Hom 202 Jan 8

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HOM 202 January 8, 2007 Homework: Read Intro to Chronic Disease (not on quiz) Quiz: everything up until Follow up section. Update on live case: No progress yet. Egyptian camel milk remedy (proved by Dr Bakir): Adolescent behavior, disobedient, disrespect for authority, temper tantrums, body image (anorexia, bulimia), changes in appetitite, changes in thirst, hot feet. Traditional approach to posology: -posology= combo of potency and frequency of repitiont. -some potentencies have better effects than others. -If try one or two different posologies and doesn’t work, it’s not the right remedy. -anything that is not water soluble has to be tritrated to 3C before dilated and successed. -best to succuss on a leather book or palm of hand  not wood because it does not bounce back -when grafting remedies: medicated pellet with non-medicated, add alcohol and shake it  no need to succuss. -tritration to 4C  extremely potent (compared to 3C), will go very deep in case. Not usually sold in pharmacies, need to be involved in a secret society that does 4C tritration because act on such a strong psychic level. -Hahnemann: says use whole potency scale -no rule about starting at a low potency and moving upward (3C, 30C, 200C, etc)  can go high to low. But recommended to use the ascending scale. TRITRATION: reducing a substance to powder by friction or grinding using a mortar and pestle. -try to individualize the posology Criteria: 1. sensitivity of the patient: -more sensitive, lower posology and less repeated -difference between sensitive and paranoid or hysterical  have to convince them they are getting something mild (especially if think the remedy is poisonous). Offer to take it in lots of water, stir it in, five times (for example)  because these people can trick themselves out of the remedy working (nocebo). 2. Assess sensitivity of the patient -emotional sensitive  sensitive in general, sensitive to environment, food, etc  sensitive patient 3. speed of evolution of the diseases -match the intensity of the posology with the intensity of the condition. I.e. anaphylactic shock  200C. 4. chronicity of the event

-chronic (lifetime, 20 years, 10 years)  make FULL use of the potency scale (ascending) 5. nature of disease -gentle when conditions or diseases can become aggravated/intolerable  like in asthma, skin conditions (some patients can become suicidal if eczema is so bad) 6. vitality of the patient: -lower vitality  gentle and steady posology -more vital  open scale of potencies from which to choose -children and babies are usually vital -don’t know someone’s vitality until you treat them – or it might surprise you! 7. clarity of the case: -higher degree of similarity the less need to repeat -pallliate – use lower potency -quick remedy – higher dose + clear answer -no rush – start with low 8. lifestyle of the patient and other treatments -stimulants – stronger posology 9. how new the patient is to homeopathy -lower posology on a more frequent basis -don’t need more than one pellet, but if new, tell them to take 2-3 pellets 10. intercurrent remedies 11. prophylaxis 12. never well since (NWS) patients -medium to high potency 13. cases that relapse quickly -obstacle to cure -for example – abusive relationship (relapse) -however, should have strength to leave relationship 14. anti-doting -power of intention is strongest anti-dote -patients believe what you tell them -mind can create physical symptoms -dental work  because working close to brain (not frequent) -different degrees of anti-dote -not easy to anti-dote a similimum -if anti-doting, use a remedy to anti-dote the anti-dote -not good to use anti-dote (i.e. coffee) for why the remedy did not work  need to get the similimum. 15. rate of progress of the disease -aggressive and rapid disease = strong -greater posology when disease is ascending versus relative improvement (lower dose) 16. possibility of aggravation -lower and gentle posology with strong aggravation 17. availability -plussing: putting the remedy in water and stir vigorously (take either teaspoon, tablespoon, or whole glass)  do not desensitize to the remedy too quickly

Graph of symptom and when to redose Cure – no more complaints, degree of freedom

health Time to redoes (plateau of symptoms)

relapse Symptom starts

time 7 levels of experience in posology (more advanced, newer): -developed by rajan sakaran -focus on chief complaint first as main part of case  most important to the patient Potency selection: -everyone experiences life at a particular level level 1: name (I climbed mount Everest) level 2: fact (I climbed a mountain 3000 feet high) level 3: feeling (I’m really frustrated, really angry) -ask specifically what does it feel life, describe what it’s like. A metaphor, analogy. level 4: imagination, delusion level 5: sensation -source  will tell you what it is (i.e. like a fly on the wall) level 6: energy level 7: “buddha” -give the potency to where the patient naturally functions (or experience life) when the first time they come into your office, how they speak to you for the first time  not to where you are going to take them through the patient intake (and you want to get them to the energy level). Treat them at the level they are at, not the level at which you want them to get to, or are able to freely move from different levels (not blocked at a certain level). -describe disease the same way they describe experience of life  what we experience in life we manifest in disease First prescription: -unicism: one remedy at a time pluralism: several remedies at different intervals complexism: all remedies all together at once

-Hahnemann does not do more than one remedy at once, unless it forms a salt. Unicism: -advantages: less variability, less confusion, more effective (according to the most published cases in the quality homeopathy journals), furthers the science of homeopathy -disadvantage: takes a long time, not properly trained (need lots of training), more chance of failure -rewards outweigh the time it takes to learn unicism Complexion: -advantages: easier to palliate, larger placebo affect, anyone can use it, no need for formal education, will work (especially when deciding between antibiotics – take complex homeopathy instead, less harmful) -disadvantages: does not cure – not based on law of similars, how do you know what cured? if the similimum is in the mixture  the others can antidote curing  need to change potency scale to manage cure (can’t do this) can’t advance the science of homeopathy

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