Helsinki Minute

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  • Words: 2,876
  • Pages: 15
Comenius 2.1 Nr. 2006 – 2888/001- 001

Helsinki, 23rd January, 2009 Time: 9.00 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Minutes Opening: The fifth MEETING of the LETHE Project has been called to order at 9.00 a.m. on January the 23rd 2009 by Mr. Ilpo Halonen (EUNEOS), who hosted the meeting. The chairman of the meeting is Mr. Fabrizio Boldrini, LETHE coordinator, who introduces the project main aims and the Helsinki meeting goals. He also informs the partners about the drop out of the French partner (University of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines _France). Present: Ms. Viljenka Savil_EUNEOS_FI Mr. Ilpo Halonen_EUNEOS_FI Mr. Fabrizio Boldrini _ Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca_IT Ms. Maria Rita Bracchini _ Centro Studi e Formazione Villa Montesca_IT Ms. Fatma Ozmen_Firat University_TR Mr. Hans Giessen _ University of Saarlandes _DE Mr. Luis Lizama_CECE_ES Ms. Angela Barros_IAFE_PT Mr. Emil Jassim_CEI_BG Mr. Emilios Solomou_ IMCS Intercollege Ltd_CY Mr. Philippos Poyioutas_ IMCS Intercollege Ltd_CY Ms. Annalisa Zapperini_Università Ca’Foscari_IT Ms. Anna Heinonen_Vihti Upper Secondary school Vihti_FI Ms. Soili Roihio_Pääskytie School Porvoo_FI Purpose of the meeting: Presentation of the final curricula structure, presentation of the e-guide for adults and teens, school involvement in the experimentation, explanation of next project steps, definition of the partners’ tasks and duties. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Presentation of the curricula Fabrizio Boldrini presents the Curricula structure, divided in 4 main steps:

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Then Fabrizio shows the main areas in which the curricula are organized:

For each area is possible to find lots of subjects. In the following slides some topics are put in evidence:

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Fabrizio underlines that teachers are not forced to use only the proposed topics, they are free to chose their own ones or use the topics given. Teachers can also personalize the paths by their own needs in the classroom.

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Then Fabrizio talks about the methodology and the curricula steps. 1. SEEING THROUGH EMOTIONS The First section is divided into 2 moments MOMENT 1 – The SWITCH In this section an evocative element must be shown in order to introduce the main didactical theme . This “switch” (a video, a song, a work of art, a landscape, a tale) must not be strictly linked to the didactical theme, but must trigger emotions linked to the theme the students will study. There should be an evocative element given or it can also be produced by teachers. The teacher will present the “switch” without any preliminary comment and suggestion In our experimentation we have helped the teacher to choose the evocative element (switch): three examples of videos were shown to illustrate what it is meant by a “switch”: – Borders and wars in history – a video - From the observation to tale – slides show made by a teacher of philosophy - Man and a machine - a video Fabrizio illustrated an example of Italian way of presenting difficult topics through fun. Fabrizio points out that the main principal is to stimulate students to research and learn, by so called emotional switch. In discussion it was also asked what emotions should be discussed in the classroom. MOMENT 2 – The EMOTIONAL MAP Soon after the SWITCH moment and on the basis of the reaction that the discussion has arouse in the class, the pupils will be asked to single out the emotions they are feeling concerning the treated theme. This work will be done through the use of a General Emotional Map, that will allow them to create a personal Emotional Map connected to the theme. 2. UNDERSTANDING THROUGH EMOTIONS The Rational map will be developed starting from the Emotional map singled out in the previous stage. Now the students will work alone or in group and will have to justify the feelings arisen from the previous stages, by finding images, videos, books, articles… where it is expressed the feeling they felt concerning the treated theme. The idea is to let them “translate” the Emotional map in a “Rational map”, according to the following scheme: Places 1. site-seeing 2. geography of the moving images Moving images 3. find in films things that have been done, said, facts and characters Words 4. things said and written Images fixed in the memory of men and of things 5. images in art 6. photographs and illustrations Sounds 7. music, songs, folk music

