Health Alerts Oct 18 2009

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Health Alerts: 10/18/09 • • •

Click here to Subscribe to Dr. Johnson's Email Newsletter or reply to this email with a subject line "Subscribe" Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu's and Infections: For More Information Click Here Free Gift: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Documentation

Table of Contents:  The Beast Ten questions about flu vaccines that doctors and health authorities refuse to answer  Brain Chipping: Injectible Micro-Chips in Swine-Flu Vaccination, & 'Chipped' Cyborg Nano Babies  VeriChip Corporation Selects Raytheon Microelectronics España to Manufacture Its Products  Girl Barely Speaks or Walks, Constant Seizures After Flu Shot, She Was Marathon Runner  16,000 Nurses file lawsuit over mandatory flu vaccine  Swine Flu Shot Propaganda Goes Into Overdrive  State lifts limit on mercury preservative in swine-flu shots  Drugmakers, Doctors Rake in Billions Battling H1N1 Flu  Merck Wins U.S. Approval for Gardasil Vaccine in Boys  Gardasil Linked to Seventy-Eight Outbreaks of Genital Warts  Rat Poison Chemical Found in Ingredient List For HPV Vaccine The Beast October 15, 2009--Steve Quayle--"The Beast rises from its hidden depths of other world origins to first enslave and then devour its unsuspecting worshippers". Although this is a great intro for a sci-fi movie, unfortunately its real. Based in Belgium the "BEAST" – Biometric Encryption and Satellite Tracking – is very well-funded and in total "ready" mode for the day when everyone left alive will be forced to take the Mark of the Beast as admission into the New World Order! In the last 24 hours as I write this on 10/15/09, verification has come in from an Asian source that indicates "The bioweapon at the tip of the needle with the nanotech device is located there. It is part of the super-cray computer system located in central Europe".


Injectable Microchips in the Swine Flu Vaccinations? Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study Hosea 4:6

Play! | SUN 09/13/2009 1,620+ downloads | 81 min

'The Lucifer Strain'; as I am calling the genetically modified vaccines that are being forced on the public

through a psychological operation that would make the greatest tyrants in history jealous has a more sinister side than most can embrace. Ten years ago I proposed that the ideal killing machine would be a genetically modified and altered vaccine that would be forced on the worlds population to 'HELP' them. I stated for the record that the US military would be intentionally destroyed by its enemies and traitors within our own Government. I suggested that through enough obscuring of disclosure that a binary bioweapon would be designed that would be initially injected into the soldier with the final injection being the 'finishing touch' through administering a secondary injection. In the last 48 hours it was noted in the mainstream press, that the German Army is being given a different vaccine than the German people. Additional information received by us, stated that private military contractors – mercenaries – were being given a "safe vaccine" different than the one going to the people in the US and the general military. It is against the Geneva Convention to use people as guinea pigs, and many Nazi doctors were sentenced to death for just following orders! The most perilous times in history are upon us. Don't just let these monsters poison you, destroy you, your children, your future and your lives. Do your homework. Read everything you can on vaccines and rise up in righteous indignation asking the right questions of all authorities. File lawsuits, write Letters to the Editor, call in on radio and TV talk programs. Do something, do anything for if you fail to rise up legally and morally you will be permanently placed in a horizontal position – never to rise again!


Transhumanism, Vaccinations, DNA and Corrupting the Seed of Mankind 1 Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study Hosea 4:6 1


Play! | SUN 09/27/2009 1,440+ downloads | 53 min

“Have faith....!” 10/4/09 • have faith in god and you need not worry the least about...

