Historicity Of Ramayan

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Historicity of R¢m¢ya´a -Arun Kumar Upadhyay, IPS. B-9, CB-9, Cantonment Road, Cuttack-753001 Ph-0671-2304172/2304433, Mob-9437034172 E mail<[email protected]> 1. Meaning of History-In India, history has more comprehensive meaning. World has 3 aspects-(1) Some features do not change. (2) Some changes are irreversible. (3) Some changes are cyclic. Thus there are three types of puru¾a (world or individual both) and timePuru¾a Time (K¢la) Reference Avyaya Akºaya Git¢ (10/33) Akºara Janya S¦rya-siddh¢nta (1/10), Git¢ (10/30) Kºara Nitya S¦rya-siddh¢nta (1/10) G¤t¢ (11/32) Thus, there is dispute as described in debate among parrots in the house of Ma´²ana Miºra-whether world is permanent or transient (M¢dhav¤ya ¹ankara Digvijaya, 8/8). Actually both are true to some extent. This is true of the entire Indian source literatures, they are complementary. Eternal things are in Vedas, contemporary explanations are in jaina texts called Loka (Git¢ 15/15). Vedas are seeing the unity by §¾is in 3 worlds-¡dhidaivika (Cosmic), ¢dhibhautika (Physical world) and ¢dhy¢tmika (within human body). Their scintific explanation in each context separately is by jaina Munis. Thus history is of two types-Itih¢sa=Iti+ha+¢sa=thus it has happened. This is chronological records of incidents. Pur¢´a=pur¢+navati=How old becomes new. In this sense, it is told in western thought that history rpeats itself. Both Itih¢sa and Pur¢´a are used to explain vedas. For example, three things are to be seen in history of modern India-(1) What are the permanent features of the country, its society, traditions, geograpgy etc.? (2) What changes have come in past 200 years or past 1000 years ? (3) What are the reasons of such changes-British rule, Islamic rule etc.? Thus, historicity of R¢m¢ya´a will be shown in 3 ways-(1) Explanation of vedas, (2) Measures of time and places, (3) Living traditions. 2. Explanation of vedas-There is frequently doubt that the ideals given in vedas are Utopian and not practically feasible. V¢lm¤ki also had such doubts. But he was explained by N¢rada that there was really such a person R¢ma at that time who was epitom of vedas. V¢lm¤ki was 24th Vyasa (K¦rma, V¢yu, Brahm¢´²a pur¢´as). R¢ma also was born in 24th Tret¢ (one of the 4 parts of a yuga). R¢m¢ya´a starts with the verse that when the Supreme being knowable by Vedas only was born as son of Daºaratha (R¢ma), Vedas also appeared through V¢lm¤ki, descendent -1-

of Prachet¢ DakºadoXdoÚo nao nw§{g OmVo XeaWmË_OoŸ& doX: àmMoVgmXmgrV² gmjmX² am_m`UmË_ZmŸ&(am_m`U 1/1/1) Itih¢sa is for explaining vedas and is a part of itF$M: gm_m{Z N>ÝXm§{g nwamU§ `Owfm gh CpÀN>îQ>mÁO{kaoŸ&(AWd© g§.15/9/24) F$½doX§ ^JdmoÜ`o{_... B{VhmgnwamU§ nÄM_§ doXmZm§ doX_²Ÿ& (N>mÝXmo½` Cn{ZfX² 7/1/2) B{VhmgnwamU: nÄM_mo doXmZm§ doX:Ÿ& (N>mÝXmo½` Cn{ZfX² 7/1/4) nwamUÝ`m` _r_m§gm Y_©emñÌm“{_{lVm:Ÿ& doXm: ñWmZm{Z {dÚmZm§ Y_©ñ` M MVwX©eŸ&(`mkdëŠ` ñ_¥{V 1/3) B{VhmgnwamUmä`m§ doX§ g_wn~¥§h`oV²Ÿ& {~^oË`ënlwVmX² doXmo _m_`§ àh[aî`{VŸ&(_hm^maV1/1/267) R¢m¢ya´a was taught for the same purposeg Vw _oYm{dZm¡ ÑîQ²>dm doXofw n[a{ZpîR>Vm¡Ÿ& doXmon~¥§hUmWm©` VmdJ«mhV à^w:Ÿ&(am_m`U 1/4/6) As the first explanation of Vedas, R¢m¢ya´a is called the first poetry though Vedic verses themselves are of prior time. R¢ma had learnt vedas and he praises Hanum¢n also that only a scholar of vedas can speak without any error like him. V_ä`^mfV gm¡{_Ìo gwJ«rd g{Md§ H${n_² & dmŠ`k§ _Ywa¡d©mŠ`¡: ñZoh`wº$_[aÝX__²Ÿ&& ZmZ¥½doX{dZrVñ` Zm`Owd}XYm[aU:Ÿ& Zmgm_doX{dXwfíeŠ`_od§ à^m{fVw_²Ÿ&& ZyZ§ ì`mH$aU§ H¥$ËñZ_ZoZ ~hþYm