Horizon - Second Edition

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 4,065
  • Pages: 12
Issue N2, 20th December 2009

The right behavior is key

Jordanian duped into paying 1.2 million $

A dangerous kiss Five ways to reach a man’s heart

Woman, a Mirror of her relationship

Goodbye Most Precious A vase that is more Jesus is born...again?

Cure dull winter skin

The right behavior is key Out of many things that have an impact in all aspects of an individual’s life, behavior takes the crown. This notion defines who we are and what we are made of. One could hold all the necessary qualities and the best intentions but if he fails to concretize them in real life, then they are good as inexistent. A good hearted company manager who fails to reward hi employees for their hard work will soon find his business in ruins for he failed to translate his goodness to his staff who see no reason to put their hearts in their work if it will pass unappreciated. Whilst a sleazy avarist could harness the most from his workers just because he knows what it takes to make them happy; even more he would be perceived as the perfect boss. In society, a decent loyal person could be labeled as a bad friend if he doesn’t check too much on his contacts. In contrast, a “self- interest” individual might be considered a very good friend if he often stays close by. Same applies in private life. One could love his or her partner very dearly but fail to show it in the relationship. Whereas another person with shady intentions is seen as a magnificent lover since he knew how to treat him or her. The right behavior and proper treatment of pothers are the basis of success in any field, for others can only judge based on what is tangible. Still, alone it is not enough, since there is a bit more than what is obvious to the naked eye. For example, some treat their lovers like queens, and yet the latter may not love them equally in return. Others can mistreat their women or men, and still be worshipped as well as the ground they walk on. Let us put it simply: the proper treatment of others matters a whole lot, but it is surely not everything. It is up to each one to figure out what kind of spices to add to get a delicious meal.

Woman: a Mirror of her relationship Basic human nature indicates women, unlike men, can not hide their emotions. If one pays attention, it is fairly easy to spot whether a woman is in the middle of a satisfying relationship, a utopian one, or even a terrible one. Quite simply, her actions and behavior are a mirror to the status of her relationship.

Often does a woman experiencing a wonderful love life appear distracted from her usual habits, whether it was work, study or even social interaction. Nonetheless, quite a few do the opposite and their focus and enthusiasm for their jobs, studies, tremendously increase, fueled by a happy mood and an overtaken mind. Sudden giggling and wide brief smiles for no apparent reason are regular customers on the dame’s passionate visage. Most often, it is triggered by a memory enjoyed with they loved one, a clumsy idiotic move or even a saying uttered by the latter which abruptly made scene in the girl’s mind. Alongside her distraction, the woman might unconsciously find herself playing with the curls of her hair. Her eyes, glistening and shining brighter than a star, seem to face into the beyond. Although physically she’s in one place, her mind and thoughts are in another dimension, one where the loved one resides in. Singing remains a pivotal sign of a woman’s happiness in her relationship. When the spirit in is love, the whole world becomes Paradise, and chants appear as a normal manifestation of this joy. Sometimes, humming could also come into play. These are merely a few common signs one could notice when a woman is taking part in a very rewarding relationship. The absence of such manifestations should sound the horns of danger, so work your magic and fix it ASAP before the ship leaves the harbor and sails to see.

A vase that is more As

a special items collector was walking down a Moroccan marketplace, he stood still in front of one stand where lay a beautifully ornamented hand crafted Mesopotamian vase. Enchanted by its splendor and magnificence, he asks the merchants for its price and ultimately ends up buying it. Back to his place, he rests his precious buy in the front lobby on a century old pine desk. Undoubtedly, it was his most precious possession. Time passed by, and the vase became covered with dust. One day, as he was passing by the table, the door bell rang. Caught off-balance, he quickly turned and in seconds the vase lay in pieces on the floor, shattered to many fragments. The man, devastated by the incident, could not bear lose his priceless object. From potters to artifact restorers, he spent weeks and weeks attempting to bring back his vase into its ancient self. He even went to lengths as to take personal pottery lessons in hope of fixing it himself and finally managed to bring the pieces back together. It didn’t last long as the vase broke apart again soon after. Dispirited, the salesman’s words resonated in his head: “What is done can not be undone; you either get by with what remains or you get stuck forever in the past”. The collector had only the memory of his priceless vase, a sole remnant of a lost Divinity.

