Health Alerts (10 25 2009)

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Health Alerts: 10/25/09 • •

Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu's and Infections: For More Information Click Here Free Gift: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Documentation

Table of Contents: + President Obama declares national emergency over swine flu pandemic, but why? + Vaccines - Where should I get church? + Dr. Oz, Lies & the Money Behind the Vaccine Scam/Genocide + CBS Reveals that Swine Flu Cases Seriously Overestimated + Amazing: Dr. Andrew Moulden (Interview): What You Were Never Told About Vaccines + Hollywood Telegraphing Their Punches Again: Prophetic 2010 Stargate episodes warn of a dangerous vaccine + A vaccine for anxiety? The real reason why drug companies are pushing more vaccines

President Obama declares national emergency over swine flu pandemic, but why? Mike Adams--NaturalNews--October 24, 2009--According to the CDC, swine flu infections have already peaked, and the pandemic is on its way out. Peak infection time was the middle of October, where one in five U.S. children experienced the flu, says the CDC.

Even though the H1N1 pandemic appears to have peaked out, U.S. President Barack Obama has now declared a national emergency over swine flu infections. The reasoning behind such a declaration? According to the White House, it’s designed to "allow hospitals to better handle the surge in patients" by allowing them to bypass certain federal laws. Emergency powers trump the Bill of Rights That’s the public explanation for this, but the real agenda behind this declaration may be far more sinister. Declaring a national emergency immediately gives federal authorities dangerous new powers that can now be enforced at gunpoint, including:

Your rights as an American are no longer recognized under this national emergency declaration.

• The power to force mandatory swine flu vaccinations on the entire population. • The power to arrest, quarantine or "involuntarily transport" anyone who refuses a swine flu vaccination. • The power to quarantine an entire city and halt all travel in or out of that city. • The power to enter any home or office without a search warrant and order the destruction of any belongings or structures deemed to be a threat to public health. • The effective nullification of the Bill of Rights. Your right to due process, to being safe from government search and seizure, and to remain silent to avoid self-incrimination are all null and void under a Presidential declaration of a national emergency. None of this means that federal agents are going to immediately march door to door arresting people at gunpoint if they refuse the vaccine, but they could if they wanted to. Your rights as an American are no longer recognized under this national emergency declaration. The declaration of this national emergency seems suspicious from the start. Where’s the emergency? The number of people killed by swine flu in the United States is far smaller than the number of people killed each year from seasonal flu, according to CDC statistics. People obviously aren’t dropping dead by the millions from H1N1 influenza. Most people are just getting mild flu symptoms and a few days later they’re fine.So where’s the emergency? The only emergency I can see is the emergency fabricated by Big Pharma to sell more vaccines. By declaring a national emergency over the H1N1 pandemic, Obama looks like he is on there payroll. I find the timing of all this curious. Two days ago, New York gave up on its efforts to require mandatory vaccinations of health care workers. This was designed to defuse a large number of planned protests

from health freedom-conscious people who don’t want government-mandated chemicals pumped into their veins. The planned protests in New York would have fueled yet more resistance among health care workers across the country, and had it been allowed to continue, it could have resulted in a huge nationwide backlash against swine flu vaccines. By backing off the vaccine mandate and blaming it on a vaccine shortage (…), and then having Obama declare a national emergency, our state and national leaders have halted the protests and put in place a pro-vaccine Big Brother mandate that can be enforced at gunpoint. Big Pharma must be pleased with all this. With these emergency powers in place, all that’s necessary to force vaccinations upon the entire population is a larger supply of the vaccines — and that’s coming in November.

Vaccines - Where should I get church?

