Horizon - Fourth Edition

  • April 2020
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Issue N4, 8th April 2009

Maturity...Necessity or perk?

days of Destiny

Etudiants en Medecine, Fox hitches a ride pm quel est votre destin? Russian far East cargo ship Sacrifice.. the limits

Type of Love Quiz

NY pastor accuses of filching funds for botox

Thief nabbed with 68 toothpastes

Maturity… Necessity or Perk? From the miracle of birth to the finality of death, life is a serious of unfolding events which the individual has to cope with. At every corner, the new situations require one to adapt and change the way he deals with them. For this to occur, the person has to adjust the manner in which he speaks, behaves, and thinks. Maturity enters the scene. There comes a time in every individual’s life where the prevailing character just doesn’t cut it anymore. The unfolding proceedings necessitate a new level of thinking and behavior in order for the issue to be successfully handled and resolved. For example, a young adult who has spent most of his life having fun without taking any responsibility for his actions finds himself a future daddy. He could either continue with his usual way of life and run away or do the mature thing and assume his responsibilities as a father to the unborn child; he might even marry the woman in order for her not be cast aside by our oriental society, and since the child needs both parents to have a normal life. Another major crossroad is acquiring a job. Having spent more than two decades with no major impact of one’s actions, developing a successful career requires a whole new perspective of things, as the smallest mishap might lead to disastrous consequences. Maturity is not only a prerequisite in one’s profession and social life. It spreads to all aspects of an individuals’ life, private life being the most crucial. In every person’s life, one experiences many relationships, some with the sole intent of passing time and having fun, others with genuine emotions towards the partner. Yet, there comes a time when one finds his relationships empty or meets someone that turns his/her life upside down. In the first scenario, Maturity reveals itself with venturing into a new type of relationships, serious relationships with prospect, while in the second, Maturity is vital for the wellbeing and success of the relationship and a guarantee for its longevity. Entering in such a relationship without a mature state of mind can prove to be quite costly. When obstacles suddenly appear along the long road called life, several solutions make way. One of the easiest is to make a detour and run away, yet this is merely a temporary fix and the problem is bound to reappear. The right and sometimes hardest thing to do is to face the obstacle head on and overcome it. This requires both maturity and a solid well. On the other hand, some spend most of their life wondering aimlessly and living irresponsibly; when faced with mind boggling problems, they either run away or look the other way. And it works for them…for a while until problems stack up and become unavoidable. Few however still manage to roam on this world unchecked, unbound by morality, and emancipated by the immaturity of their actions and behavior.

So, is Maturity a necessary evolution for one to function normally in Society and acquire what he aspires for? Should one modify his lifestyle and habits in order to earn a front row seat in the play of Society and Life? Is it worth all the hardship? Is there a specific timeframe to mature? Or is it an automatic evolution from the experiences and the advance in time and age? To make it simpler, is it a necessity or a perk?

By Jimmy Chahine

Etudiants en médecine! Quel est votre destin?