Transhumanism, Vaccinations, DNA and Corrupting the Seed of Mankind 2 Scott A. Johnson | Current Events and Bible Study Hosea 4:6

Play! | SUN 09/27/2009 1,040+ downloads | 80 min

The 2-Week Warning (Red Screen Warning at: was meant to give you advance notice to either shelter in place or move to whatever place in the country you have preselected to bug out to. Obviously a nuclear detonation in any US city, complete financial collapse, Mid East war, Korean nuclear launch or mega-quake on the New Madrid or in the Pacific Northwest or megatsunami on either coasts should be heads up enough for you to hunker in your bunker or refuge location. While it is my prayerful and decade long desire to give two weeks' notice, it may become impossible should the U.S. sustain an electro-magnetic pulse attack that takes down all communications. The fact that the red screen alert is being explained is meant to help to clarify the lateness of the hour. Suggest all reading this RED SCREEN explanation needing a crash course in Emergency Preparedness read and print out everything you can on and acquire the Ultimate Prep Book Dare To Prepare by Holly Deyo. May the mercy, forgiveness, protection and provision of the Living God be poured out upon you – and through you – in miraculous ways in the coming months! —Steve Quayle

Ten questions about flu vaccines that doctors and health authorities refuse to answer Mike Adams--Natural News--Here are ten questions vaccine-pushing doctors and health authorities absolutely refuse to answer: #1) Where are the randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies proving flu vaccines are both safe and effective? Answer: There aren’t any. (…) #2) Where, then, is the so-called “science” backing the idea that flu vaccines work at all? Answer: Other than “cohort studies,” there isn’t any. And the cohort studies have been thoroughly debunked. Scientifically speaking, there isn’t a scrap of honest evidence showing flu vaccines work at all. #3) How can methyl mercury (Thimerosal, a preservative used in flu vaccines) be safe for injecting into the human body when mercury is an extremely toxic heavy metal? Answer: It isn’t safe at all. Methyl mercury is a poison. Along with vaccine adjuvants, it explains why so many people suffer autism or other debilitating neurological side effects after being vaccinated. #4) Why do reports keep surfacing of children and teens suffering debilitating neurological disorders, brain swelling, seizures and even death following flu vaccines or HPV vaccines? Answer: Because vaccines are dangerous. The vaccine industry routinely dismisses all such accounts — no matter how many are reported — as “coincidence.” #5) Why don’t doctors recommend vitamin D for flu protection, especially when vitamin D activates the immune response far better than a vaccine? (…) Answer: Because vitamin D can’t be patented and sold as “medicine.” You can make it yourse lf. If you want more vitamin D, you don’t even need a doctor, and doctors tend not to recommend things that put them out of business. #6) If human beings need flu vaccines to survive, then how did humans survive through all of Earth’s history? Answer: Human genetic code is already wired to automatically defend you against invading microorganisms (as long as you have vitamin D). (…) #7) If the flu vaccine offers protection against the flu, then why are the people who often catch the flu the very same people who were vaccinated against it? Answer: Because those most vulnerable to influenza infections are the very same people who have a poor adaptive response to the vaccines and don’t build antibodies. In other words flu vaccines only “work” on people who don’t need them. (And even building antibodies doesn’t equate to real-world protection from the flu, by the way.)

#8) If the flu vaccine really works, then why was there no huge increase in flu death rates in 2004, the year when flu vaccines were in short supply and vaccination rates dropped by 40%? (…) Answer: There was no change in the death rate. You could drop vaccination rates to zero percent and you’d still see no change in the number of people dying from the flu. That’s because flu vaccines simply don’t work. #9) How can flu vaccines reduce mortality by 50% (as is claimed) when only about 10% of winter deaths are related to the flu in the first place? They can’t. The 50% statistic is an example of quack medical marketing. If I have a room full of 100 people, then I take the 50 healthiest people and hand them a candy bar, I can’t then scientifically claim that “candy bars make people healthy.” That’s essentially the same logic behind the “50% reduction in mortality” claim of flu vaccines. (…). #10) If flu vaccines work so well, then why are drug makers and health authorities so reluctant to subject them to scientific scrutiny with randomized, placebo-controlled studies? Answer: Although they claim such studies would be “unethical,” what’s far more unethical is to keep injecting hundreds of millions of people every year with useless, harmful vaccines that aren’t backed by a shred of honest evidence. Vaccine voodoo? The vaccine industry is about making money, not actually offering immune protection against the flu. Whether people get the flu or not is irrelevant to the bottom-line profits of the drug companies. What matters most is that people continue to take the flu shots, and making that happen depends entirely on pushing the vaccine mythology that infects the minds of doctors and health authorities today.

