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  • Words: 772
  • Pages: 3
The Role of Artificial Intelligence on Health-Care Sector

For those with chronic health issues or life-threatening illness, the help of specialists and medical consultant seem important. However, each time visit to the new practitioners, hospitals, or health clinics, patients are required to fill long and complicated form, particularly when the insurance is involved. It’s now clear that the healthcare industry has to start the data management in order to overcome this problem. Over the years, the hospitals, medical practices, medical schemes, and medical research facilities have digitalized their data in an effort to warehouse it effectively and efficiently. Therefore, Artificial intelligence and big data have significantly contribution in this sector. Artificial-intelligence, machine learning (as known as AI), is used in wide range of applications in many sectors. It is advanced rapidly, and some industry harnessing its power in ways that would have been unimagined a couple years before. Healthcare industry is one of those industries. Thanks to the development and advancements in AI research, more effective and efficient systems have developed for the better future. The Big data and AI component take such big roles on the development of the healthcare. Ever since the era of technology booming, AI has been contributing on healthcare industry. They have realized the potential of implementing the AI and big data on the reality. It’s not only in healthcare sector but spread across all sectors like wildfire. However, how AI and big data continue to show the importance of its role in healthcare? In my point of view, AI could be used to help specialist and healthcare professionals to diagnose the patient, to help surgeons perform surgery, and even to detect a health issues with better accuracy such as cancer at early stage. It’s ability and applications combined in healthcare, can perform as well as human, even better. The recent AI, is independently producing computer-generated solutions to help the doctor to analyze the chronic health issues in a rapid way. Most of the computer-generated solutions recently, is now emerging in healthcare do not only relying on the computer intelligence. But, they are using the humancreated algorithms as the basis of analyzing data and recommending treatments. This ability as known as “Deep Learning”, is a computer-systems inspired by the human brain. It is allowing the computer to analyze the multilevel probabilistic analysis and even expand how the human processes data. As a result, the computer will be much more

knowledgeable than human ever and not even the programmers can be sure how the machine will derive the solution by itself. Unfortunately, the biggest barrier between the implementation of the artificial intelligence and healthcare industry are not the mathematics or even the algorithms but there are many who fear the robots will replace the human. As a result, there must be mechanism to regulate the used of the robots itself. In my opinion, there must be no limitation on how the machine educate their self and their roles on the healthcare industry. However, there must be an exception or at least a mechanism to regulate between the AI and healthcare industry. The mechanism could be the limitation on the use of robots, the robots should not be use in every occasion so that it will not injury the doctor’s duty in the field of medicine. But the question whether people will really trust a machine to make a diagnosis, give out computer, and do an operation? Perhaps, we have to admit that there are several important factors to consider regarding the impacts of AI in the healthcare industry whether they are positive or even negative.

References:  2018. How Is AI Used In Healthcare - 5 Powerful RealWorld Examples That Show The Latest Advances. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 September 2018].

Information Age. 2018. What is the potential of artificial intelligence in healthcare?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 September 2018].

How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing the Healthcare Industry – Adweek. 2018. How Artificial Intelligence Is Changing the Healthcare Industry – Adweek. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 September 2018].

Anjali Jaiprakash. 2018. Robots in health care could lead to a doctorless hospital. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 September 2018].

PricewaterhouseCoopers. 2018. AI and robotics are transforming healthcare: Why AI and robotics will define New Health: Publications: Healthcare: Industries: PwC . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 September 2018].

Novatio. 2018. 10 COMMON APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN HEALTHCARE - Novatio. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 September 2018].

tecla. 2018. How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Healthcare Industry | tecla. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 01 September 2018].

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