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prachnoupanishad: prachno means question. since this upanishad is in question and answer form this name. om pathram karnebi: chrunuyama deva:| pathram pachye-makshapryajathra:| sthrai-rangaisthustwasas-thanubi:| vyachema thevahitham yathayu:| swasthi na inthro vruthachrava:| swasthi na : boosha vichvavetha:| swasthi nastharkshyo aristanemi:| swasthi no pruhasbathir thathathu|| om santhi: santhi : santhi : om devines ! we only hear good ones – oh devoted! we only see good onesw. with healthy senses and strong bodies let us pray and get the longivity of divine ones. let the inthra (god of the east) do good to us. let the all knowing sun do good. let the karuda (the eagle god) which cannot be stopped in his speed do good. let the bruhasbathi (jupiter) do good. let there be peace in the three world.

fir st quest ion: sukeshar son of barathvasar, sathyakamar son of sibi, kargeyar grandson of the sun, gowsalyar son of aswalar, parkavar from vitharba country, kabanthee son of kathyar. all these are in search of brahma gnana and interested in philosophy. they approach the teacher piple author with samith ( the dry brokened stems of banyan tree ) that he will clear all their doubts. ..........1.1

when one is going to see king, teac her , god and c hildr en he must not go empty handed. so w hen one is a ppr oac hing a teac her he must go with some dr y small stiks f or the use of de veloping f ir e for rituals. the stik s must not be plug ged out fr om the tr ee dir ectl y. they must f all in the g round in na tur al w ay s due to

ageing. e ven plug ging out a stem is consider ed as sin in those days. another idea is lik e the stem s w hic h ar e tr y can ca tc h f ir e quic kl y the student will be ignited quic kl y. go and follow virginity and penance for one more year then ask me questions as you wish. if i know i will answer. says piple author. ...........1.2 kabanthi son of kathyar asks: o beloved teacher, how these living beings are coming to this world?............1.3 piple author replies: prajabathi (praja means living beings and pathi means creator) does penance for creating this world. he creats rayee(inactive things) and pranan (life) and thinks these two will create all the other living beings....1.4 all worldly things are prajapathi. life and body, growth and decay, day and night are pranan and rayee. they are combined like light and dark, left and right, active and inactive. by action of the life living beings are coming out, survives and dies.{see prachnoupanishad 2.5&6} mruthyur ka ntharv as-t ha sya pr aja a psar asa: death i s a b eau tiful ma n o f ka nd ha gar (k a ntharv a n) . p eople are b eau tiful ladies(a psaras) a dra ma.

for him. h e p lays in t he w o rld as

kamo k a ntharv a: t ha sya t hayob sa rasa: desire i s a b eau tiful ma n. w o rries ar e h is l adies. (ja yathi ho ma ma nth ra t hyth reeyo u pa nisha d) life is sun. inactive is moon. the physical and abstract things are inactive. they are rayee. sun comes in east. he gives life to the things in the east immeadiately. like that south, west north, up, down and nook and corners are getting the brightness and all life forces are identified with him....1.5&6 he is the life of all. he is this. he takes all shapes and fire. this is told in ruk vetha also. omnipresent, full of light, knows everything, hosts everything, only one light, burns everything, comes with thousands of light beams, takes all the shapes of all the living beings. wisdomed one identify him as their own brahmam. ..............1.7&8

time is prajabathi. it has two major periods. thakshinayanam and uthirayanam. south and north angles. one who do the rituals of agnihoma (rituals with fire), praying the guests, saving the cows and birds will reach the chandralok. (moon)(southward travel) they rebirth in this world again and again. ...........1.9 one who do the penance, maintaining virginity, by interest and action follows the brahmam will reach the suryalok (sun) (northward travel). this is the place of all life where there is no fear or death. this is the best place. they will not return to this world. no rebirth. others cannot reach here. .....1.10 he has been described as such that he is having five legs (five seasons), twelve shapes (months), living in better place than the heaven itself, owner of water. and some describes him as the knowledge of all the knowledges, six axiles(seasons) and seven wheels and everything is sacrificed only to him. .....1.11 if month is the creator then krishnapaksham ( full moon day to no moon day) is inactive and suklapaksham (no moon day to full moon day) is the life. as knowledged one who knows this whenever they are doing the rituals (as they are seeing it as light and life) it can be considered as doing rituals in suklapaksha only. others who dont know this (as they are in darkness of ignorance) even if they do it on good days it can be considered only as otherwise. .............1.12 if day is the creator then day is life and night is inactive. one who joints ladies in day will destroy their life energy. and in night if they do it they dont loose their virginity. .........1.13 food is the creator. from that the energy comes. from that all the living beings come out. .........1.14 one who has the penance and virginity will reach the heaven. one who is fraud, lier, cheater will not reach it. ....1.16 second question: parkavr of vitharba country ( his fore father is birugu) asks: how many gods are supporting the living beings in this world? how many of them are giving

