Hom 202 Dec 4

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HOM 202 December 4, 2006 NOTE: this lecture will be on the December exam. Final exam: -Aphorisms – read the organon -Everything we’ve covered -Quizzes will be online, so review them -quiz are more specific and tricky. So exam is less picky. Have a general understanding of the organon, case taking, and material medica. More breath, less depth. Lycopodium continued… Thirst: Key note  gallbladder colic (pain from hypochondriac extends to back) Constipation: constriction as a result of anxiety, can’t relax (so don’t put on a diet for constipation or increase fiber). Genito-urinary: key note  red sand in urine. Key note  back pain better with urination. Male  can masturbate but can’t have an erection in the presence of others (i.e. in performance). Female  not able to release, let go, and enjoy themselves. Vaginal spasm and sensitivity. Key note  increased sexual desire during menses. Window into women’s personality is during PMS. Can gain up to 5 pounds before menses. Predominantly right-sided remedy or left side extending to right. Lumbago: Key note back pain better with flatus. Circulation: cold, especially hands and feet. Sweat easily when anxious. No perspiration as soon as sleep. Prefers to sleep on right side. Remember – when a person always has to sleep in the same position, they are stuck. Need to protect themselves. After remedy, can sleep in any position. Fruitless efforts to yawn. Yawning relieves abdominal pain. Does not like the morning and 4-8pm. Get second wind after 8pm and then can’t go to sleep. DDx (difference from lycopodium): Lachesis: more left sided. Better after eating. Symptoms worse at night. RANUNCULACEA FAMILY (buttercup family): Pulsatilla:

Bakir textbook case of pulsatilla: Italian grandma with digestive problems. Sensitive, weepy, likes fresh air. Mild, yielding temperament (yields to partner). Took some control in the relationship after taking the remedy. Husband was not happy about it but balanced them out. She became more vocal and part of the decision making process. Plant family review: Sensitivity, adaptive people, yielding, sensitive, descriptive, sensation comes out clearly (one strong sensation but polar opposite is present), soft sensual and emotional people, fear of being hurt, mood swings, dreams affected by days events. Every plant family has common sensation. Every sensation there is an action. Example: sensation boredom and action is sleepiness (example Peppercorn family). Exception: Trees (Conifer) rigid and do not change. Aconite  monks hood Cimicifuga  black kohosh (hormonal, mental state is dark cloud and fear of going insane. Good for women in labour  violent, anger and exposed to pain. Anger is so extreme that pregnant women fears going insane). Helleborus niger  Hydrastis Canadensis  goldenseal Ranunculus  buttercup Staphysagria Themes: Anger versus vexation Anxiety/fear versus calm Pain versus anaesthesia Accute/sudden versus slow/sluggish Sensitive versus insensitive All emotions are felt intensely in this family. Main = anger, fear, grief Shock-like pains. Morbid sensitivity. Sensitive to trifles. Insulted (feeling of being insulted, sensitive to insult, suppress anger  staphysagria). Bursting. Pulling pains in pulsatilla. Dulling  Helleborus Pulsatilla nigricans: 3 main themes: 1. exaggeration of personality 2. Changeableness 3. Yielding Imbegriffe: I am not adequate in myself and dependant and so I have to cover up.