Si vous étudiez la médecine, vous devez formellement lire l’article suivant; il décrit brièvement votre vie actuelle et future. Mes chers collègues, savez-vous que vous allez pratiquer le toucher rectal chaque jour à l’hôpital ? Savez-vous que vous devez avoir une grande patience pour écouter, à chaque minute, les “Bla Bla Bla “ inutiles des patients à l’interrogatoire ? Savezvous que vous allez avaler des stimulateurs psychiques et même des neuroleptiques dans les gardes de nuit ? Savez-vous que vous allez entendre les cris des bébés et des enfants chaque fois que vous portez une seringue a la main ? Savez-vous, Savez-vous et beaucoup de savez-vous…….. Enfin, Savez-vous que c’est vous qui avez choisi cette profession ? Bien sûr, c’était toujours votre choix. Mais où est votre vie familiale et affective de tout cela ? - Si tu es de sexe masculin: Peu à peu, ta famille va s’habituer à ton absence et tu oublieras les traits de visage de tes frères et tes soeurs. Par contre, tu t’habitueras à ceux d’une jeune infirmière toujours en face de toi – pas nécessairement belle – jusqu’au jour où, dans une nuit de guarde, tu voyeras son visage éclaircir le noir de la salle d’urgence, et tu la proposeras au mariage essayant de composer une famille après une longue dissociation de la vie sociale. - Si tu es de sexe féminin: Actuellement, tu es certainement ravie de pouvoir remplir une tâche qui a été longtemps consacrée uniquement aux hommes. Mais, à la fin de tes études, tu vas te trouver seule à combattre dans ce vaste domaine, et où, la majorité des hommes n’acceptent pas que leur femme exerce un tel métier l’obligeant à s’absenter de la maison le trois quart de la journée. Donc, à cet âge, les parents et les voisins vont t’inciter à se marier pour voir tes enfants bien sûr !! A ce moment, tu n’as que trois options ma chérie: attendre le prince charmant sur un cheval blanc –ce qui est presque impossible, attirer l’attention d’un médecin collègue célibataire qui peut te comprendre et te valoriser, ou faire l’urologie comme spécialité pour un dernier espoir. C’est à toi de choisir !!! Pour conclure, quelque soit ton sexe, tu dois bien redresser tes idées à propos de ce métier dont les conséquences durent à vie. Mes chers amis, profitez-vous de tout instant non consacré à la médecine et ne per-

dez pas de temps à la légère pour que vous ne regrettiez pas après. Enfin, je vous conseille d’étudier en premier, et de se balader en second car la vie contient beaucoup de choses qu’il faut vivre et expérimenter autres que la médecine. N’est-ce pas ? L.DAKHOUL

Days of Destiny In every person’s life, there are defining moments that are so powerful they can alter one’s future and take him from one route to another. They may have different natures and focus on various aspects of an individual’s life, but they all share a common item: they are imprinted in the memory, carved in stone for eternity. One of these immortals is one’s birthday. How can it not be when it symbolizes Birth? It’s the date in which one was brought into this world, and the life clock which comes ringing once a year, signaling the beginning of a new chapter in the Book of Life. Another one is the unfortunate day when a dear one rests his soul in God’s hands. Usually, it’s the death of a family member which leaves a big void in one’s existence and marks this date as one of Misfortune. The encounter with your short of an unforgettable ocone’s entire life took a new became so much joyful, so and intoxicating.

soul mate is nothing casion, the day when turn and the journey much more peaceful

Of course, needless to Marriage which signals the into one under the blessing the start of a new adventure ers discover the world hand

mention the day of union of two souls of the Almighty. It’s where both interlopin hand.

The birth of one’s child adds another one to the list. How could this day not be special when this newcomer to this world is the fruit of your loins and your own flesh and blood? Other events and incidents may have their mark for decades to come and still be remembered at one’s death bed. They may vary from meeting a renowned celebrity to traveling to another country to experiencing a life threatening incident, etc… It all depends on each individual’s experiences and character, but what is certain is that, whether good or bad, some days have earned their place at Mount Olympus as Immortals. By Jimmy Chahine

Fox hitches ride on Russian Far East cargo ship Sailors on a cargo ship traveling from Kamchatka to Vladivostok in Russia’s Far East rescued a fox that had been stranded on an ice floe, the Komsomolskaya Pravda daily reported on Tuesday. “The fox may have been hunting a seagull in strong winds. She was lucky that we came along,” the captain of the ship, Vladimir Popov, told the paper. The animal, who sailors named Alisa, spent 12 days onboard the freighter, posing for cameras and willingly accepting food, especially sweets, from the crew. However, when the crew tried to lead her off the vessel, the fox hid in a cold-storage room and was later taken to a vet in Vladivostok. The animal will now be placed in a nature reserve.