Brain Chipping: Injectible Micro-Chips in Swine-Flu Vaccination, & 'Chipped' Cyborg Nano Babies Micro-chips that lodge in your brain and fuse with your DNA? Brains might run on Vista soon! Watch:

VeriChip Corporation Selects Raytheon Microelectronics España to Manufacture Its Products DELRAY BEACH, Fla.--(Business Wire)--VeriChip Corporation today announced that it has selected Raytheon Microelectronics España (operating as "ELCAN Optical Technologies") for the production of the Company's radio frequency identification (RFID) implantable microchips, including its existing VeriChip microchip for patient identification, its new 8 millimeter microchip for use in Medical Components, Inc.'s (Medcomp) vascular access medical devices, and its glucose-sensing RFID microchip currently under development with RECEPTORS, LLC. In December 2008, VeriChip purchased all intellectual property related to its implantable RFID business line from Digital Angel Corporation and canceled its manufacturing relationship. Now, the Company is properly aligned and prepared to re-establish its manufacturing capabilities and has chosen to do so with ELCAN

Optical Technologies. Just to prove how integrally intertwined Raytheon is with the US military just see below: Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) is a major American defense contractor and industrial corporation with core manufacturing concentrations in defense systems and defense and commercial electronics. It was previously involved in corporate and special-mission aircraft until early 2007. Raytheon is the world's [1] largest producer of guided missiles. Established in 1922, the company reincorporated in 1928 and adopted its present name in 1959. The company has around 73,000 employees worldwide and annual revenues of approximately US$20 billion. More than 90 percent of Raytheon's revenues were obtained from defense contracts and, as of 2007, it [2] was the fifth largest defense contractor in the world, and is the fourth largest defense contractor in the United States by revenue. Raytheon gets $22.2M Navy contract boost Sep 17 - By Associated Press--Raytheon Co. received a $22.2 million contract extension from the Navy to provide services on the advanced medium airto-air missile, the Pentagon said late Wednesday. Raytheon to provide technical assistance to Taiwan Sep 1 - By Associated Press--Defense contractor Raytheon Co. said Tuesday it has been awarded a contract worth $26.9 million to provide technical assistance to Taiwan's missile defense system. Raytheon gets $19.8M Air Force deal Aug 27 - By Associated Press--Military contractor Raytheon Co. received a $19.8 million contract boost from the Air Force to begin production of a radar warning receiver, the Pentagon said Thursday. Raytheon gets $7 million semiconductor contract Aug 21 - By Associated Press--Raytheon Co. said Thursday it received a $7 million contract from the Office of Naval Research to improve the semiconductors used by U.S. military agencies.

Girl Barely Speaks or Walks, Constant Seizures After Flu Shot, She Was Marathon Runner Watch:

16,000 Nurses file lawsuit over mandatory flu vaccine

By KOMO Staff SEATTLE A union representing 16,000 registered nurses in Washington state has filed a federal lawsuit against MultiCare Health System for implementing a mandatory flu vaccination policy. "This new policy will force nurses to get the flu vaccination or to wear face masks as a condition of employment and may result in the firing of nurses who do not comply with the policy," the union said in a statement. The lawsuit, filed by the Washington State Nurses Association, seeks an injunction to stop the policy from being implemented at both Tacoma General and Good Samaritan hospitals.