lwV_²Ÿ& ~hþ ì`mhaVmZoZ Z {H$pÄMXnepãXV_²Ÿ&& (dmë_r{H$ am_m`U, {H$pîH$ÝYm H$mÊS> 3/26-29) Z øñ` H$píMËgÑemo@pñV emñÌo d¡emaXo N>ÝXJVm¡ VW¡dŸ& gdm©gw {dÚmgw V`mo{d©YmZo àñnY©V@o `§ {h Jwé§ gwamUm_²Ÿ&& (dmë_r{H$ am_m`U, CÎmaH$mÊS>, 36/44-45). It is stated that V¢lm¤ki was deeply hurt by killing of a Krau®cha bird pair by a hunter and his sorrow came out as poetry_m {ZfmX à{VîR>m§ Ëd_J_: emídVr: g_m:Ÿ& `ËH«$m¡ÄM{_WwZmXoH$_dYr: H$m__mo{hV_²Ÿ&(am_m`U 1/2/15) gmo@Zwì`mhaUmX² ^y`: emoH$: íbmoH$Ëd_mJV:Ÿ&(1/2/40) {ZfmX{dÕmÊS>O Xe©ZmoËW: íbmoH$Ëd_mnÚV `ñ` emoH$:Ÿ&(aKwd§e 14/70) emoH$: íbmoH$Ëd_mJV:Ÿ&(ÜdÝ`mbmoH$ 4/5) However, Skanda-pur¢´a while describing importance of Ayodhy¢ tells that the hunter was none else than R¢ma who killed R¢va´a obsessed with sex among the pair of R¢va´a-Mandodar¤. Brahm¢ advised that the description of that immortal act of R¢ma symbolized by incident of bird will give immortal work by V¢lm¤ki. emnmoŠË`m ö{X gÝVßV§ àmMoVg_H$ë_f§Ÿ& àmodmM dMZ§ ~«÷m VÌmJË` gwgËH¥$V:Ÿ&& Z {ZfmX: g d¡ am_mo _¥J`m§ MVw©_mJV:Ÿ& Vñ` g§dU©ZoZ¡d gwíbmoŠ`ñËd§ ^{dî`{gŸ&& BË`wŠËdm Vw OJm_mew ~«÷bmoH§$ gZmVZ:Ÿ& VV: g§dU©`m_mg amKd§ J«ÝWH$mo{Q>{^:Ÿ&& (ñH$ÝX nwamU, nmVmbIÊS>, A`moÜ`m _mhmËå`) According to this view, it is not a curse but a good-will coming out of mouth of V¢lm¤ki on this incident symbolising killing sex-driven R¢va´a by R¢ma. This is in consonance with the story of the first 2 chapters that N¢rada tells the story of R¢ma as the ideal person to be described in epic for education of world. Thus the word m¢-ni¾¢da maens abode of m¢ (Lakºm¤ or S¤t¢) i.e. R¢ma. Here, m¢ does -2-

not mean not. Krau®cha (of P¢t¢la) pair is R¢va´a and Mandodar¤. By killing sex obsessed R¢va´a, fame of R¢ma will be ever-lasting. _m{ZfmX=_m`m§ búå`m§ {ZfrX{V B{V, H«$m¡ÄM{_WwZ=amdU+_ÝXmoXar, AJ_: =AmJ_+{ZJ_Ÿ& The nature of eternal poetry is given by Vedas also. The pure source of thought in mind is radiant, without parts, links or body and is un-broken. When that idea is expressed as such by poet by covering it with words, it becomes immotal. g n`©JmV² ewH«§$ AH$m`§ Ad«U§ AñZm{da§ ewÕ§ Anmn{dÕ_²Ÿ& H${d: _Zrfr n[a^y: ñd`å^y: `mWmVÏ`Vmo AWm©Z² ì`XYV² emídVrä`: g_mä`:Ÿ&(B©emdmñ` Cn.8, H$mÊd `Owd}X 40/8) R¢ma is described as Ram-Brahma which is the radiant energy present everywhere in space. Kham-brahma is vacant space and kam-brahma is the doer or creator aspect. The combination of three is called Sham-Brahma or Shankara (steady cycle of world). S¤t¢ is the wealth produced from earth. There are different explanations of Ayodhy¢, Daºaratha, 4 brothers of R¢ma as 4 aspects of Puru¾a which need not be discussed here. 3. Geography-Several places all over the world have been claimed as La¬k¢ and western followers attempt to ignore the real La¬k¢ and include all others. Firstly, we should know the 4 meanings of La¬k¢, then we will understand their locations. The meanings of La¬k¢ are(1) Island-La¬k¢ is an island in south part of India (Bh¢rata). Simhala was its northern part which was separate but under control of La¬k¢ during R¢m¢ya´a era. E.g. Var¢hamihira in his B¨hatsamhit¢, K¦rma vibh¢ga (chap.14) statesAW X{jUoZ b‘>m-H$mbm{OZ-gm¡[aH$sU©-Vm{bH$Q>m:Ÿ& H$mÄMr _éMrnÅ>ZMoæ`m©æ`©H$-qghbm F$f^mŸ& (2) Capital town- Capital town of La¬k¢ (with or without Simhala) was also named as La¬k¢ during rule of Rava´a. (3) Place of 00 longitude on equator-As we take the line passing through Greenwitch in London, UK as the 00 longitude, in ancient times it was the line passing through Ujjaina in India. That was the central place of temple of Mah¢k¢la (=the great time). The point where this north-south