Horizon - Third Edition

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Issue N3, 14th February 2009

Love: a state of being

Flowering Fully

The history of Valentine

Tribute to Mansour Rahbani

In Germany get free lessons in flirting

How glorious is Valentine

Beirut resident keeps pair of young crocodiles at home

Drawing on the streets of Beirut

Frozen chicken brings cafe thief undone

7 Ways To Avoid The Winter Funk

People in Love Are Blind to Pretty Faces

Love: a state of being Usually on Valentines, people and companies alike, tend to deliver explanations and definitions of Love which they come up with out of the blue, and not out of reality. In this editorial, and although it is unusual for one to write about oneself, this writer felt the need to share a personal experience. Some might agree with what you are about to read, and some might not. Having set a number of objectives and organized my priorities in Life, Fate intervened and I met someone that turned my life upside down and derailed all the plans I had made. Soon, our lives became intertwined and our paths merged into one. Envisioning our relationship as a fairytale where Love, even alone, could suffice to overcome anything and where everything is shared, and expecting my partner to possess certain utopian qualities, traits and behavioral aspects, I soon came to realize the fantasy was just it: a fantasy. Disappointed and frustrated to find the ground so inconsistent with the expectations, my willingness to pour my essence into the relationship, lay down all my defenses, and reveal all my cards grew into a halt. Nevertheless, she was the most important individual in my life, so I had to find a solution to the conundrum. Maybe if I knew how much she loved me and to which extent, I could manage to compensate for the difference between utopia and reality, if not even fully overcome it. A status quo was hence established until my new mission draws its end; scenarios were established with the sole purpose of testing this love from her part. Hurt to the core by my attempts (though never was it my intention to harm her), everything starting going downhill, till finally she could take it no longer. It was then that I knew how much she loved me (which I shouldn’t even have tried to assess in the first place since the signs were everywhere, but I was too blinded to see) and to which point I inflicted her pain, as well as figuring out that I ruined this very special journey for her with my ludicrous perceptions, preconceptions, and character assassination. In a flash, every reservation I had vanished, and my castle fully opened its doors to her majesty, but the damage has already been done. I attempted to redeem myself and was willing to go to the ends of the Earth; it was too late to make amends. My image became too distorted and her false (though justifiable to a certain extent) judgments and perceptions of me became too difficult to repair. From this experience, a new understanding of the notion was born. In True Love, the mind takes second row to the heart. One’s entire actions and behavior are dictated by impulse and blind overwhelming passion towards the partner. What drives the overtaken is not Logic nor Reason, but rather

the mere desire to please thy loved one and make him/her happy whatever it takes, even if at your own expense. One is willing to offer his life just so that she rewards him with a smile, and he does not ask for more. Better yet, the person in love will do anything and sacrifice everything for his love, without having a single regret. He might do the silliest things or make the stupidest moves, things that outsiders might find strange or even make fun of, but he could not care less. Only one person’s opinion counts and that’s all what there needs to be really. One can’t enjoy his day without hearing the sweet voice of his lover or catching a glimpse of her. Even on his worst day, just one glance at her or one word coming out of her divine cords is enough to make him forget all his sorrows, grievances, and annoyances. One does not wait for the other to love him; his actions, his behavior. his kindness, his care, his love, his passion, they will make her love him. He just needs to be simple in his thoughts, and act from his heart. That’s all there is to it. Love is not a state of mind, it’s a state of being. In love, you put yourself on the line and never look back or have regrets. This individual had to learn what Love is all about, hopefully you know it by nature and instinct; if not, I hope this article have helped, even the tiniest bit, in averting the avoidable and showing your partner his/ her choice was the right one.

The History of Valentine’s Day

Every February, across the country, candy, flowers, and gifts are exchanged between loved ones, all in the name of St. Valentine. But who is this mysterious saint and why do we celebrate this holiday? The history of Valentine’s Day — and its patron saint — is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient rite? Today, the Catholic Church recognizes at least three different saints named Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom were martyred. One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men — his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.

