Horizon- Fifth Edition

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 20
I Issue N1, 20 November 2009 Welcome Future Doctors A baby miracle Common sense Swine flu in Lebanon

Ajram, Lebanese Ambassador to UNICEF

Cow manure and power

Will run naked for cash


First marijuana shop

Ain Ebel

St Catherine and Bilal ben Rabah

Top 10 ways to hide a tummy bulge Art Critique

Histoire d’amour How to get a good night sleep

Welcome Future Doctors! At the start of the new student year, some of us are to embark on a new journey through Life while others have already stepped on the path and are hitch-hiking their passage on the road to Medical Practice. Truth be told, this editorial is not mainly targeting the battle-hardened warriors of Hippocrates, but the newcomers to this world, our very own baby horde. This however- does not mean that the rest of the fellow readers are not encouraged to read and follow on. The first obstacle is passed; you have inhaled your first breath of air the first day you set foot in the classes. That was a huge leap, but others are to follow. Now is the time to accustom to this new world, and you have your parent-teachers to feed you, as well as brothers and sisters to guide you on this expedition. No worries if you suffer a hiccup or fall into tears, as there will always be someone there to pick you up and bring you to their warm cuddly arms. Yet, the main player will always remain YOU. When you despair or shout you’ve just had enough, remember that all good ends have arduous paths. What matters is to keep in mind that few years down the road, you will have the rare gift to be able to save lives. Of course, none of us is God, but to just save one precious life ought to be the most valuable reward one is to obtain. Forget Money for a moment, this Odyssean Siren which has lured so many of us; the profession you have embarked on is not a job, but rather a mission, one where you get to improve the living conditions of your fellow mortals or at the very least reduce their suffering and agony. A simple smile or thank you could mean much more, and the patient would be grateful to you for eternity. Many are the doctors of our days stripped of their Humanity; many have forgotten Medicine is not a business, rather a calling. They’ve lost their soul and overlooked one important notion: Our charge is to serve not be served. The human being has turned into a commodity, treated no better than a piece of furniture. You’ve got cash, you’re in…you don’t you’re out! Along the same lines, no one is asking you to act like the benevolent saints, one has got to live after all, dignified, and respectfully too. Thus the key to become successful both in the Medical field and in Society lies with a clever well thought balance between treatment of the patient as a fellow human being (with all what that entails) and your own aspirations in Life. Here, I concede the floor for the Prayer of Maimonides (Prayer For the Physician): “Before I begin the Holy work of healing the creations of your hands, I place my eternity before the throne of Your glory that you grant me strength of spirit and fortitude to faithfully execute my work. Let not desire for wealth or benefit blind me from seeing truth. Deem me worthy of seeing in the sufferer who seeks my advice - a person - neither rich nor poor, friend or foe,

good man or bad, or a man in need, show me only the man. If doctors, wiser than I, seek to help me understand, grant me the desire to learn from them, for the knowledge of healing is boundless. But when fools deride me, give me fortitude. Let my love for my profession strengthen my resolve to withstand the derision even of men of high station. Illuminate the way for me, for any lapse in my knowledge can bring illness and death upon your creations. I beseech You, merciful and gracious God, strengthen me in body and soul, and instill within me a perfect spirit.”

A baby miracle

By J.Chahine

Just as a new plant’s life emerges from the soil in the form of a tiny stalk holding an even tinier leaf, humans step into our realm as small fragile creatures we like to call “newborns”. Soft and frail, these celestial beings are sent from the Almighty to brighten up Life on Earth and offer a new hope to our race, one of Redemption, Progress, and a better future. Waiting anxiously for her offspring to come out of the womb, a mother suffers the most excruciating pain, all to bring her Caesar to this world-a miracle of her own. For every wonderful event, an arduous road must be followed, but none is more rewarding than the miracle of Birth. Pregnancy to some mothers may seem as hell, but all would agree that just laying their eyes on their baby for the first time is Heaven on Earth. Ironically enough, an infant’s first sign of life is not smile nor laugh, but plenty of crying. What usually scares the living hell out of a new mother is, in this case, what makes her face shine like the lightning star. See? Crying is that not that bad after all!! To statisticians and surveyors, it’s one more number in the birth charts; yet to the family the counting stops at ONE. This marvel could still be lost if not properly valued. This miniature entity requires all the attention and affection a mother could offer for it is entirely dependent on her. A newborn is a candle lit in a dark room. It offers what’s vital and brightens up the whole world. But open the door and slam it shut, even unintentionally, and Darkness would reign again! All of us students will have the blessing to bring to this world one, two, three or more of these divine marvels. Except our job doesn’t end there, it actually starts. What we do from there on, how we raise our children, and on which values and morals determines whether we were worthy of this godly generosity or not.