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Things 8. objects Facts written, filmed or told 9. articles and opinions 10. television and radio 11. books The students have to justify why they have chosen it. If they chose anger related to the topic, they have to prove it. 3. TRAVELLING THROUGH EMOTIONS Following the same map, the students will then move on to a research which will link both with the emotional and the rational map to one’s individual experience. The work should be now relating to their own experience, part of their life, so the students can personalize their experience with the topic. For instance, if in the first area “Places”, students have to place an evocative image of their emotion linked to the topic (e.g. a place in Greece where a battle took place with ruins reminding it, or the grave of a cruel general). All the contributions will be published in the platform, and specifically in the pages referred to the class. 4. LEARNING THROUGH EMOTIONS In this section the teacher will assemble the results of the emotional and rational maps and systematize what has been learnt. That is, starting from the ideas collected, since in order to outline the map the class has certainly studied the subject, he/she will insert what has been learnt into the programme giving the subject an organic structure. 2. Important events for the LETHE Dissemination Luis Lizama (CECE) presents his LETHE dissemination during the International conference aboput Emotional Intelligence in the Canary Islands. He disseminates the video also in Latin America Emil Jassim (CEI) reports about the dissemination experiences in Bulgaria and about the press conferences they made in Sofia last December. 3. Presentation of the Lethe Platform MariaRita presents a new platform specially created for project purposes. ( The Lethe platform has been created with “Drupal”, a modular content management system (CMS) which uses a database to store content and settings.

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The functions and settings of Drupal have been adapted to create a platform for the specific aims of the project. Maria Rita presents some useful instructions about how to use the platform. After the Login from the Home Page of the platform and by entering the personal and correct data, you can enter three main Areas for which to choose: ADMINISTRATOR AREA TEACHER AREA STUDENT AREA ADMINISTRATOR AREA The administrator manages the system. Among the various tasks he/she can:  Insert, modify and catalogue contents  Multi-user content creation and editing  Communicate with users and website administrators  Modify the website feature by using graphic themes already developed  Create menu on more levels of the navigation structure  Localize the interface in various languages, allowing the user to choose  Manage accesses and roles for single users or entire groups.  Gather and present detailed statistics of the website TEACHER AREA Once logged in, the teacher enters the educational area, where he/she will find all the functions and tools for both teaching and “facilitating “ the online activities.

Each page of the Teacher Area shows two main characteristics: On the central bar there is a box with a brief description of the functions and actions that can be carried out in the page. On the right menu there is a list of system applications, “My LeThe” and “My Network”

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When teachers enter in the Teachers’s group, he can find the 4 macro-areas for the experimentation of the curricula: Humanistic Area; Technological Area; Historical Area and Philosophical and Religious Area.

Each teacher works in the specific area related to the subject(s), but can access all the other sections and consult all the work that has been carried out. Once chosen one of the four areas the teacher accesses the proper Work area containing set functions and tools common to all areas: At the centre of the menu is the “repository”, an archive – or “small library” – containing all teaching material organised and regularly updated that can be consulted and used by the teacher. Data are catalogued and indexed (glossary) as files containing a short description of the content.

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On the right menu are the “Search in the repository” and “To create content in” tools: “Search in the repository” allows to search automatically in the repository (as opposed to a free indexed reference) by typing a key-word, a title or a sentence in order to visualise the data/documents required. Search of data in the repository is supported and made easier by the employment of the Tags system in the platform. A Tag is a key word associated to the information: an image, a map, a post, a video clip... Which describe the object allowing its classification and the searching of information based on keywords.

“To create content in” allows to create and organise the teaching material and add it to the repository. It is a text editor (title and short description of content) with a “file attachments” function to add digital documents (from a text to a high definition video). By clicking “submit” the file is automatically indexed in its repository

It is also possible to enter the community area and the forum from the working area. The Forum allows instant asynchronous interaction and it is a tool for discussion and an opportunity for meeting and for in depth study. This tool allows teachers to exchange

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opinions with colleagues both on specific topics regarding the project and on any kind of issue. When teachers enter in his/her class, he/she can present the curricula to the class, carry out work according to the experimentation phase and monitor the learning path. Also the section “Work with classes” is divided into 4 macro-areas for the experimentation of the curricula: Humanistic Area; Technological Area; Historical Area and Philosophical and Religious Area. Once the learning area has been selected, the teacher can access the page with the description of the steps listed according to the following categorisation: Seeing (Through one’s emotions)

This area is for organising and adding teaching material in order to realise the emotional switch and monitor the work progress in a specific step. The button “Create Content in…” allows to organise, structure and add content to the curricula. This works as a text editor for: • writing the Title of the Curriculum; • writing a short Abstract; • editing the text; • adding images/audio files/video files, simple or complex animations; • adding attachments of images/audio files/video files, simple or complex animations. Once entered in its specific area, the teaching material will be displayed at the centre of the central menu

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Understanding and Travelling (Through one’s emotions) In this area the teacher can monitor the progress of the work in each step. This area is structured in 7 main categories divided in turn in detailed sub-categories. Each specific category displays the work uploaded by the students, comments and the teacher has the opportunity to monitor the activities. The button “Create Content in…” allows to add material, comments (suggestions etc) to the students’ work.