Other stories suggest that Valentine may have been killed for attempting to help Christians escape harsh Roman prisons where they were often beaten and tortured. According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first ‘valentine’ greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl — who may have been his jailor’s daughter — who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed ‘From your Valentine,’ an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories certainly emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic, and, most importantly, romantic figure. It’s no surprise that by the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France. Pope Gelasius declared February 14 St. Valentine’s Day around 498 A.D. The Roman ‘lottery’ system for romantic pairing was deemed un-Christian and outlawed. Later, during the Middle Ages, it was commonly believed in France and England that February 14 was the beginning of birds’ mating season, which added to the idea that the middle of February should be a day for romance. The oldest known valentine still in existence today was a poem written by Charles, Duke of Orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt. The greeting, which was written in 1415, is part of the manuscript collection of the British Library in London, England. Several years later, it is believed that King Henry V hired a writer named John Lydgate to compose a valentine note to Catherine of Valois.

How glorious is Valentine Looking at the eternal fire by your side I am grateful to be with you on this ride Flame after flame, I see them in your eyes Just by staring at you, my heart jumps from its place and flies Sipping the red wine, it tastes almost as sweet as you Men, in hordes, worship at your feet! Yes, it’s true Yet you picked me, the ever unworthy The stars surely have smiled upon me to be so lucky Graceful, enchanting, and filled with poise, you’re a model in decorum Just one touch from you can cure a guy coughing up sputum We talk and talk till the night owls sound the horn

The magical night is over! Begging time to freeze I mourn Seeing you enter your home, I take solace that your heart is mine A beautiful day carved forever in the mind, how glorious is Valentine!

Flowering Fully Once upon a time there was a king who ruled a small kingdom. The only remarkable thing about the kingdom was a great perfect diamond that had been in the royal family for generations. The diamond was kept on public display and people came from far and wide to admire and gaze at it . . . . . . Then one day a soldier came and told the king that although no one had touched it, for it was guarded night and day, the diamond was cracked. Immediately the king summoned all the jewelers of the land; one after another they inspected the diamond. To the great sadness of everyone all the jewelers came to the same conclusion - the diamond was useless; irredeemably flawed. Then out of nowhere there came an old man who claimed to be a jeweler. He asked to see the diamond. After examining it he looked up, and confidently told the king, “I can fix it. In fact I can make it better than it was before. Give me a week and I’ll have it done.” The king was leery, but he gave the old man a room in the castle along with all the tools, food and drink he needed. It was a long week . . . At the end of the week the old man appeared and put the stone in the king’s hand. The king couldn’t believe his eyes. It was magnificent! The old man had fixed it and made it even better than before. He had used the crack that ran through the middle of the stone as a stem and carved an intricate full-blown rose, complete with thorns and leaves. It was exquisite. The king was so overjoyed that he offered the old man half his kingdom. He had taken the flawed, useless stone and made it a priceless thing of beauty. But the old man refused in front of everyone saying, “All I did was give a little love, care and attention to something that was wounded and cracked at its heart. The radiance and beauty was always there, it was just hidden by an apparent flaw.” When we love and care for ourselves with all of our flaws and fractures,  doing the same for others becomes a natural way of living. Love can truly heal the world.

In Germany, get free lessons in flirting In a bid to spruce up their love life, a German university is offering free “flirting” courses to techies. A record number of 440 engineering students at Potsdam University, near German capital Berlin, have already signed up for the two-week course

which is open to those having Masters degrees only, and includes lessons on “cool” walking. Students will be taught how to seduce and flirt with members of the opposite sex, using texts and emails, and by interacting at parties. And, they’ll also be given lessons on how to hold a captivating conversation with a potential mate, ‘The Daily Telegraph’ reported. The lessons are part of the social skills section of the IT course and are designed to ease the students’ entry into the world of work. The course will contain a module on rejection. The techies will also learn body language, public- speaking, stress management and presentation skills. Philip von Senftleben, an author and radio presenter who will teach the course at the university, summed up his job as teaching how to “get someone else’s heart beating fast while yours stays calm”. Hans-Joachim Allthe university, said: students with the succeed both in life.”

gaier, a Spokesman for “We want to prepare our social skills needed to their private life and work