Jordanian duped into paying $1.2 mln in ‘magic’ gold trick Three Jordanians duped a man into paying them more than one million dollars to extract gold from his Amman farm by “using magic”, police said on Wednesday. Skip related content “The three men were arrested two weeks ago. One of them claimed he was a magician from another Arab country, and even used a non-Jordanian accent,” police spokesman Mohammed Khatib told AFP. “They have deceived the poor old man into believing that large amounts of gold could be found in his farm by using magic.” During the past two years, he paid the three more than 1.2 million dollars, “thinking that his money was going to be more than doubled after the alleged gold extraction,” according to Khatib. “He complained to police after the suspects, who are currently being prosecuted, disappeared and stopped contacting him.” Khatib did not say whether the victim would get his money back.

A dangerous kiss A warm kiss led to the piercing of a young woman’s ear in Southern China according to a number of media channels. The “China Daily” newspaper said the young girl of twenty years from Zohay city in Guangdong province was treated in hospital after completely losing her sense of hearing in her left ear after a violent kiss exchanged with her boyfriend. The kiss lowered the oral pressure and exerted great pressure on the eardrum which led to the loss of hearing. Doctor Li who treated the woman said she would completely recover in two months. After the incident, the newspapers gave advice to its readers on methods of kissing, especially “Shanghai Daily” which recommended a little gentleness. And in an article titled “Kiss of Death”, the newspaper warned that a powerful kiss might offset the air pressure in the inner ear and might lead to rupture in the eardrum.

Jesus is born…again? A child was born in Lima on Christmas day, and is to baptized under the name of Jesus while his mother is named Virgin Mary and his father works as a carpenter, an event which became a phenomenon which hogged the media with this coincidence. Local newspapers mentioned that the boy who was born to parents of modest origins will be baptized under catholic faith in the Cathedral of Lima. The child th was born in a cesarean on the 25 of December. But the media’s interest in this incident didn’t prove to be on everybody’s liking. Reporter Cesar Hildebrandt, a renowned journalist in the country, said it was an insult to the Christian faith and nothing more than an attempt to stimulate interest in Religion.

Goodbye Most Precious

Goodbye Most Precious, for our paths were once intertwined

Goodbye Most Precious, for the emotions we shared were more than genuine Goodbye Most Precious, for the bad times we faced will trouble me for always Goodbye Most Precious, for I will never forget the good moments we had Goodbye Most Precious, for I wish I could go back in time to not have you drop a single tear Goodbye Most Precious, for I did not prove to you how much you mattered in my world Goodbye Most Precious, for I wanted to share all with you yet focused on the meaningless Goodbye Most Precious, for I know what happened could have been prevented Goodbye Most Precious, for I failed myself even more than I failed you Goodbye Most Precious, for now I am obliged to do what the heart does not want to let go off Goodbye Most Precious, Goodbye Most Precious, Goodbye for ever

Five ways to reach a man’s heart

First, his eyes: Sight is the major way to reach the heart; since it is through it that a man’s spirit begins to become attracted towards the woman or gets repulsed by her (that’s why we find in the woman’s amendments to pay attention to men’s looking locations and not have his eyes fall on something hideous). That’s why a smart wife is the one who knows how to effectively use her feminine weapons, fixes her appearance with skill and art, picks attractive colors, does her hair, watches out for herself, uses a style which her husband likes and always attracts him to her, and looks after her surroundings especially her home. Second, his ears: woman’s voice, of its rhythm, converse, are of factors which man’s feelings. A her words, knows when to keep keys of laughter woman which ond most imporing a man’s interbonds of closeresponsiveness.

aka hearing, since a the magnificence and her ability to the most important greatly influence a woman which picks when to speak and silence, knows the and sarcasm, is the possesses the sectant factor in attractest and tightening the ness, friendliness and

Third, his nose: aka smell, which plays a key role, more than some imagine. A nice scent strengthens attractiveness, ad the opposite destroys it. A recent scientific study pointed that smell plays a pivotal role in the man’s relationship with the woman and that the scents which attract man the most is natural smell produced by the woman’s sebaceous glands. And that scent used to attract men and captivate them since the dark ages and till this date.