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Swine Flu Shot Propaganda Goes Into Overdrive Paul Joseph Watson--Prison, October 14, 2009--The establishment’s propaganda drive to convince everyone to take the swine flu shot has gone into overdrive, surpassing any previous effort in the domain of public health and stoking suspicions about the motivations of pharmaceutical giants, especially in light of the fact that the H1N1 virus is far less deadly than the regular seasonal flu. Governments have temporarily backed away from their plans to mandate the shot, but this hasn’t stopped the juggernaut of a mass media brainwashing campaign that is brow-beating reluctant citizens to take the vaccine even in the absence of the widely promised deadlier second wave of the swine flu virus. Everywhere you look, the corporate media is over spilling with big pharma mouthpieces endlessly regurgitating the refrain that the idiot public should shut up, stop asking difficult questions about mercury, squalene and other additives, and just ‘take the damn vaccine’. Watch the Video: Relating to the video in the link above the government propaganda agent uses an interesting choice of words: "Just get your damn vaccine." 1 Definition: damn 1 : to condemn to a punishment or fate; especially : to condemn to hell 3 : to bring ruin on 4 : to swear at : to curse

State lifts limit on mercury preservative in swine-flu shots September 25, 2009, Seattle Times In preparation for swine-flu vaccinations next month, Washington's Health Department ... temporarily suspended a rule that limits the amount of a mercury preservative [called Thimerosal] in vaccines given to pregnant women and children under the age of 3. Thimerosal has been eliminated from most vaccines in the United States, but it will be added to the bulk of the swine-flu vaccine. A vocal minority believes the compound could be linked to autism. About 15 percent of the vaccine supply will be mercury-free.

Drugmakers, Doctors Rake in Billions Battling H1N1 Flu DALIA FAHMY--ABC News--October 14, 2009--Americans are still debating whether to roll up their sleeves for a swine flu shot, but companies have already figured it out: vaccines are good for business. Drug companies have sold $1.5 billion worth of swine flu shots, in addition to the $1 billion for seasonal flu they booked earlier this year. These inoculations are part of a much wider and rapidly growing $20 billion global vaccine market. “The vaccine market is booming,” says Bruce Carlson, spokesperson at market research firm Kalorama, which publishes an annual survey of the vaccine industry. “It’s an enormous growth area for pharmaceuticals at a time when other areas are not doing so well,” he says, noting that the pipeline for more traditional blockbuster drugs such as Lipitor and Nexium has thinned. Read entire article

Merck Wins U.S. Approval for Gardasil Vaccine in Boys Shannon Pettypiece-Bloomberg--October 16, 2009--Merck & Co.’s Gardasil, a vaccine used to prevent cervical cancer in women, won U.S. regulatory approval for preventing genital warts in boys. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration cleared the vaccine for use in males ages 9 to 26, Merck said today in a statement.

Gardasil Linked to Seventy-Eight Outbreaks of Genital Warts Tuesday, November 11, 2008 (NaturalNews) The Gardasil vaccine has been linked to 78 outbreaks of genital warts, according to an article in The Fiji Times entitled "Are our girls guinea pigs?" by Matelita Ragogo. That's right. In addition to all of the other adverse reactions to this controversial vaccine, children who receive it are subject to outbreaks of genital warts. Unfortunately, not too many doctors take the time to educate parents about some of these possible reactions prior to giving little girls this expensive jab. While genital warts are certainly disgusting, parents who think that genital warts are the worst possible adverse reaction to the vaccine should think again. According to Ragogo, as of August 14th, including the 78 outbreaks of genital warts, there have been 9,748 adverse events reported as per Judicial Watch, a non-profit watchdog group. Judicial Watch also reports that there have been 21 deaths, not including the deaths (by miscarriage) of 10 unborn babies.