Sacrifice… the limits As we all know, making sacrifices is no stranger to anyone. Everyone has made sacrifices one time or another; this article however will test how far would your sacrificial powers extend to. Would you be willing to sacrifice your entire free time to aid a certain acquaintance in distress (aiding in passing an exam, helping in work, doing shores, etc…)? Would you be willing to sacrifice your own love and happiness simply to have your loved one be happy even in the arms of someone else? Would you give your money to someone in need of it even though you might be in financial trouble yourself and necessitate it badly? Would you sacrifice your high revered principles in order not to hurt or harm a friend? Would you sacrifice or drop your convictions if you believe it to please a person that matters to you or to be for the best of your relationship? Would you donate a kidney for someone in much need for it (not family member)? Would you sacrifice your pride and dignity if holding on to them in a certain circumstance might have negative effects on others?

Would you sacrifice your own welfare if it were to benefit a person in need (money, food, lodging, an annoying relative moving in, etc…)? Some might sacrifice in certain areas, others in different situations. It all comes down to one’s personal character and conditions. What is certain though is, even though one might sacrifice more than others, he can not claim higher moral ground since to each one his circumstances. Just the mere act of claiming superiority or higher morality strips the deed from its essence. As well, sometimes the smallest sacrifice can count for much more than a big sacrifice since the key lies in the act itself not its magnitude. By Jimmy Chahine

NY pastor accused of filching funds for Botox A former pastor in New York City is accused of stealing tens of thousands of dollars from his parish to pay for plastic surgery, Botox injections and prescription drugs. The Rev. William Blasingame cited medical reasons when he resigned in January from St. Paul’s Memorial Episcopal Church on Staten Island. He is accused of stealing $84,537 over three years. The money was earmarked for parishioners in need and the upkeep of church grounds. Blasingame could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted of second-degree grand larceny and possession of stolen property. Attorney James Hasson calls the allegations a “bad mistake” and says there’s “some kind of a vendetta” against his client. He’s due back in court May 12.

Thief nabbed with 68 tubes of toothpaste  Police in northern Germany are searching for a man who tried to walk out of a supermarket with 68 tubes of toothpaste stuffed into his clothing. “We don’t know if he had bad teeth,” a police spokeswoman in Rostock said Friday. Noticing his bulging jacket, a store worker grabbed the man when he refused to stop and the tubes of toothpaste spilled all over the floor, police said. The thief struck the woman in the face and ran out.

Surf Lebanon Keserwen Keserwen, located West of the heart of Lebanon, is one of Mount Lebanon’s cazas which capital is Jounieh, and extends from Nahr Brahim from the North to nahr el Kalb in the South, from the Mediterranean in the West to Mount Sannine peaks which rise till 2600 m above sea level. Its size is 342 KM2. Keserwen caza witits cities and villages is visited by Arabic as well as Lebaall across Lebanon beaches where lie retreats and its high Kfarzebien, Faraya) seeing it also houses ski rings as well as which was the first ski resort founded in 1957.

nesses in most of touristic activity, and and foreign tourists nese citizens from to enjoy its sandy the biggest sea peaks (Sannine, to practice skiing Lebanon’s biggest “Ouyoun el Siman”

Keserwen houses one of Lebanon’s most magnificent caves, the Jiita Grotto located in the valley of Nahr el Kalb. It consists of 2 levels: the higher cavern (discovered in 1958 and opened to the public in 1969) which contains a 120 m long tunnel, and the lower cavern (discovered in the 30s of the nineteenth century). Nahr el Kalb emanates from the western side of the Western chain of Lebanon’s mountains, and it pours into the Mediterranean North of Beirut. It is a 20 KM long

river, and its valley separates Keserwen from Maten. Its banks house vestigial sculptures carved by most invaders who passed by Lebanon along the eras. Of them engravings by Nabukhazznassar (630-562 BC) and ones belonging to Ramses the Second, King Asserdon, and Emperor Marcus Orelius. About 300 “Nouls” spread in Zouk Mkeyel, 6 of which remain. Antoine Saade, who has worked in this craft for 60 years, owns most of them. Keserwen, lying in the heart of Mount Lebanon, was and remains a cultural, touristic, and commercial center for all Lebanese citizens.

