Igniting The Genius Within - Part 9 - E.s.srinivas Xlri

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“Igniting the Genius Within” Leading and Innovating through Turbulent Times October 22-25, 2009 Centre for Leadership Innovation and Change held at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad. October 22-25, 2009.

E S Srinivas

Beginnings … •

Leadership Development Programs and OD

Psychology of Religion and Spirituality

Positive Psychology

Self Development Books

Indian Psychology – symposium and special issue – conference paper - IIT Delhi

Personal Life Experiences


E S Srinivas

Wisdom as Foundational Strength & Virtue: is one of the 6 Virtues shared around the world and through time What is wisdom? Exemplars 1.Think of famous people past & present who exemplify your idea of a wise person. 2. Who in your own life is the wisest person you know? 3. What makes a person wise? Wise about what? 4. How does a person develop wisdom or become wise? 5. Is wisdom the “master” virtue - foundation for others?

E S Srinivas

Research (2002)




Sheer Fame

1.Einstein 2. Bill Clinton 3. Da Vinci 4. Prime Minister 5. Gates 6. Shakespeare 7. Hawking 8.Oprah Winfrey 9.Newton 10.Mozart 11.Edison 12.Suzuki 13. Madonna 14.Gorbachev 15. Trudeau

Da Vinci Picasso Michelangelo Mozart Spielberg Shakespeare Michael Jackson Beethoven Walt Disney Robin Williams Salvador Dali Madonna Freud Alexander G. Bell Margaret Atwood

Gandhi Confucious Jesus M.L. King Socrates Mother Theresa Solomon Buddha Pope Oprah Winston Churchill Dali Lama Ann Landers Nelson Mandela Queen Elizabeth

Princess Dianna Elvis Presley Michael Jordan Muhammand Ali Michael Jackson Bill Clinton Madonna Wayne Gretzky Bill Gates JF Kennedy Nelson Mandela Marilyn Monroe Adolph Hitler George Bush Sr. Jesus Christ

No overlap creativity & wisdom; 27% overlap-creative & intelligent; 7% between wisdom & creativity. Oprah only one listed in both intelligent & wisdom.

E S Srinivas

Defining Wisdom

Surveys - Attributes of Wise People 1.

Wisdom as storehouse of knowledge about conduct of life (not technical know-how) - learned life’s lessons, values others advice, knowledge of self, environment, learned from mistakes, uncommon understanding of human nature


Wisdom as reasoning ability - uncommon ability to reason through problem, integrate information, see new solutions. Includes “intuition” - read between lines and see deeper truths

E S Srinivas

3. Wisdom as good judgment - superior judgment and advice, able to deal with uncertainty and limits of knowledge ( what can know) 4. Wisdom as perspective - able to take the big picture view and appreciate differences between people & cultures 5. Wisdom as virtue - use of knowledge for well-being of self and others Bottom Line: expert knowledge in confronting difficult & complex issues in life.

E S Srinivas

Two Theories of Wisdom Sternberg - Balance Theory Baltes - Wisdom as Expert Knowledge in the Conduct of Life Sternberg - Wise people build up practical knowledge in how to live successful life focused on a common rather than self-interested good. Balance Theory - balancing three interests and courses of action. Interests: 1. Own interests & needs 2. Interests & needs of important others, e.g., kids, spouse, friends, employer 3. Needs of community, nation, religion, environment

E S Srinivas

Balance Theory

Actions 1. Change self (adaptation) 2. Change environment including others 3. Select new environment altogether Example: Sandwich Generation: Two successful careers, kids in or headed to college. Aging parents with failing health. How to balance limited financial & emotional resources and commitments to self, spouse, kids, & parents? How to balance competing interests? What is a wise course of action?

E S Srinivas

Baltes - Wisdom as expert knowledge of the fundamental pragmatics of life

Pragmatics of Life Knowledge & judgment about essence of human condition and ways/means of planning/managing a good life. Assessment: Five Criteria 1. Factual knowledge - “whats” of human condition people, relationships, human nature 2. Procedural knowledge - knowing how to solve life’s problems, conflicts, goals, etc. 3. Lifespan contextualism - knowledge of different life domains - work, family, leisure 4. Relativism of values - awareness of individual & cultural differences - life priorities 5. Aware & deal with uncertainty - recognize limits of knowledge & future

E S Srinivas

Baltes -Expert knowledge in conduct of life

Test: Present challenging life scenarios - responses judged by panel of experts according to five criteria. What should a person do and consider in such a situation: - Phone call from friend contemplating suicide. - A 15-year-old girl wants to get married right away. What should one/she consider and do? Low Wisdom Response “A 15-year-old girl wants to get married? No, no way, marrying at age 15 would be utterly wrong. One has to tell the girl that marriage is not possible. (Probe) It would be irresponsible to support such an idea. No, this is just crazy.”

