Ihouse Council Minutes October 5 2007

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  • Words: 1,208
  • Pages: 6
Table of Contents Fall Ball Planning........................................................................................................................2 Reports.........................................................................................................................................2 Chair:........................................................................................................................................2 Treasurer:.................................................................................................................................2 Secretary:.................................................................................................................................2 Web Master:.............................................................................................................................2 Budget Committee...................................................................................................................3 Fall Ball Committee.................................................................................................................3 Dining Committee....................................................................................................................3 Happy Hours and Auditorium Dances Committee..................................................................3 Mugs, Resident Board..............................................................................................................3 Nintendo Wii............................................................................................................................3 Fox Sports Channel..................................................................................................................4 Movie Nights...........................................................................................................................4 Old Business................................................................................................................................4 Wine Tasting............................................................................................................................4 Dome Lighting.........................................................................................................................4 Advertising Committee............................................................................................................4 Security Supervisor..................................................................................................................5 No End in Sight Film...............................................................................................................5 New Business...............................................................................................................................5 Council Meetings.....................................................................................................................5 911 issues Wireless Network...................................................................................................5 Meetings with Director of Dining............................................................................................5 Energy & Waste issues.............................................................................................................5 Suggestions for party band.......................................................................................................5 Fitness Classes.........................................................................................................................5 Internal Energy Task Force......................................................................................................6 Cal Sports - Approved..............................................................................................................6 Projector for meetings.............................................................................................................6 Customer Service at I-House...................................................................................................6 Discussion items for next meeting:..............................................................................................6 Action items highlighted


Fall Ball Planning •

Ideas: o Compiling our own playlist based on resident requested music o Projector, movie and pizza after the dance

Reports Chair: •

Nathaniel’s meeting with Martin o Meetings on Fridays at 12:30 pm o Dining hall customer service o Custodial customer service o E-mail from Board Member about bringing films to I-House (film festival)  Relationship with Fox to bring movies in advance of theatrical airings  Nima: Idea about bringing in a friend’s independent film  Want to bring in more independent films or foreign films o Greening of I-House o Increasing resident involvement & resident satisfaction

Treasurer: •

Movies o Acquiring 11 movies, at a cost of $212 o Reviewed movie titles and prices o Concerns about movie zoning, can we get the movies for America’s Region? o Vote: Should we buy the 11 movie titles?  Approved. Motion #: 513 o Pui-Wa: Get prices for a Netfix account o Frederik: Look into prices for multi-region DVD player Rollover money from past semesters o Council can access rollover money from past semesters in an emergency situation o Nima: Talk to Martin about keeping track of reserve funds o Current budget is $19,670 for this semester o Nima & Frederik: Work on putting budget breakdown online o Concerns about rent pricing increases, and prices for double rooms o Budget committee: Discussion about concerns related to rent pricing

Secretary: •

All is good

Web Master: •

Found a solution to publish web pages easily – Wordpress.org 2

• • • •

Website committee: Meeting to discuss layout and requirements of website Sketch of website could be ‘up and running’ by the end of the weekend Frederik: Speak to I-House webmaster to discuss security concerns of website Discussions about making budgetary numbers public on the website o New prospective residents may be interested in seeing council/budget information o Concerns about publishing budgetary numbers since there may be many differing opinions about spending o Money used by council does NOT come from room rental fees o It would help residents become aware that there is money available for resident use o Decide whether complete budget numbers and money available should be published

Budget Committee Fall Ball Committee • •

Meeting deferred Program Coordinator: Shahim

Dining Committee •

Advertise dining open forums

Happy Hours and Auditorium Dances Committee •

Need to organize meetings

Mugs, Resident Board • • • • • • • • • •

Received e-mailed information about manufacturers Worked with Shanti in development office Get quotes from three vendors before making decisions Talk to dining hall to determine how many mugs they have, how much they cost, etc. Look into purchasing mugs in large quantities which we can use for subsequent semesters Larger mugs? Having residents purchase the mugs Discussion about making mugs mandatory? Not having paper cups available? Personalization of mugs Julie: Develop proposal for mugs, work with Shanti

Nintendo Wii • • •

Frederik: Discuss further with Casper to develop the idea Research into whether there is a new console coming out in near future. Is it a wise investment? Need to determine how/which games are purchased


Need to develop security policy/controls to ensure it will not go missing: o Eric: Possibly using policy which we develop to control the guitars/amps for the Wii

Fox Sports Channel • • •

No proposals put forward Concerns about us still paying for the channels but not having the proper equipment to view them Luke: Contact Naim and Eric to get in touch with physical operations

Movie Nights • • •

Discussion once Eric returns Need volunteers to organize movie nights – Monique, Pui-Wa and Amit Need to decide location of the movie nights

Old Business Wine Tasting • • • • • • •

Need more residents to sign up Picnic sites Redesigning posters, more posters? Announce wine tasting (and other events) during coffee hour Establish an advertising committee for events in general – Refer to Advertising Committee Heading below Consider moving wine tasting to the following day, or following weekend Luke: Decide when the event should be held

Dome Lighting •

No discussion

Advertising Committee • • • •

• •

Brief announcements during coffee hour Signs at the entrance to coffee hour Using website to publicize events Members of advertising o Hadas o Julie o Pui-Wa o Amit o Monique Promote wine tasting event Put event flyers on doors


Advertising football game event

Security Supervisor •

Updates to follow

No End in Sight Film •

No discussion

New Business Council Meetings •

5:30 to 7:00 pm on Friday evenings

911 issues Wireless Network • •

Technology committee: Reliability of I-House wireless network in library, improving the wireless access or restoring AirBears in the library? Poor response time from emergency response (911) because it was called from a cell phone. Need more information about which number to call from cell phones o Posting signs in the rooms?

Meetings with Director of Dining • •

Wednesdays 12-1 and 3 food forums per semester Fresh food revolution o Proposal to establish joint I-House council, staff, resident committee to look at acquiring local foods o Concerns about costs o Dining committee: research the improvement of food through use of organic foods, environmentally friendly grown local food, etc. Put forward a proposal

Energy & Waste issues • • •

Ideas about replacing incandescent lights with compact florescent Recycling program for old lights Referred to Naim

Suggestions for party band • •

Review e-mail Having live band for parties

Fitness Classes • •

Send ideas to Ira Concerns about replicating what’s already offered at the RSF


Internal Energy Task Force • •

Council members / residents can get on task force Members: o Chair: Naim o Pui-Wa o Vincent

Cal Sports - Approved • • • • • •

Motion #: 514 Homecoming game, Washington State Game Total ticket price $34 (Council could cover $14) Distribution of tickets o Sell tickets first come first serve, if there is a demand for more tickets we may purchase more? Up to $1,360 initial purchase, after resident payments, total of $560 for 40 students Residents are being charged $14

Projector for meetings •

Bringing a projector to show minutes

Customer Service at I-House • • • •

Establish awards recognition for good workers Send general notice to staff about etiquette If the employee is still having trouble, manager should talk with employee one on one Dining committee: Find out about policies related to etiquette

Discussion items for next meeting: • •

Service at the RSC o Policies about fines at the RSC Event for thanks giving weekend


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