Medic Astro

Médic Astro

3ème année Et oui! Le travail, ça continue ! Programme chargé et cours condensés ! Bienvenue au dernier trimestre de la 3ème année ! Vous avez l’impression que ca n’en finira jamais et vous en avez bien raison ! Mais pensez plutôt à l’extrême confort quand tout ceci serait enfin du passé ! Courage. 4ème année A peine libérés du 2nd bloc, et avant de reprendre goût à la vie, 1 nouveau cauchemar est apparu: le TD d’Immuno qui nous poursuit d’année en année ! et qui nous fait sombrer dans 1 stress continu ! La seule certitude, c’est que cette fois-ci, ce sera le dernier ! 5ème année Après 5 ans d’attente impatiente, vous voilà libérés de la fac, cette période de la vie qu’on n’oublie jamais. Il ne vous reste qu’un tout dernier passage… pas au bloc opératoire bien sûr... mais plutôt dernier bloc de votre vie médicale ! Bon départ et courage dans ce nouveau parcours ! Noura Kaadi

Spotlight of the pen Aasr el Harim: A Lebanese series production taking Lebanese Drama to the next level, Aasr el Harim stands as one of the most successful airing Lebanese series Today. Jawad el Asmar (Peter Semaan), a successful businessman, returns to Lebanon to avenge his past life and his father. Semaan engages in a role of a man built with hatred and bent on taking revenge from anyone linked with the Haddad family. Peter brilliantly plays his cynical part until Leyla Haddad (Nadine Rassi) enters Jawad’s life. His character suddenly finds itself turned upside down and an inner conflict unveils its claws. Jawad struggles to pursue his plan in the face of a strange feeling brewing towards Leyla who ought to have been nothing more than a pawn in his scheme. Nadine, on the other hand, plays the role of a rebel woman who wants

to assert her independence and prove she’s not only equal to Men but better. The two characters clash and their strong personalities dominate the scene. Jawad who has never known Love fails to express his emotions except through disdain and cynical wit, while Leyla, so keen on preserving her image f a strong independent cold successful businesswoman, decides to hide her sensations under a layer of arrogance. After the plan fell apart, Jawad, deciding to escape his sentiments by leaving abroad finally reveals to Leyla his true emotions to her. Confused and flabbergasted, Leyla does the unthinkable by knocking on Jawad’s door and openly admitting her love for him. Is this tangled lover story meant to fail or will the lovebirds manage to overcome all obstacles and enjoy the fruits of their Destiny? House MD: Am American medical series taking Diagnostic Medicine to a whole new realm, House MD is full of excitement and lures the viewer till the last second, when, out of the blue, House (Hugh Laurie) finds the answer to the episode’s case. Rude, intolerable, cynical and a pompous prick, Hugh Laurie excels in his role. Accompanied by three staff members who House likes to boss, ridicule, and order to test his crazy theories, House is no mellow guy to get along with. His overdosed selfishness and hyper megalomania can only be surpassed by his medical expertise. His arrogance and egocentricity renders him a lonely man who couldn’t keep the only friend he had. Not only that, it led him into a personal feud with a policeman which nearly made him enter jail. For many, knowing how to interact with patients and respecting the rules of conduct constitute more than half of a successful physician’s work, but House manages to cure the most ill of patients by tramping over the rules and treating his patients as nothing more than a broken chair in need of fixing. Yet, if it were your own life at steak, would you put pick a by the book physician or House as your doctor? And as future MDs, would you sacrifice your humanity in exchange to excel at your job like House or would you draw the limits at some point? Furthermore, would any of you work under the supervision of such a person in order to acquire experience? Would you condone his actions or stop him in his tracks whenever he’s about to do something you don’t believe in? And would you risk a patient’s life knowing your treatment might be nothing than fishing in murky waters? The Simpsons: The Simpsons is an animated cartoon series that has captivated both the youngsters and the adults. It revolves around an idiot named Homer, his family and how they live their lives. On each episode, Homer never misses to exhibit his unsurpassed wits and cunning perception till one is led to believe a brick packs more neurons than Homer’s brain Marge, Homer’s wife, appear to be almost his antagonist, bright, beautiful, witty, caring, devoted, etc… Seriously, what on Earth was she thinking when she said “I do”? And how about Krusty the Clown and the Itchy & Scratchy show? What is so funny about them? What makes Krusty, who’s no more than a washed up middle age drunk narcissist smoker with no talent, a children’s icon in the series is beyond me. As for Itchy & Scratchy being the equivalent of Tom & jerry, well to be honest, it’s comparing apples and oranges. Yet, and as odd as it is, what attracts the viewers is their eagerness to see what trouble will Homer drag himself into this time, and in which unforeseen way he will