line met the equator was called La¬k¢. At present there is no land mass here, in past it might have been. The king of this area was called Kubera (ku=earth, Bera or Bela=time), as the time of La¬k¢ was the universal time as it is now of Greenwitch. All texts of astronomy mention it, some examples are given belowCÁO{`Zr b‘>m`m: gpÝZ{hVm `moÎmaoU g_gyÌoŸ& VÝ_Ü`m•mo `wJnV² {df_mo {Xdgmo {dfwdVmo@Ý`:Ÿ&&(damh{_{ha, nÄM{gÕmpÝVH$m, 13/17) I.e. Ujjain is on same north-south line as of La¬k¢, so noon at both places is together. When sun is not at equator, day-lengths are different there. ñd_}é ñWb_Ü`o ZaH$mo ~‹S>dm_wI§ M Ob_Ü`oŸ& -3-

A_a_am _Ý`ÝVo nañna_Y: pñWVmZ² {Z`VmZ²Ÿ&&12Ÿ&& The heaven and the Meru mountain are at the centre of the land (i.e. at the north pole); the hell and the Ba²av¢mukha are at the centre of water (i.e. at south pole). The gods (residing at the Meru mountain) and the demons (residing at the Ba²av¢mukha) consider themselves positively and permanently below each other. CX`mo `mo b‘>m`m gmo@ñV_`: g{dVwaod {gÕnwaoŸ& _Ü`m•mo `dH$moQ²>`m§ amo_H$ {df`o@Y©am̧ ñ`mV²Ÿ&&13Ÿ&& When it is sunrise at La¬k¢, it is sunset at Siddhapura, midday at Yavako°i, and midnight at Romaka. (Ujjayin¤ is at lat. 75043’ E and long. 23009’). La¬k¢ is at same long. at equator, Romaka is 900 west and Yavako°i is 900 east. Siddhapura is diametrically opposite to La¬k¢. ñWbOb_Ü`b‘>m ^yH$ú`m`m ^doÀMVw^m©JoŸ& CÁO{`Zr b‘>m`m: VÀMVwa§eo g_moÎmaV:Ÿ&&14Ÿ&& (Am`©^Q>r`, 4/13-14) From the centres of the land and the water, at a distance of one-quarter of the earth circumference, lies La¬k¢; and from La¬k¢, at a distance of one fourth thereof, exactly northwards, lies Ujjayin¤. It is clear that it was known to ¡ryabha°a from tradition that north pole is water within land-mass and south pole is land within body of water which was learnt only during recent times in modern science. There are many other references in R¢m¢ya´a which indicate accurate mapping of world at that time and monuments preserved till today(1) South east part of Bh¢rata is like ºu´da (trunk of elephant) from south of Thailand to Indonesian islands. Thus the end of Indonesia has been called ¹u´²¢ sea which is still the name. (2) End of east direction was marked by building a gate by Brahm¢. End of east should be 1800 east from Ujjain (which is same as 1800 west). There is still the largest pyramid at that place (about 40 west of Mexico).(V¢lm¤ki R¢m¢ya´a, Ki¾kindh¢ k¢´²a, 40/54,64) In addition to these references in R¢m¢ya´a, Yamako°i-pattana (900 east of Ujjain, where there is an undersea pyramid on the south-western tip of Newzealand. Southern latitude of Yama star is same as that of this town. Similarly, south latitude of Magadaskara (M¨gataskara, Hari´a island called by Arabs) is same as south latitude of M¨ga-vy¢dha star. There is also reference of Atlas mountain where pillars of Hercules existed (Ketum¢la var¾a) (V¢lm¤ki R¢m¢ya´a, Ki¾kindh¢ k¢´²a, 42/27,30). Like R¢ma belonged to S¦rya (sun) clan, many kings in the world claim to be descendents of sun-Japan, old kings of Peru (Inka, Ina=sun in sanskrit), Egypt etc. There is a meaning that places of sun were the border points of time zones in -4-

