Humanities - The 20th Century - Human Rights - 5 Grades

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 614
  • Pages: 2
Twentieth Century Conflict Human Rights Assessment rubric: Strand 1 – Attributes Civics and Citizenship

Well below expected standard

Below expected standard

At expected standard

Above expected standard

Well above expected standard

reflection on the qualities of leadership in a political system

understanding of an issue related to change in the political system

consideration of the arguments for and against a suggested change

using evidence and recognising a number of alternative viewpoints

evaluation of different political leadership styles in the twentieth century

analysis of the role of leaders and other key individuals in societies, and evaluation of their contributions and legacies

understanding of the contribution of significant events to the social, political and cultural development of a nation

comparison and analysis of different perspectives on significant national events

evaluation of the impact of conflicts on nations and on people

critical analysis of the impact of an historical event and its continuing effects

• development of research questions • selection and evaluation of a range of primary and secondary sources • accurate bibliographic conventions in presentations of understandings

• critical analysis of sources for objectivity and bias • synthesis of written and visual evidence to support arguments and conclusions • selection of an appropriate presentation form for the results of an inquiry

• research inquiries which use of a range of resources, including those which show differing interpretations of events and issues • recognition of multiple perspectives on events • evaluation of evidence which supports different interpretations of events

• selection of research methods to suit the task • synthesis of a variety of evidence

• refinement of research methods and forms of presentation in the light of analysis of evidence • analysis of the ways that particular events or periods of time have been interpreted and understood by historians

generation of appropriate questions for exploring and analysing differing perspectives on an issue

Synthesis/reviewing of information when considering various perspectives

processing and synthesis/reviewing of complex information in problem-solving tasks, and consideration of various perspectives/positions and variables in making decisions

processing of complex data and information

Students identify and discuss the qualities of leadership through historical examples.

Strand 2 – Knowledge Humanities – History Students analyse the impact of significant events and ideas in shaping world history in the twentieth century. Strand 2 – Knowledge Humanities – History Students frame research questions and locate relevant resources. They evaluate a range of primary and secondary sources and use historical conventions such as footnotes Strand 3 – Skills Thinking Processes Students make informed decisions based on their analysis of various perspectives and, sometimes contradictory information. Students articulate and defend their own opinions. Teacher Comment:

application of a range of appropriate strategies when reasoning

Organisation Suggestions:


Quality of Essay Personal reflections Responsibilities Class work Strand 1 Attributes Personal Learning Self Reflection

Below expected level Domino Set is disorganised. Graphic Organiser poorly used. Essay partially completed. No personal reflections were offered. Work not submitted on time. Required many reminders from the teacher to be on task. Knowledge and skills for managing time and focusing on task requirements with minimal supervision

At expected level Domino Set is organised with well explained captions. Graphic Organiser used well.

Above expected level Domino Set is organised with well explained captions. Graphic Organiser used well.

Essay answers all sections.

Essay includes extra detail.

Some personal views on the issues gathered are included. Work submitted on time.

Offers a comprehensive list of personal reflections on Hitler. Work submitted on time.

Required minimal reminders from the teacher to be on task. Self-directed time management with a focus on task requirements

Required no reminders from the teacher to be on task. Solution-focused behaviour to achieve learning goals

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