By J.Chahine

Common Sense This is so true - an obituary printed in the London Times... Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape. He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as: - Knowing when to come in out of the rain; - Why the early bird gets the worm; - Life isn’t always fair; - and maybe it was my fault. Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don’t spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are in charge). His health began to deteriorate rapidly when wellintentioned but overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition. Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children. It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion. Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims. Common Sense took a beating when you couldn’t defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault. Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement. Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust, by his wife, Discretion, by his daughter, Responsibility, and by his son, Reason. He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers: I Know My Rights I Want It Now Someone Else Is To Blame I’m A Victim ”I Like this quote I dislike this quote“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”


Lebanon pop star appointed UNICEF goodwill ambassador Lebanese pop star Nancy Ajram has been appointed a goodwill ambassador for the UNICEF, a UN official said last month. “We are delighted to welcome Nancy Ajram to UNICEF,” Sigrid Kaag, UNICEF regional director for the Middle East and North Africa, said in Beirut. “Goodwill ambassadors help focus the world’s attention on the needs of children and can act as agents of change,” she told journalists. Ajram, 26, is the second UNICEF regional ambassador after Egyptian actor Mahmud Kabil, who has held the title since 2003. “Being appointed UNICEF’s goodwill ambassador to the Middle East and North Africa is the biggest dream come true, the best thing that’s happened to me as an artist, a person and a mother,” Ajram told reporters. “This is the first time I feel that I’m doing something that’s for others, that I’m using my fame to help others -- to help children.” 

Swine flu claims first victim in Lebanon Lebanon confirmed its first swine flu death on Monday 26th of October, with the health ministry saying the H1N1 virus claimed the life of a pregnant 30-year-old woman.”The woman had been suffering from respiratory problems and high fever but tests done before and after the death show she was carrying the new flu virus,” the statement said. Over the past weeks, the government has stopped issuing swine flu statistics but according to the last estimates reported in the summer there were more than 1,000 cases in Lebanon. In August, a man with advanced lymph gland cancer was found to have been carrying the swine flu virus upon his death, but the virus was never pinned down as the cause of death. The World Health Organization said nearly 5,000 swine flu deaths had been recorded as of October 18.

Will run (naked) for cash… and for a good cause! Ali Fakhry, an environmental activist has pledged to run naked on Bliss Street, if people donate $5000 to support activists in their action against climate change. Name of the operation: The Bliss Naked Fun Run. Target: $5000 for a good cause. How? Running around naked on Bliss Street. Ali Fakhry is an environmental activist who’s not afraid to take drastic measures in order to get what he wants. If he raises $5000, he will be running naked from the AUB Med Gate to Hbeish police station (He’s going to end up there anyway). The money will help send 30 activists and media representatives to the Copenhagen summit in December, where countries of the world will reach a new agreement on fighting Climate Change. In Lebanon, IndyACT, the League of Independant Activists has been following closely international negotiation on the topic, raising awareness and campaigning for a strong and positive participation of Arab Countries in these negotiations. Ali’s announcement on Facebook generated a real buzz among friends and strangers who were glad to contribute for a good cause. In just a few days, Ali has already collected $1175, most of it from individuals but also institutions that can pay to get their slogan or logo on his body. Ali is well aware of the potential repercussion of his stunt and on the day of the run, he’ll have his lawyer on standby. “The law on the matter is subject to interpretation but I could be sentenced to one month up to one year of imprisonment, with a 200.000LL fine” he says.

Cow dung to power more Dutch homes A plant that converts cow dung into energy for homes opened in the Netherlands Friday. Manure from cows at a nearby dairy farm will be fermented along with grass and food industry residues, and the biogas released during the process will be used as fuel for the thermal plant’s gas turbines. The heat generated will be distributed to around 1,100 homes in the area around Leeuwarden in the north of the Netherlands, the plant’s operator Essent said in a statement. Firms in Europe and elsewhere have been investing in biogas plants and this is the second of its scale running on cow manure in the Netherlands. It follows another plant that Essent opened in January.

First U.S. marijuana cafe opens in Portland The United States’ first marijuana cafe opened on Friday, posing an early test of the Obama administration’s move to relax policing of medical use of the drug. The Cannabis Cafe in Portland, Oregon, is the first to give certified medical marijuana users a place to get hold of the drug and smoke it -- as long as they are out of public view -- despite a federal ban. “Our plans go beyond serving food and marijuana,” said Martinez. “We hope to have classes, seminars, even a Cannabis Community College, based here to help people learn about growing and other uses for cannabis.”Members pay $25 per month to use the 100-person capacity cafe. They don’t buy marijuana, but get it free over the counter from “budtenders”. Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m., it serves food but has no liquor license.

‫ ايادي‬4 ‫ ارجل و‬4 ‫طفلة هندية مع‬ ‫ على‬، ‫ أربعة أرجل وأربعة أيادي‬،‫بدأ الجراحون الهنود بإجراء عملية جراحية نادرة لطفلة هندية ولدت بثمانية أطراف‬ .‫أمل أن يحولوها إلى طفلة عادية‬ ‫إن الطفلة ولدت وهي تعاني من التصاق “توأم طفيلي” في جسمها كان قد‬،‫وقال مسؤول بمستشفى سبارش في بنغالور‬ ‫ وامتص الجنين الحي أطراف التوأم والكلى وأعضاء أخرى للجنين غير مكتمل‬،‫توقف عن النمو وهو في رحم األم‬ ..‫النمو‬ ‫ إلى حد أن بعض سكان قريتها في‬،‫وأطلق على الفتاة اسم الكشيمي تيمناً باسم إلهة الثروة الهندية التي لديها أربع أياد‬ .‫والية بيهار كان يشير إليها باعتبارها آلهة‬ ،‫ شامبو وبونام‬،‫ غير أن أبويها‬،‫وحاول البعض اآلخر من السكان أن يجني ثروة من وراء الطفلة ذات األطراف الثمانية‬ .‫قاموا بإخفائها بعد أن حاول مدير لسيرك شراء الطفلة‬