Watch (Pertinent part starts at 6:31):

Dr. Oz, Lies & the Money Behind the Vaccine Scam/Genocide

(From Dr. Leonard Horowitz) Dr. Oz (of the Oprah Windfrey fame) did not really take the flu shot live on ABC television, unless he is a complete HYPOCRITE. He wrote in his book for consumers to ALWAYS read the ingredients list on food labels, and always avoid harmful chemical additives! Come-on Dr. Oz, the ingredients in the seasonal and H1N1 Flu vaccines are not even in the package inserts that Merck (CSL), Novartis, Baxter, and Sanofi-Pasteur, and Glaxo-SmithKlein provides to doctors! To find the ingredients, that include many toxic, potentially deadly, chemicals you need to search these companies patents. Or else, go to the Package Inserts page of You will see why Dr. Oz is a propaganda pimp for the drug cartel that includes his bosses at ABC TV, including Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs. Blankfein financed the Disney-ABC merger and is Co-Chairman, with David Rockefeller and Rupert Murdoch, of the world's most powerful drug ring within the Partnership for New York City (PFNYC). These are the Wizards Behind Dr. Ozs curtain of hypocrisy and genocidal propaganda. Part 1: Part 2:

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The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states on their main flu Web site that flu activity is increasing in the United States, with most states reporting "widespread influenza activity." The CDC goes on to say, and I quote: "So far, most flu is 2009 H1N1 flu (sometimes called "swine flu")." But a three-month-long investigation by CBS News, released earlier this week that included state-bystate test results, revealed some very different facts. The CBS study found that H1N1 flu cases are NOT as prevalent as feared. A CBS article even states: "If you've been diagnosed "probable" or "presumed" 2009 H1N1 or "swine flu" in recent months, you may be surprised to know this: odds are you didn't have H1N1 flu. In fact, you probably didn't have flu at all." Obviously CBS News and the CDC are completely contradicting each other. So who is right? Well, CBS reports that in late July 2009 the CDC advised states to STOP testing for H1N1 flu, and they also stopped counting individual cases. Their rationale for this, according to CBS News, was that it was a waste of resources to test for H1N1 flu because it was already confirmed as an epidemic. So just like that virtually every person who visited their physician with flu-like symptoms since late July was assumed to have H1N1, with no testing necessary because, after all, there's an epidemic. It's interesting to note that at the same time as the CDC decided the H1N1 epidemic warranted no further testing for cases due to its epidemic status, Finnish health authorities actually downgraded the threat of swine flu. In late July the health ministry and the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) in Finland actually removed swine flu from a list of diseases considered dangerous to the public because the majority of cases recovered without medication or hospital care! And, as the CDC continues to use fear to motivate and control Americans with their worst-case swine flu scenarios, they say nothing of the experience of those in the southern hemisphere, which just finished their flu season and found it was not as bad as expected. CBS News Finds H1N1 Tests "Overwhelmingly Negative" Before beginning their investigation, CBS News asked the CDC for state-by-state test results prior to their halting of testing and tracking. The CDC did not initially respond so CBS went to all 50 states directly, asking for their statistics on state lab-confirmed H1N1 prior to the halt of individual testing and counting in July. What did they find? CBS reported: "The results reveal a pattern that surprised a number of health care professionals we consulted. The vast majority of cases were negative for H1N1 as well as seasonal flu, despite the fact that many states were specifically testing patients deemed to be most likely to have H1N1 flu, based on symptoms and risk factors, such as travel to Mexico." As you can see from this CBS News graphic, not only are most cases of suspected flu-like illnesses not H1N1, they're not even the flu but more likely some type of cold or upper respiratory infection!

(Image from CBS News) Where is the CDC Getting Their Data? Given CBS News' findings that most cases of flu-like illnesses are neither H1N1 nor the flu, it begs the question: Why is the CDC reporting that most flu in the United States is in fact H1N1? Barbara Loe Fisher, founder of the National Vaccine Information Center who I spoke with in the interview above, was a consumer representative on the FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee in 2003, and she asked the head of the influenza branch of the CDC how much of the flu-like illness that occurs in America every year is actually due to the flu. The answer was about 20 percent, which corresponds more closely with the CBS News data from 2009. According to the CBS News study, when you come down with chills, fever, cough, runny nose, malaise and all those other "flu-like" symptoms, the illness is likely caused by influenza at most 17 percent of the time and as little as 3 percent! The other 83 to 97 percent of the time it's caused by other viruses or bacteria. So remember that not every illness that appears to be the flu actually is the flu. In fact, most of the time it's not. Curiously, the CDC still advises those who were told they had 2009 H1N1 (and therefore should be immune to getting it again) to get vaccinated unless they had lab confirmation. Conflicts of interest are rampant in the vaccination infrastructure. The same people who are regulating and promoting vaccines are also evaluating vaccine safety. For instance, Dr. Paul Offit of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia earned at least $29 million as part of a $182-million sale by the hospital of its worldwide royalty interest in the Merck Rotateq vaccine. He also