Drawing on the streets of Beirut to spread the values of respecting diversity and difference “We are for each other”, “We refuse discrimination”, “you don’t know what’s in my heart” are few examples of slogans adopted by the “Few meters away” organization volunteers, who carried them to Beirut, Jbeil and Sidon. They embody them as drawings, colors, and different expressions on the sidewalks to spread human values built on indiscrimination and calling to respect diversity and difference. The volunteers and the student groups divided their work on three Sundays; they started on Gemmayzeh’s famous stairway, and then moved on the following week to Jbeil, to end with Sidon. The workshop began at 9 am, and 35 student volunteers spread all along the street facing the Jbeil citadel. They drew their thoughts with wax and chalk. It was past noon when the drawings and the shiny coordinated colors came to be. Ralph Massen and his group drew the “Heart of the Other” and “You don’t know what’s in my heart”, and as Massen pointed out, it represents that Man must not judge on the other from the outside, and that “we embodied that with a can of peas which when opened we find other things”. He further clarifies the idea with the expression “You don’t know what’s in my heart”, meaning

Don’t judge beforehand. In another location, a group expressed its refusal of racial discrimination in its various forms by

drawing a balance inside a circle expressing racial discrimination, and another expressing sex segregation. A well, a third group drew what binds people together, saying in colors “We’re for each other” and “Colors unite us”, indicating a necessity for diversity. The Media committee member Farah Baalbaki spoke on “The other” program considering it an idea aiming for dialogue in all moral subjects. She started three workshops have been executed so far with funding from the European Union, joining 25-30 high school students carefully picked based on the diversity of their cultural, religious, social and gender status in order to reflect the human social fabric. She added that students debated on the concepts of difference, diversity, and indiscrimination in active educational manner. She also stated that this year they wanted to resort to a style never witnessed in Lebanon before which is sidewalk drawing in order to get people’s attention to the cause, but municipalities refused the usage of fixed paint, so they had to use wax and chalk which unfortunately quickly wash away. Student Eliana Salame expressed her relief to the style which affects the participants and everyone who communicates with the language of Drawing. But she saw that its impact on the national level might not be big, yet “despite everything, we are lighting a candle of Good rather than cursing Darkness”.

Frozen chicken brings cafe thief undone

A thief who used a frozen chicken as a tool to break into a cafe was caught after he cut his wrist and was forced to phone an ambulance, Australian police said

Wednesday. The man stole the chicken during an earlier break-in at a butcher’s shop/ at Macksville, north of Sydney, but came off second best when he tried to use the frozen bird and some rocks to break into a cafe, slashing open his wrist. “He thought he was dying,” a police spokesman who would not be named told Reuters from Macksville police headquarters. The 20-year-old man dialed an emergency 000 number to call an ambulance and was arrested shortly after being treated by paramedics, he said. The man was charged with breaking-and-entering and was due to face a local court in nearby Kempsey later Wednesday.

Beirut resident keeps pair of young crocodiles at his home

Firas Abu Fakher finds it very interesting to raise exotic animals at his home in Beirut, including two crocodiles “despite the great danger they may pose as they grow up.” “I love raising special animals at home,” he told. “I have raised a monkey and several birds that we don’t normally find in Lebanese homes.” Abu Fakher said the crocodiles he owned belonged to the Nile species. “I love being special in everything I do,” he added. “Many of my friends [say] I am insane.” Abu Fakher said that he bought the two animals nine months ago. “I found them by coincidence at the store where I buy food for my fish,” he said. “They were 30 centimeters long at the time. Today, Champ, the male, is 87 centimeters long while the female, Stella, is 90 centimeters.” Abu Fakher said he learned how to care for his crocs through “exhaustive” research over the

Internet that lasted for more than one month. “My crocs are living in a water basin that I have placed on the rooftop of my house, while providing it with water heaters in order to keep it warm,” he said. “The water temperature needs to remain at 26 degrees Celsius. As for the food, they consume more than 1 kilogram of fish per week,” he added. Asked about the differences between the two predators, Abu Fakher said the female’s eyes were wider than the males. He also cautioned that while the female appeared to be more ferocious in interaction between the two, the male “is more fierce with humans.” He also said that he liked to build a “friendly” relationship with his animals. “I try to spend some time with my crocs whenever I am free. I also encourage my 2-year-old son to do so,” he added.

