Hom 202 Oct 2

  • October 2019
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HOM 202 October 2, 2006 -Aphorism 115: reciprocal action  response to the remedy, but not a reaction. After action  your initial response to the remedy (usually based on the posology given). Week 4 – Introduction to Kingdoms: Plant, Mineral, Animal -Important to understand how to apply them -One of the tools of analysis – need to use other tools otherwise it will limit your practice. -Animal: animal action words (attack, pursue). -Plant: sensitivity words -Main difference between animals and plants: animals can run, pursue, and escape. Plants are rooted and stuck and have to adapt to their environment. -Minerals are different from animals and plants in that they need more structure, existing, function. A mineral would say – I don’t know who I am, my body is not functioning the way it should. The body or mind is not keeping up the way it should (because minerals are essential, functional). Be careful of a compensated animal or plant because these have lack of structure. -Imponderabilia: things you can’t quantify, immaterial. I.e. north star, moonlight, sunlight. PLANT KINGDOM -Basic quality: sensitivity. Sensitive nature. -Survival depends on changes to the external environment and the ability to adapt to these changes. -If there is an obstacle, they will not confront it. They will adapt and find a way to make it work. -Environment: rooted in the soil and unable to move. Adaptation. -Their writing is irregular and usually rounded or disorganized. -Manner of speaking: present their complaints in a disorganized fashion, and then talk in between about other people’s complaints, describe their own system incompletely and in no particular order. BUT, they may be in a compensated state, have a very good coping mechanism to the opposite state (key to becoming a good physician, understanding this). -Compensation: emotional or physical pain. Fear of being hurt. Sensitive, soft, emotional people. Compensate by being “tough” and “has it together”, but underneath are very soft. Disease reflects energy inside – and will present the compensation. Example: tough and strong person comes in with uncontrollable diarrhea. Feels weak and incapable – but externally has prestigious position. -dreams – influenced by the day’s occurrence. Varied, dreams of plants, greenery… -begin follow-ups very abruptly -with their acute sensitivity, they feel most things intensely and are very descriptive. MINERAL KINGDOM -theme: structure and organization. -very systematic and tend to be highly organized (exception: the gases). -other themes: defense and performance. This is where you can confuse them with the animals. Animals: need for survival, survival of the fittest, and the need for the best. Similar with Gold.

Defense: attack and victim of the animal. So, you have to be absolutely sure when taking the case – don’t lock yourself into one kingdom. -Classified into: metals, cations, anions, salts, and acids. Yuan Scholten – the periodic table guy. He is researching this and confirming in practice. Cations: positive charge. They want to attract people to share the electron. A single parent will look for a relationship for support. Need for a relationship. Anions: Wants to get to the noble gases. Aggressive in relationships. Metals: iron series (4th row) has to do more with defense than performance. This will often determine a person’s career path. I.e. someone for Copper will often work for the army. Often feel like they are being attacked. Zinc – feeling constantly under attack, obsessive compulsive people. Second line, the Silver series (5th row) has to do with performance than with defense. Has to do with creativity. Third line, Gold series (6th row of the periodic table), strongest themes of defense and performance and they are the heavier metal. These individuals usually become leaders because they place a lot of weight on their shoulder’s – see worldly matters. -Salts: union of two qualities which balance each other and are appropriate for life matters -Acids: constant struggle until they reach a collapse. Burn-out people. People who need Phosphorus – they need to be connected all the time, cannot be left alone. Because there is a lack of structure. Need the support of other people. Phosphoric acid state – too much time with people. -Gases: feel weighted down and want to be freed up. Will give examples of flying and floating. May talk about birds. But birds would say “trapped in a cage” as well as freedom but it goes where it wants (has direction). A gas goes anywhere with no direction. ANIMAL KINGDOM -Idea: conflict from a split within the self. Your civilized human part versus your animal instinct. Guilt follows. -Has to do with competition, wanting to attract attention. Can be deceitful (represents poison), malicious, and aggressive. -Will say things like “human beings are so cruel”, “I don’t fit into the human world”, “I’m not good enough”. -Can be very affected by harm to animals (animals are higher in the hierarchy) -Or the opposite – animals are dirty, I don’t have any animal in me, I’m 100% human. -Classes: snakes, insects, mammals will each have their characteristic feature. I.e. milk – issues with nurturing or mother – but will be different from where it comes. Snakes – trickster, hypnostize you, master the power of language (because they have no limbs), so attraction comes from their power to use words, they tune you out and you have a hard time pulling away from you. Snakes have issues of abandonment, unwelcomed. -Spiders: restless, cunning. -A spider and a poisonous snake in a cave, who will win? The spider – because it knows how to hide. NOSODES -remedies made from diseased products. I.e. the AIDS nosode, gonorrhea, scabies -Theme: desperation -It is the situation where the tissue has been exhausted by the disease or infection -Example: energy of syphilis: complete and utter destruction of tissue. So this patient  completely hopeless and despair, self-destruction. Energy of Leprosy: rotting away, ostracized,

shy-away, feel like they are not accepted, feel shameful, but they have announce of hope and so they have not given up completely (as in syphilis). But will never be accepted in normal society. -They have complete disgust for what they have (very low) and their sense of self. If they express disgust on one level, then this is a Leprosy miasm and not the nosode. For it to be the nosode remedy, the person has to have disgust on all levels. -Gonorrhea: the main miasm is psychosis and covering up. A lot of secrecy around Gonorrhea. SARCODES: -healthy secretions from tissues. -sometimes mislabeled as nosodes MIASMS -method/theory to help understand chronic disease -it took Hahnemann 13 years to figure this out. -wants to know why people are predisposed to certain conditions. Or the transfer of personality traits (which cannot be measured by the genome) -he then developed the theory of miasm to explain chronic disease. -you can use miasmatic theory to understand a case but cannot be used in prescribing only. -Miasm definition: genetic-energetic imprint, an inherent weakness, a tinge in the vital force. It may or may not be expressed because of the environment. But it may be expressed from an early stage. -Sankaran: -Disease symptoms may manifest as trauma in their own life, or from the trauma passed on from their parents  child developing traits from the past trauma of the parent (the experience leaves an imprint)  will be expressed by a patient’s delusion, or false perception of reality. Example: a person feels suffocated in a relationship, have no identity emotionally with the person, cannot express themselves. They will eventually develop a pathology to represent their delusion – i.e. will start to develop asthma (squeezing, suffocation). If a patient feels suffocated at work, or pressure – they will develop migraines or high blood pressure. So a delusion will manifest in physical disease. -Miasm differs according to patient’s delusion. Delusion: how to perceive reality. -Miasm is the depth and pace at which you perceive the reality, or the disease. They are based on infectious diseases. -so you can develop your own miasm or passed on from parents. -Study a nosode: these are the best examples of miams. -miasm map: According to Hanhnemman, he discovered Psora, syphilis, and sycosis – and touched on tuberculosis. The others came after him. Left to right, from acute to chronic, light to heavy. -acute miasm: you have a feeling you can have success or failure. With acute, it’s all reflex action, no time to think. -typhoid: no time to think -malarial: stuck, dependant, restricted suddenly an attack -psoric: problem is solvable, not the end of the world -cancer: stretch control to the max, can’t hold it together

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