be able to survive another day… having learned absolutely nothing. The show’s characters don’t seem to evolve or mature over time. Homer is still as naïve, stupid and irresponsible as ever, Marge the constant beacon of Morality (except in one episode), Lisa the genius idealist nerd, and Bart the rash delinquent. Despite it all, sometimes the characters go out of character (ironical, hein?). For example, Lisa often goes reckless in her obsessions and in her fight for her beliefs and causes, while Bart seldom exhibits some wisdom and compassion for his family. By Jimmy Chahine

Taking a quiz Type of Love 1- Do you believe Love transcends all else? a- Certainly not b- Don’t know c- Could be d- yes no doubt 2- Are you willing to sacrifice everything for this love? a- No b- Some things c- Most but not everything d- No question about it 3- Would you marry not out of Love? a- Yes b- Possibly c- Depends on the circumstances d- never 4- If you love someone, do you put limits to the relationship? a- Of course b- Quite a few c- Some d- Love is without boundaries 5- Would you value your loved one above everyone else?

a- Surely not b- Above some but not others c- Except family d- The lover is the center of my Life 6- How do you perceive taking the initiative in the relationship? a- The partner must always take the first step b- I rarely take the initiative c- Sometimes I take the first step, sometimes the partner d- I give without expecting anything in return 7- When you enter in a relationship, do you push for Love to exist? a- Not at all b- If it naturally evolves, so be it c- I would like to, but I would not enforce it d- It’s a prerequisite 8- What is your type in relationships? a- Not serious b- Pragmatist c- Romantic d- Hopeless romantic Score chart: a- 1 point

b- 2 point

c- 3 points

d- 4 points

1- Score 8 - 12: Selfish Love: You value yourself above everything and everyone else. You are not prepared to surrender to others and you believe everything is centered on you. As well, the concept of Love does not concern you. 2- Score 13- 20: Doubtful Love: You have some fears of total commitment. You want to love but you don’t know to which extent you are wiling to go. Perhaps experience and taking a leap of faith might open up new world for you. 3- Score 21- 28: Realism Love: You possess a certain view of Love that blends ideal love with pragmatism, Love for you occupies a special place and your loved one is very dear to you. However, Love does not bind you, and social parameters still have their influence and impact. 4- Score 29-32: Selfless Love: love for you is the elixir of Life. You like to go the extremes in Love and you’re willing to offer and sacrifice yourself fully to please your loved one. Selflessness is your sword and Devotion is your shield.

