistake, the next generation will ask one of two questions, either they will ask.. what were you thinking, why didn’t act? (Former Vice President USA, Nobel Prize awardee 2007, AL.Gore just before taking they award.) There is an African Proverb that says “If you want to go quickly, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. But we want to far and together. That means we have to conserve electricity, hence apply electricity in a qualitative way. Thanking you, By Somana Ganapathi, Cell : 91 98481 55231 e-mail: [email protected] www.energyconservationworld.com # 4-329/4, Bommuru – 533 124, A.P.

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