formerly sat on the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) to help create the market for rotavirus vaccine This type of conflict of interest has been going on for some time. In August 1999, the Committee on Government Reform initiated an investigation into Federal vaccine policy. During the investigation the Committee extensively reviewed financial disclosure forms and related documents and interviewed key officials from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the CDC. It was revealed that many individuals on two key advisory committees had financial ties to pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines. These individuals were even granted waivers allowing them to fully participate in discussions about vaccine licensing and recommendations for children, despite the fact that federal law states members of advisory committees are required to disclose such ties and recuse themselves from such discussions and decisions. You may think that the CDC and the vaccine manufacturers must be concerned about safety, as if they released a dangerous vaccine and promoted it to the American public, imagine the lawsuits they would face. This is actually no longer reality as the U.S. government has granted vaccine makers total legal immunity from any lawsuits that result from the new swine flu vaccine. In fact, drug manufacturers got a major boost in protection and were granted unprecedented powers to experiment on the population with the passing of the 2006 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (the PREP Act). This law allows the DHHS Secretary to invoke almost complete immunity from liability for manufacturers of vaccines and drugs used to combat a declared public health emergency, which the "swine flu pandemic" qualifies as. The PREP Act removes your right to a trial jury unless you can provide clear evidence of willful misconduct that resulted in death or serious physical injury. But that's not all. First you must apply for and be granted permission to sue by the DHHS Secretary. The most problematic aspect of the PREP Act is that it removes all financial incentive to make a safe product. In fact, vaccine makers now have a negative incentive to test it for safety, because if they are aware of problems, then they could potentially be held liable for willful misconduct! As long as they can prove they "didn't know" of any problem, they will not be liable for damages. Hence it's in their best interest to know as little as possible about the adverse reactions it might cause. It seems unimaginable, but you and your children are now being enlisted as an unpaid human trial subjects for experimental, fast-tracked vaccines like the swine flu vaccine.

Even if They Were Effective or Safe, Most Vaccines Will Come Too Late Recent national polls have revealed that 30 percent to 50 percent in many communities are not planning to get a swine flu shot ... but there are many who are still ready to stand in line. If you have not yet made up your mind and have questions, we have created some fact-filled posters that you can print and post ALL over your community, your local stores, office and schools. You can also visit the special section of my site that is devoted to giving you all the latest H1N1 Swine Flu Alerts. This is an excellent go-to source to stay updated on all the new swine flu developments.

Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu's and Infections: For More Information Click Here Click Here to purchase "THE" safe and proven "MEDICAL JOURNAL" Colloidal SILVER direct from the Manufacturer & to receive the lowest Internet price. ++ Because Invive Silver is so stable it has a 15 year minimum shelf life. The company started in 1993 and they still have perfectly good bottles of silver from 1993. There is a 'Retest Date" on the bottle for the year 2014, but that is purely there for FDA purposes. There is no colloidal silver in any form that can even come close to their shelf life or potency; nor has there been one case of Argyria (turning gray) reported from taking Invive Silver. Invive Mild Silver Protein: The Ultimate Immune System Product For Colds, Flu's and Infections. New Website: For More Information Click Here The March 1978 issue of Science Digest, in an article, 'Our Mightiest Germ Fighter,' reported: . . . "An antibiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop."

"Colloidal Silver . . . killed every virus that was tested in the lab," UCLA Medical Center.