Let’s have a laugh An American touring Spain stopped at a local restaurant following a day of sightseeing. While sipping his sangria, he noticed a sizzling, scrumptious looking platter being served at the next table. Not only did it look good, the smell was wonderful. He asked the waiter, ‘What is that you just served?’ The waiter replied, ‘ Ah senor, you have excellent taste! Those are bulls testicles from the bull fight this morning. A delicacy!’ The American, though momentarily daunted, said, ‘What the hell,I’m on vacation! Bring me an order!’ The waiter replied, ‘I am so sorry senor. There is only one serving per day because there is only one bull fight each morning. If you come early tomorrow and place your order, we will be sure to save you this delicacy!’ The next morning, the American returned, placed his order, and then that evening he was served the one and only special delicacy of the day. After a few bites, and inspecting the contents of his platter, he called to the waiter and said, ‘These are delicious, but they are much, much smaller than the ones I saw you serve yesterday!’ The waiter shrugged his shoulders and replied, ‘Si senor. Sometimes the bull wins.’ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------One day a father gets out of work and on his way home he suddenly remembers that it’s his daughter’s birthday. He pulls over to a Toy Shop and asks the sales person, ‘How much for one of those Barbie’s in the display window?’ The salesperson answers, ‘Which one do you mean, Sir? We have: Work Out Barbie for £19.95, Shopping Barbie for £19.95, Beach Barbie for £19.95, Disco Barbie for £19.95, Ballerina Barbie for £19.95, Astronaut Barbie for £19.95, Skater Barb ie for £19.95, and Divorced Barbie for £265.95’. The amazed father asks: ‘It ‘s what?! Why is the Divorced Barbie £265.95 and the others only £19.95?’ The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: ‘Sir..., Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken’s Car, Ken’s House, Ken’s Boat, Ken’s Furniture, Ken’s Computer, and one of Ken’s Friends.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------St. Peter stood at the Pearly Gates, waiting for the incoming. He saw Jesus walking by and caught his attention. “ Jesus, could you mind the gate while I go do an errand?” “ Sure,” replied Jesus. “ What do I have to do?” “ Just find out about the people who arrive. Ask about their background, their family, and their lives. Then decide if they deserve entry into Heaven.” “ Sounds easy enough. OK.” So Jesus waited at the gates while St. Peter went off on his errand. The first person to approach the gates was a wrinkled old man. Jesus summoned him to the examination table and sat across from him. Jesus peered at the old man and asked, “ What was it you did for a living?” The old man replied, “I was a carpenter.” Jesus remembered his own earthly existence and leaned forward. “ Did you have any family?” he asked. “ Yes, I had a son, but I lost him.” Jesus leaned forward some more. “ You lost our son? Can you tell me about him?” “ Well,almost everyone has heard of my son,he didn’t really come into this world in the usual way,I sent him out to be among the people of the World. He was ridiculed by many, and was even known to associate himself with some pretty unsavory characters, although he himself tried to be honest and perfect....he also had holes in his hands and feet.” Jesus leaned forward even more,looked into the old man’s eyes and whispered, “ Father?” The old man’s face brightened,he leaned forward and whispered, “ Pinocchio?” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The love story of Ralph and Edna... Ralph and Edna were both patients in a mental hospital. One day while they were walking past the hospital swimming pool. Ralph suddenly jumped into the deep end. He sank to the bottom of the pool and stayed there. Edna promptly jumped in to save him. She swam to the bottom and pulled him out. When the Head Nurse Director became aware of Edna’s heroic act she immediately ordered her to be discharged from the hospital, as she now considered her to be mentally stable. When she went to tell Edna the news she said, ‘Edna, I have good news and bad news. The good news is you’re being discharged, since you were able to rationally respond to a crisis by jumping in and saving the life of the person you love. I have concluded that your act displays sound mindedness.

The bad news is, Ralph hung himself in the bathroom with his bathrobe belt right after you saved him. I am so sorry, but he’s dead.’ Edna replied, ‘He didn’t hang himself, I put him there to DRY. How soon can I go home?’