Fourth, his hands: aka touch, where attraction occurs. The quality of women’s cloths which are soft is what affects a man’s heart. Fifth, his mouth: A woman must take care of her teeth and the cleanness of her mouth, and this applies to the man as well, since it’s from the mouth that smooth talk come out, and on it the smile is drawn.

Surf Lebanon Jbeil

Jbeil is a touristic Lebanese city located 37 Km North of Beirut, which old streets still buzz with historical sites as a testimony to its vivid past which dates back to the Modern Stone Age. Jbeil is considered as one of the most ancient cities in the world. Although Phoenicians considered its founder was their god “Eli”, archeological findings revealed it dates back to the late sixth millennium BC. 7000 years ago, a group of fishermen established a settlement on the Mediterranean coast, which later would become known as Jbeil. In the early third millennium BC, Jbeil witnessed great prosperity thanks to the wood commerce which Jbeil engaged in all across the Mediterranean, especially with Egypt. In exchange, the city received pottery and bronze wear as well as papyrus scrolls and linen fabric. In the late third millennium, the city was invaded and burned by some Amorian tribes which rebuilt the city. In the end of the second millennium, the Eastern Mediterranean was invaded by groups known as” Sea people”, which settled on Cannite coasts and spread seafare knowledge among the populace of the region which would be later known as Phoenicia. Jbeil’s writers invented a new type of writing by a cording a symbol to each sound. And thus was born the Alphabet which was adopted by the Greeks and later the Romans who called the city “Byblos” after Jbeil’s role in the Papyrus commerce; and so it became the basis of all modern alphabets. Of the ancient scripts in Phoenician alphabet, lie the scriptures on Ahiram’s sarcophagus, king of Jbeil. Later, Persians, Assyrians, Babylonians, invaded the region as the digs reveal. Then came Alexander the great, Pompeii’s Romans; under the Byzantines, almost nothing of Jbeil was left. In the Arabic era, Jbeil became a small quiet city diminishing in importance until it fell in the hands of the Crusaders. Under their rule, Jbeil’s famous castle was built. Today, Jbeil is a modern city with an old heart, a place where culture blends with modernity, and where the ancient port, the castle, the old churches lie right next to the glass front buildings. If you want to enjoy Jbeil’s atmosphere, take a cruise in its ancient alleys where its citizens will smother you with their hospitality and inform you about the traits and secrets of their city. But if you want to get to know Jbeil’s history, just go on top of its castle or take a stroll down its historical streets. Make sure after you visit the sites to stop by at the nearby wax museum to have a look at some scenery of Lebanese country life. If you still have energy left, visit St Nohra and St Semaan the Baptist East of Jbeil. Amchit up North or Nahr Ibrahim up South are good next destinations.

Let’s have a laugh A man goes into a cafe and sits down. A waitress comes to take his order, and he asks her, “What’s the special of the day?” “Chili,” she says, “but the gentleman next to you got the last bowl.” The man says he’ll just have coffee, and the waitress goes to fetch it. As he waited, he noticed the man next to him was eating a full lunch and the bowl of chili remained uneaten. “Are you going to eat your chili?” he asked. “No, help yourself,” replied his neighbor. The man picked up a spoon and eagerly began devouring the chili. When he got halfway through the bowl, he noticed the body of a dead mouse in the bottom of the bowl. Sickened, he puked the chili he had just eaten back into the bowl. The man sitting next to him says, “Yeah, that’s as far as I got, too.”