Dr. Andrew Moulden (Interview): What You Were Never Told About Vaccines Interview with Dr. Andrew Moulden (10/08/09 — VACTRUTH Editor’s Note: LINK TO PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE AT THE END OF THE ARTICLE!!!!!) 07/21/09 1.) Dr. Moulden, can you tell us a bit about your background? I am 44 years of age and have spent my entire adult life in academia, university, and clinical health science studies, practice, and research. My area of expertise is in neurobehavioral assessment of brain and behavioral disorders – My Bachelor’s degree was in Biological Psychology. I graduated valedictorian with an 88% cumulative average from Nipissing University, North Bay Ontario, Canada, in my core area of specialty. My Masters degree was in Child Development with my main thesis in language and neurocognitive development in children and adolescents (Laurentian University). My PhD was in Clinical-Experimental Neuropsychology. I completed a sub-specialization in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Ottawa during the PhD degree. I was a Natural, Sciences, Engineering, and Research Council of Canada scholar, an Ontario Mental Health Foundation scholar, an Ontario Graduate scholar, and received 27 Awards/scholarships for academic, research, clinical, and teaching excellence during my University training. I was ranked in the top 1-5% of medical residents during my emergency medicine residency rotations in Ottawa. During my clinical residency training I was ranked in the top 1-5% of medical residents during rotations by my supervisors including my emergency medicine rotations in Ottawa. I have elected to devote myself to neurobehavioral and neurocognitive assessments and research based upon my PhD and Masters training rather than practicing clinical medicine. For the past several years I have devoted myself to deciphering the neurobehavioral sequel associated with immune system hyper stimulation, neurodevelopmental disorders, and ultimately to vaccinations as the common environmental trigger for several brain and behavioral disorders I have studied since the undergraduate degree. My work will be submitted for peer review in the upcoming several months. For now, peer review is available in the Tolerance Lost DVD series as I have translated the medical sciences into an information and presentation style that can be understood by the public at large, as well as the vaccine injury court special masters. 2.) Dr. Moulden, we understand that you have made a revolutionary discovery. Can you tell us about it? I would be happy to. Through my extensive research and my work throughout the years, I have discovered that vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (ischemia) to brain and body from clinically silent to death. These are strokes – across the board for all of us. I have reason to believe that all are being affected and all vaccinations ARE causing the overwhelming rise in autism, specific learning disabilities, attention

deficit disorders, sudden infant death, gulf war syndrome, dementia, seizure disorders, some cancers it would appear, and much much more. ...4.) What was it which caught your attention, what tipped you off and incited you to scratch the surface and investigate further? I was seeing, autistic patients, coming out of medical school – they had a trans-cortical motor aphasia, isolation of speech syndrome, and very specific cranial nerve palsies that could ONLY be accounted for by ischemic stroke. Remarkably, my studies of schizophrenia, dementia, and research exposure to neuroimaging modalities and brain and behavioral assessments before medical school contributed to my ability to “see” what has been in front of our eyes all along – ischemic strokes and brain damages – from vaccinations. The problem has been we neither knew how to measure, when to measure or what to measure, let alone what the limitations were, of the tools we have been using to measure brain integrity, in health, disease and disorder. It has taken the past several years to decipher how ischemic brain damages were happening in the autism we were seeing and the many other neurodevelopmental disorders. I now believe I have the answers for this, or so it appears and some solutions. Wild polio caused the exact same brain damages as ALL other vaccines are. Indeed, Guillian Barre syndrome and a host of other neurological disorders is being caused by a common mechanism of injury – albeit from different triggers for different individuals. This is ischemia –from impaired blood flow in microcirculation units. We simply did not appreciate what was right before our eyes. Now I am able to see “the whole forest” despite the trees. Quite literally, I believe I have found and discovered a common mechanism towards acquired human disease and disorder – all of it. It is truly humbling. 5.) How have you been able to show this and how have you managed to demonstrate this? What medical imaging underlies it all? What medical imaging is the basis for it all? I have quantified and expanded standard neurological and clinical neuropsychological tools of brain function and assessment.... All of my tools and techniques are non-invasive. I am now able to assess in the here and now, or looking back 50 years ago, to answer questions as to cause, in disease, neurodevelopment disorders, and much more. Remarkably, we can now advance diagnose sudden infant death syndrome, and I can answer questions relative to – Was this a shaken baby?, Did vaccines cause this person to have autism? Was this death caused by Gardasil? Did vaccines cause these damages? Since the mechanism to damages is common across all, when vaccines are involved – and sometimes even virulent infectious diseases. 6.) What is the basic information underlying your claims and what is the foundation of your beliefs? Germs simply are not the only root cause of death, disease, and disorder. I have now conclusively shown that ALL vaccines, from infancy to geriatric, are causing the exact same brain damages irrespective of what disease or disorder comes out. The damages are specific to end vascular “mini strokes” that are beneath the resolution of our neuroimaging, but measurable in a before/after vaccination protocol. Remarkably, wild polio, pre-natal German measles, measles, tetanus, “Spanish flu”, etc.. all caused the exact same damages in the pre-vaccine era....With vaccinations we have weakened viruses and bacteria, injected into us causing chronic illness and disease in an attenuated form, this is how these pathogens have always caused harm. It is the bodies response to foreign things entering it, especially under hypersensitivity states, that is causing neurodevelopment disorders and chronic illness and much more.

