Humanities - The 20th Century - The Cold War - Student Work 2

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  • Words: 558
  • Pages: 13
The Domino Effect

Europe Before the Cold War

Ronald Reagan • January 20, 1981, Reagan is elected 40th President of the united states • In January 1984 Reagan announces his foreign policy speech to the public • Later went on to have three meetings with Mikhail Gorbachev (USSR leader) discussing Nuclear arms and the cold war • He steps down as

Mikhail Gorbachev • In 1985 Mikhail Gorbachev becomes President of the USSR • In June, 1987 he announced perestroika and glasnost to public • Gorbachev steps down as President of USSR in 1991, December 25 • Hammer and sickle is lowered for the last time over the Kremlin

Gorbachev and Reagan meet • November 21 1985, Gorbachev and Reagan meet for the first time and agree to meet two times after • October 11-12 1986, Gorbachev and Reagan meet at the Reykjavik Summit and almost reach an agreement on nuclear arms • Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty is signed by Gorbachev and Reagan in

Able Archer • Soviet air defences take a NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) nuclear release test as a cover up attack on the country and in response to it they place their Soviet nuclear forces on high alert.

Unilateral Moratorium • In 1985 on the 6th of August (40th anniversary of Hiroshima) the Soviets announced a five month unilateral moratorium on the testing of nuclear testing. This meant they would put a stop to all nuclear testing for five months. The USA palmed this off as propaganda and refused to follow. The

Perestroika •In Ju n e 1 9 8 7 G o rb a ch e v a n n o u n ce d Pe re stro ika . H is g o a l w a s to b e o p e n a b o u t h is d e cisio n s to p re ssu re co n se rva tive s w ith in th e p a rty w h o o p p o se d h is p o licie s. Pe re stro ika w a s a g o ve rn m e n ta l re fo rm fo r th e S o vie t U n io n b y n o w b o th g o ve rn m e n ts w e re sta rtin g to th ro w id e a s a ro u n d th a t w e re u n th o u g h t- o f

Challenge of the Berlin Wall • In 1987 Reagan challenged Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin wall. Gorbachev did not take him up on the offer. Again this was something un-thought of.

Withdrawal of Afghanistan • On May 15 1988 the Soviets started to withdraw their troops from Afghanistan. In 1989 they fully withdrew all of their troops completely. This was a turning point for the Cold War

Malta Conference • December 3rd 1989, at the end of the Malta Conference Soviet leader Gorbachev and US President George H. W. Bush declared a long lasting era of peace had begun. This was regarded as the end of the Cold War. Later on the Soviet Union dissolved itself and Russia broke up.

Post Cold War Map

The End

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