If you don’t see these three themes, question prescription. Psychotic miasm. Fear of not being supported because of dependency (hide anger and irritability). Action: avoidance. Sensation: easy excitement. Initial shyness feeling and then will open up. Then there is conserving how much they open. The person attracts you (color) and you feel like you want to help them. 1. EXAGERRATION OF PERSONALITY. Become dependant like a child. Need for affection. Hypersensitive, increased childlishness. Go back to younger child. Have to take care of them as though they are the younger child. Avarice – greediness. Envious. Jealous. Possessive of others. Dependent and need your support. Weep easily. Wear emotions on their sleave. Easily discouraged and irritated. Can be sweat but easily irritated. Not violent anger, but constant whining. Express everything openly, like an open book. Symptoms are better from wheeping. They want you to console them (will feel better with consolation). Difficult over time to treat. Craves sympathy. Fear of abandonement in relationship. Both Nat-mur and pulsatilla have dependency on one relationship. Nat-mur: discrete – expect you to know how they feel. Silent treatment. Pulsatilla – open book, everything pour out. Fears and panic attacks. Fears of being alone, dark, high places. Claustrophobia. Like open air. In a closed room without open window will wilt. Fear of salvation – am I going to heaven? Am I a good person? Talk in words of good and bad like child. Can be fastidious because want to keep their home in order. DDx – arsenica fastidious because insecure. Nux – efficiency and getting things done on time so need to be organized. Pulsatilla it is a responsibility – that what makes them fastidious. Fear of suicide and fear of men. Symptoms are never the same. 2. CHANGEABLE. Symptoms are never the same, always changing (GENERALS; CONTRADICTORY and alternating states). So hard to get a grasp. Listed as a chilly (when sick) and warm (when healthy) remedy. 3. YIELDING. Like child, does not know what they want. Seek people with strong personality, want to marry a decisive person. Make good followers of gurus. Like others to make decisions for them because they are irresolute and like to please others (dependent, need help and support). Tend to idealize spiritual leaders. DDx: lilium tigrinum. Feels excluded. Attractive behavior. Too occupied by religion and sexual excitement. Have to suppress sexual side because it is dark, wrong. Good person and expressing sexuality is bad to suppress it. Often seen in people in the closet. Can be sexual orientation or other aspects of life. Target organs of pulsatilla: circulation (sepia – vigorous, rigorous exercise. Pulsatille – slow, do not want to overheat). Hyposystole – weak contraction of the heart. Anaemic constitution – fainting easily especially in a warm room. Do not utilize iron levels very well. Slow digestion, like of tonicity. Crave rich fatty foods. Hypofunction of GB and loose it at young age.

Can have infections in any openings. Discharge abundant (vaginitis with heavy leukorrhea). Key note  discharge will start clear and goes to yellow/green overnight – i.e. if child has this during a runny nose, know to give pulsatilla. Leukorrhea is corrosive! Everything else is bland. Hypopituitary function – hypofunction of ovaries and thyroid. Tend to obesity. Crave fatty foods. Varicose veins. Weeping and crying. Arthritis – wandering pain. Slow and gradual moving, not vigorous (to not overheat). Lots of hormonal problems. Pregnancy – nausea better while eating, or nausea in the early trimester (sepia) pulsatilla nausea in late trimester – but take the case! MOST COMMON remedy for mal-positioned fetus (2-3 weeks left before delivery) when feet are down WORKS WELL. High risk pregnancy. Important to turn fetus. Pulsatilla will work unless chord is too small or wrapped around the baby. Trauma during pregnancy – arnica. Give repeatedly. Second stage of labour, give during every contraction. Give to baby as well. Post partum – slow or absent milk. Depression and no milk – agnus castus. Galactorrhea in nonpregnant. Irregular menses. Important eye remedy – especially inflammation. Loss of vision during menses. Baby with blocked lacrimal duct – really good remedy that should clear it up overnight. If not, use another remedy. Big remedy with Otitis media – whining and want help! Also chamomila, if the child reacts with anger and parent can’t make them better – feel like want to slap child. Hep-s pick out very quickly, don’t want to be examined. Nose – prone to hay fever. Discharge watery in evening and goes to late stage quickly (yields both physically and emotionally – but note that emotionally they may stick with it). Sinusitis – chronic case can be helped very quickly if constitutional. Face tendency for freckles and moles on the face. Halitosis – bad putrid taste in mouth esp. on waking with no desire for thirst. This is a good first aid for overdoing it on rich food. Crave refreshing food like lemons but with no thirst (unlike phosphorous). Nymphomanic. Weepy, dependent like a child.

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