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Nieuwe medi a en popul ai re cul tuur: Game cul tu ur (2008- 2009 ) Col lege 2 (18 november) : Part ici pati e e n educati ef ontwerp   Joost Raessen s

Wat gaan we doen vandaag? 4. 5. 6. 7.

Com puter games as parti ci patory medi a cul ture (tekst 1) Voor beeld: Pl ayi ng pol iti cs Game design and meani ngf ul pl ay (teks t 2) Pl aying hi story (tekst 3)

1. Comp ute r g ames as part icipato ry media culture Dr ie dom ei nen van par ticipati e: E. Interpre tati e (de cons truct ie ) F. Recon figuratie G. Constr ucti e

B. Interpret atie Cult ural S tud ie s br eekt met: • •

Hoge ver su s l ag e k un st /cu ltuur Passieve publiek, pub liek als slacht offer (Horkheimer, Adorno over cult uu rindustr ie )

Dr ie l ez ingen Lar a C rof t: • • •

Dominant e lez ing (“harmless dream wom an” ) Onderhandelende lezing (“postfeminist icon” ) Opposi tionele lezi ng (“ female enemy number one”)

Deconst ructi e Fri edm an: “Learning and winning a comput er game is a pr ocess of demystificat ion” Tur kl e: • Simulat ion resig nation • Simulat ion de nia l • Simulat ion un der standing

Mediaw ijsheid (R aad voor Cultuur , 2005)

B. Reconf igurati e Explora tie van onbekende w er elden en select ie van voorge programmeerde mogelijkheden

C. Cons tructi e Modificatie van bestaande games en maken van nieuw e games

Parti ci pati e in pol iti ekideologi sch perspecti ef • • •

Top-down versus bottom-up Hom oge niser ing ver sus het erogenisering De r ealiteit ver su s he t mo geli jke: Gam es en de werkelijkheid zijn open-source (www. yout ube. com )

2. Voorbeeld : P layin g politic s “Poli ti cs is a fasci nat ing gam e” Harry S. T ruman 33d Presi dent of t he U ni ted States

Frami ng (George Lakof f)

Tax rel ief : Tax is an aff licti on Resul t: Hero takes t hi s af flict ion aw ay (Bush), bad guy tri es to stop hi m (Kerry) “I’m agai ns t tax reli ef ”: you’ re still trapped into a cons er vati ve wor ldvi ew Farah Kari mi (Groen Links) : “The fai lur e of the war on

Conser vat ive fram es : • Taxati on is an af flict ion • War on terr or • Cl imat e change • Stri ct father Dem ocrati c frames: • Taxati on is an inves tm ent • War in Iraq • Gl obal warm ing • Nur turant parent

‘Geor ge Bush and the myth of t West’ (R aessens, 2003)

he Wild

“Fram es ar e m ental str uctures that shape the w ay we see the worl d. As a result, they shape the goal s we seek, the pl ans we make, the way we act, and what counts as a good or bad out com e of our acti ons…

... In pol it ics our fram es shape our social pol icies and the ins tit utions we f orm t o carry out pol icies. To change our fram es is t o change al l of thi s. Ref rami ng is soci al change” (Lakof f, 2004, p. xv)

John Kerry: Tax Invaders (RNC , 2004) Massi ve tax increases sai d to be requi red to pay for Kerr y’s promi sed spendi ng

Space Invaders (Tai to, 1978)

John Kerry’s Tax Invaders (RNC , 2004)

Dar fur is Dying (mt vU , 2005) Based upon the (democr atic) metaphor of the ‘nurturant ’ parent: “In forei gn poli cy the rol e of the nati on shoul d be to promot e cooperati on and ext end these val ues to the worl d” (Lakof f)

Goal of Darf ur is D yi ng : •

To acti vel y hel p stop the cri sis in Darf ur whi le pl aying the game

Websi te of fers the pl ayer al l ki nds of poss ibi liti es ‘to take acti on’ outsi de the game

The (conservati ve) m etaphor the ‘st rict f at her’:


“In forei gn af fai r the gov er nment shoul d mai ntai n its soverei gnty and impose its m oral authori ty ev er ywhere it can, whi le seeki ng its sel f-interest (the econmi c sel f-interest of corporati ons and m ili tary

Medi um- speci fic way comput er games frame pol iti cal issues Procedural • • • • •

repr es ent ation:

Embodi ed acti vi ties Represent pol iti cal issues Si mul ate procedures Ideol ogical ly color ed rul es Master to wi n the game

There are thr ee l evel s of medi um- speci fici ty: C. D. E.