Surf Lebanon Kadisha, the Sacred Valley Kadisha Valley is one of Lebanon’s deepest valleys. In its depth, streams Kadisha River which emanates from a cavern lying at the footsteps of God’s cedars watched over by “Al Korna el Sawda2”. The word Kadisha has a Semite origin meaning “sainthood”, thus “Kadisha valley” became “The Sacred Valley”. Over the ions, since the third millennium BC till the roman era, Man inhabited its caverns and rocky refuges, which later transformed with the arrival of Christianity to the mountain into churches and monasteries. At the town of Torza, the valley splits into two sectors, one leading to the town of Ehden and is known by “Isaiah’s Valley”, and the other leading to the Cedars and is known by “Annoubin’s Valley”, relative to the names of two renowned monasteries in them. The resting of St Shmona: It was built in the Middle Ages inside a rocky cavitation. Until a short period of time, this church was covered with magnificent paintings drawn according to the Syriac byzantine style which dates to the first half of the 13th century, however these frescos have been recently removed after one of the local residents decided to erase and paint the church with calcite. The church lies at the rendez-vous of Houla valley and Annoubin valley, near Dayr el Salib.It can be reached from Hadchit through a slopy path for half an hour on foot. Monastery of Lady Houaa: It’s a small monastery built inside a rocky cavitation which dates back to the late 13th century. It lies close to a rocky fortress known as “Assi Houaa” which roof is decorated with Arabic Christian writings dating back to 1193 AD. Assi is hard to reach except for the experienced rock climbers. Life returns to the monastery on the eve of Virgin Mary’s ascendance on August 14 of every year. The Cross’ monastery (Dayr el Salib): It was built inside a natural rocky cavitation, and it comprises of a double church and a number of caves designed to be hermitages. The remaining drawings have been painted according to the byzantine style. There is also Arabic writing dating back to the Middle Ages. It can be reached from Hadchit along a slopy path for half an hour on foot. St Antonio-Isaiah monastery: this landmark constitutes one of the largest monasteries in the valley, and it appears t have been inhabited in the Middle Ages. The current structure dates back to 1926, while the church which occupies a

part of a rocky cavitation dates back to 1864. The wing allocated to the monastery’s famous printshop dates to 1820-1823.The current printshop has been bought by the monastery in 1871, however the latter used to use simple printers importers from Europe which allowed the monastery to become the first stronghold in Eastern Arabia in the art of printing in Syriac letter. Near the main monastery gate lies a cave named “Magharat el Majanin” where still lie preserved iron chains that were used to shackle the lunatics who were left in the care of the Saint. St Lishaa’s Monastery: It was built inside a rocky cavitation, some parts of which were carved to be hermitages. In one of the tombs was buried a French monk named “Francois de Chastouille” who died in the monastery in 1644. Although it’s impossible to date the establishment of the monastery, historical documents indicate it was a Maronite bishop headquarters in the 14th century and in it was founded the Lebanese Maronite Monastic in 1695. Annoubin’s Monastery: Historical documents point that it was quarters for the Maronite Patriarchal chair between the 15th and the 19th centuries, and at the time it was the vivid heart of the valley. Near the church’s entrance, it is said there lie the remains of Patriarch Youssef el Tiyyen who was naturally mummified thanks to the dryness of the region. Proximity to the church, lies a shrine in the name of St Marina. Diman: Starting from the 19th century, it replaced Annoubin’s monastery as the quarters for the Maronite Patriarchate, and is still till this date the summer quarters for the Patriarchate. Its church is famous for its drawings painted by the Lebanese artist Saliba el Douayhi. St Semaan’s Monastery: This hermitage appears to date back to 1112, when Takla, daughter of a Bcharreh priest named Basilius, built it. It composes of 4 hermitages carved inside a rocky cavitation. The monastery still retains some fresco remains and water collecting basins. This landmark remains an example of the lifestyle of the valley’s hermits.

Médic Astro Une rubrique ironique pour rendre comique la critique. Mois de Novembre 2ème année : Au programme pour ce mois-ci : cours de psycho, socio, culture, français, anglais ... Non Non ! Vous ne vous-êtes pas trompés de faculté. Vous êtes bel et bien en médecine ! Mais en dose très atténuée il faut dire ! Amusez-vous bien, ces heures de détente vous manqueront

