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  • Words: 1,711
  • Pages: 84
Henny Penny This is Henny Penny. Henny Penny is a hen. Henny Penny is a red hen. Henny Penny is Ben’s hen.


Henny Penny has eggs. Henny Penny has ten eggs. The eggs are in the nest. The ten eggs are in the nest.


Ben sees Ted. Hello, Ted,” says Ben. “Hi, Ben,” says Ted. Ben says, “Ted, Henny Penny has eggs. The eggs are in the nest.”


Ben and Ted go to the nest. “There are ten eggs in the nest,” says Ted. “Get one egg, Ted,” says Ben. Ted gets one egg.


Tok! The egg fell. “Ben, Henny Penny’s egg fell,” says Ted. “Oh, oh,” says Ben. “Kokok! Kokok! The egg fell,” says Henny Penny. 5

Henny Penny is sad. “I want ten eggs,” says Henny Penny. “I will lay another one.” Henny Penny lays another egg. Now Henny Penny has ten eggs.


Linda and Minda

This is Linda. This is Minda. Minda is Linda’s sister. 7

Linda is on the swing. Minda is on the swing. “Let’s go up,” says Minda. Up goes the swing. Down goes the swing. Swing! Swing! Swing! 8

“Ting-a-ling! The bells are ringing. Ting-a-ling! Ting-a-ling! Ting, ting, ting.”


Linda and Minda are happy. “Come, Linda,” says Mother. “Come, Minda,” says Mother. “Come drink your milk. Milk is good.”


Minda is drinking her milk. Linda is drinking her milk. “Milk is good,” says Minda. “Yes, milk is good,” says Linda.


Rene’s Cat This is Kitty. She is fat. She is black. Kitty is a cat. She is Rene’s pet cat.


“Come, Kitty,” says Rene. “Drink the milk. Milk is good.” Kitty drinks the milk. “Meow! Meow! Milk is good,” says Kitty.


Kitty is sleeping. She is sleeping on the mat. Sleep, Kitty, sleep. Sh! Sh! Sh!


Kitty’s Hat Kitty has a hat. The hat is on the mat. “I see a hat,” says the rat. “It’s a pretty hat.” The rat gets into the hat.


Kitty says, “What’s in my hat? Meow, meow, meow. A rat! A rat! A rat in my hat! I‘ll get that rat.” Kitty jumps.


The rat jumps, too. The rat runs fast. “Oh, where’s the rat?” says Kitty. Kitty can’t find the rat. But she is happy. She has her hat. 17

My Cat I have a cat. It’s very nice. Its fur is soft. It’s very white.


Its eyes are green and shine at night. Its paws can catch a little mouse. 19

A Big Fish for Bob and Spot I’ll go fishing, Spot. Do you want to go with me?” says Bob. “Bow-wow-wow! Bow-wow-wow! I will go with you,” says Spot.


“I see a pond, Spot,” says Bob. “Bow-wow-wow!” answers Spot. Bob brings out his rod. He steps on a rock. He sees a fish. It’s a big fish.


Bob gets the big fish. “We have a big fish,” says Bob. “Bow-wow-wow!” answers Spot. “Let’s go home, Spot,” says Bob. Bob and Spot are happy.


Baby Duck Swims This is Father Duck. This is Mother Duck. This is Baby Duck. They live in a hut. The hut is near the pond.


“Let’s swim,” says Father Duck. “Yes, let’s swim,” says Mother Duck. “But I can’t swim,” says Baby Duck. “We will help you,” says Mother Duck.


They go to the pond. Father Duck is swimming. Mother Duck is swimming. “Come here, Baby Duck,” says Father Duck.


“Swim, Baby Duck, swim,” says Mother duck.Duck. “Swim, swim, swim.” Baby Duck is swimming. He is happy. “Now I can swim,” says Baby Duck.


Jane’s Big Day Jane is very happy. Today is her birthday. “It’s a fine day for a birthday,” says Jane.


Jane is busy. She sets the table. She puts plates and cups on the table. She puts glasses and spoons, too.


Jane gets a flower vase. She puts five flowers in the vase. Jane puts a cake on the table. How nice the cake is! How nice the table is! There are balloons, too.


Tick-tock. Tick-tock. It’s four o’clock. Jane’s friends are here. They sing the “Happy Birthday” song. “Happy Birthday, Jane!” her friends say.


“Thank you,” says Jane. “You make me very happy. I am seven today.”


The children eat the cake. They play with the balloons. Everyone is happy on Jane’s big day.


The Clock I have a face that is round or square. But I don’t have Eyes or a nose. I have two hands one long and one short. But I don’t have any fingers at all.


I tell you when it’s time for school. I tell you when it’s time to eat.



I do not rest. I do not play. I work all night And all day.