Let’s eat Kibbi arnabiye (Kibbi Balls with Sesame Paste)

INGREDIENTS: 1 kg (32 oz) kibbi balls (size 10 cm each), baked for 10 minutes, 3 cups sesame paste, 1 kg (32 oz) roughly chopped onion, 1 kg (32 oz) fresh orange juice, strained, ½ kg (16oz) fresh tangerine juice, strained, ½ kg (16 oz) lemon juice, strained, 1 kg (32 oz) Seville orange, strained, 1 tspn pomegranate thickened juice, 1 tbls vinegar, ½ cup vegetable oil, 1 tbls olive oil, 1 liter water, 1 tbls salt (as desired). PREPARATION: Put sesame paste in a large pot, add all juices (except pomegranate), olive oil, and water gradually. Don’t stop stirring as you add liquids. When mixture is consistent, add salt and pomegranate juice. Stir. Fry onions in oil then grind in a food grinder. Add to mixture and stir well over medium heat for 30 minutes or till you see sesame paste oil appears on top of mixture. Add kibbi balls one by one. Let mixture boil for 5 minutes. Serve hot with rice. Note: You can buy canned unsweetened juices.

O’ fashion Cure Dull winter skin During the winter months, our skin tends to get really dry and therefore makes your complexion look dull and pale. Taking good care of your skin, especially in the winter, is of the utmost importance so here is a sure way to get your skin back to its natural glow. STEP 1 Start off by soaking a washcloth in very warm water and proceed to placing it over your face. Leave it on for a minute and repeat the process a few times since the steam will help soften and relax your skin. STEP 2 Use a mild facial scrub to get rid of dead skin cells and avoid harsh, grainy scrubbers and exfoliants since they can lead to irritation. Using the mild scrubber, rub onto your face using circular motions (think of it as a facial massage) and rinse off. STEP 3 Choose your favorite mask (either store bought or DIY mask). Make sure the mask is plentiful in antioxidants such as vitamin E. Leave it on for 3-5 minutes and rinse it off with lukewarm water. STEP 4 Rub a good winter mosturizer into your face and neck, massaging slowly to get your circulation going. For a refreshing spa feeling, store the moisturizer in the fridge. STEP 5 Now all that’s left is to relax so pick up a relaxing essential oil such as lavender or vanilla and dab it onto your pulse points which are your wrists and ears.


- An agreement has been reached in a legal battle over seven nude and seminude photos taken during Marilyn Monroe’s “Last Sitting.” - Aussie actress Rachel Griffiths is adding another brother or sister to her brood. The Emmy-nominated star of ABC’s Brothers & Sisters is pregnant with her third child, according to People. Georges Clooney might be coming back as part of the cast of the new shooting of ER. - Police say four men were stabbed at a New York City nightclub advertising an

after-party for the film premiere of “Notorious” about rapper Biggie Smalls. Police said Saturday a 21-year-old victim stabbed numerous times was in critical condition at Brookdale Hospital. Three others were stable. - Naomi Campbell has ended her legal tussle with a former maid who accused the supermodel of hitting her and calling her names. - Patrick Swayze has been released from the hospital one week after checking himself in with pneumonia, his publicist said Friday. - The “Cinema exhibition” held in suburban Paris chose to commemorate in its 3rd year the Egyptian director Youssef Chachine who passed away on July 27. - Lebanon mourns its icon “Mansour Rahbani” who passed away on Tuesday 13th of January following a bout of pneumonia.

Entertainment US Top 10 1 Gran Torino 2 Bride Wars 3 The Unborn 4 Marley & Me 5 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 6 Bedtime Stories 7 Valkyrie 8 Yes Man 9 Not Easily Broken 10 Seven Pounds Showing in Lebanon:  Bobby Z; Maradona, The Hand of God; Valkyrie; Role Models ; Yes Man; Vicky Cristina Barcelona; Snow Angels; Fishtales; Changeling; Sex Drive; Australia; Righteous Kill; Bedtime Stories; Al Dada Doudy; Four Christmases; Transporter 3; Beirut Open City; The Day the Earth Stood Still; Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa; The Visitor; High School Musical 3 7ayet el Jagal so3be @ Theatre Monnot

Joe Kodeih presents 7ayet el Jagal so3be, one man show play @ theatre Monnot from January 16 till February 1st @ 8:30pm Wedding Fair @ BIEL

After 5 consecutive years, Promofair presents the 6th edition of “Wedding Folies” middle eastern largest bridal exhibition promises to surpass by and enlarges its previous editions. 4 days extravaganza offering all kinds of wedding apparels for today’s brides & grooms celebrations displaying more than 150 exhibitiors.. Wedding Fair will take place @ BIEL from February 5 till February 8 from 4pm till 10pm.