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Learning (Through one’s emotions) This is the last step. This area is for organising and adding teaching material to the learning path and present it to the class. STUDENT AREA Also the internal structure of the “Student Area” platform foresees the 4 macro-areas for the experimentation of the LeThe curricula:  Humanistic Area  Technological Area  Historical Area  Philosophical and Religious Area This because the student together with his/her class can decide to experiment a curriculum in different areas, with the class, with the same teacher or with a different one. Once the learning area has been selected, the student can access the page with the description of the steps listed below: See (Through one’s emotions) Understand (Through one’s emotions) Travel (Through one’s emotions) Learn (Through one’s emotions)

Step 1 † SEEING THROUGH EMOTIONS In this area the student will find the material organised by the teacher for the emotional switch. Through the command “comment” the student can access the text editor “Create Content in ..” in order to comment the material. These comments will then translate into the expression of emotions, aided and encouraged through the help of an interactive map linked to the editor.

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Step 2 † UNDERSTANDING THROUGH EMOTIONS In this area the student can work on the specific step alone or with his/her classmates following the teacher’s instructions. This area is structured in 7 main categories divided in turn in detailed sub-categories. Entering the specific category you can: 1. add your content/s 2. see material added by your classmates, and their comments The button “Create Content in…” allows to add material and comments. This works as a text editor for: • writing the Title of the Curriculum; • writing a short Abstract; • editing the text; • adding images/audio files/video files, simple or complex animations; • adding attachments of images/audio files/video files, simple or complex animations. By choosing and clicking on the menu one can enter the macro-areas... Step 3 † TRAVELLING THROUGH EMOTIONS In this area the student can work on the specific step alone or with his/her classmates following the teacher’s instructions. This area is structured in 7 main categories divided in turn in detailed sub-categories. Entering the specific category you can: 1. add your content/s 2. see material added by your classmates and their comments The button “Create Content in…” allows to organize, add material and comments. This works as a text editor for: • writing the Title of the Curriculum; • writing a short Abstract; • editing the text; • adding images/audio files/video files, simple or complex animations; • adding attachments of images/audio files/video files, simple or complex animations. By choosing and clicking on the menu one can enter the macro-areas... Step 4 † LEARNING THROUGH EMOTIONS In this area the student will find the result of his/her work with his/her class, as organised by the teacher. The student can read/consult the material added by the teacher and add a comment by clicking on the “comment” button. Maria Rita, at the end of her speech promises to prepare the guide on how to use the platform and send to all the partners. 4. Presentation of e-guide for teachers and students Fabrizio presents Emotion-land and the E-guide on EI for children and Teachers. All participants liked the game. Fabrizio says the partners that is possible to translate the texts into their national languages.

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4. Presentation of e-guide for teachers and students All the participants accepted the following deadline activity table: Deadline

Activity Partners involved For what concerns the Curricula experimentation

01/10/2008 31/12/2008 January 2009 April 2009 May 2009

Training for trainers at national level

All the partners

Curricula experimentation in the schools

All the partners

National reports about the experimentations results

All the partners

Deadline Activity For what concerns Reporting and Results Dissemination

Partners involved

21/08/2009 29/09/2009 During all the project activities

Project Coordinator

Realization of the Videodossier for the results dissemination Discussion in the forum to verify the necessity of improvement actions. Send the video to the stakeholders and analyze their suggestions. To realize contacts with televisions and to broadcast the video in the national televisions During all the To inform international, national and project activities local mass media about dissemination of the project activities, such as national conferences and open working tables. These will be videotaped and diffused through the website. Each partner will diffuse advertising material (brochures, posters, informative leaflets...) in each partner language and in English about LeThe and the reached results. Realization of at least two press conference in all the countries that agree to the project and in which students will disseminate their experiences. National conferences to present the results. During all the Publication of the project results in project activities specialized and non-specialized local and foreign journals


Activity For what concerns the Project Newsletter:

All the partners

All the partners

All the partners

Partners involved

Comenius 2.1 Nr. 2006 – 2888/001- 001

May 2009 June 2009 June 2009 June 2009

To realize the article for the IV° newsletter on the national experimentation To translate into national languages the newsletter articles To send it to the national mailing-lists

All the partners

To publish the newsletter on the project web-site

Centro Studi Villa Montesca

The final conference is foreseen for 28th September 2009 in Italy. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 5.30 p.m. by Mr. Fabrizio Boldrini Minutes submitted by: Approved by:

Maria Rita Bracchini Fabrizio Boldrini

All the partners All the partners

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