Halibut Herald July 9

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ALIBUT HERALD July 9, 2009

Andy Goldsworthy's Amazing Works of Art

Andy Goldsworthy’s ‘Rivers & Tides’ DVD available at our Robin Best Library, if you have yet to see it, I highly recommend checking out his thought-provoking mastery in sculpting natural materials and his theories of why he does what he does. “If you’re taking a stroll through the English landscape…Andy Goldsworthy wants to stop you in your tracks. He’s a British sculptor, photographer and committed environmentalist, and he likes arranging things. He turns random piles of stones into gravity-defying structures and scattered leaves into dazzling gradiated rainbows. He tracks lines and curves upon the ground where none should exist, stacks ice in the unlikeliest of places, and puts patterns and colors into the landscape that would make any onlooker rub their eyes. And the true magic of his work is that for a second – just for a second – you believe it’s the work of Nature. What would your first thought be if you encountered these in the wild? “Everything has the energy of its making inside it.” - Interview, The Guardian, 2007. READ ON & MORE PHOTOS: http://www.ecosalon.com/andy-goldsworthys-amazing-works-of-art/ Digital Catalogue and other info: http://www.goldsworthy.cc.gla.ac.uk/ YOUTUBE CLIP OF RIVERS & TIDES: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYiVBgTtp-k

People Come Together Fellow Forward Thinkers/Movers/Shakers! We are halfway finished 2009 and Scientists have been requesting for decades for us to act now in order to sustain a healthy planet for generations to come! This is far from old news, but only recently is it being heard and taken to heart. The evidence of our proven collective disrespect to Mother Earth will not just disappear with ignorance; however, in recent years, people are quickly assembling together for something they believe in and it’s astonishing! Here are some examples of what’s being done to motivate the rest of the world population to get up and change our future.


http://www.onehun dredmonths.org/ http://green. cbc.ca/

http://www. 350.org/ The Big Ask

2 MINUTE AWESOME VIDEO: MUST WATCH! More than 6,000 people took part in the recording of The Big Ask-video clip at Ostende on the Belgian coast. The film clip was made possible due to the engagement of volunteers from Friends of the Earth.

WATCH IT: http://www.thebigask.be/nl/node/411

The Happy Planet Index is determined by calculating the life expectancy and people’s happiness against their environmental impact in 143 countries that are home to 99 percent of the world’s population.

http://www.happyplanetindex.org/ ANNUAL REPORT: http://www.happyplanetindex.org/publicdata/files/happy-planet-index-2-0.pdf

Focus on Rich People of All Nations First: New Carbon Emission Reduction Method Proposed

In Kaslo, a Big No to River Power

More than 1,000 turn out to oppose Kootenay project.

In Sharing Global CO2 Emissions Among 1 Billion High Emitters researchers from the Princeton Environmental Institute say that the starting point in determining national emission reduction targets should be individuals. If you fly a lot, have a large home with high air conditioning and/or heating requirements, and drive countless miles in a fuel inefficient car your emissions are much higher than the average person in a poor nation, or even your neighbors in the poorer parts of town. READ ON: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/07/focus-onrich-people-all-nations-new-carbon-emission-reductioncalculation-method.php

Canada Ranked Last in G8 on Climate Action

People of all ages came with costumes, banners, marching bands, meticulously researched and passionately articulated speeches. First they rallied outside the school before the meeting, then they lined up one after another at the microphone to say a resounding "no" to the project and the whole idea of privatizing our rivers for power we don't need and can't use. Why can't we use it? Because the bulk of this power would come in spring, the time of our lowest demand and highest supply, vowing that this project would be stopped. READ ON: http://thetyee.ca/Views/2009/07/06/KasloNo/?utm_source =mondayheadlines&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign =060709

Canada has fallen to last place in the latest G8 Climate Scorecard, after the United States moved up in the annual rankings based on recent climate initiatives announced by the Obama administration. The report cites Canada as one of the few G8 nations whose emissions are still increasing, due in large part to the commitment to expanding exploitation of the tar sands. “Nowhere else on Earth do fewer people steward more resources, yet Canada now stands dead last amongst the G8 Nations in protecting our shared home from the threat of dangerous climate change,” said Keith Stewart, Director of WWFCanada’s Climate Change Campaign. “Canada's future lies in creating green jobs on a living planet, not in becoming the energy sweatshop for the world.” READ ON: http://wwf.ca/newsroom/?4000

10 Great Green Google Earth Layers – A Slideshow EXAMPLES: 1. World Per Capita Carbon Emissions

2. World Fisheries Catch Data since the 1950s

VIEW ALL: http://www.treehugger.com/galleries/2009/0 4/10-really-great-green-google-earthlayers.php?page=1