Health & Science In goThe

wellbeing with massages

Discover three types of messages: shiatsu, ayurvedic, and californian. Shiatsu is a therapeutic massage that has first developed in Japan. Literally, shiatsu means in Japanese “pressure with fingers””. He presses on acupuncture points, certainly, without any needles.These pressures on the meridian points help activate what the Chinese medicine calls vital energy.This massage can be practiced easily: you can keep your clothes on and be pampered on the ground. Benefits:The shiatsu is an effective treatment for stress, exhaustion, headache, digestive disorders, and sleeping or alimentation disorders. The ayurvedic massage roots back to the Hindu medicine called ayurveda medicine (Etymologically means “ sciences of life”). This massage revitalizes the patient’s organs and restores the energetic balance in the body as the Indian medicine conceives it. The ayurvedic massage concentrates on points of energy using pressure, frictions and kneading etc. This massage is often practiced on the naked body. It uses different essential oils selected according to personal criteria or to the illness that pushed the person to ask for a massage. Benefits: First, the ayurvdic massage insures a huge relaxation. It also helps the softening of the tissues, the organism detoxification and a better blood and lymphatic circulation. The californian massage is a typical muscular massage done with covering the body with vegetable oil. It uses several traditional massage techniques from all part of the world. Its objectives are relaxation, comfort and physical calm down for a large feeling of wellbeing. The Californian massage is very soft. It gives freedom and creativity to the masseur who can use slide pressures, long fluid and harmonious movements, kneading, effleurages and light frictions on the entire body. The soothing and revitalizing effect of this Californian massage results from slow and wide movements. There is nothing else better than this massage to lose the daily stress and regenerate the immunological system. Benefits: Relaxation and physical rest and instant wellbeing. This massage liberates the body from all its superficial, muscular and neurotic tensions.

Want to play?

- The International Federation for Flight has recently announced that the 2009 Sports Flights World Championship will occur in Lebanon - South African Giniel De Villiers was crowned Dakar Rally champion after winning the 14th and final special stage on Saturday. - Lebanon’s soccer team fell in his first game against Vietnam in the Qualifying for the Asian Cup 2011 by losing 1-3. - Pro’s café, the champion for the Lebanese indoor soccer league, makes his sixth

win after defeating Zgharta’s Salam 7-5. - Ramon Calderon’s high-profile tenure as Real Madrid club president came to an abrupt end on Friday when he resigned from the helm of the Spanish giants. - The Arab volleyball championship kicks off on the 28th of January with the participation of 28 teams from 15 countries. - Ryadi was crowned champion of the Away phase in the Basketball regular season after defeating Champville 101-91.

Inventions & Discoveries

- A computer virus that may leave Microsoft Windows users vulnerable to digital hijacking is spreading through companies in the U.S., Europe and Asia, already infecting close to 9 million machines, according to a private online security firm. - A flying car devised by a British inventor and a team of engineers took off from London on Wednesday on an epic journey to Timbuktu, Mali, in West Africa -- a trip they hope will prove the fantasy has become reality. - Novel technique (using gold nanocages to map sentinel lymph nodes) changes lymph node biopsy and reduces radication exposure. - IBM research scientists have demonstrated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with volume resolution 100 million times finer than conventional MRI. - Japanese scientists have created a transparent frog by using traditional selective breeding (instead of genetic modification), and by mating the palest wild frogs they could find - Researchers at the University of Tel Aviv are creating mini submarines that will be exploring human bodies in 3 to 5 years.

Have some fun!


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For suggestions, feedback, wish to put one’s work in the magazine, or be part of the crew, please contact me at 70/694602 or send a message to [email protected] Editor in Chief & Designer: Jimmy Chahine Publisher: Fourth Year class of Medicine

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