Rat Poison Chemical Found in Ingredient List For HPV Vaccine (NaturalNews) What do rat poison and the HPV vaccine have in common? The answer is a hazardous chemical known as sodium borate. Savvy readers may wonder what a toxin that is commonly used to kill rats is doing in the ingredient list for the HPV vaccine that is currently being pushed on girls as young as nine and is even being considered for men and boys. Unfortunately, the answer isn't very comforting, especially for new U.S. residents for whom the HPV injection containing sodium borate is now mandated. Sodium borate, a boric acid salt also known as borax, has many common uses. In addition to its use as a rat poison, it is also used in laundry detergents, cosmetics, enamel glazes, flame retardants, and buffer solutions in chemistry. However, sodium borate also has antifungal properties, which means that its probable reason for being in the vaccine is to act as a preservative. Sadly, the information about sodium borate gets even scarier. Another government website article states that exposure to sodium borate can cause convulsions and other ill health effects. Interestingly enough, young girls who receive the HPV vaccine have reported similar symptoms to those that appear in cases of sodium borate poisoning. This particular government site provides the following warning regarding this chemical: "WARNING! HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED, INHALED OR ABSORBED THROUGH SKIN. CAUSES IRRITATION TO SKIN, EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT." Given this information, is sodium borate really something that should be injected into humans? This is something the reader should carefully consider, along with the previously reported information, before choosing to receive the controversial HPV vaccine.

Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu's and Infections: For More Information Click Here Click Here to purchase "THE" safe and proven "MEDICAL JOURNAL" Colloidal SILVER direct from the Manufacturer & to receive the lowest Internet price. ++ Because Invive Silver is so stable it has a 15 year minimum shelf life. The company started in 1993 and they still have perfectly good bottles of silver from 1993. There is a 'Retest Date" on the bottle for the year 2014, but that is purely there for FDA purposes. There is no colloidal silver in any form that can even come close to their shelf life or potency; nor has there been one case of Argyria (turning gray) reported from taking Invive Silver. Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu's and Infections. New Website: For More Information Click Here

The March 1978 issue of Science Digest, in an article, 'Our Mightiest Germ Fighter,' reported: . . . "An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop." "Colloidal Silver . . . killed every virus that was tested in the lab," UCLA Medical Center. Dr. Johnson's Online Colloidal Silver/Mild Silver Protein Desk Reference Guide for Specific Health Problems: For those who are seeking help regarding specific diseases, maladies and health problems you can go to: and then click on: "Doctor's Desk Reference" at the top of the website. The maladies and diseases are in alphabetical order with specific instructions relating to each problem. The Truth About Mild Silver Protein/M.S.P: "Rebuttals of Promoters' Misinformation": Actual M.S.P. Scientific/Medical Studies: Dr. Johnson's Comment: Invive Mild Silver Protein is made under Pharmaceutical GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) with double check off lists. The silver that is used is the finest available and is the same silver used in the 1938 Edition, 12th Volume of the British Encyclopedia of Medical Practice: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. The Compounds used to make this silver are identical as the silver compounds used in burn wards across America. As a result they can achieve uniform particle size between (.005 and .015 microns) which is something most companies have a very hard time doing. Now this particle size is much smaller than a bacterium which are approximatley .5 microns. Therefore Invive silver particles can go wherever the bacteria are "because" the Invive particles are 100 times "smaller" than a bacteria, as Inivive's smallest particles start at 005. Today's modern antibiotics kill over 100,000 Americans per year, and cause horrendous liver and kidney damage, failure, and death, whereas the pre-1938 Mild Silver Protein formulation that has never caused one death.

Dr. Johnson's presentation regarding the Avian Flu and proactive ways we can protect ourselves for more information go to: View all of Dr. Johnson's Online Video Presentations in 'Playlist' Succession Dr. Johnson YouTube Website: Avian Flu, Population Control, H5N1, Biological Warfare: 1-5 5 Videos Play All Population Control, Pandemics, H5N1, Biological Warfare & Colloidal Silver What to Expect Subscribe and How to Prepare. For a complete listing of recommendations relating to this presentation go to:

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