E S Srinivas

High Wisdom Response “Well, on the surface, this seems like an easy problem. On average, marriage for a 15-year-old girl is not a good thing. But there are situations where the average case does not fit. Perhaps in this instance, special life circumstances are involved, such as the girl has a terminal illness. Or the girl has just lost her parents. And also, this girl may live in another culture or historical period. Perhaps she was raised with a value system different from ours. In addition, one also has to think about the adequacy of talking with the girl and to consider her emotional state.”

E S Srinivas

Baltes- Expert Knowledge in Conduct of Life

Research: Are experts wiser? - A bit, but age seems more important. Clinical psychologist better than average. Are wise people happier? - No. Fewer negative emotions & positive emotions - big picture view & more self-control = less reactive, positive or negative, to life events. Master Virtue - wise people as compassionate, kind, humble, fair, prudent. SOC Model - Selection, Optimization with Compensation Wise people more likely to select life goals that matter, find ways to optimize their achievement, and compensate when means to goals are closed off. e.g., farmer, gardener, window box

E S Srinivas

Self-Control as Master Virtue

Baumesiter & Exline - self-control as moral muscle for virtue. Especially - relationships with others - critical to well-being and society - selfcontrol - putting others rather than self first. Self-Control & Seven Deadly Sins gluttony, sloth, greed, lust, envy, anger, pride Each requires self-control to avoid. Vices = failed control. Self-control necessary to guide virtuous behavior as a goal. Conform to own standards.

E S Srinivas

Propositions - Leadership Quarterly 2009 article

Wise Leaders … •

use reason and careful observation

allow for non-rational and subjective elements when making decisions

value humane and virtuous outcomes

and their actions are practical and oriented towards everyday life, including work

are articulate, understand the aesthetic dimension of their work, and seek the intrinsic personal and social rewards of contributing to the good life

E S Srinivas

A Process View of Wisdom ÎYang (2008) defines wisdom as a real-life process which consists of three core components—integration, embodiment, and positive effects. They suggest that wisdom could be defined more broadly, as a special kind of real-life process that is accomplished after a person cognitively makes an unusual integration, embodies his/her ideas through action, and hence brings forth positive effects to both self and others. “ E S Srinivas

ÎWisdom requires knowledge but not necessarily

a great accumulation of it. Wisdom is critically dependent on values, judgement, insight, creativity, and other transcendent forms of human intellection. Wisdom is concerned less with how much we know and more with what we do and how we act. Wisdom is a way of being and is fundamentally practical in a complex and uncertain world.

E S Srinivas

Î Csikszentmihalyi and Rathunde (1990, p.44) argue that

a disorienting grandiosity and remoteness are dangers that might be associated with the pursuit of wisdom. So too is the vice of a self deluded righteousness. These can lead to complacency and a lack of humility such as believing that we are smarter than we really are, and to believing that we unquestionably know what is best for everyone and everything. Nevertheless, as they also argue: Î “What this suggests to our contemporary way of thinking is that, even under the best conditions, knowledge is dangerous. But then so is ignorance. The point is to understand what are the dangers peculiar to wisdom so that we can reap its benefits while avoiding as much as possible of its negative effects.”

E S Srinivas

IP … •

Action not Inaction – Turns you towards life, not away from it. Life assertive, not lifenegating.

Well-Being of the World; Establishment of Dharma. Leaders in the War

Psychological Maturity: Level 5 Leadership of a higher order – Ability to integrate apparently opposite concepts

Jeste and Vahia (2008) article in Psychiatry

E S Srinivas

Bhagavat-Gita and … •

Wage the battle of life and Personal Growth – Victor Frankl and Scott Peck

Living life fully and intensely. Some scriptures suggest achievement serenity by withdrawing from life. Gita asks you to achieve serenity in the battlefield itself.

Î Use

of the Gita as a text of personal transformation through life-assertion and intense living.

E S Srinivas

Bhagavat-Gita and …

Rajarshi yoga. Live in the world, but do not sell yourself to it. Master of the world, not its slave. Krishna’s Yoga is meant for busy executives. Literally. and not for reclusives. Imam vivaswate yogam… Shreyas and Preyas

Self Mastery - Work Life Balance -

E S Srinivas

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