ancient world. Like present time-zones at interval of 30 minutes, ancient time zones of world were at intervals of 60 or 24 minutes (=1 da´²a). These were places of sun, La¬k¢, of places of time (K¢la). Central place of time was Mah¢k¢la (Great time) in Ujjain, whose central point appears to be point on prime meridian. K¢lahast¤ in Andhra pradesh is 6o east of Ujjain. Ko´¢rka at east coast in Orissa is 120 east of Ujjain. K¢lapriya (K¢lp¤ in Uttar pradesh) and M¦lasth¢na (Multan in west Punjab) are at 00 and 60 west. Lol¢rka in Var¢´as¤ and Puny¢rka (Punarakh near Patna, Bihar) are also 60 and 90 east of Ujjain. Thaneswar is at 00 long. Pu¾kara (present Bukhara in Ujbekistan) was 120 west of Ujjain as per Vi¾´u pur¢´a (2/8/26). Kyoto (old capital of Japan, 600 east), Pyramid of Ezypt (450 west), Ancient capital of Ink¢ (Ina=sun in S¦rya-siddh¢nta) in Peru is 1500 westall were places of kings of sun-race. Stonehenge in England was 780 west (13 time zones). It was place of observatory and its region is called Lancashire, Lancaster. Lourdes (=Rudreºa) in France on its east border is old holy place and is 720 west (12 time zones). Hellespont (helios=sun) is narrow sea between old south Greece and Turkey, now called Dardanelles. This and places in TurkeyIzmir (Meru) and Canakkate (Ko´¢rka=place of arka=sun) are 420 west. 5. Yuga measures-Indian system is cross check by different complementary methods. It should not be taken as contradiction. Principle of harmonious construction (as in legal texts) should be applied for true meaningAWmVmo ~«÷{OkmgmŸ& OÝ_mkñ` `V:Ÿ& emñÌ`mo{ZËdmV²Ÿ& VÎmw g_Ýd`mV²Ÿ& (~«÷ gyÌ 1/1/1-4) Mu´²akopani¾ad tells about 7 pr¢´as arising frob 7 tongues of agni (1/2/4, 2/1/ 8). But ¹vet¢ºvatara upani¾ad (1/5) tells about 5 pr¢´as only. Both are correct, 2 out of 7 pr¢´as are beyond perception (asat) called paroraj¢-pr¢´a-viz. §¾i and pitara. Thus sat or tangible pr¢´as are 5 only. Similarly, above quote of Mu´²aka tells about 7 tongues of Agni, whereas svasti-p¢°ha tells 14 tongues (Ap½Z{Oˆm _Zd:). Mu´²aka tells 7 tongues for consuming, thus there should be 7 for expelling also, making a total of 14 tongues. For calender purpose, Pa®ch¢nga uses 5 elements for indicating day-day, date, nakºatra, yoga, kara´a. But there are 2 extra elements-lagna (point of ecliptic at local horizon at a time) and planetary positions. For yugas also, 5 out of 7 yugas are used for determining historical era. There are several meanings of the phrase that yuga is of 5 samvatsaras (nÄM gådËga_`§ `wJ_²-F$H²$ Á`mo{Vf, 1, `mOwf Á`mo{Vf, 1)(1) Yuga is of 5 years. (2) Yuga is of 19 years in §k jyoti¾a out of which 5 are of samvatsara type. Other 14 years are of vatsaras with suffix pari, id¢, anu, id. (3) There are 5 samvatsaras used for indicating a yuga-Guru-vatsara (yuga of 12 years, cycle of 60 years of 2 types), divya-vatsara of 360 years, saptar¾i-vatsara -5-

of 2700 years, Dhruva or Krau®cha-vatsara of 8100 years, Ayan¢bda of 24,000 years. The other 2 yugas out of 7 types are not used for historical eras. 6. Period of R¢ma- Three dates are calculated by traditional measures(1) Taking kali of 432000 yeasr starting on 17.2.3102 BC, R¢ma was in Tret¢. Tret¢ is 3 times Kali and thereafter, Dv¢para of double Kali is taken. taking midpoint of Tret¢, period of R¢ma is648000 (half of tret¢) + 864000 +5109 (years passed in Kali in 2008 AD) =15,17,109 years. This tallies well with the geological estimate of Adams bridge between India and Lank¢ which has been estimated to be about 17,20,000 BC. The year can be matched exactly by taking earlier part of tret¢. (2) R¢ma has been stated in 24th tret¢. After that 3 yugas of 43,20,000 years each have passed then 28th yuga is running. In that case, his period starting from mid-point of tret¢ is648000 + 864000 + 432000 (In 24th yuga) + 3 x 4320000 (25, 26, 27th yugas) + 1728000 (Satya) +1296000 (tret¢) +864000 (dv¢para) + 5109 (years passed in Kali). = 1844000 + 12960000 + 3888000 +5109 =1,86,97,109 years. (3) Taking the meaning of