Halibut Herald July 16

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ALIBUT HERALD July 9, 2009

Shark Photos Are Jaw-some

VIEW FULL SLIDESHOW: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/2525982/Shark-photos-are-jawsome.html

How the Turtle's Shell Developed

Scientists have revealed a spectacular insight into turtle evolution - how the unique animals get their shells. READ ON: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/814266 4.stm

Jellies Fitted with Microchips to Monitor Movements

Paws Up: All-Pet Airline Hits Skies

All commercial airlines allow a limited number of small pets to fly in the cabin. Others must travel as checked bags or in the cargo hold — a dark and sometimes dangerous place where temperatures can vary wildly. Pet Airways will fly a pet between five major cities — New York, Washington, Chicago, Denver, and Los Angeles. The $250 one-way fare is comparable to pet fees at the largest U.S. airlines. READ ON: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090714/ap_on_bi_ge/us_airlines_pet_air ways

Surviving Mass Extinction by Leading a Double Life

It's not an easy job, but scientists have fitted microchips to 31 jellyfish in an attempt to monitor their movements in the first project of its kind. READ ON: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/earth/wildlife/5777821/Jel lyfish-fitted-with-microchips-to-monitormovements.html

Free Monthly Wallpaper Looking for something new to spice up your PC/MAC?

Drifting across the world's oceans are a group of unicellular marine microorganisms that are not only a crucial source of food for other marine life -- but their fossils, which are found in abundance, provide scientists with an extraordinary record of climatic change and other major events in the history of the earth. READ ON: http://www.physorg.com/news166790588.html

The Giant Humbolt Squid

MONTEREY BAY AQUARIUM FREE WALLPAPERS: http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/newsletter/wallp aper.aspx

YOUTUBE: http://www.y outube.com/ watch?v=1O FEDZndxqc

Tagging Technology to Track Trash

Will Allen’s Good Food Manifesto for America

It is hoped that making people confront the final journey of their waste will make them reduce what they throw away."You throw something into the garbage and a lot of us forget about it. It gets buried, it gets burned, it gets shipped overseas." The Trash Track aims to make that process - termed the "removal chain" - more transparent. READ ON & WATCH VIDEO: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/8149183.stm PROJECT TRASH TRACK: http://www.inhabitat.com/2009/07/16/track-yourtrash-want-to-know-where-your-starbucks-cup-endsup/

Urban farmer Will Allen was named a MacArthur Fellow in 2008. The Fellowship is a $500,000, no-strings-attached grant for individuals who have shown exceptional creativity in their work and the promise to do more.Will Allen's Growing Power Community Food Center brings farming skills, healthy food and a sense of community connection to urban youth and adults. READ ON & VIDEO: http://www.4real.com/blog/details.asp?p=4REAL&rid=8638

How to Build Self Watering Mini Garden

Free Your Water: Fundamentals of a Rainwater Harvesting System

In many areas of the country, a water-conserving household can provide for all its water needs from what it can catch off its roof. If the graywater and potentially the blackwater/humanure is also recycled for landscaping, each home can become an independent and sustainable part of the local ecology. We often speak of living off our annual income of solar energy, so it makes sense that we should try to live off our annual income of rainwater as well. READ ON: http://www.chelseagreen.com/content/free-your-water-fundamentalsof-a-rainwater-harvesting-system/

READ ON: http://www.sustainlane.com/reviews/howto-build-self-watering-minigarden/QU7VVZH2HBD9JZA43ODC24OAA NIR

Axis Mundi Unveils Alternative Design for MoMA Tower

Absolutely unforgettable with its trippy design, the stacked building is an obvious homage to the technicolor treasures that would be housed within its walls. To make things even more interesting, Axis Mundi explains that its concept is a revolutionary way to express and organize tall buildings as Vertical Neighborhoods (imagine taking a row of several city blocks, ripping it out of the ground, and turning it on its side). READ ON: http://www.inhabitat.com/2009/07/16/axis-mundi-unveils-alternativedesign-for-moma-tower/

Organic Chocolate Ice Cream Taste Test

Barcoding Millions of Trees Could Relieve Global Warming

The purpose of the barcodes is to help firms comply with the stringent laws on importing sustainable timber into the United States and Europe, but they could also fight deforestation, which amounts to approximately one fifth (!) of global emissions of carbon dioxide. What’s to stop criminals from simply cutting the barcodes off of the trees? Put simply, it’s not the barcode itself that deters would-be treestealers, it’s the fact that leaving the forest carrying a huge log without a barcode is very difficult to do - hopefully so difficult that it’s no longer worth it to criminals. READ ON: http://www.inhabitat.com/2009/07/16/barcodi ng-millions-of-trees-could-relieve-globalwarming/

UN Tackles 'Climate Harm' Ships

READ ON: http://www.mnn.com/food/markets-groceries/blogs/organicchocolate-ice-cream-taste-test

Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines What? Really?! Why? READ ON & VIDEO: http://www.to xel.com/tech/ 2009/07/09/do lphininspiredpersonalsubmarines/

The United Nations is discussing rules to cut the soaring emission of greenhouse gases from shipping. Shipping now accounts for more than 3% of annual global emissions. That is more than the entire UK economy. But, like aviation, it has no controls on its greenhouse gases READ ON: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8153 136.stm