Fun in School Boys and girls like school. They read and write in school. They draw pictures. They make other things, too.


Nida makes a doll. Joel makes a toy cat. Noli makes a paper tree. Nida, Joel, and Noli like school. They work and play in school.


Some boys play “Hide and Seek.” They hide here. They hide there. See them hide!


Some girls play on rthe slide. They go up the ladder. Down, down they slide. Up and down they go. It’s fun to be in school. How they like to be in school!


The Red Card Rosana woke up. She kissed her mother. “Happy Valentine, Mother,” said Rosana.


She gave an envelope to her mother. “What is this?” asked Mother. Mother opened the envelope. “A beautiful card! Did you make it, Rosana?” asked Mother.


“I made it in school. Do you like it, Mother?” asked Rosana. “I like it very much, dear. Let me read what it says,” Mother said.


This is what the card says:

“I love you, too,Rosana,” she said. 43

Sadek Sadek is a little boy. He lives in a little house. The house is near the mountain. The mountain is near the forest. There are wild dogs in the forest. There are wild birds and monkeys, too.


One day, Father gave Sadek a bow and arrow. “Sadek, this is for you,” Father said. “A bow and arrow for me!” said Sadek. Sadek was very happy. How he liked his bow and arrow!


Sadek went into the forest. He saw a big bird. He got his bow and arrow. “I must get the big bird,” said Sadek. “Father will be happy.” He shot the big bird.


“Father! Father! I shot a big bird. I shot it with my bow and arrow,” said Sadek. Sadek’s father was very happy. “You are a big boy now, Sadek,” he said.


Ducks for Bingbong It was vacation time. Bingbong went to the barrio. He stayed with his grandfather and grandmother. Bingbong helped Grandmother feed the ducks. 48

Grandmother gave him two little yellow ducks. “Feed them every day.” She said. Bingbong fed the ducks every day. He gave them water, too. 49

Soon vacation was over. Bingbong was going home. “Goodbye, my little yellow ducks,” he said. “Don’t forget me. I’ll come to see you again.”


Next vacation, Bingbong went to the barrio. “Grandmother, where are my little ducks?” he asked. “Let’s go see them,” she said


Bingbong saw two white ducks. Grandmother said, “These were your little ducks.” “Oh, how big they are!” said Bingbong.


“Here are some eggs for you,” said Grandmother. “They come from your big white ducks.” “Eggs! From my big white ducks!” said Bingbong.


“Your little yellow ducks did not forget you. They gave you eggs,” Grandmother said. Bingbong was very happy. “Oh! How good my big white ducks are,” he said.


A Trip to the Zoo “Is everybody here? Are we ready to go?” asked Mrs. Luna. “Yes, Mrs. Luna. Everybody is here. We are ready to go to the zoo,” the children answered.


The children enjoy trips to the zoo. How happy they are! Everyone is singing. Everyone is clapping. “Get ready, children. We aare at the zoo,” said Mrs. Luna.


The children looked at the animals. They saw elephants. They saw monkeys. They saw birds.


They saw signs like these:

The children did what the signs said. 58

The children liked the zoo. They liked the birds and monkeys. They liked the elephants. “It’s time to go home, children,” said Mrs. Luna. “Let’s come back soon,” the children said. 59

The Lion Agnes had a book. She went to Wilma. “What is this?” asked Agnes. “That’s a lion,” said Wilma. “What does the book say? Please read it to me,” said Agnes.


Wilma read this:

The Lion The lion is a big animal. He lives in the forest. He is the king of the forest. 61

The lion eatsanimals. He likes deer very much. Small animals are afraid of the lion. They run away from him.


“Oh, thank you, Wilma. When can I read?” asked Agnes. “When you go to school,” said Wilma. “I want to go to school soon. I want to read about lions,” said Agnes. 63

Let’s be Merry We can play some games When it’s bright and sunny. We can fly kites When it’s nice and windy.


We can sail our boats When it’s cold and rainy. Sunny. Windy, or rainy, We can play and be merry.


Rain, Rain Drip, drop, drip, drop. Down came the rain. “Oh, when will it stop?” asked Joel. “It’s getting late. We can’t go home.” 66

“Let’s run,” said Noli. “But we’ll get wet,” said Joel. Splash! Splash! Splash! Down came more rain.


“Come on, let’s run,” said Noli. Noli and Joel ran. Soon they were home. They were wet. 68

Their mother met them at the door. “I’m glad you are home. Take off your wet clothes. There is hot supper on the table,” she said.


The Hen and the Cake “Quack! Quack! I want some cake,” said the duck. Meow! Meow! I want some cake,” said the cat.


“Bow-wow-wow! I want some cake,” said the dog. Cluck! Cluck! Let’s bake a cake,” said the hen.


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