life to them? which one is the best one? ...............2.1 piple author replies as a small story: the sky, the air, the fire, the water, and the earth are telling that they are supporting the speech, the mind, the eyes, the ears. by exposing their energy they are supporting the being. .......2.2 the life force says dont have confusions. i am separating myself into five parts and supporting this body. to show his importance he comes out of the body. as he comes out all the other five energies also leave the body. when the life force enters the body other five also enters. like when the mother bee comes out of the nest all other bees are also coming out and as she returns all bees are also returning five senses are following the main life force. ............2.3&4 this life force is burn as fire. this is sun. this is the cloud. this is the earth. this is air. this is the existing one and the non existing one. and the god himself is also this. .......2.5 when one dies there is no world according to him. if the subject is not there all the objects  are useless eventhough they are there. one famous saying is “when the cat closes his eyes  the entire world will become dark”. that is explained here. .............ashokha  like pokes in a wheel all are attached to you (the life force.) you are entering the womb as the creator. then born with your father and mother identity. then with the senses you are sitting in all bodies. you are bringing the final value of all the rituals to the gods. you are the food for the fore fathers. you are the base for all the senses and their energies. ..............2.7&8 oh brana! you are the indhra (god of the east). in energy you are the shiva.( god of energy) you are the saver. you are the sun. you are the king of lights. whenever you bring rain to this world people are happy that there will be sufficient food. as you come first nobody can do the rituals to you. you are the agni of the atharva vedha. you take all the benefits of all rituals. you are the result of the world. we are only here to give the final benefits of the rituals. you are the father of air. so you are the father of all the worlds....2.9to11 by which energy you make the sound, the ear, the eye, the mind put it there permanently. dont leave us. this and the energies of heaven are belonging

only to you. save us as a mother. give us good wealth and better relations. ......2.12&13 third question: then gowsalyar son of achvalar asks: where the life is starting? how it comes inside the body? how it establishes itself and stay here? how it comes out? how it occupies the entire world? how it controls the entire body? .........3.1 pipleauthor replies: you are asking a complicated question. as you are more inclined towards wisdom i am answering....3.2 this life is coming out from soul. how the body is having a shadow the life is the shadow of adma(soul). it spreads through out the soul. by mind it comes inside the body. ...3.3 like the king is appointing officers to various villages the main life force is engaging other forces in various parts of the body. ..........3.4 at lower parts of the body abanan is appointed. in eyes, ears, mouth and nose life is establishing himself. at stomach is samanan. it spreads the energy of the food to various parts. from there the seven fires comes out. ........3.5 the soul is in heart. there are 101 nadis. each nadi is branching to 100 small nadis. each small nadi is branching to 72000 micro nadis. vyanan goes through all these nadis....3.6 uthanan goes through one nadi among these nadis upward. he brings the soul to heaven or hell or to the human world according to the past life of individuals ....3.7 if this uthanan (upward nadi) is activated in the body the body will become light and floats in the sky. this sidhdhi is called lahima. there are eight sidhdhies totally. by severe yoga practice john paul olhaperri is doing this floating in front of white house and in front of president palace at sandiago,sili. refer newspapers. ..........ashokha sun is the life outside. it activates the life in the eyes and rises. the

lifeforce of the earth activates the abanan (downward energy) . samanan is inbetween sun and earth and activates samanan in the body. air is vyanan. the light is the uthanan. when it is reduced body dies. by the senses which are minimised in the mind after death the life force reaches another birth. ..........3.8&9 dont tension. eyes are using the light of the sun. the body is having the weight due to gravitational pull of the earth. we are getting the energy by eating the things that are in the earth. we are living by breathing air. they are explained in a poetic way. that is all. ..........ashokha in which thought one is engaged during death with that thought he merges with the main soul. using uthanan (the upward energy) the life reaches the world which he wishes lost. .........3.10 one who knows the life force as it is will become eternal. the next stanza explains. ........3.11 he will become eternal by knowing the beginning of the life, entrance of it into the body, how it rules over the body, five different actions of the life force, and the final stage of the life during death. .....3.12

fourth question: sowryayani from karga asks: which are sleeping in the being? which are