7.) You speak of epidemics. What is your understanding of an epidemic? How does it manifest? The explanation of epidemic is simple, we are now seeing: 1 in 6 children with specific learning disabilities. 12-15% children with attention deficit disorder. 1 in 87 with autism spectrum – a 1700% increase over ten years. 1% sudden infant death 40 deaths and 15,000 substantive adverse Gardasil reactions 1 in 15 over 65 with dementia; 1 in 8 over 85 Chronic fatigue syndrome Fibromyalgia Seizure disorders “West” syndrome Global developmental delay 1 in 450 with type 1 diabetes 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer over a lifetime. Gulf war syndrome affecting and disabling 250,000 troops and 42,000 deaths. These vaccinated soldiers show the exact same neurological damages after vaccination as the infants and children are exhibiting after each childhood vaccination. These are strokes – oxygen demand exceeding oxygen supply – conclusively! This is just the tip of the iceberg. These microscopic strokes are happening to the brain and body in immediate and delayed, waxing and waning, acute and chronic ways. This is receiving a plethora of clinical labels. In basic physiology – the base cause is common across the board. There is no such thing as an acquired genetic epidemic. The epidemic is an acquired phenomenon, from environmental factors, for which I can now conclusively show, vaccinations are the mass culprit for most of this. 8.) What has the response been to your discoveries? How have they been received by the public / the world at large? The public gets it. The chiropractors embrace it. The medical Doctors, including pediatric neurologists, are stunned by it. The pharmaceutical and organized medicine cartels – must deny it. The philosophy is “if they cannot deny the message, then they will discredit the messenger.” This is simply how the system works. The evidence is now self evident. All you have to do now is receive the education you need to appreciate and see what is before your very eyes – layperson and Doctor. My imaging is called the 12-IMAM – 12 “Eye” M.A.S.S. Anoxia Measures” based on the 12 cranial nerves. “MASS” stands for “Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes. Anoxia refers to impaired oxygen delivery to tissue. 9.) Are there other doctors, researchers and scientists who share your views and agree with you? All of them – once they take the time to learn. It is 100% undeniable. There is NO way to refute what we can all see now. By example, gravity was with us since the dawn of creation. Sir Isaac Newton did not “discover” gravity – he simply put the conceptual framework forward as to why apples fall from tress.