Let’s eat Melokhie INGREDIENTS: 1/2 kg (16 oz) of fresh melokhia leaves 1 kg (32 oz) chicken, cleaned quartered 600 g (20 oz) lamb stew meat, cubed 1 large onion, peeled 1 cup fresh coriander, finely chopped 3 heads garlic, peeled 1/4 cup ground dried coriander 1 tbls salt (as desired) 3 tbls shortening or butter 3 tbls shortening or butter a dash of ground white pepper, cinnamon, and black pepper PREPARATION: Fry meat with 2 tbls of shortening and a dash of salt, cinnamon, and black pepper. Remove and place in another pot. Cover with water and cook over moderate heat. Bring to a boil then lower heat, cover pot, and continue cooking for 2 hours until tender. Fry chicken with same shortening and a dash of salt and white pepper on low heat. Cover with water. Cover pot and cook on moderate heat for 45 minutes. Remove and put aside. Grill onion. Process onion with dried coriander, one peeled head of garlic, and a dash of salt. Put aside. Fry melokhia leaves in batches with shortening. Remove and place aside. Fry remaining garlic and onion mixture with remaining shortening. Stir in coriander and melokhia leaves. Add meat and stock. Cover pot and cook over low heat for 1 hour until tender. Serve hot garnished with chicken and a dash of cinnamon accompanied by cooked rice, radishes, and lemon.

O’ fashion Wedding Dresses strip off their white shades in Lebanon BEIRUT, By Stéphanie Aoun iloubnan.info - April 05, 2009 Summer is knocking; wedding bells and beautiful brides await their holy matrimonies to finally happen. And who’s better than our legendary Lebanese designers to dress in glamour a bride on her unforgettable day? Elie Saab blushed a champagne wedding dress to fit royalty. Combining Satin fully draped corset with a graceful flattering bottom decorated with embroideries and beading.

For his 2009 S/S New Couture collection, Murad pulled off a risky test when he dived in an underwater theme. However no one can deny his astounding success. His striking white wedding dress was abundant with waterish white pearls giving it a dramatic veneer.

Abed Mahfouz opted for a pastel pink textile fully dazzled with silver embroideries

and a long plain white veil. The draped volume gave his 2009 S/S wedding dress a reverie vision of a Spanish touch

This Lebanese designer, known for his unique taste, presented a long white wedding dress adorned with mirror-like stones. The Corset top along with the lace and the bow on the waist bring out every woman’s feminine side

Chakra proposed to brides a brilliant “new age” wedding gown in which the bottom of the dress can be removed leaving a stunning cocktail dress. The funky veil gave a distinctive pleasant look to the dress.

Hobeika’s entire 2009 S/S collection was a theatrical panorama brushed from the Phantom of the Opera Musical. That said, his wedding dress fully in satin, sequined on the waistline and draped on the chest is a gorgeous dress that reflects elegance and romance.

Art Critique

Man is not designed to be perfect; he is well made to get out of trouble whatever serious they are, and catch the rope (symbolizing hope) to continue his climb to the perfection.

Lebanese Artist Rony Azar

Entertainment US Top 10 Fast & Furious; Monsters vs. Alien; The Haunting in Connecticut; Knowing; I Love You, Man; Adventure land; Duplicity; Race to Witch Mountain; 12 Rounds; Sunshine Cleaning

Showing now:  Push;

Pride and Glory Monsters vs. Aliens;  Silina; Friday the 13th;What Just Happened;  Crossing Over;  My Mom’s New Boyfriend; Hotel for Dogs; Jonas Brothers: The Concert Experience; The Unborn; Gran Torino; Race to Witch Mountain; The Reader; Slumdog Millionaire; Marley & Me; The International; Whatever Lola Wants; Confessions of a Shopaholic; The Pink Panther 2; Charbel; Al Dada Doudy; Beirut Open City

The Adventures of Peter Cottontail @ TAJ

Theatre Athenee Jounieh presents The Advenures of Peter Cottontail, by Kiki Satel & Ghazy Feghali from March 28th till April 26th @ 4:30pm.

Health & Science A day at Souk el-Tayeb BEIRUT, By Greg Demarque On the parking lot facing Saint Maron Church in Beirut, Saturdays are unquestionably organic. It’s here, near Saïfi village that each week, about twenty stalls make up Souk el Tayeb, an organic market gathering producers from all regions of Lebanon. The atmosphere is welcoming, family-friendly for a boho-chic clientele.