Here, women are beautiful Looking good is considered to be a “national duty” for the ladies in Lebanon. All the ladies. Lebanon… what a beautiful country! The people, the night-

life, the women! The most beautiful women in the world. Sexy, tanned and toned bodies, long flowing hair, gorgeous breast… “It’s a national duty for a woman to look the best they can” plastic surgeon Tony Nassar told AFP earlier this year. It was during the launching of a cosmetic surgery tourism initiative by a private company under the auspices of the Tourism Ministry. That was maybe the last thing missing for Lebanon to have a complete structure designed to help women look hot. Lebanon really does have it all, like a bank that offers plastic surgery loans (the first in the world to offer such a service).  I remember my consternation once, when a Norwegian friend, a 26 year old woman, told me she had only had a manicure 4 times in her whole life. She will only pay for that on very special occasions such as an important wedding or her prom. Mandatory basic grooming for women means getting a weekly manicure, pedicure, wax, a blow-dry and your eyebrows plucked by professionals. It sure is time consuming, but financially speaking it’s an affordable luxury because decent beauty salon services are relatively cheap here. The competition in that market is so fierce that you can get a good brushing for as little as 6.000 Lebanese Pounds. That’s a lifesaver for middle class university students who get to preserve their aesthetic standards without breaking their piggy bank.  But 17 year old girls are not the most interesting demographic in the beauty industry these days. Move over teen beauties, here come the tweens. Recently, beauty salons for the very young opened their doors in Beirut. At Spa-Tacular in Ashrafieh or Chez Lulu Spa and Salon in Verdun, 5 year old little girls can get their hair done or enjoy a nail treatment. The chocolate facial is Mia’s favorite treatment; the 7 year old likes it because “it makes her skin soft”. Well… at least it’s cleaner than the sandbox!

A must read! You have your Lebanon and I have Mine You have your Lebanon and its dilemma. I have my Lebanon and its beauty. Your Lebanon is an arena for men from the West and men from the East. My Lebanon is a flock of birds fluttering in the early morning as shepherds lead their sheep into the meadow and rising in the evening as farmers return from their fields and vineyards.

You have your Lebanon and its people. I have my Lebanon and its people. Yours are those whose souls were born in the hospitals of the West; they are as ship without rudder or sail upon a raging sea.... They are strong and eloquent among themselves but weak and dumb among Europeans. They are brave, the liberators and the reformers, but only in their own area. But they are cowards, always led backwards by the Europeans. They are those who croak like frogs boasting that they have rid themselves of their ancient, tyrannical enemy, but the truth of the matter is that this tyrannical enemy still hides within their own souls. They are the slaves for whom time had exchanged rusty chains for shiny ones so that they thought themselves free. These are the children of your Lebanon. Is there anyone among them who represents the strength of the towering rocks of Lebanon, the purity of its water or the fragrance of its air? Who among them vouchsafes to say, “When I die I leave my country little better than when I was born”? Who among them dare to say, “My life was a drop of blood in the veins of Lebanon, a tear in her eyes or a smile upon her lips”? Those are the children are, in your estimation, my estimation.

of your Lebanon. They great; but insignificant in

Let me tell you who Lebanon.

are the children of my

They are farmers who into garden and grove.

would turn the fallow field

They are the shepherds who lead their flocks through the valleys to be fattened for your table meat and your woolens. They are the vine-pressers who press the grape to wine and boil it to syrup. They are the parents who tend the nurseries, the mothers who spin the silken yarn. They are the husbands who harvest the wheat and the wives who gather the sheaves. They are the builders, the potters, the weavers and the bell-casters. They are the poets who pour their souls in new cups. They are those who migrate with nothing but courage in their hearts and strength in their arms but who return with wealth in their hands and a wreath of glory upon their heads. They are the victorious wherever they go and loved and respected wherever they settle.

They are the ones born in huts but who died in palaces of learning. These are the children of Lebanon; they are the lamps that cannot be snuffed by the wind and the salt which remains unspoiled through the ages. They are the ones who are steadily moving toward perfection, beauty, and truth. What will remain of your Lebanon after a century? Tell me! Except bragging, lying and stupidity? Do you expect the ages to keep in its memory the traces of deceit and cheating and hypocrisy? Do you think the atmosphere will preserve in its pockets the shadows of death and the stench of graves? Do you believe life will accept a patched garment for a dress? Verily, I say to you that an olive plant in the hills of Lebanon will outlast all of your deeds and your works; that the wooden plow pulled by the oxen in the crannies of Lebanon is nobler than your dreams and aspirations. I say to you, while the conscience of time listened to me, that the songs of a maiden collecting herbs in the valleys of Lebanon will outlast all the uttering of the most exalted prattler among you. I say to you that you are achieving nothing. If you knew that you are accomplishing nothing, I would feel sorry for you, but you know it not. You have your Lebanon and I have my Lebanon.