awakened in him? which is seeing the dreams? which one is enjoying the pleasures? in which all are stablised? ..4.1 pipleauthor replies: as light rays merging inside the sun during sunset and as they come out during the rise all these senses are entered into the mind and reduced. the being will not hear, see, smell, taste, touch, speak, receive, enjoy, give and walk. it is told as sleeping. ..........4.2 in the body the fires of the breathing alone is awakened during sleep. abanan is karhabathya agni (the round shaped fire place at the back of the individual during agni rituals) vyanan is anvaharyabasanam (thakshinagni at the south side) pranan is ahavaneeya agni (the square shaped fire place)..4.3

inhaling is applying the pranan in abanan, exhaling is applying the abanan in pranan. these two breathing are controlled by the samanan. mind is the owner for these actions. the desired result is uthanan. as uthanan is making the human being to sleep which is like the heaven. .....4.4 this mind is enjoying his capacity in dreams. which are seen in awakened stage are seen again in dream. which are heard are again heard. which are enjoyed in various places and in various directions are again enjoyed. seen, unseen, heard, unheard, enjoyed, unenjoyed, existing and nonexisting all are enjoyed by him by establishing himself as all of them...4.5 when the mind is occupied by the light he cannot see the dreams. then the sleeping stage itself becomes bliss...........4.6 as birds are settled in the tree during night the mind and all its powers are settled in the soul. .........4.7 the earth and its elements, the fire and its elements, the water and its elements, the air and its elements, the sky and its elements, the eye and the visibles, the ear and the sound, the nose and the smells, the mouth and the tastes, the skin and the feeling, the mouth and the sound, the hand and the touching, the mind and the joy, leg and walking, mind and and thinking, the thought and the senses, the ego and its application, the mind and

planning, the intelligence and the explanation all are only soul and nothing but that.....4.8.

he(the soul) is really seeing, touching, hearing, smelling, tasting, thinking, knowing, doing. the living subject inside the body is he. he establishes himself in the god.........4.9 he is not having the shadow of ignorance, not having the body, not having emotions, pure and permanent. one who realises this will reach it. he will know all and will become all. ......4.10 one who knows the soul which is existing in the knowledge (brain) with supreme powers and senses will know everything and will be living in everything. ......4.11

fifth question: sathyakamar son of sibi asks: one who is chanting om will reach which world? ........5.1 which is named as omkar is the knowledge about the supersoul and the knowledge about the world. one who realises will reach any one of these two knowledges.....5.2 if he is chanting it for one syllabi he will enchanting his knowledge and reach the world in his next birth. the angels for the rukvetha will bring him to the human world. he will reach the higher stage by living a life of penence, virginity, and wisdom. ..........5.3 if he is chanting it for two syllabi he will unified with soma the angel for yajurvetha. he will reach the anthariksha world and brought to soma loga by yajur vetha angels. he will enjoy the benefits of soma loga and then

come to the human world.


if he is chanting it for three syllabi (which is om) he will merge with the sunlight. (he will not come to this world again) like a snake removes its outer skin he will remove all his sins. he will be brought to brahma loga by sama. he will see the god or the supersoul which is beyond all these souls which are inside every living being. .........5.5 if the three syllabies are chanted separately it will give only destroying result. if they are chanted together they will not be like that. if they are fixed in correct way in awakened, dreaming and sleeping stages he will be stabilised and strong. ..........5.6 by ruk vetha one can reach the human world. by yajur vetha one will reach the innerworld. by samavetha one can reach the brahma loga. all these can be attained by chanting omm. he can also reach the heaven which is not at all having ageing, death and fear. ..........5.7

om is containing a, u, m. a is in aw ak ened sta ge and physical body . u is in dr eam sta ge and ast ral body . m is in spiritual body and f our th sta ge of consciousnes s. e venthough these thr ee ar e separ atel y visible they ar e mer ging with the soul as all riv er s ar e mer ging with the sea. one w ho find out tha t will not be mo ved by anything.

sixth question: sukesar of barathvasar heritage asks: once the king of kosala hiranya naban asks me “do you know the human being with sixteen field. i dont know i have answered. now tell me who is that man? ...........6.1 pipleauthor answers: one who is having that sixteen field is now living in your body also. .........6.2 sukesar thinks: which going out when i am going out? which stabilises when i am stabilising inside? ...6.3

god has created the lifeforce. from that he creates attachment, sky, air, ether, water, earth, semen, mind and food. from food he creates energy, penance, mantras, actions, worlds and their names. .........6.4 like all the rivers are merging in the sea loosing all their individual names these sixteen field are merging with the individual loosing their individual identity. then he will become immortal and has no individual field. .....6.5 like spokes in a wheel all these fields are connected with the living being. knowing this death will not disturb you.....6.6 i have realised only like this. nothing more than this to know. they replied as you have made us to cross the ignorance you are our father. pray you. ..6.7&8

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