Aquatic Deer and Ancient Whales

If you startled a deer, you might not expect it to jump into the nearest pond and submerge itself for minutes. "The behaviour is interesting because it is unexpected. Deer are supposed to walk on land and graze not swim underwater. But more interestingly for the zoologist are the evolutionary implications," he says. The behaviour bolsters one leading theory regarding the origin of whales. READ ON: http://news.bbc.co.uk/earth/hi/earth_news/newsi d_8137000/8137922.stm

Video: The Making of a Pedestrian-Only Street in Curitiba, Brazil

If you have yet to rent from our Robin Best Library, “A Convenient Truth: Urban Solutions from Curitiba, Brazil”, I suggest doing it soon! In the mean time, Check out this short vid from treehugger: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/07/curitiba-pedestrian-onlystreet-video.php Trailer for ‘A Convenient Truth’: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swQTTG3NcYY

Zoo Installation Shows Trouble In Wildlife Paradise

Trouble in Paradise--an art installation at Vienna's Schönbrunn Zoo--shows the troubling impact of modern civilization on wildlife habitat. READ ON & VIEW MORE PICS: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/06/zoo-installation-shows-trouble-inparadise.php?dcitc=TH_rotator

New Monkey Discovered in Brazilian Amazon Researchers have discovered a new sub-species of monkey in a remote part of the Amazon rain forest a U.S.-based wildlife conservation group said on Tuesday. The small monkey, which is mostly gray and brown and weighs 213 grams, has been named the Mura's saddleback tamarin after the Mura Indian tribe of the Purus and Madeira river basins where the new subspecies was found. "This newly described monkey shows that even today there are major wildlife discoveries to be made," "This discovery should serve as a wake-up call that there is still so much to learn from the world's wild places, yet humans continue to threaten these areas with destruction," READ ON: http://www.vancouversun.com/Technology/monkey+discovered+ Brazilian+Amazon/1767887/story.html

Shark-ravaged Sea Turtle Tries Out Artificial Flippers After Losing Limbs; 'It Will Be A Global First'

Jellyfish and Vermin: The Future of Food?

KOBE, Japan -- Tests on artificial flippers for a loggerhead sea turtle with only two limbs started here over the weekend in an attempt to return the turtle to the wild. READ ON: http://www.underwatertimes.com/news.php?article_id= 34519107268

Fishy tale: one man's fight to save tuna

READ ON: http://scienceblogs.com/guiltyplanet/2009/07/jellyfish_vermin_futu re_meat.php

World's Largest Ocean Observatory Near Completion; 'This Is Truly Transformative Science' Over the next two-and-a-half months, a team of scientists and marine engineers will complete the installation off British Columbia of NEPTUNE Canada, the world’s largest and most advanced cabled ocean observatory. READ ON: http://www.underwatertimes.com/news.p hp?article_id=12067395104

WatCleaner Robot Cleans Up Water Pollution As the owner of a fishing fleet during the past four decades, Stehr had helped empty the seas of the bluefin tuna used in sushi restaurants from New York to Tokyo. Now, at age 67, he believed he was on the verge of saving the tuna - and the industry that made him rich - from the threat of extinction. READ ON: http://business.smh.com.au/busine ss/fishy-tale-one-mans-fight-tosave-tuna-20090707-db2o.html

Robots cleaning polluted water sounds futuristic? Not anymore. READ ON: http://bluelivingideas.co m/topics/drinkingwater/watcleaner-robotcleans-water-pollution/

We Could Be On This List for 2009! Your help is needed: Employee Survey ☺ Your feedback will help to determine how we compare to other companies, and will provide us with insight into the things that we should celebrate and the things that we need to change in order to compete with the best and have an engaged Aquarium team. All of the responses to the survey will be strictly confidential and your completed surveys will be submitted directly to a third party. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your results cannot be saved, therefore please complete the survey in one sitting. Please submit your completed survey as soon as possible but no later than July

10, 2009.

To access the Employee Survey online starting today, please go to https://www.keysurvey.com/survey/258839/ba05/ Chance to Protect Babies from Toxic Chemicals “The decline in some marine mammal populations is linked to the prevalence of flame retardant chemicals and other persistent organic pollutants,” says marine biologist Holly Lohuis of the Ocean Future’s Society. “Because marine mammals are so similar in biology to humans, I had myself and my four-year-old son tested and, to my horror, we are both contaminated; my son’s levels were off the charts. It’s unconscionable to have these chemicals actually mandated in products for anyone, let alone children.” READ ON: http://www.oceanfutures.org/of_blogpost.asp?ID=94

Survey Says. . .

