Identificationsfor The Reformation Unit

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  • April 2020
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Villalobos Period C World History

Eamon Barkhordarian 10/26/08

Identifications Ulrich Zwingli- was a priest leader of the Reformation in Switzerland. Zwingli was a humanist and a scholar with many devoted friends and disciples. he was influenced by the writings of Erasmus. Was a priest that admired Erasmus. He rejected elaborate church rituals. He stressed the bible. Act of supremacy-was an Act of Parliament under King Henry VIII of England that declared that he was 'the only supreme head in earth of the Church of England' Henry, who had been declared "Defender of the Faith" (Fidei Defensor) for his pamphlet accusing Martin Luther of heresy, was now confirmed as head of the Church of England. The act was a result of Henry's want of an annulment of his marriage to Catherine of Aragon; however, Pope Clement VII had refused to grant it. The Act of Supremacy caused any act of allegiance to the Pope (or any other non-Episcopalian religion, for that matter) to be considered treason. Book of common prayer- The Book of Common Prayer is the common title of a number of prayer books of the Church of England and used throughout the Anglican Communion. The first book, published in 1549 (Church of England 1957), in the reign of Edward VI, was a product of the English Reformation following the breach with Rome. The 1549 book was rapidly succeeded by a reformed revision in 1552 under the same editorial hand, that of Thomas Cranmer, Archbishop of Canterbury. It never came into use because, on the death of Edward VI, his half-sister Mary I restored Catholic worship. Huguenot- (pg. 48) The Huguenots were members of the Protestant Reformed Church of France (or French Calvinists) from the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries. Huguenots faced periodic persecution from the outset of the Reformation; but Francis I (reigned 1515–1547) initially protected them from Parliamentary measures designed for their extermination. Theocracy- Theocracy is a form of government run by religious leaders. In keeping with his teachings, this is what Calvin set up. Disputation- Martin Luther opened the Protestant Reformation by inviting discussion upon his 95 theses, 31 October, 1517. for an ordinary scholastic dispute. Inquisition-This was strengthened by Pope Paul. This was a Church court set up during the middle ages. To root out heresy, they used torture, testimony, and execution. Also, it prepared an index of forbidden books which were books that were considered too immoral or irreligious for Catholics to read. The peace of Augsburg- allowed German princes to select either Lutheranism or Catholicism within the domains they controlled. Neither the Anabaptists nor the

Villalobos Period C World History

Eamon Barkhordarian 10/26/08

Calvinists were protected under the peace, so many Protestant groups living under the rule of a Lutheran prince still found themselves in danger of the charge of heresy.

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