Green vegetables, potatoes, tomatoes, fresh aromatic herbs, grape pomegranate and orange juice freshly squeezed on demand, honey, oriental pastries, fruits, olives, traditional pickled vegetables, labneh… man’ouchi made on saj for customers eager to taste all those delicious treats. These products coming from all over Leba-

non are presented each week at the heart of Ashrafieh. Some products are certified “organic”: a flyer explains that this label is issued by the Ministry of Agriculture. Others are simply sold as farm products. Souk el Tayyeb was launched four years ago by Kamal Mouzawak, a gastronomy editor and author of a glossary of gourmet products and dishes published in A complete insider’s guide to Lebanon (by Cherine Yazbeck and Carole Corm, Souk el Tayeb Editors, 2008). The regulars come with their families. There are also some expatriates and Western tourists. It’s a rather well-to-do crowd strolling around Souk el-Tayyeb, tasting the products offered by friendly stall keepers. Dress code is boho-chic. Nisrines, a woman in her thirties lives in Ashrafieh with her husband and their 2 year old son. They often do their groceries shopping here, especially since the birth of their child. It’s for him that she prefers buying organic food despite the fact that some of the products are a little bit more expensive. She says she trusts these products. “Actually, I don’t attach great importance to the certified organic label found on some of them” she adds.

One woman sitting behind her stall, offering some tempting dishes said that organic food is “her way of staying healthy. Thanks to that that, I do not know medicine”, she says. A retired physical education teacher from Jounieh, she had been participating in Souk El Tayeb for 4 years. With enthusiasm, she explains she’s a “nature lover, fond of hiking throughout Lebanon.” She cooks vegetables she planted herself and sells her dishes on the market. It was her father who taught her how to cook in a healthy way. Since then, she has been revisiting Lebanese cuisine and reinventing dishes. Her recipe of the day: squid stuffed with cilantro. Her customers, all of them regulars, seem to appreciate. Note that for the last few weeks, most producers from Souk el Tayeb are also in ABC Achrafieh every Wednesday afternoon.

Inventions & Discoveries

-This Week published by Bank Byblos reports that Telecom services provider Globalcom Data Services, in partnership with the Ministry of Post & Telecommunications and the Union of Arab ICT Associations, launched the first Wimax network in Lebanon. The wireless network will allow towns and villages that do not benefit from ADSL services in the north of the country to have access to high-speed Internet.

Wimax, is a telecommunications technology that provides wireless transmission of data using a variety of trans-mission modes, from point-to-multipoint links to portable and fully mobile internet access. -Scientists have created an ideal colleague - a robot that performs hundreds of repetitive experiments. The robot, called Adam, is the first machine to have independently “discovered new scientific knowledge”. It has already identified the role of several genes in yeast cells, and is able to plan further experiments to test its own hypotheses.

Want to play?

-Last year’s Lebanese futsal champions, Pro’s Café took home this year’s trophy in Friday’s competition, which took place at Emile Lahoud military complex. The club defeated Olympic Saida with a score of 9 to 5. -Defeated on Saturday at the finals by Iranian Saba Batri (91-88), the Beirut Riyadi finally ranks in fourth place in the 12th edition of the West Asian championship of basketball. As for Mouttahed Tripoli, which went out in quarter finals when faced with Saba Batri, it finished in fifth place. -This might become a habit. Driving a Mitsubishi Lancer Evo 9, Roger Feghali and his teammate Nabil Noujeim have done it again. Last weekend, they won the 25th edition of the spring rally organized by ATCL. =Lebanese soccer team players who have been called to participate in a closed friendly with Namibia only received 5000 LBP as pocket allowance.

Have some fun! 5 2 1




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Editor in Chief & Designer: Jimmy Chahine




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For suggestions, feedback, wish to put one’s work in the magazine, or be part of the crew, please contact me at 70/694602 or send a message to [email protected]

Publisher: Fourth Year class of Medicine

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