A reconf igurat ive level A deconstruct ive lev el A construct ive lev el

See: ‘C omput er games as parti ci patory medi a cul ture’ , in Handbook of Com puter Game Studi es (M IT Press,

A. Reconf igurati ve level New, m aybe more ef fecti ve ways of propaganda Why? Pl ayers are act ors i n the scenar io’s the game represents. John Kerry’ s Tax Invaders and Darf ur is D yi ng not onl y verbal ize and visual ize the metaphors of thef t and the ‘nur turant’

B. Decons tructi ve l evel Chal lengi ng the game’ s bui lt- in as sum pti ons or f rames as a means of consci ousnessrai sing Why? To wi n the game you have to figure out what wi ll work wi thi n the rules of the game. A gam e i s played over and ov er unti ll al l the gam e’s


Si mul ati on resignat ion: Pl ayers sur render to the seduct ion

2. Sim ulat ion deni al : They deny the importance of the simulat ion 3. Simul ati on understanding: They lear n to deconstr uct

C. Cons tructi ve l evel Wi thi n DIY- cul ture constructi ng and reconstructi ng frames is emanci pati ng and li berati ng Why? Meta- gami ng shows that real ity i s ‘open source’ , meta- gam ers have the abi lity to rethi nk and redesign worl ds usi ng enti rel y new rul e set s. Result: pl ural ity of

Two questi ons 1. A re pol iti cal com puter games powerf ul tool s? How do we know? Ef fecti ve: because they • rewar d the ri ght behavi or? (Konij n) • Not ef fecti ve: pl ayers know it is just a game (Jans z) 2. D o pl ay er s res ist the message or not? Do they give

3. Game d esign and meanin gful p la y (t ekst 2) C. D. E. F.

Meaningful play Fr am ing Interact iv iteit The magic circle

A. Meani ngf ul play Salen & Z im mer man: “The goal of successful game de sign is t he cr eation of meaningful play” (p . 60 ) A. De scr iptive definiti on ( a description of t he way games operat e): “M eaningful play in a game emerg es f rom the r el at ionship bet ween player act ion and sys tem out come ” (p. 60)

B. E valuat ive defi ni tion (an evaluation of t he way games operat e): “M eaningful play occur s when the re lationships betw een a ctions and out come s ar e bo th discernable and int egrated int o the lar ger cont ex t of t he game” (p. 61) Discern abi lity: tells players what happened Int egrati on: le ts players know ho w it will affect the r est of the game (p. 62)

B. Fram ing 1. Frequ en cy 1550 als for meel systeem van r eg els: • • • •

Objec ten: spelers Kenmerken: iedereen begint in specifieke wijk Interne r el aties: ene groep pelgr im s ster ker dan de andere Omge ving: A mste rdam

2. Framing Fr equency 155 0 al s cult ureel sys teem: • • •

Wat zijn educatie ve ef fecten? Wie speelt het ? Wat is f unct ie va n s pel ? Anar chie (decen trer en) of aanpassin g aan te chnologie (centr eren)?

C. Interact ivitei t 3. 4. 5. 6.

Interpre tive parti cip ation (JR = int erpr etatie) Funct ional inter act ivity (int erface, re spon se t im e) Explicite in teract ivity (JR = re configurati e) Cult ural par ticipat ion (JR = constr uctie)

D. The magi c ci rcl e “This is the problem of the way w e get int o and o ut of t he play or game … what ar e the codes w hi ch g ov er n th es e ent ries and exits?” (Sutt on Smith) “The frame of a game is w hat communicates t hat those cont ai ned w it hin it ar e ‘pl ay ing’ and t hat th e space of pl ay is sepera te in som e way from t hat of th e real world”

4. Pla ying his to ry (te kst 3 ) • • • •

Frequency 1550 Leerresul taten Lopend onderz oek Nati onaal H istori sch Museum

A. Frequency • • • •


Back- story Technol ogi sche inf rastructuur Doel van het spel Opdrachten

B. Leerresul tat en Cr eati e • Const ruct ionisme • Instructi oni sme • Expl orati e, sel ecti e en cons tructi e = par tici pat ie

Di gi tal e levens sti jl • • • •

Moti vati e paradi gma Ver st er ki ngs par adigm a Mi x van bei de Probl em en: ficti e/r eali teit; ver haal /game; scenari o; ti jd; leren/pl ez ier

Soci aal l er en • •

Af hankeli jk ler en: spel , tacti ek etc. Onaf hankeli jk leren: ei gen ver antwoordel ijkhei d; speci fieke kenni s & vaar di gheden

Presentati e en ref lecti e • •

Presentati e: ouders, vrienden, kl asgenoten Ref lecti e: ident itei t

Ges chi edeni s • • • •

Leerz aam; ver geli jki ng tradi ti oneel onderwi js Test Probl em en: veel opdr achten, compl ex, veel leerdoel en “Hoog” en “l aag” ( Vatti mo)

C. Uitgebrei d onderzoek • • • •

Kenni s van ges chi edeni s Impact gam e-ver haal Cogni ti eve vaardi gheden Lev ensl ang leren

D. Nati onaal H istori sch Museum • • • •

Kenni s van Neder landse ges chi edeni s en i dent it ei t Di scuss ie “Envi ronment al stor ytel ling” Bel ang games

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