bientôt. 3ème année : Extrême soulagement ! Vous venez de terminer le trois quart de votre parcours dans le long chemin d’apprentissage avec le professeur N-G ! Grandes félicitations ! Il ne vous reste que l’aspect clinique des choses sauf pour les malheureux qui seront « rappelés » en plein été !! 4ème année : Entre obsessionnel, angoissé, déprimé ou même schizophrène, chacun de nous a pu trouver son attribut ! Un mois de psychiatrie pure quitte à nous faire croire que la solution ultime à tous no problèmes réside en la psychanalyse ! Ne serait- ce pas plutôt la médecine qui serait coupable de tous nos complexes ? 5ème année : Suite à l’obligation de présence à la faculté, qu’en diriez-vous de rendre obligatoire…la cravate ?!? Costard et bottes cirées, chemises à boutons et smoking, il ne vous manquerait qu’un cigare à la bouche ! Voilà le look de nos jeunes médecins de 5ème année à l’occasion de la cérémonie d’inauguration de cette nouvelle année universitaire. Ce serait quand, par hasard, la prochaine soirée de gala, les gars ?? Mois de Décembre  Malaise, asthénie, manque de sommeil…Altération de l’état général ! Angoisse, attaque de panique, cernes et bouffées d’Adrénaline…toutes sont au rendez-vous. Perte de poids ou extrême boulimie : chacun a sa façon pour combattre le stress. Tout ce lot de sensations à l’occasion de notre premier bloc d’examens de toute l’histoire de la FSM! Notre délivrance ne fut apportée que par la Naissance de notre Sauveur, et tous les espoirs qui ont accompagné chaque battement de cœur à l’aube de cette nouvelle année. Mois de Janvier Perte de concentration, acathésie, tasikinésie…Sortie soudaine des élèves les uns après les autres du cours. Course dans les couloirs et bousculades au Rez-dechaussée. Mais que ce passe-t-il donc à la FSM? Mais oui…bien sûr…Les Notes ont enfin été affichées ! Tellement attendues par certains, redoutées par d’autres… Ce qui est sûr, c’est que leur effet est fort !!

Pour ceux qui sont aux anges…Félicitations, alors que pour les insatisfaits, il serait plutôt conseillé de continuer à bosser : L’heure du 2ême bloc vient de sonner ! Aie ! Courage et Bonne Continuation pour tous.

Par Noura Kaadi

Let’s have a laugh **** A 54 year old woman had a heart attack and was taken to the hospital. While on the operating table she had a near death experience. Seeing God she asked ‘Is my time up?’ God said, ‘No, you have another 43 years, 2 months and 8 days to live.’ Upon recovery, the woman decided to stay in the hospital and have a face-lift, liposuction, breast implants and a tummy tuck. She even had someone come in and change her hair color and brighten her teeth! Since she had so much more time to live, she figured she might as well make the most of it. After her last operation, she was released from the hospital. While crossing the street on her way home, she was killed by an ambulance. Arriving in front of God, she demanded, ‘I thought you said I had another 43 years? Why didn’t you pull me from out of the path of the ambulance?’ - God replied: ‘I didn’t recognize you.’ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------******* This is the actual radio conversation of a US naval ship with Canadian authorities off the coast of Newfoundland in October 1995. Radio conversation released by the chief of naval operations, 10-10-95. CANADIANS: Please divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision. AMERICANS: Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision. CANADIANS: Negative. You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision. AMERICANS: This is the captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course. CANADIANS: No, I say again, you divert YOUR course. AMERICANS: This is the Aircraft Carrier US LINCOLN, the second largest ship in the United

States Atlantic Fleet. We are accompanied with three Destroyers, three Cruisers and numerous support vessels. I DEMAND that you change your course 15 degrees north. I say again, that’s one-five degrees north, or counter-measures will be undertaken to ensure the safety of this ship. CANADIANS: This is a lighthouse. Your call.

Let’s eat Russian salad

This russian salad is known as «STOLICHNEI» or «OLIVIE». What is so special about it is that anyone can make it, in the way that most suites his/her taste. #INGREDIENTS (a meal for 4) > 1 chicken breast >4 eggs >3-4 medium sized potatoes, 2-3 medium sized carrots, ½ a can of green peas >a medium sized jar of Mayonnaise >5-6 pickles, 1-2 medium sized onions The number used of the last 2 ingredients depends on your taste: sour and spicy. #HOW TO PREPARE: Start with boiling: the chicken-20 min, the potatoes and carrots until they become soft-about 20 min, and the eggs-10 min. After that, cut all your ingredients into small cubes, add the peas and then add the mayo. Mix all your ingredients, and you are ready to go! Just a note: if you don’t like a sour taste/ spicy taste, go easy on the pickles/onions and vice versa.