No Frontiers

By Gebran Khalil Gebran

Of noble birth, at only eighteen years old, Catherine converted to Christianity through a vision. She presented herself to Emperor Maximinus who offered her a royal marriage if she would deny the Faith. Astounded at the young girl denouncing him for persecuting Christians, he detained her in his palace and summoned numerous scholars to convince her to renounce. But she emerged from the debate victorious. Several of her adversaries, conquered by her articulacy, declared themselves Christians and were at once put to death. Furious, Maximinus had Catherine imprisoned. Meanwhile, the Empress, went with 200 soldiers, to visit her in her dungeon, when Catherine made believers out of them. They were baptized, and immediately won the martyr’s crown. Soon afterwards the saint, effected so many conversions, was condemned to die on the wheel, but, at her touch, this instrument of torture was miraculously destroyed. The emperor, enraged, had her beheaded and angels carried her body to Mount Sinai where later a church and monastery were built in her honor. Considered as one of the fourteen most helpful saints in heaven, she was unceasingly praised by preachers and sung by poets. Numberless chapels were placed under her patronage

‫‪and her statue was found in nearly all churches, represent‬‬‫‪ing her according to medieval iconography with a wheel, her‬‬ ‫‪instrument of torture. St. Catherine became the patroness‬‬ ‫‪of young maidens and female students. Looked upon as the‬‬ ‫‪holiest and most illustrious of the virgins of Christ, she was to‬‬ ‫‪watch over the virgins and young women of the world.‬‬ ‫‪The spiked wheel having become symbolic of the saint, wheelwrights and mechan‬‬‫‪ics placed themselves under her patronage. Before studying, writing, or preaching,‬‬ ‫‪many besought her to illumine their minds, guide their pens, and impart articulacy to‬‬ ‫‪their words. St. Catherine of Alexandria is the patroness of philosophers and preach‬‬‫‪ers. It was rumored that she had appeared to Joan of Arc and had been divinely ap‬‬‫‪pointed one of Joan’s advisers.‬‬ ‫‪Maximinus’ blind fury against St. Catherine is symbolic of the anger of the world in‬‬ ‫‪the face of truth and justice. When we live a life of truth and justice, we can expect‬‬ ‫‪the forces of evil to oppose us. Our perseverance in good, however, will be everlast‬‬‫‪ing.‬‬ ‫حبشي أسود ‪ ,‬كان عبداً لقبيلة من قبائل العرب في مكة يعيش عيشة الرقيق ال حق له في يومه‪ ،‬وال أمل له في غده‪!!..‬‬ ‫عندما بدأت أنباء محمد تنتشر في مكة بدأ بالل يلتقط صفات هذا الدين الجديد وسمع من أسياده كلمات حق ٍد وكره لهذا‬ ‫الدين لكنه أيضاً سمع منهم اعترافاً بصدق محمد و أمانته‪ .‬وذات يوم يبصر بالل بن رباح نور هللا‪ ،‬ويسمع في أعماق‬ ‫روحه الخيّرة رنينه‪ ،‬فيذهب الى رسول هللا صلى هللا عليه وسلم‪ ،‬ويسلم‪ ..‬وانتشر خبر إسالمه حتى وصل إلى أسياده‬ ‫الذين جنّ جنونهم‪ :‬كيف يسلم عبداً لهم ويتبع محمد ويرجع عن دينه؟؟ وهنا يبدأ مشوار عذاب بالل حيث قال أمية بن‬ ‫خلف ( مالك بالل) ان شمس هذا اليوم لن تغرب اال ويغرب معها اسالم هذا العبد اآلبق‪ !!..‬ولكن الشمس لم تغرب قط‬ ‫باسالم بالل بل غربت ذات يوم بأصنام قريش كلها‪ ،‬وحماة الوثنية فيها‪ !...‬جرب أسياد بالل كل أنواع العذاب ( وضع‬ ‫عرياناً على الجمر‪,‬طرح على حصى الصحراء الملتهب في الظهيرة وجعلوا في عنقه حبال‪ ،‬ثم أمروا صبيانهم أن‬ ‫يطوفوا به جبال مكة وشوارعها‪ ).....‬كل ذلك من أجل أن يذكر الالت والعزى (أي اآللهة واألصنام التي كان يعبدها‬ ‫قريش) ويكفر بدينه ما كان جواب بالل أمام هذا العذاب اليومي المتكرر إال «أحد أحد» أي أنه لن يعبد إال هللا ‪...‬إلى‬ ‫أن اشتراه أبو بكر و أعتقه على الفور وجعله إنسانا حراً ‪ .‬لم تنتهي هنا قصة بالل إذ أن هذا العبد الذي إحتقرته العرب‬ ‫قبل إسالمه أصبح في موقعٍ يتمناه كل المسلمين في تلك الفترة‪,‬يتمناه سادتها وأشرافها و أغنياؤها من الذين أسلموا ‪...‬لقد‬ ‫أصبح بالل مؤذن الرسول وأول مؤذن في اإلسالم ‪...‬أراد الرسول بذلك ترسيخ قانوناً بشرياً أقره « ال فضل لعربي على‬ ‫بالتقوى (أي اإليمان والعمل الصالح)‬ ‫ٍ‬ ‫أعجمي وال‏‏لعجمي على عربي وال ألحمر على أسود وال أسود على أحمر إال‬ ‫هو بالل ذلك العبد كان العرب يظنون أنه ‪ ،‬ال يمكن أن يقدر على شيء وال أن يكون شيئا‪ ..‬أرسل لنا رسال ًة مفادها‬ ‫أن حريّة الفكر واإلعتقادا وسيادته ال يباعان بملء األرض ذهبا‪ ،‬وال بملئها عذابا‪ ..‬وأن ما يرفع قدر اإلنسان هو عظمة‬ ‫الروح اذا وجدت ايمانها‪ ،‬واعتصمت بخالقها‪ ،‬وتشبثت بحقها‪.‬‬