Ayan¢bda-yuga of 24000 years of 12000 years of avasarpi´¤ (satya+tret¢+dvapara+kali of 4,3,2,1 parts) and then 12000 years of utsarpi´¤ (starting from kali in reverse order) the time will be about 4433 BC. Cycle of B¤ja-samsk¢ra (seed correction) has been taken by Bh¢skara-II and Brahmagupta of 24000 years on basis of tradition and no logic was known as per Bh¢skara. Brahmagupta has claimed tradition of Vi¾´u-pur¢´a whose relevant parts are not available, but similar matter is in Vi¾´u-Dharmottara-pur¢´a. Vi¾´upur¢´a has been stated by Par¢ºara and Bh¢skara-1 has stated in Mah¢bh¢skar¤ya (2/2) that at the time of Mah¢bh¢rata, two systems were in vogue-Par¢ºara and ¡ryabha°a. All the pur¢´as tell that yuga is of 12,000 divya years. Here, divyayear in context of S¦rya-siddh¢nta means 360 years. But V¢yu-pur¢´a at one place tells saptar¾i year of 3030 m¢nu¾a-years and at other place it is told of 2700 divya years. Here, divya (of light, or sun) means solar year of 365 1/4 days and m¢nu¾a (of mana=mind, moon born of cosmic mind-puru¾a-s¦kta, 7) is of 12 recolutions of moon in 327 days. It can be verified by calculation that both measures of saptar¾i year tally. There are other considerations for fixing the date(1) R¢ma was in 24th tret¢ where each part of tret¢ is of 360 years. These parts have been called dv¢para also in list of 28 Vy¢sa. -6-

(2) Era of Paraºur¢ma is called Kollam (kalamba) starting from 6,177 BC and is still continuing in Kerala. The thousand term is not specified, but he was in 19th tret¢ and thus maximum 1420-1800 years before R¢ma. (4) 21 republics in 120 years has been mentioned by Megasthenese after the first yavana attack in 6,777 BC. This can be wiping out kºatriyas for 21 times. Thus, Paraºur¢ma can be in 6177 BC (his death time). (5) Prabhava year was at the time of birth of R¢ma and of Matsya incarnation as per Vi¾´u-dharmottara-pur¢´a (chapter, 68). In this year, jupiter is in the 4th sign of zodiac, still this is taken as start of 60 year jupiter cycle because R¢ma and Matsya are in that year. In south India, Pait¢maha system takes solar year as guru year. In north India, Solar system takes guru year as the actual mean time of 361 days 4 hrs (approx) which jupiter takes in crossing a sign. In this system, 86 guru years pass in 85 solar years. Thus the cycle of 60 years will match in both systems in 85x60=5100 years. Thus, period of R¢ma was in 4433 BC and Matsya was in 9,533 BC. Herodotus on basis of Iliad of Homer has stated that the last island of Atlantis had submerged in 9564 BC. This period of glacial floods is correct as per modern estimates also. (6) R¢ma was 9 generations after M¦laka who was hidden among women at the time of Paraºur¢ma. (7) In 35th generations after R¢ma, B¨hadbala of his family was killed by Abhimanyu in Mah¢bh¢rata war. Thus he could be about 1200 years before Mah¢bh¢rata in 3139 BC. After that Yudhi¾°hira ruled for 36 years and then kali started in 3102 BC. (8) In V¢lm¤ki R¢m¢ya´a itself, day has been called year at several places. R¢ma had ruled for 11,000 years (=days) or =31 yearsXedf© ghòm{U Xe df© eVm{Z MŸ& am_mo amÁ`_wnm{gËdm ~«÷bmoH§$ à`mñ`{VŸ& (dm.am.1/1/97) During period of his rule, Lava-Kuºa were born. When Kuºa became king, he was still not adult and married after some years. During 11000 years 300 generations would have passed. In same chapter, var¾a has been used to indicate year as well as day. When Viºv¢mitra had come to take R¢ma, he was 15 years old , while his father Daºaratha was 60,000 days (years) or 164 years oldD$ZfmoS>edfm} _o am_mo amOrdbmoMZ:Ÿ& (dm.am.1/20/2) fpîQ>df© ghòm{U OmVm{Z __ H$m¡{eH$Ÿ& (dm.am.1/20/20) At many places age of Daºaratha has been called several thousands years. Sagara has been said to rule 30,000 years (1/41/26). King Dil¤pa died due to decease after ruling for 30,000 years (1/42/8,9). Bhag¤ratha did tapas for 1000 years (1/ 42/13). There was allegation on misconduct of king when a child died in unripe age of 5,000 years (5000 days=14 years)-7-