By Anastacia

O’ fashion 7 Ways to Avoid The Winter Funk The coming of winter is a celebration of color -- first the leaves cycle through brilliant shades of orange and red, and soon the skies change and suddenly every square inch is coated with shimmering snowy white. For many, however, there is one more color synonymous with winter: blue.  There isn’t a soul out there unfamiliar with the winter funk (unless you live in the tropics). When the mercury falls and sunlight becomes scarce, it’s not uncommon to become tired, lethargic, irritable, and depressed. Don’t worry -- this year will be different. With our help, you’ll be prepared to fight the funk.   1. Wake up early Why? Because sunlight is scarce in winter. A lack of sunlight is the primary cause of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which can greatly reduce mood and lower your vitamin D to dangerous levels. Lack of vitamin D is a risk factor for osteoporosis and various cancers. Waking up and going to bed early during those gloomy winter months will ensure that you remain in synch with your biological clock, leaving your spirits high and your energy stocks full. Simply put: It’s the number one way to avoid the winter funk. How? Befriend your alarm clock or try a sun lamp -- some swear by the latter.  2.  Take public transportation or car pool. Why? To protect the environment, to avoid the frustration of winter car care and driving, and to get warm and socializing. How? This one’s pretty self-explanatory -- the next time you’re scraping the frost from your windshield, just imagine stepping onto a nice warm bus where the driver isn’t you. Public transportation can definitely be one of the way to avoid the winter funk. 3. Get a cool new winter coat Why? Because your old winter coat is tattered and worn and smells like week-old socks. How? While it’s great to keep warm, there’s no need to sacrifice style. However, don’t think that you need to sacrifice warmth to stay in style. 4. Change your diet Why? To boost your metabolism so that you can burn extra calories while avoiding gaining those few extra pounds of winter insulation.

How? Let’s face it, the majority of people become less active in the winter. When coupled with an intake of fatty foods, the winter recipe is one of weight gain. So, what’s a guy to do? The key is in meal moderation -- eat smaller portions more often and always start your day off right with a light breakfast. Use lean meats in your dinner dishes. To regain protein, increase your intake of legumes and nuts. To stay warm, try low sodium broth- or tomato-based soups with lots of vegetables. And for the most part, avoid fatty foods like cream-based soups, creamy pot pies and chili or stews loaded with non-lean ground beef. 5- Find a winter sport Why? Exercise burns calories and can be a great way to avoid the winter funk. Burning calories will release heat as a by-product, raising your body temperature. Finding a winter sport or group exercise is also a great way to socialize, which should help you conquer the mental pangs of winter-driven depression. How? Most people hunker down over the winter haul, eating more and exercising less, making it all the more important to get up and get active. Get outside. Go for a walk or take up cross country skiing. Get to the gym or take in a group exercise such as spinning or kickboxing. If all else fails, avoid the winter funk by going for a swim followed by a nice hot shower. 6- Start reading Why? Because reading is a great way to avoid the winter funk! Reading offers a great escape from reality, letting you take your mind off the cold. How? It’s time to read that old classic that has been on your to-do list for decades. Go to your local library or your bookstore, talk to a friend for suggestions or get online and do a little research. Don’t just go out and pick any old book blindly. Doing a little background work will keep you reading longer. 7- Stay hydrated  Why? Believe it or not, people are more susceptible to dehydration in cold weather, and even mild dehydration over prolonged periods of time can affect our health. Studies have shown that the human body reacts differently when exposed to cold, decreasing levels of certain fluid-regulating hormones. The result: We simply do not feel as thirsty.   How? If you want a way to avoid the winter funk, drink more water! An excellent way to gauge proper water intake is to check the color of your urine. Your urine should be the color of a manila folder or clearer. Drink early. Drink often. And get creative. Adding some lemon to water will improve its flavor and add important vitamins. Lastly, try warming it up in some hot apple cider or decaffeinated tea.