I have simply put the conceptual framework science, measurement system, and explanations to “why are we getting sick” and “LOOK” all vaccines are causing the exact same neurological damages irrespective of what disease comes out, across the lifespan, This means that it is something the body does in response to immune stimulation that is causing disease and disorders – I now believe I know what this “something” is. 10.) In your opinion, what percentage of vaccines cause adverse effects? It is in my considered opinion, all of them. I can now show the evidence to back this up. ...we are all being harmed along the same continuum from clinically silent to terminal disorders and diseases – across all organ systems. However, my ability to measure and prove my point, for the moment, is locked in on the brain functions and neurobehavioral and neuropscyhiatric and neurological conditions primarily. 13.) In your opinion, are all vaccines “suspect” or are there certain vaccines which are still “acceptable” and if yes, which one(s) ? It is no longer an opinion as I now have conclusive evidence to show that ALL vaccines are causing the exact same damages for us all in the exact same manner that wild polio virus caused paralysis, respiratory failure (“Iron lung”), death, bleeding into the brain, and more. It is the act of repeat vaccinations, properly spaced apart that is creating one part of the problem. It is the aluminum that is creating a second part of the problem. ALL other foreign substances in vaccines are creating a third part of the problem – like adding fuel to a fire. One does not need to be directly vaccinated to be vaccine injured....It is in my opinion, backed up with conclusive evidence that all vaccines have to be banned. They are all causing ischemic brain and body damages and chronic illness and disease. Importantly, the vaccines are causing the exact same pathological sequence as wild polio virus does and did to cause paralysis and respiratory failure. This is the same mechanism by which: 1.) Thalidomide caused babies to be born with no arms and legs. 2.) Vioxx caused heart attack and stroke. 3.) Cholesterol lowering drugs are causing myalgia and mysositis. 4.) Spanish Flu killed 20 million in 1918. 5.) Swine flu vaccine caused paralysis (see 6.) Hep A/ Hep B vaccines are causing multiple sclerosis. 7.) A series of anthrax vaccines causes female vets to give birth to infants with no arms or legs 18 months after vaccination. 8.) All vaccines are causing autism spectrum and learning disabilities SIDS and ADHD. 9.) Repeat flu vaccines are causing dementia. 10.) Tetanus causes lockjaw – this is ischemic stroke, in evolution, to the brain from blocked blood flow. 11.) Vaccination induces Guillian Barre Syndrome (these are end vascular strokes – to descending motor tracts in the brain – brain damage! 12.) Smallpox killed and caused skin lesions – this was dermal ischemia – impaired capillary blood flow. 13.) Congenital rubella, in the pre-vaccine era, caused ischemic damages to brain body and lung. 16.) What prevents your discoveries from being accepted and taken into account? This is something I need to publish, however, I put all my efforts towards putting my evidence before the United States federal Circuit courts as the only way to stop this out of control train wreck is to hold the system accountable in court – broadly, else there will be no dis-incentive to the firms that make vaccines for profit to stop making vaccines available. Remarkably, I have made the evidence so glaringly obvious, that you can quite literally, now see for yourself, in the here and now, and going back 70 years ago if damages happened then. This is achieved via the non-invasive, functional, neurovascular, neuromotor neuroimaging suite.

19.) What are your ‘opponents’ main viewpoints and claims? They have none. There are no other viewpoints anymore. The truth is self evident now – res ipsa loquitur. All they have to do is come and listen, come and look. ALL who take the time to learn and be educated with the evidence I can now show – are speechless, from pediatric neurologists to all medical and paramedical professionals alike. The vaccine courts have nothing to do with truth. We shall see what viewpoint emerges from that pit in time 29.) What are your thoughts on the various therapies and disciplines used to treat vaccine adverse effects? Call me. 1-877-NOW-I-CAN. Assessment first. Diagnosis second. Treatment third – we use darts now to hit bulls-eyes, leave the “watermelons” to allopathy. I have some answers that can be implemented immediately. However, the entire system has been thrown out of balance. The body can heal – brain included. You simply have to target several “bulls-eyes” simultaneously to restore the self healing powers God gave all of our bodies the capacity to do. This will be called the 12-IMAM MASS Victory health recovery series, solutions, and methods. For now, we can be found on-line, for help, At, and You will never see a u-haul following a funeral procession – perhaps there is more to life than collecting possessions. God will never fault you for doing the right thing. Fault will be found in not doing anything, despite the ability, knowledge, and ability to do otherwise. I welcome coming to your Country to penetrate this vaccine darkness with light – for one, and for all. Dr Andrew Moulden MD, PhD 1-877-NOW-I-CAN Authors Note: A video interview of Dr. Andrew Moulden can be found here. Photographic evidence can be found here

Hollywood Telegraphing Their Punches Again: Prophetic 2010 Stargate episodes warn of a dangerous vaccine Watch: (Pertinent Information Ends at 5:00 mark):

A vaccine for anxiety? The real reason why drug companies are pushing more vaccines (NaturalNews) There's a new vaccine for nicotine addiction, and another one for drug addiction. There's an AIDS vaccines (which doesn't work) and a vaccine for cervical cancer that's been approved for use on boys (boys don't have a cervix). Through the pharmaceutical industry, the big push for vaccines is on! But why, exactly? Is there suddenly a new rash of epidemic disease requiring vaccine treatments? No, not really. What's new is the way Big Pharma is latching on to these diseases as new opportunities to sell more drugs.

