History Repeats For A Big Bang?

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  • April 2020
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  • Words: 636
  • Pages: 2
HISTORY REPEATS Human race is in this world for more than 10000 years. The growth in the area of science and technologies is very slow for the past 9900 years. But for the past 100 years the growth is very high and up normal. The electricity has been found out only 100 years back which is the basis of all these inventions and that too an accidental invention due to an electrocution of one frog in a fence due to a thunder. Any growth which is up normal is dangerous. If four bombs are burst at the four corners of the earth the entire human race will be disappeared. That is the level of scientific investments today we have. This is not for good. History says about the destructions we have during prehistoric days. Bombs were there to swoon entire battalions. Hanuman went to various places by flying to get the medicine for this. He can land at any place without any heliport. When Ravana sent an arrow in the sky (which is a fired one) (agni astra) Rama can sent another one to stop it in the sky itself. (may be missiles of the todays war weapons. Ravana flies from Srilanga to North India and after lifting Sita returns to Srilanga. He can land at any place in side a forest. Todays helicopters will need at least a halipad for this. I am purposefully use the word “history” here as we must not neglect these informations as “puranas”(old stories). When Gandhari (of todays Gandhagar) had an abortion her ovum had been put in a pot and hundred children had been created from this. This may be todays cloning and the pot is not an ordinary clay pot as mentioned here and it may be a fully developed scientific instrument we are using now for cloning. After a huge war between all nations with very powerful destructive weapons only some tribes (whom are away from these destructions) (in some hilly, forest areas like nilgiris, himachal pradesh, south africa,amazon) will be survived. As they don't know anything about science and its influences they might have been telling these incidents like “Ravana put an arrow, Rama put another (as they don't know anything other than an arrow), Ravana flies in a peacock (as they don't know the airplanes and know only the peacocks). Even Nostradamus is using only the word white metal bird for planes as there was no airplanes during his period. So we must not ignore these puranas as old stories but we will have to take them as histories. Ayothya is there, Dwaraga is there, Gandhagar is there, Hastinapur is there to tell that these are all already happened. So for the past 9900 years the growth is slow and for the 100 years it is very high means it is the beginning of a big bang. Let us be careful in our steps by not

finding out more and more weapons. Let there not be an another destruction. In 100 years, this may happen, that the remaining human race in forests are telling “some big fire is flying in the sky, when it falls on a place it destroys everything. Ching chang has sent an arrow of fire. Before it reaches the ground another arrow is sent by George wellow and it destroys the first. Ching flies to omerike and captures the queen and brings her to his country. Wellow goes there with army of Indianoes and get her back. And after another 5000 years this may be happened. Now the people are well developed in science. They may say that “Wellow and Ching are fictitious characters. Those are only imaginary stories. There was no chance of flying as there were no such technologies developed that much. Science is developed only now. HISTORY REPEATS

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