AàmßV `m¡dZ§ ~mb§ nÄMdf©ghòH$_²Ÿ& AH$mbo H$mb_mnÝZ_² .. (7/73/5) As per the planetary positions given in V¢lm¤ki r¢m¢ya´a, the time and planetary positions of R¢ma birth are-Date is 11-2-4433 BC, local time at Ayodhy¢ (81024 E, 26048 N) is 10-47-48 h/m/s. Jovian year was Prabhava. Sunrise at 5-35-48 LMT and sunset at 18-28-48 LMT. Day is sunday. Julian day (from 1-1-4713 BC) is 102311. Ayan¢mºa=19057’54”. Sun was at 90, moon , jupiter, lagna were at 9000’00”. It could be 9th day of solar month only as moon-sun diference on 9th lunar date has to be more than 960. Exalted places of planets are-jupiter-950, moon 580, mars-2980, mercury-1650, venus 3570 and saturn 2000. Mercury can not be more than 280 away from sun, so it can not have exalted position of 1650 when sun is at 90 only. Thus, other 4 planets are at their exalted positions-mars, venus, saturn, sun (almost at 90, exact is at 100), and moon in own house. Thus, positions of planets and lagna at birth time of R¢ma areLagna, moon, jupiter=90000’01”, sun-90, mars-2980, venus-3570, saturn-2000. Other planets-Mercury-210, R¢hu-1204’26”. 7. Other dates-Sri N. Narsing Rao has calcuated 90 dates in life of R¢ma in his book- Date of Sri Rama-published by International Society for the Investigation of Ancient Civilizations, 102, Mount Road, Madras (now Chennai)-600032 in 1990. No other book on history gives so many dates in the life of a single person. Even for an individual, it is difficult to record 90 dates with nakºatra, yoga and tithi etc. He has also calculated the corresponding BC eras in Julian calender in which all the 4th years are leap without omitting century years. Calculation of Julian days are counted from an arbitrary date of 1-1-4317 BC. Some of the important dates are-(1) JD 106682, 30-1-4421, Wednesday, Pram¢th¤ year, Chaitra ºukla 8.67, ¡rdr¢ 78.11-13th birthday of R¢ma, Major period of saturn, sub of venus, subsub of R¢hu starts. His first exile with sage Viºv¢mitra. Vo `Xm kmZgånÝZm:gd} à_w{XVm JwU¡:Ÿ&(1/18/34) AW amOm XeaWñVofm§ Xma{H«$`m§ à{VŸ&37Ÿ& {MÝV`m_mg Y_m©Ë_m gmonmÜ`m`: g~mÝYd:Ÿ& (2) 106703 JD, 20-2-4421, Wednesday, Vaiº¢kha 0.004, Revat¤ 354.64-Bow of ¹iva was shown to R¢ma who broke it. VV: à^mVo {d_bo H¥$VH$_m© Zam{Yn:Ÿ& {dídm{_̧ _hmË_mZ_mOhmd gamKd_²Ÿ&(1/66/1) Amamon{`Ëdm _m¡dv M nya`m_mg VÕZw:Ÿ& VX² ~^ÄO YZw_©Ü`o ZaloîR>mo _hm`em:Ÿ&(1/67/17) (3) 106715 JD, 4-3-4421, Monday, Vaiº¢kha 12.2, Uttar¢-ph¢lgun¤ 152.75Wedding of Sit¢ and R¢ma. (4) 106716 JD, 5-3-4421, Tuesday, Vaiº¢kha 13.21, Hasta 165.93-Viºv¢mitra left for Him¢laya. Daºratha left for Ayodhy¢, meets Paraºur¢ma on way. After reaching Ayodhy¢, they lived happily for about 12 years till 25th birthday. AW amÍ`m§ ì`VrVm`m§ {dídm{_Ìmo _hm_w{Z:Ÿ& Amn¥îQ²>dm Vm¡ M amOmZm¡ OJm_moÎma nd©V_²Ÿ&(1/74/1) -8-