There's a huge shift underway from drugs designed for sick people to a whole new class of drugs manufactured for healthy people. The new paradigm is that people need drugs before they get sick, as a sort of "protection" against sickness. Drugs, in essence, are being positioned as nutrients -- things the human body needs in order to be healthy. And from the moment you're born, you're considered deficient in these drugs. That's why babies are injected with vaccines within minutes after being born. There's a strong belief in the medical industry that babies are born deficient in vaccines and that such deficiencies must be "corrected" as soon as possible. This simple but powerful shift in the marketing strategy of Big Pharma has expanded the potential customer based from a subset of the population (people who are sick) to the entire world population. Now, everybody needs a vaccine for something say the drug companies. All that's necessary for the financial success of these scheme is to convince sick people that they need more drugs (or vaccines), and that's easily accomplished through disease mongering campaigns (like the current fear push over H1N1 swine flu). Bypassing the need for scientific evidence There's another important shift taking place alongside the big vaccine push: A shift away from "evidencebased medicine" to a new medical paradigm of "dogmatic belief." Medicines that treat sick people, you see, have to be proven to work. There have to be clinical trials, and some percentage of those sick people (only 5% or so, typically) have to show some sort of improved response after taking the medicine. This is the so-called "gold standard" of modern medicine. But with vaccines, no proof of efficacy is required. No placebo-controlled studies need to be conducted at all. Vaccines can be openly marketed and prescribed without any evidence that they actually work. This is the new "free pass" for Big Pharma -- a class of medicine that requires no proof! They merely need to be injected into a few hundred people who are observed for as little as two weeks to see if anybody died or collapses into a coma. That's all the testing that's required (and sometimes even less). No longterm safety tests are required or pursued, and, importantly, there is no requirement that the vaccine proves it actually works to reduce flu infections (or HPV infections, etc.).

Dr. Johnson's Online Colloidal Silver/Mild Silver Protein Desk Reference Guide for Specific Health Problems: For those who are seeking help regarding specific diseases, maladies and health problems you can go to: and then click on: "Doctor's Desk Reference" at the top of the website. The maladies and diseases are in alphabetical order with specific instructions relating to each problem.

The Truth About Mild Silver Protein/M.S.P: "Rebuttals of Promoters' Misinformation": Actual M.S.P. Scientific/Medical Studies: Dr. Johnson's Comment: Invive Mild Silver Protein is made under Pharmaceutical GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) with double check off lists. The silver that is used is the finest available and is the same silver used in the 1938 Edition, 12th Volume of the British Encyclopedia of Medical Practice: Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons. The Compounds used to make this silver are identical as the silver compounds used in burn wards across America. As a result they can achieve uniform particle size between (.005 and .015 microns) which is something most companies have a very hard time doing. Now this particle size is much smaller than a bacterium which are approximatley .5 microns. Therefore Invive silver particles can go wherever the bacteria

are "because" the Invive particles are 100 times "smaller" than a bacteria, as Inivive's smallest particles start at 005. Today's modern antibiotics kill over 100,000 Americans per year, and cause horrendous liver and kidney damage, failure, and death, whereas the pre-1938 Mild Silver Protein formulation that has never caused one death.

Dr. Johnson's presentation regarding the Avian Flu and proactive ways we can protect ourselves for more information go to: View all of Dr. Johnson's Online Video

Presentations in 'Playlist' Succession Dr. Johnson YouTube Website:

Avian Flu, Population Control, H5N1, Biological Warfare: 1-5

5 Videos Play All

Population Control, Pandemics, H5N1, Biological Warfare & Colloidal Silver What to Expect and How to Prepare. For a complete listing of recommendations relating to this presentation go to:


Disclaimer: It is your constitutional right to educate yourself in the arena of health and medical knowledge, to seek helpful information and make use of it for the benefit of you and your family. You are the one responsible for your own health. In order to make decisions in all health matters, you must educate yourself. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Dr. Scott Johnson are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medicine. If you have a severe medical condition, see a competent physician. I do not claim to "cure" disease, my goal is to help you to make physical and nutritional changes in your own body so that your body can heal itself. Under Bill s. 1618 TITLE III passed by the 105th US Congress this letter Cannot be considered Spam as long as the sender includes contact information & a method of "removal." To be removed just type REMOVE in the Subject line and hit Reply.

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