House Sucre

  • May 2020
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Welcome Built in the “Limeno” Republican style, House Sucre offers to his visitors a pleasant stay in his comfortable rooms and the friendly and personalized treatment our guests receive to enjoy an unforgettable experience during his visit to Peru. House Sucre is located in the district of Miraflores , one of the most exclusive and cozy districts of Lima, where you can find restaurants with the finest varieties of national and international dishes, as well as discos, pubs, museums, shopping malls, craft markets, cinemas and theatres. It’s all this, what makes the district the preferred one by tourists who visit Peru. During your stay in House Sucre, be sure to visit the Larcomar Shoping Center, The Kennedy Park, The park of Love, and enjoy a walk in front of the Sea of Miraflores. Nearly Jorge Chavez International Airport and 15 minutes from Lima Downtown, House Sucre is one of the places that deserve the preference of tourists who come to Peru either for business or pleasure.

Services All our facilities have:

• • • • • • • •

cable television with 90 channels Shower with Thermo Internet to your laptop Room service Laundry Service Safety Camera Baggage Room City Tours

Rooms and Fees (Habitaciones y Tarifas) Las habitaciones Simples , Dobles y Triples estan disponibles desde 20 USD (US Dolares) por alojado. The Simple, Double and Triple Rooms are available from 20 USD (US Dollars) per lodged. Reservations



Last Name: Country: e-mail: Phone: Fax: Arrival 01







Fly: Airline: Departure 01

Fly: Airline: Servicies Room:




Rooms: (USD 18 per Lodged):


City Tours Ya no va a ser necesario esta sub pagina

Tips for travelers This is a list of recommendations to consider for tourists who visit the coast, jungle and highlands of Peru: 1 .- pills for stomach ailments.

2 .- Pills for urinary tract infections (single women). 3 .- Antihistamines (pills for allergies) for insect bites. 4 .- High degree sunscreen. 5 .- mosquito repellent. 6 .- For those who will reserve in the jungle like Manu or other remote, it is also recommended repellent for use on special clothing. 7 .- During the rainy season (from December to late March), wear adequate clothing (poncho, jacket and trousers, shoes / slippers, raincoats, hats, etc.). 8 .- For high altitude the best it’s a “Mate de Coca” well charged, followed by a coramina glucose (generic name for pills against height) and rest for two or three hours. The Height illness is inevitable for some people and there is nothing to do apart from the mention before. Perhaps the pills for headache may be the last option. 9 .- If it’s and adventure tourism, the instructions mention before are the best plus tablets to purify water, or water filters. 10 .- A detail not to forget for those who will undertake a tour, especially the adventure tour, is demanding a first aid kit that must be provided by the operator or agency providing the service. Recommendations made by: Jaime Perez Del Solar

Larco Museum (Museo Larco) Rodeado de hermosos jardines, el Museo Larco se encuentra situado dentro de una mansión virreinal única en su género y que data del siglo XVIII, la cual fue a su vez, construida sobre una pirámide precolombina del siglo VII.

Presenta la más fina y excepcional colección de oro y plata del antiguo Perú, así como la famosa colección de arte erótico, uno de los atractivos turísticos más visitados en el Perú.

El Museo Larco es uno de los pocos museos en el mundo donde los visitantes pueden recorrer su depósito y apreciar los 45,000 objetos arqueológicos debidamente clasificados, lo cual constituye una experiencia inolvidable.

Las obras de arte del Museo Larco han sido exhibidas en los más prestigiosos museos del mundo y son consideradas íconos del arte precolombino a nivel mundial.

Fundado en 1926 por el arqueólogo peruano Rafael Larco Hoyle, el Museo Larco responde preguntas que todo peruano y extranjero se hace: ¿Porqué el Perú fue una cuna de civilizaciones? ¿Cómo lograron los Inkas tan alto desarrollo?.

El Museo exhibe galerías impresionantes de manera cronológica que muestran un panorama excepcional de 3000 años de desarrollo de la historia del Perú precolombino.

Surrounded by beautiful gardens, the Larco Museum is located inside a virreinal mansion unique in his genre and dating from the eighteenth century, which was built on a pre-Columbian pyramid of the seventh century.

It presents the finest and unique collection of ancient gold and silver from Peru and the famous collection of erotic art, one of the most visited tourist attractions in Peru.

The Larco Museum is one of the few museums in the world where visitors can go to the warehouse and appreciate the 45000 archaeological objects properly classified, which is an unforgettable experience.

The artworks of Larco Museum have been displayed in the most prestigious museums in the world and are considered icons of pre-Columbian art worldwide.

Founded in 1926 by the Peruvian archaeologist Rafael Larco Hoyle, the Museo Larco answered questions that every Peruvian and foreign ask him self: Why Peru, was a cradle of civilizations? How the Incas achieved such a high development?.

The museum exhibits galleries so impressive in a chronological way, this shows an exceptional overview of 3000 years of development in the history of pre-Columbian Peru. Visit it in: 15 minutes in taxi from Miraflores, San Isidro or the International Airport Jorge Chávez of Lima. Monday - Sunday 09:00 - 18:00 (including holidays) Bolívar Avenue 1515 Pueblo Libre * Phone/fax 461 1312 / 461 1835 [email protected]



Lima Republican style, located in the heart of miraflores, House Sucre offers: large rooms, confort , tranquility, safety and a nice treatment Simple room Double room Triple room Includes: American Breakfast, Cable TV, Internet WiFi Private bathrooms with thermo Additional Services Transportation Laundry Service Room Service Tour Information Wifi Internet 2.

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