‫‪By Z.Kourani ,T.Chaaban ,J.Chahine‬‬


‫‪Surf Lebanon‬‬

‫عين‪-‬إبل قرية من قرى جنوب لبنان تتبع إدارياً قضاء بنت جبيل وتبعد عن بيروت‬ ‫حوالي ‪ 140‬كم وعن البحر حوالي ‪ 25‬كلم‪ ،‬وتنتشر على تلة ترتفع من ‪750‬م وحتى‬ ‫‪850‬م‪ .‬طقسها جاف وقليل الرطوبة صيفاً‪ .‬يشرف على عين‪-‬إبل في الشمال الشرقي‬ ‫وعلى بعد حوالي ‪ 50‬كلم جبل الشيخ أو حرمون بينما يظهر جبل الريحان وتومات‬

‫نيحا وجبل الباروك في الشمال‪ ،‬أما الجنوب فيسوره خط المرتفعات التي تشكل الحدود‬ ‫اإلسرائيلية اللبنانية‪ .‬هذا األفق المفتوح والمتنوع حول عين إبل يجعلها من المواقع‬ ‫الجميلة‪.‬‬ ‫تعد عين‪-‬إبل حوالي عشرة اآلف نسمة يسكنها شتاء ‪ 2000‬نسمة يرتفع هذا العدد‬ ‫صيفاً إلى ‪ 5000‬نسمة‪ .‬‬ ‫يحيط بعين‪-‬إبل عدد من األمكنة األثرية غير المجهزة بعد للسياحة‪ ،‬نذكر منها‪ :‬الخرب القديمة‪ ،‬العيون‪ ،‬الهياكل أو ما‬ ‫تبقى منها‪ :‬هيكل أبولون وديانا أو ارتميس عشتروت ‪ ،‬هيكل أشيرتا‪  .‬يوجد عدد من المغاور والكهوف في الوديان‬ ‫إلى العصور الكنعانية‪.‬وقد عثر‬ ‫والتالل المحيطة بالبلدة معظمها يعود‬ ‫البشرية واالواني الزجاجية‬ ‫فيها على بقايا من الهياكل العظمية‬ ‫مطمورااو صعب الوصول اليه‪.‬‬ ‫والفخارية والمعدنية‪.‬وبعضها ال يزال‬ ‫على ما يبدو ولو أن االسم‬ ‫عين‪-‬إبل القديمة سكنها األموريون‬ ‫والشخصية اآلرامية التوراتية‬ ‫مركب بين اله الخصب األموري أون‬ ‫القريبة والتي تعتبر من خراج‬ ‫آبل‪.‬سكن األموريون شعلبين (شلعبون)‬ ‫(عيناتا) إلى الشمال منها وعين‬ ‫البلدة بينما سكن الكنعانيون بيت عناة‬ ‫شمش التي قد تكون رميش (إرمش) إلى الجنوب‪ .‬وقد يكون االسم كنعاني أو تيمناً بمدينة آبل في منطقة الجليل في‬ ‫اسرائيل وهو االسم الكنعاني القديم لمدينة الناصرة التي سميت أيضاً ب «العين» و أيضا قديما «بعين آبل» وهي اليوم‬ ‫ْيضا‪.‬غير ان بعض ال ِمِؤرخين يعتقدون أن االسم يعني عين السقي (ابل=سقي)‪.‬‬ ‫عين العذراء التي تعني أيضا عين الحياة ا ً‬ ‫التواصل السكاني انقطع بعد االحتالل الصليبي وبخاصة في فترة المماليك حيث قام هؤالء بتهجير السكان المحليين‬ ‫ومنعهم من السكن حتى عمق‪ 45‬كلم من الساحل خاصة في مثلث صور‪ -‬صفد‪-‬عكا بعد ان كان االيوبيون قد منعوا‬ ‫األهالي من إلتصال بالصليبيين‪ .‬وعادت عين‪-‬أبل لتبنى منذ أوائل عهد فخر الدين (‪)1695‬إمتداداً لألنتشار الماروني‬ ‫الذي بدأ مع حلول العثمانيين محل المماليك‪ .‬وقد سكن هؤالء الموارنة القادمون من شمال لبنان وتحديداً من حدث الجبة‪،‬‬ ‫حصرون وبشري وغيرها حول الخربة القديمة التي لم يزل بعض حجاراتها شاهداً في أبنية البلدة القديمة‪.‬‬ ‫تحوي عين ابل على مصليان و ثالث كنائس ودير‪ .‬كل صيف‪ ،‬يقام احتفال كبير على شرف القديسة مريم بالصعود في‬ ‫‪15‬آب‪.‬و تقام المهرجانات في الهواء الطلق والحفالت الموسيقية في باحة القرية‪.‬‬ ‫من أبرز شخصيات عين ابل البطريرك الراحل الكاردينال أنطوان بيير خريش الذي كان ثاني بطريرك لبناني ليصبح‬ ‫كاردينال في الكنيسة الكاثوليكية‪ .‬اآلخرون هم شخصيات بارزة من عين ابل‪ :‬قائد الجيش اللبناني الحالي العماد جان‬ ‫قهوجي‪ ,،‬وفاء سليم دياب (الصحافي العربي األول ليجري مقابلة في البيت االبيض)‪ ،‬والمطربة الشهيرة باسكال صقر‪.‬‬

