Hom 202 Nov 20

  • October 2019
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HOM 202 November 20, 2006 -false perception of reality  delusion  then expresses itself on the physical plain (i.e. feel suffocated as a child, then experiences asthma). Case taking: Part 2: investigate patient in systematic way 1. Energy -Generals -quantify their energy levels, their chronicity, what happened in the past and compare to present, what was it like before (determine what is their baseline). -qualify energy: what affects? See what comes to the surface. What is most important is vital, important, they will offer it to you and say it first. Try not to ask leading questions. What time of day? -things that affect energy levels: sleep, bad news, food, stress – NOTE this is tip of iceberg, ask them what this is. Exercise, mental exertion, weather (pressure, sunlight, temperature), people around you (emotional, physical draining, too many kids), season, major life events (change or lack of change), experience when not satisfied, relationships. If patient does not know what to say, go to Generals chapter, or have a list of things to ask them. Sepia  loves sun, vigorous exercise, energized by dancing  these are keynotes to the remedy. Natur-mur  very sensitive to sun. Nux  irritiable. So even if the remedy looks right, if the patient does not have the keynote symptoms of the remedy then it is not good. 2. Temperature -Generals; HEAT -Generals; CHILLY -some people think that you are asking about core temperature  but this refers to chilliness or warm feeling. -important to note body type and activity 1. overweight, chilly, and exercise regularly 2. overweight, warm, don’t exercise -first one is more characteristicness -how is perspiration? Quantity, quality, where. If patient says it’s normal, move on. Don’t spend too much time in perspiration -Generals; WEATHER  how affected by weather 3. Sleep, dreams -find out exactly what time they wake up  is it the same time every night/morning? -Sleep; WAKING;  all times are listed here -how many hours do they need? Note if there’s a change in need -morning upon waking  not feeling well / groggy = potential LIV/GB -position of sleep  indicative of subconscious self, inner truth, imbegriffe -stuck in an issue = stay in one or two positions during sleep

-come out of issue  sleeping in different positions, dreaming more often -Sleep; POSITION; knees; on elbows (kids who sleep with bum in air) -do anything in sleep at night  talking, chewing, sleep walking (somnambulism  Mind; SOMNAMBULISM) Dreams: -extremely valuable in case taking -dreams represent subconscious  best person to analyze dream is you (i.e. the Px). -really suppressed = no dreams -tell me about your dreams? (do not ask do you have dreams? Avoid yes or no questions). If they don’t have any, try to go back as far as childhood. Recurring dreams (message keeps coming back). If it stops, successfully repressed. -Px don’t think that you are interested in their dreams. Get them to tell you the details. If they don’t tell you about their dream, ask them to describe their feeling or sensation in the dream. Describe the experience. Then erase the dream and ask them, tell me when in your life have you felt this way? Tell me how you experience that event? Explore the situation. Don’t get carried away with what happened in the dream. -a psychotic Px  kept having dreams of sex with uncle  feeling = confusion of identity and embarrassment -the experience of the story and not the story is what is most important 4. Appetite and hunger -Stomach; APPETITE; increased, hunger in general, forenoon (hungry after breakfast) -cravings: ask them in a way that brings out what they are really passionate about. What kind of food does your body naturally crave even if it’s not good for you (especially since you are a naturopath). -desires are things you like but can live without -cravings need a lot of will, can’t control -milk remedies have to do with either loving it, hating it, or issue with mother and/or nurturing -can use scale to compare second visit to first (objective) -people who don’t know what they want to eat  Generalities; FOOD and drinks; appetite; capricious -aversions and aggravations (produces symptoms) -flatulence (holding it in) and flatus (when it leaves) -focus on digestion complaints during physical exam  quantify and qualify -bowel movements  any problems. Number of movements/day. Constipation  less than once a day. Healthy  after every meal. -urination, history of cystitis (usually treated with ABC and suppressed  so good chance that it will express during homeopathy so you will have to warn the patient). You may need to use more of the remedy or an acute. Good chance that if they had it, it will be there. Can cure someone using zig zag. Don’t want to wait with cystitis so have them call you or come in. 5. Menses, leucorrhea -heavy flow: number of times to change pads/tampons  more than 4-6 per day, or more than 3 times per night -pulsatilla  only flow during the day

-sepia  increased flow upon waking -normal: 3-5 days of menses -temperature changes -time before period  they are most vulnerable. Window into who they are. They can’t compensate. -leucorrhea  look like, quantity, ovulation (clear and sticky for a few days), when -pregnancies  unusual symptoms -miscarriage = abortion. Female; ABORTION; miscarriage -if miscarriaged: ask them try to not get pregnant for three months with normal cycle (takes 3 months to build strength back). After pregnancy, takes 2 years to recuperate (also coincides with 2 years of nursing). -lactation: if milk is lost during nursing. Can do a lot with herbs/homeopathy. Do not need to take a full case. Comes back in a couple of hours. Longest was 12 hours. Chest; MILK; disappearing  urtica urins (urt-u), dulc -postpartum depression and loss of hair are not normal -ask about libido -snake and spider remedies has high libido 6. Nature -used to be personality  but they give job interview response -what is your nature? Nature gives the person the idea that you want to know the way they really are, brings out most characteristic aspect of their personality -passions? Desires? Things they like to do even if they can’t do it now. Or things you used to enjoy doing. Thing you enjoy the most. These could be good confirmatory symptoms for the remedy. Why do we care? We feel passions at level of sensation or energy  reflective of your energy, what it is about. -i.e. someone with passion of fly fishing described it in the same way as he described his work -things they are afraid of or worried about  this combined with their passions is pretty much all you need to know to take the case. -what would you like to change in your life? -because the Px sees everything through their experience, you can get a sense of their nature by how they describe things/people around them. -Mind; ANXIETY; conscientious of. (guilt)

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