Health & Science People in Love Are Blind to Pretty Faces

If your loved one claims to “only have eyes for you” this Valentine’s Day, it might be truer than you think. Research shows that people in a committed relationship who have been thinking about their partner actually avert their eyes from attractive members of the opposite sex without even being aware they are doing it. Psychologist Jon Maner of Florida State University and his colleagues flashed pictures of faces on a computer screen for half a second, following it immediately with a square or circle, which participants had to identify by pushing the correct button. Earlier research using this method has found that it takes longer for viewers to shift their attention away from attractive faces of the opposite sex. Maner, however, took subjects who were married or living together monogamously and asked half of them to write about feelings of love for their partner and the other half to write about a happy experience. Those who wrote about love actually turned their attention away from attractive members of the opposite sex even more quickly than they looked away from average-looking people. Subjects who wrote about being happy, however, remained as distracted by a pretty face as ever. This unconscious attentional bias probably evolved to help men and women stay in monogamous relationships, which in humans tend to have a reproductive advantage, Maner explains: “This whole research area is guided largely by an evolutionary perspective. These biases have been built into our psychology to enhance people’s reproductive success.”

Entertainment Top 10 in the USA: 1Taken; 2 Paul Blart: Mall Cop; 3 The Uninvited; 4 Hotel for Dogs; 5 Gran Torino; 6 Slumdog Millionaire; 7 Underworld: Rise of the Lycans; 8 New in Town; 9 My bloody Valentine 3-D; 10 Inkheart Showing in Lebanon: Charbel; W.; Smother; Bride Wars; Traitor;The Tale of Despereaux; Seven Pounds; Genghis Khan: To the Ends of the Earth and Sea; Revolutionary Road; Underworld: Rise of the Lycans; Valkyrie; Yes Man; Vicky Cristina Barcelona; Changeling; Australia; Bedtime Stories; Al Dada Dodgy; Beirut Open City; Taken Collective exhibition @ Sfeir Semler Gallery

Sfeir-Semler Gallery presents the works of Jawad al Malhi, Yasser Alwan, Ayman Baalbaki,Anna Boghiguian, Rami Farah, Joude Gorani, Wafa Hourani, Simon Kabboush, Wael Noureddine, Hani Rashed, Walid Sadek, Akram Zaatari under the theme In the Middle of the Middle The exhibition begins on Nov 19th. It continues till March 24th

Want to play?

- Pro’s Café wins the lead after winning against AUB’s Science & Tech 9-1 in a game held at Emile Lahoud’s sports complex in the 8th round of the Lebanese Indoors Football Championship. - Lebanese pilot of the Kia Prototype (350 horses) Billy Karam ranked second on Friday at the Andros Trophy “Elite 1” semi-finals. He was among the thirty-two pilots who took part of the e 20th edition of the competition hosted at Clermont Superbesse in France. - Female tennis player Maria Sharapova withdraws from the Paris open due to an injury in the right shoulder. - Cleveland Cavaliers superstar Lebron James scored 52 points in his game against the New York Nicks on Madison Square Garden making his 21st triple double in his career. - Injured Liverpool midfielder Steven Gerard will miss the fields for 3 weeks after a rupture in the inner muscle of his right thigh.

- Brazilian legend Luiz Felipe Scolari has been sacked as manager by Chelsea after “deteriorating” results and performances, the Premier League club announced on their Web site on Monday. David Beckham will have to return to the Los Angeles Galaxy next month unless AC Milan raise their bid for the England midfielder.

Inventions & Discoveries - Online retailer Amazon has launched the new version of its electronic book reader, Kindle. Kindle 2 is thinner, slightly lighter and has a longer battery life than the original version that went on sale in November 2007. The company says its new model has seven times more memory, enabling it to hold up to 1,500 titles. - Robotics in Japan, the world leader in the field, seems to bring us new and improved cybernetic sensations on a near-daily basis. The latest is a sort of “Mini-Me”, in either static doll or enhanced robotic form. These little guys (or gals) look like you, talk with your voice and even plug into your computer to access the latest weather and news: told to you in your own voice! - NEC Electronics says that its new processor lets camera-equipped mobile phones provide HD quality video and what is said to be high-quality images comparable to digital still cameras. These statements translate technically into 12-megapixel digital imaging and 1080p quality HD video streaming.

Have some fun!

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For suggestions, feedback, wish to put one’s work in the magazine, or be part of the crew, please contact me at 70/694602 or send a message to [email protected] Editor in Chief & Designer: Jimmy Chahine Publisher: Fourth Year class of Medicine

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