Sea lion hijacks LA harbor patrol boat Out in the harbor the boat’s emergency lights flashed, deck lights went on and off and the emergency pump and other equipment began turning on and off at random. The boat lurched to one side and seemingly stering itself. READ ON: http://blog.ocsd.org/post/2009/06/24/Uns een-Boarder-Tries-to-Take-Control-ofDepartment-Fireboat.aspx

Today, I went to English Bay in Vancouver and asked one simple question of those who live here, “Where does the non-recyclable trash go?” Here are the results: READ ON: http://www.trashtrip. com/uncategorized/ survey-says/

Happiness Objectified: Do Our Things Make Us Happy?

READ ON: http://www.psfk.com/2009 /07/happiness-objectifieddo-our-things-make-ushappy.html

Come into the Gift Shop this week & see all the new and exciting products we have to offer. It’s summer time which means lots of great new products are making their appearances on our shelves! Drop by and see our new assortment of bags, wallets, luggage tags and passport holders in an assortment of motifs and colours. Bright and beautiful just like summer time. Large Wallets regular: $24.99 staff: $17.49 Small Wallets regular: $22.99 staff: $16.09 Purses regular: $54.99 staff: $38.49 Passport Holders regular: $24.99 staff: $17.49

Archival Photo

Aquarium Entrance, 1974.

Library News Get your up-to-the minutes news via RSS feed from the library’s What’s new pages. Currently, there are two What’s new pages running a variety of interesting news feeds What’s New – Animals and Nature – for news about birds, reptiles, marine mammals, and places such as the Arctic http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/Pages/WhatsNewAnimalsandNature.aspx What’s New – Business and General – for news about business, finance, tourism, visitor experience and marketing http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/Pages/What%27sNewBGN.aspx News on Environmental conservation and education will soon be available via the Conservation Current http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/ConservationCurrent/Pages/Default.aspx Did you know that the Library has access to over 100 journals and magazines?? At least 80 of these are available full text online. For a complete hyperlinked list, visit the library journals page on Aquanet: http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/Pages/Journals.aspx As well, you can find new books and movies listed on this page of Aquanet: http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/Pages/LibraryCatalogue.aspx


For Sale: Used DVDs and video games DVDs Matrix Revolutions 2-Disc version Superman Doomsday animated movie Ultimate Avengers 2 animated movie The Animatrix Nintendo Gamecube games Crash Bandicoot – The Wrath of Cortex Spyro – Enter the Dragonfly Def Jam Fight for NY True Crime: New York City Medal of Honor: Rising Sun NBA Live 2005 The above are for sale at $7 each, if you buy 3 or more $5/piece

Also available: Super Nintendo games ($4/each or 3 for $10) Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3D SOLD Mario’s Early Years: Fun With Letters SOLD Battle Clash (Requires Superscope to play) Nintendo Wii *Brand New Copy* (Factory sealed): ExciteBots Trick Racing - $40

If interested please contact Esther: [email protected]



2009 Audubon Magazine Photography Awards: Birds in Focus, created to celebrate the beauty and diversity of birdlife through the art of photography, and to honor the exceptional work of talented professional, amateur and youth photographers from all over the U.S. Audubon will be accepting submissions online between May 15-July 15 in three categories: Professional, Amateur, and Youth. Photographers are encouraged to reveal a new angle or perspective in their work. “Think creatively,” advises Audubon’s design director Kevin Fisher, one of the judges. “Originality and drama rank high at Audubon. Include tight shots, such as close-ups of eyes, feathers. We welcome uncommon perspectives.” LEARN MORE: www.AudubonMagazinePhotoAwards.com

http://www.thebigwi ld.org/summerfriends-contest

ENTER CONTEST HERE: http://www.marineph otobank.com/resour ces/OceaninFocusP hotoContestHome20 09.php

http://www.museumofva ncouver.ca/exhibition.p hp?id=6

http://www.canadahelps.org/GivingPages/GivingPage.aspx?gpID=4311 http://www.focuschallenge.org/focus.html

If you or anyone here at the Vancouver Aquarium would be interested in making a donation (tax receipts available, and 100% of your donation goes to those in need!), please please PLEASE do so! So far, I'm at $0 here at the Aquarium :( I've set up a CanadaHelps GivingPage where you can make donations towards the 2009 FOCUS Hike4Life Challenge. The link is above, as well as a few other informative links as well. And please remember that every little bit helps, and 100% of your contribution will go towards FOCUS to help those in need! I will also be doing something special for all of those who have contributed towards this wonderful cause. I'm not sure yet what this will be, but it could be along the lines of a large, high-quality photographic print, taken by yours truly, from the Hike4Life expedition


More exciting events here: http://www.vanevo.ca/event s01.html Check out videos of past lectures here: http://www.sfu.ca/cstudies/ science/darwin.htm

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