BË`wŠËdm amKd: H«w$Õmo ^mJ©dñ` dam`wY_²Ÿ& ea§ M à{VOJ«mh hñVmëbKwnamH«$_:Ÿ&(1/76/4) (5) 111081 JD, 15-2-4409, Saturday, Khara jovian year, Chaitra 7.59, Punarvasu 80.73-Planning for making ¹r¤ R¢ma as yuvar¢ja on his 25th birthday. V§ MÝÐ[_d nwî`oU `wº§$ Y_©^¥Vm§ da_²Ÿ& `m¡damÁ`o {Z`moº$mpñ_ àmV: nwéfnw“d_²Ÿ&(2/2/12) (6) 111086 JD, 20-2-4409, Thursday, Chaitra 12.68, Uttar¢ ph¢lgun¤ 146.62Reached ¢ºrama of Bhardv¢ja on confluence of Ga¬g¢ and Yamun¢ at dusk and Sumantra also got news (by phone etc). YpÝdZm¡ Vm¡ gwI§ JËdm bå~_mZo {XdmH$aoŸ& J“m`_wZ`mo: gÝYm¡ àmnVw{Z©b`§ _wZo:Ÿ&(2/54/8) JËdm _whÿV©_ÜdmZ§ ^aÛmO_wnmJ_V²Ÿ&&9Ÿ&& ^aÛmOm{^J_Z§ à`mJo M g^mOZ_²Ÿ& Am{JaoJ©_Z§ Vofm§ VÌñW¡a{^b{jV_Ÿ&(2/57/2) (7) 111087 JD, 21-2-4409, Friday, Chaitra 13.69 and P¦r´im¢ from 7 hrs 23 m 53 s.-At dawn on advice of Bharadv¢ja, they left for Chitrak¦°a and spent night on Yamun¢ bank. Sumantra reached Ayodhy¢ on second day evening. On getting message of R¢ma, king Daºaratha died at mid-night, when P¦r´im¢ had set in. ànÝZm aOZr nyUm©{MÌm: H$W`V: H$Wm:Ÿ&(2/54/34³) Jå`Vm§ ^dVm e¡bpíMÌHy$Q>: g {dlwV:Ÿ&(40) C{fËdm aOZt VÌ amOnwÌmd[aÝX_m¡Ÿ& _h{f©_{^dmÚmW O½_VwñV§ {J[a¨ à{VŸ&(2/55/1) H$m{bÝXr_ZwJÀN>oVm§ ZXt níMmÝ_wIm{lVm_²Ÿ&..VÌ `y`§ ßbd§ H¥$Ëdm VaVm§ew_Vt ZXr_²Ÿ&(2/55/4,5) g_§ ZXrdà_wnoË` gËda§ {Zdmg_mO½_waXrZXe©Zm:(2/55/33) VV: gm`m• g_`o {ÛVr`o@h{Z gma{W:Ÿ& A`moÜ`m§ g_Zwàmß` {ZamZÝXm§ XXe© hŸ&(2/57/5) dZdmgm` am_ñ` nÄMamÌmo@Ì JÊ`Vo(2/62/17) g amOm aOZt fîR>t am_o àd«m{OVo dZ_²Ÿ&(2/63/4) Ðú`pÝV gw{IZmo am_§ ewH«$_mJ©JV§ `WmŸ&(2/64/72) B{V _mVwíM am_ñ` gw{_Ìm`míM g§{ZYm¡Ÿ& amOm XeaW: emoMÄOr{dVmÝV_wnmJ_V²Ÿ&(2/64/77) JVo@Y©amÌo ^¥eXw:Inr{S>VñVXm Ohm¡ àmU_wXmaXe©Z:Ÿ&78Ÿ& (8) 111088 JD, Saturday, Chaitra 14.71, Chitr¢ 172.97-R¢ma and party started at dawn and reached Chitrak¦°a. Offered homa in mud hut in auspicious time and started living there. At Ayodhy¢, Vasi¾°ha sent swift messengers to Bharata for his immediate return to Ayodhy¢. Messengers reached Girivraja town. Bharata had bad dreams about his father. VVñVm¡ nmXMmaoU JÀN>ÝVm¡ gh grV`mŸ& aå`_mgoXVw: e¡b§ {MÌHy$Q>§ _Zmoa__²Ÿ&(2/56/12) Ëda gm¡å`_whÿVm}@`§ Y«wdíM {Xdgmo ø`_² &25& dmñVw g§e_Zr`m{Z _“bm{Z àdV©`Z²Ÿ&31Ÿ& d{gîR>oZmä`ZwkmVm XyVm: gÝËd[aV¨ ``w:(2/68/11){J[ad«O§ nwada§ erK«_mgoXwaÄOgmŸ&21Ÿ& Ed§ ~«wdmU§ gwöX§ ^aV: àË`wdmM hŸ&(2/69/7) ñdßZo {nVa_Ðmj§ _{bZ§ _wº$_yY©O_²Ÿ&8Ÿ& (9) 111114 JD, Thursday, 20-3-4409, Vaiº¢kha 11.12, Uttar¢-ph¢lgun¤ 155.55After discussions continuing next day Bharata agreed to rule the country under authority of R¢ma who gave his p¢duk¢ as token. g nmXwHo$ Vo ^aV: ñdb§H¥$Vo _hmoÁÁdbo gån[aJ¥ø Y_©{dV²Ÿ& àX{jU§ M¡d MH$ma amKd§ MH$ma M¡dmoÎm_ZmJ_yY©{ZŸ&(2/112/29) -9-

(10) 114742 JD, 23-2-4399, Saturday, Plava jovian year, Chaitra 6.79, Punarvasu 79.38-On 35th birthday of R¢ma and 11th year of exile, he asked for way to ¢ºrama of sage Agastya. Budha period, R¢hu bhukti, Ketu antar. Apñ_ÝZaÊ`o ^JdÝZJñË`mo _w{Z gÎm_:Ÿ&(3/11/30)Hw$Ìml_nX§ aå`§ _hf}ñVg` Yr_V:Ÿ& (32)`moOZmÝ`ml_mV² VmV `m{h MËdm[a d¡ VV:Ÿ& X{jUoZ _hmÄN´>r_mZJñË`^«mVwaml_:(37) (11) 114745 JD, 26-2-4399, Chaitra 9.84, Magh¢ 118.91-Took leave of Agastya and left for Pa®chava°¤, lived in a hut there, met Ja°¢yu on way. Budha daº¢, guru bhukti, R¢hu antar. `Wmon{XîQ>oZ nWm _h{f©Um àO½_Vw: nÄMdQ>t g_m{hVm¡Ÿ&(3/13/25) OQ>m`wf§ Vw à{VnyÁ` amKdmo _wXm n[aîdÁ` M g§ZVmo@^dV²Ÿ& {nVw{h© ewlmd g{IËd_mË_dmÄOQ>m`wfm g§H${WV§ nwZ: nwZ:Ÿ&(3/14/35) g VÌ grVm§ n[aXm` _¡{Wbt gh¡d VoZm{V~boZ n{jUmŸ& OJm_ Vm§ nÄMdQ>t gbú_Umo [anyZ² {XYjÄeb^m{ZdmZb:Ÿ&(36) (12) 115815 JD, 31-1-4396, Krodh¤ jovian year, Ph¢lguna 16.85, Chitr¢ 177.62Visit of ¹¦rpa´akh¢, attacked S¤t¢ in Chitr¢ star, disfigured by Lakºma´a . g am_: nU©embm`m_mgrZ: gh grV`mŸ& {daamO _hm~mhþpíMÌ`m MÝÐ_m BdŸ&(3/17/3,4) gm Vw eyn©UIm Zm_ XeJ«rdñ` ajg:Ÿ& ^{JZr am__mgmÚ XXe© {ÌXemon__²Ÿ&(6) (13) 115835 JD, 20-2-4396, Sunday, Chaitra 7.16, Punarvasu 81.14- 38th birthday of R¢ma. R¢va´a abducts S¤t¢. `oZ `m{V _whÿÎm}Z grVm_mXm` amdU:Ÿ& {dàUîQ>§ YZ§ {jৠVËñdm_r à{VnÚVoŸ&(3/68/12) {dÝXmo Zm_m _whÿVm}@gm¡ Z M H$mHw$ËñW gmo@~wYV²Ÿ&...