‫‪Writings‬‬ ‫‪C’était une soirée comme toutes les autres. Jérémy est venu seulement car ça a‬‬ ‫‪été organisé par le patron dans la firme où il est employé. Une demi-heure de se‬‬ ‫!‪mêler avec les gens et saluer le patron… et à l’Oh jolie maison ‬‬ ‫‪Un quart d’heure passé et rien d’exaltant jusqu’à maintenant. Puis, il jette un coup‬‬ ‫‪d’œil à travers la salle et perçoit une jeune femme dans une robe rouge satin. Elle‬‬ ‫‪parait élégante tout en maintenant une apparence humble et naturelle. Intrigué mais‬‬ ‫‪ne voulant pas être découvert, Jérémy joue le simpleton et‬‬ ‫‪demande qui sont ces deux dames qui conversent avec la‬‬ ‫‪femme du patron. Mais ca ne passera pas à John qui l’em‬‬‫‪mène avec lui et lui présente Mlle Isabelle, publiciste et amie‬‬ ‫‪dès l’enfance de Mme Catherine.‬‬

Dépassant les introductions, le groupe s’engage dans des discussions chaudes mais respectueuses, interrompues par des courtes plaisanteries bien placées par maintenant le seul homme dans le débat. Peu après, Jérémy se dirige à Isabelle et offre de lui apporter un verre de champagne ; elle accepte. Trois minutes à la pointe, et le gentleman vient voler Rouge de ses copines. Le balcon se trouve la seule place où l’on sera le moins dérangé. De sujets ouverts, à histoires racontées, railleries et évènements partagés, les heures coulent. Et voilà les deux personnes parmi les derniers dans toute la salle! « Au Lendemain », Jérémy prononce à Isabelle à son entrée dans sa voiture. Lundi parvient après deux jours d’anticipation et d’anxiété pour les deux protagonistes. Huit-heures au point, Jeremy se montre sous l’appartement d’Isabelle, monte chez elle, puis l’emmène à un charmant restaurant français chez qui il a réservé une table à deux. La soirée était magique et dès lors un beau couple est né. Les semaines passent et les deux sont devenus inséparables. L’anniversaire d’un mois sonne la porte et Jérémy opte à passer la soirée en plein air. Rien de plus romantique que d’être avec ton amour tous seuls dessous la majesté du ciel et les étoiles, sous la providence de la Mère Nature, et plaisant les yeux par un spectacle magnifique d’une cité toute éclairée joignant les bras de la chère Mer. Mini-sandwichs et vin rosé comme arsenal contre la faim et le soif et c’est parti ! Cliché? Peutêtre, mais qui s’enfiche si les deux tirent du romantisme ? …Frappant à sa porte, la pauvre ne savait jusqu’à maintenant qu’est ce son Cher a arrangé. Jérémy dévoile le plan mais garde le lieu secret. Un peu de suspense n’a jamais blessé personne ! Arrivés à l’endroit, Isabelle est stupéfiée, captivée par la magie de ce lieu. Certainement, ça a pris des jours à trouver ce coin isolé de Paradis. Trois-quarts d’heures dans la soirée et Jérémy semble être troublé par quelque chose. Isabelle essaie de s’informer mais en vain. Le téléphone sonne et Jeremy s’excuse pour répondre. D’un flash, il disparait de la vision…... C’est une chose de laisser le ‘cellular’ opérationnel mais de choisir de répondre au milieu de cette soirée spéciale, quelle insolence ! 5 minutes passent puis 10 puis 20 puis 30… « Ouf c’est trop ! Je n’ai jamais été humilié autant dans ma vie. Je l’ai attendu une heure. Il m’a laissée toute seule je ne sais où et sa voiture est nullement à être retrouvée. » Déçue d’être traitée comme ça par un homme de qui elle croit être tombée amoureuse, Jérémy reçoit quelques gros mots. Brusquement, des sons lointains s’entendent et peu à peu ils semblent s’approcher. Deux voitures se garent et quatre personnes sortent, un psalmodiant la chanson de « Dance with me » pour T Carter et les trois l’accompagnant par les instruments. La voix de Jérémy était modeste, mais les instrumentistes ont plus que compensé. Fidèle à sa chanson, il lui tend sa main. Visage tout rouge d’embarras, Isabelle lui donne la tienne et les deux dansent jusqu’à leurs pieds n’en pouvaient plus. La dernière mélodie s’avère devenir la chanson du couple. C’était « I Can’t help falling in love with you ». Mais est-ce cet amour destiné à s’épanouir ou c’a été l’apogée et la vallée est au prochain détour ? Verrons dans la prochaine édition !