&13Ÿ& (14) 116100 JD, 12-11-4396, Saturday, Pu¾ya 6.38, P¦rv¢-bh¢drapad¢ 332.88Sugr¤va sent V¢naras to 4 corners of world and asked them to return within 1 month after searching S¤t¢. (15) 116138 JD, 20-12-4396, Friday, M¢gha 14.97, P¦r´im¢ from 1h.13m.57s, ¡ºle¾¢ 113.58-Hanum¢n lands in La¬k¢ in evening. Moon shone when sun was setting. Finally, he found S¤t¢ in Aºoka-vana, being threatened by R¢va´a. gy`} MmñV§ JVo amÌm¡ Xoh§ g§{jß` _mé{V:Ÿ&(5/2/49) àXmofH$mbo hZw_m§ñVyU©_wËnË` dr`©dmZ²Ÿ&(50) MÝÐmo@{n gm{Mì`{_dmñ` Hw$dªñVmamJU¡_©Ü`JVmo {damOZ²Ÿ& Á`moËñZm{dVmZoZ {dVË` bmoH$mZw{ÎmîR>Vo@ZoH$ghòapí_:Ÿ&(57) nyU©MÝÐmZZm§ gw^«y§ Mméd¥Îmn`moYam_²Ÿ& Hw$d©Vt à^`mXodt gdm© {d{V{_am {Xe:Ÿ&(5/15/27,28) BîQ>m§ gd©ñ` OJV:nyU©MÝÐà^m{_dŸ&30Ÿ& (16) 116161 JD, 12-1-4395,Thursday, Ph¢lguna 8.34, M¨gaºir¢ 56.64-3rd day of fasting. Vñ` am_ñ` gwßVñ` Hw$emñVrU} _hrVboŸ& {Z`_mXà_Îmñ` {ZempñVòmo@{^O½_Vw:Ÿ&(6/21/10). (17)116162 JD, 13-1-4395, Friday, Ph¢lguna 9.36, ¡rdr¢ 69.81- On the 4th day, as sea god did not respond, R¢ma shot an arrow into sea. The sea-god appeared and showed proper place for building a bridge through Nala. 14 yojanas of -10-

causeway were covered on the first day. (18) 116163 JD, 14-1-4395, Saturday, Ph¢lguna 10.37, Punarvasu 82.99-20 yojanas were covered on the 2nd day. (19) 116164 JD, 15-1-4395, Sunday, Ph¢lguna 11.39, Pu¾ya 96.16-21 yojanas were covered on the 3rd day. (20) 116165 JD, 16-1-4395, Monday, Ph¢lguna 12.41, ¡ºle¾¢ 109.34-22 yojanas were covered on the 4th day. (21) 116166 JD, 17-1-4395, Tuesday, Ph¢lguna 13.42, Magh¢ 122.51-23 yojanas were covered on the 5th day. (23) 116167 JD, 18-1-4395, Wednesday, Ph¢lguna 14.44, P¦rv¢-ph¢lgun¤ 135.69-Army crossed the causeway and camped at mount Subela on P¦r´im¢ night. H¥$Vm{Z àW_oZm•m `moOZm{Z MVwX©eŸ&(6/22/68) {ÛVr`oZ VW¡dm•m `moOZm{Z Vw qde{V:Ÿ&(69) A•m V¥Vr`oZ VWm `moOZm{Z Vw gmJaoŸ& Ëda_mU¡_©hmH$m`¡aoH$qde{Vaod MŸ&(70) MVwW}Z VWm Mm•m Ûmqde{VaWm{n MŸ&(71) nÄM_oZ VWm Mm•m ßbdJ¡: {jàH$m[a{^:Ÿ& `moOZm{Z Ì`moqdeV² gwdob_{YH¥$Ë` d¡Ÿ&(72) VVmo@ñV_J_V² gy`©: g§Ü``m à{VapÄOV:Ÿ& nyU©MÝÐàXrßVm M jnm g_{VdV©VŸ&(6/38/19) (24) 116182 JD, 2-2-4395, Thursday, Ph¢lguna 29.68, Uttara bh¢drapada 333.34/ Revat¤-R¢ma-R¢va´a war started which is un-paralleled. ¡ditya-h¨daya-stotra told by Agastya, ratha of Indra brought by his s¢rathi M¢tali.116118 JD, 8-2-4395, Wednesday,Chaitra 5.78, Punarvasu/Pu¾ya-R¢ma was crowned as king of Ayodhy¢. in Pu¾ya star and Vijaya muh¦rta. In Pu¾ya star, R¢ma had departed from Ayodhy¢. In same star, 14 years were complete. C{XVo {d_bo gy`} nwî`o Mmä`JVo@h{ZŸ& b½Zo H$H©$Q>Ho$ àmßVo OÝ_ am_ñ` M pñWVoŸ& A{^foH$m` am_ñ` {ÛOoÝСénH$pënV_²Ÿ&(2/15/3,4) (25) 127118 JD, 22-3-4365, Saturday-R¢ma departs for Brahmaloka after ruling for 11,000 days. Xe df© ghòm{U Xedf© eVm{Z MŸ& am_mo amÁ`_wnm{gËdm ~«÷bmoH§$ à`mñ`{VŸ&(1/1/97) 8. Traditions of R¢ma-Whatever R¢ma had done, it has become tradition in each part of his route. The details need not be repeated. Traditions are so many that they have not been given by V¢lm¤ki also. Even in Ethiopia, Halle Selasi had claimed to be the oldest ruling family having direct descendent of Kusha, elder son of R¢ma (called Ham) in Bible. One note may be added here that NASA software looks very accurate, but there can be error of upto 7 days in calculationg events of R¢ma era due to uncertain rate of slowing down of earth rotation. One of the basis of calculation of this rate is the solar eclipse at Kurukºetra in October, 3139 BC which should have occurred near Mexico,but faster rotation in past made in at Kurukºetra. -11-

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