Par J.Chahine

Let’s have a laugh The Cow economy

SOCIALISM: You have 2 cows and you give one to your neighbor. COMMUNISM: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and gives you some milk. FASCISM: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both and sells you some milk. NAZISM: You have 2 cows. The Government takes both and shoots you. BUREAUCRATISM: You have 2 cows; the Government takes both, shoots one, milks the other and throws the milk away... TRADITIONAL CAPITALISM: You have two cows. You sell one and buy a bull. Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows. You sell them and retire on the income. AN AMERICAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four cows. Later, you hire a consultant to analyze why the cow dropped dead. A FRENCH CORPORATION: You have two cows. You go on strike because you want three cows. A JAPANESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and produce twenty times the milk. You then create a clever cow cartoon image called Cowkimon and market them World-Wide. A GERMAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You reengineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk themselves. AN ITALIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows, but you don’t know where they are. You break for lunch. A RUSSIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You count them and learn you have five cows. You count them again and learn you have 42 cows. You count them again and learn you have 2 cows. You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka. A SWISS CORPORATION: You have 5000 cows, none of which belong to you. You charge others for storing them. A CHINESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. You have 300 people milking them. You claim full employment, high bovine productivity, and arrest the newsman who reported the numbers. AN INDIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. You worship them. A BRITISH CORPORATION: You have two cows. Both are mad. AN EGYPTIAN CORPORATION: You have two cows. Both are voting for Mobarak. A LEBANESE CORPORATION: You have two cows. Both die suddenly. You search for the Truth. “Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.”

Let’s eat! Chicken Marengo A French dish of chicken braised with garlic, tomatoes, olives, white wine or brandy, and garnished with crayfish and sometimes fried eggs, Chicken Marengo was born on the battlefield. On June 14, 1800, Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the AustroHungarian army at the village of Marengo, in northern Italy. After a ferocious battle in which 5,800 French and 9,400 Austrians were killed, the victorious French were ravenous. Chicken Marengo was made from whatever ingredients they were able to take from the village. Ingredients 4 (6-ounce) skinless boneless chicken breast halves, 1/4 cup all-purpose flour, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, 1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil, 3 large mushrooms, 1 small green onion, finely chopped, 1 garlic bulb, minced, 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme, crumbled, 1/2 cup dry red wine, 1 (14- to 15-ounce) can whole tomatoes, drained and chopped, 1/2 cup beef sauce, 1/2 cup water Preparation Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven 0 to 175 C. Tap gently the chicken dry, then combine flour, salt, and pepper in a large sealable plastic bag and add chicken. Seal bag and shake to cover with a coat, then remove chicken, knocking off excess flour. Arrange in 1 layer on a plate. Heat oil in a frying pan over moderately high heat until hot but not smoking, then sauté (fry lightly in little fat) chicken, smooth sides down, until golden, about 2 minutes. Turn over and sauté 1 minute more. Scatter mushrooms around chicken and transfer frying pan to oven, then bake, uncovered, until chicken is just cooked through, 5 to 10 minutes. Transfer chicken to a plate, then add green onion, garlic, and thyme to frying pan (handle will be hot) and sauté over moderately high heat, stirring, 1 minute. Add wine and boil, stirring and scraping up brown bits, until reduced by half, about 1 minute. Add tomatoes, beef sauce, and water and cook gently until mushrooms are tender and sauce is reduced by half, about 4 minutes. Season with pepper. Return chicken to frying pan and cook gently, turning, about 1 minute.

O’ fashion Top 10 Ways to Hide a Tummy Bulge There is nothing more annoying than trying on a million different clothes only to realize that the problem is not the clothes, but your bulging tummy. It can be hard to find things

that dide your tummy but at the same time looks good too, so here are your top 10 ways to hiding a tummy pouch. #1.  A Banded Top

Banded tops are shirts that have a band at the hemline which is great for covering a tummy bulge. #2.  Wrap Dresses and Shirts

Wrap dresses and wrap shirts are excellent for hiding your tummy pouch. Choose them in colorful patterned styles since the eye will be drawn eye from the problem area. #3. Shapewear

Shapewear is another great way to help hide your trouble spots, although they can be a little uncomfortable to wear at times. Stick to shapewear only when needed though! #4. Get the Right Fit

Stick to your size and your body structure. Wearing something too small and too tight will only accentuate the problem and wearing something that is too large for you will only make it obvious that you’re trying to hide something. Instead, stick to a happy medium: your true size! #6. Wear a Fitted Jacket

Don’t cover up in a big jacket…it will only make you look bigger! Instead, try a fitted jacket that enhances your silhouette and nips at the waist. #7.  Empire Waist Tops

Empire waist tops are great for hiding a tummy bulge since it nips right under the bust and hangs straight down all the way, hiding that unwanted roll of fat that you hate so much. #8. Avoid Pants With Waist Detail

Put away your pants/jeans that have a lot of waist detail such as lots of pockets, bows, belts, etc, since this will only bring attention to the tummy area. Instead, stick to really plain and simple flat front pants with little or no detail at the waist. #9. Select the Right Fabrics

Tight, stretchy fabrics will only accentuate your tummy. Instead, opt for more free-flowing fabrics such as cotton which will not cling to your body. #10. Never Tuck Your Shirt In

I’m not sure if anyone still tucks their shirt in, but if you do – please stop now! Tucking your shirt in is a major no-no, especially if you’ve got something to hide! Let the shirt flow over the pants, which will elongate your torso and hide your tummy. If your shirt is too long (too big), then it’s just not a good fit for you!

Health & Science How to get a Good Night Sleep Are you getting enough sleep? If not, you are not alone. A recent study has found that one in every two ppl sleeps less than six hours. A busy work schedule, a hectic social life, household chores and children’s worries leave little time for

sleep. Modern life builds up so much stress and anxiety that when we do get to bed, most of us find it difficult to sleep well. Adults need at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night, to perform optimally. Children need even more sleep. Less sleep causes morning headaches and daytime fatigue, leading to poor concentration and performance. Insomnia includes the inability to sleep, frequent awakenings during the night and not being able to go back to sleep, or waking up too early. Women are more likely to suffer from chronic insomnia – the ratio is about two women to one man. Working women, in particular, build up a large sleep debt over the years. To a large extent, we can control the quantity and quality of our sleep. The key to a restful night’s sleep is to calm down your brain rather than rev it up. What you eat affects how you sleep. Some food slows down nerve traffic and calms the brain and contributes towards a restful sleep; such food are called sleepers. Other perk up the brain and keep you awake; such food are called wakers. Sleepers contain tryptophan, an amino acid that makes up protein, which produces the sleep – inducing substances, serotonin and melatonin. Food that contains tryptophan or make more tryptophan available to the brain make us sleepy. Ideal sleepers are food which contains moderate amounts of carbohydrate stimulates the release of insulin which clears amino acids that compete with tryptophan making it more available to the brain. At the same time, protein contributes tryptophan directly to the brain. Great snooze food includes; dairy products (paneer, cheese, milk and curd), meat, poultry or seafood, whole grains vegetables and pulses (including soyabeans). Calcium helps the brain use tryptophan; this explains the soporific effect of a glass of milk at bedtime. Foods containing caffeine such as tea,coffee, colas and chocolates are wakers. a high-protein meal without carbohydrates contains the amino acid, tyrosine, which perks up the brain. An all carbohydrate snack, especially one high in sugar, is less likely to help you sleep. It will raise blood sugar and inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops too low, you might wake up and not be able to fall back asleep. Also, you will miss out on the sleep-inducing effects of tryptophan.


US Top 10: 1- 2012 2- A Christmas Carol

3- The Men Who Stare at Goats 4- Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire 5- This Is It 6- The Fourth Kind 7- Couples Retreat 8- Paranormal Activity 9- Law Abiding Citizen 10- The Box

Showing in Lebanon: 2012, Street Fighter,Fame,

Siraj el Wadi, Fighting, Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom, Amreeka, District B13: Ultimatum, Cheri, Whiteout, Tenderness, Couples Retreat, This Is It, The Other Man, Halloween II Rob Zombie, Semaan Bil Day’ia, Orphan, Toy Story 3D, Funny People, Julie & Julia , The Final Destination 3-D, Surrogates, Drag Me to Hell, The Rebound, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, The Ugly Truth, Management, ARN: The Knight Templar, The Proposal

Art Critique

Human beings identify the human body as an erotic entity. They may try to conceal it but it’s in their genes. Still, one’s academic foresight molds this perception and confines it to a special unique angle. A doctor may look at these two paintings and focus on the anatomy of the human body, while a fellow artist pays attention to every minute detail, and tries to envision a broader, deeper artistic existence for the figures, managing to pick out proofs of life through the expressions on their faces, vibration of their limbs and depth of their bodily crevasses. In the end, no matter who drops an eye on the paintings, one cannot but appreciate the beauty of the scenery, from his/her own perspective. These works can be seen at “ La Maison des Artistes” in Achrafieh.

Painted by Lebanese Artist Rony Azar, Explained by J.Chahine

Want to play? - Argentina coach Diego Maradona was banned from all football for two months by FIFA on Sunday over his sexuallyexplicit rant last month following Argentina’s qualification for the World Cup. - Tiger Woods claimed victory in the Australian Masters this weekend claiming success on five of the six continents. - Enke, 32, goalkeeper for both Hannover 96 and the German national soccer team died last Tuesday about 6:25 p.m. after he apparently stepped in front of a train. - Switzerland were crowned Under-17 world champions here on Sunday when they defeated hosts and defending champions Nigeria 1-0 inside a packed Abuja National Stadium. - Beirut Marathon Association and the Middle East Airlines had officially launched on November 2 a MEA airbus holding the slogan “Live your dream… Run!” and the logo of the Beirut Marathon Association. - Arsenal’s star striker Robin van Persie damaged ankle ligaments during the Netherlands’ 0-0 friendly draw with Italy on Sunday.

Have some fun! 1









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For suggestions, feedback, desire to put one’s work in the magazine, or be part of the crew, please contact me at 70/694602 or send a mail to [email protected] To view the magazine in color, visit the following website:www.pdfcoke.com Editor in Chief & Designer: Jimmy Chahine

“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.” Don Williams Jr.

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