Reintroduced Chinese Alligators Now Multiplying in the Wild in China

The Trailer for No Impact Man: The Documentary is Here

The Wildlife Conservation Society announced today that critically endangered alligators in China have a new chance for survival. The WCS's Bronx Zoo, in partnership with two other North American parks and the Department of Wildlife Conservation and Management of the State Forestry Administration of China, has successfully reintroduced alligators into the wild that are now multiplying on their own. READ ON: http://www.physorg.com/news166793345.html

Two New Technologies Keep Whales and Ships from Colliding READ ON: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/07/two-newtechnologies-keep-whales-and-ships-fromcolliding.php

Colin Beavan is a writer who has set out to have as little impact on the earth as possible for one year. That means no trash, no carbon emissions, no toxins in the water, no elevators, no subway, no products in packaging, no plastics, no air conditioning, no TV, no toilets… READ ON & WATCH: http://earthfirst.com/the-trailer-for-no-impactman-the-documentary-is-here/ No Impact Man Official Blog: http://noimpactman.typepad.com/blog/

Bill Gates of Microsoft Envisions Fighting Hurricanes by Manipulating the Sea

Crescent-Shaped Earth Rising, As Seen From The Moon

If you thought domination of the world's software market was cool, get a load of Bill Gates' next technological vision: giant ocean-going tubs that fight hurricanes by draining warm water from the surface to the depths, through a long tube. A second tube could simultaneously suck cool water from the depths to the surface. READ ON: http://www.nola.com/news/index.ssf/2009/07/bill_gates_of_microsoft_en visi.html

READ ON & MORE PICS: http://www.environmentalgraffiti.com/featured/cre scent-shaped-earth-rising-moon/13272

Come into the Gift Shop this week & see all the new and exciting products we have to offer. It’s summer time which means lots of great new products are making their appearances on our shelves! Drop by and see our new assortment of bags, wallets, luggage tags and passport holders in an assortment of motifs and colours. Bright and beautiful just like summer time. Large Wallets regular: $24.99 staff: $17.49 Small Wallets regular: $22.99 staff: $16.09 Purses regular: $54.99 staff: $38.49 Passport Holders regular: $24.99 staff: $17.49

Archival Photo

Murray Newman with School Children, 1962. Photo: Cunningham.

Library News Get your up-to-the minutes news via RSS feed from the library’s What’s new pages. Currently, there are two What’s new pages running a variety of interesting news feeds What’s New – Animals and Nature – for news about birds, reptiles, marine mammals, and places such as the Arctic http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/Pages/WhatsNewAnimalsandNature.aspx What’s New – Business and General – for news about business, finance, tourism, visitor experience and marketing http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/Pages/What%27sNewBGN.aspx News on Environmental conservation and education will soon be available via the Conservation Current http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/ConservationCurrent/Pages/Default.aspx Did you know that the Library has access to over 100 journals and magazines?? At least 80 of these are available full text online. For a complete hyperlinked list, visit the library journals page on Aquanet: http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/Pages/Journals.aspx As well, you can find new books and movies listed on this page of Aquanet: http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/Pages/LibraryCatalogue.aspx


For Sale: Used DVDs and video games DVDs Matrix Revolutions 2-Disc version Superman Doomsday animated movie Ultimate Avengers 2 animated movie The Animatrix Nintendo Gamecube games Crash Bandicoot – The Wrath of Cortex Spyro – Enter the Dragonfly Def Jam Fight for NY True Crime: New York City Medal of Honor: Rising Sun NBA Live 2005 The above are for sale at $7 each, if you buy 3 or more $5/piece

Also available: Super Nintendo games ($4/each or 3 for $10) Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3D SOLD Mario’s Early Years: Fun With Letters SOLD Battle Clash (Requires Superscope to play) Nintendo Wii *Brand New Copy* (Factory sealed): ExciteBots Trick Racing - $40

If interested please contact Esther: [email protected]



NEXT BOOT CAMP SESSION STARTS JULY 21 2009 Are you looking to challenge yourself physically? Increase your strength and endurance? Tone up for summer? If so….join us for boot camp! Program Description : This boot camp is a fun, functional, innovative and interactive workout session. The exercises will challenge one’s strength and endurance, improves general well-being while burning lots of calories. The workout moves quickly going from one exercise to the next with little or no rest. Open to anyone who is interested in achieving their desired health and fitness level. Participants will be taught on how to progress the exercises to meet their fitness level. Program Details : Fee : $40 per month Number of sessions : 8 sessions for 4 weeks ( 2 sessions per week) Time : 4.30 – 5.30 pm or 5.30 – 6.30 pm (choose one) Day : Tuesday & Thursday Venue : Stanley Park If you would like to join, contact [email protected], ext. 3558 or [email protected], ext. 3587. Equipment Required : Bring your own mat, dumb bells and resistance tube.

ENTER CONTEST HERE: http://www.marineph otobank.com/resour ces/OceaninFocusP hotoContestHome20 09.php

http://www.canadahelps.org/GivingPages/GivingPage.aspx?gpID=4311 http://www.focuschallenge.org/focus.html

If you or anyone here at the Vancouver Aquarium would be interested in making a donation (tax receipts available, and 100% of your donation goes to those in need!), please please PLEASE do so! So far, I'm at $0 here at the Aquarium :( I've set up a CanadaHelps GivingPage where you can make donations towards the 2009 FOCUS Hike4Life Challenge. The link is above, as well as a few other informative links as well. And please remember that every little bit helps, and 100% of your contribution will go towards FOCUS to help those in need! I will also be doing something special for all of those who have contributed towards this wonderful cause. I'm not sure yet what this will be, but it could be along the lines of a large, high-quality photographic print, taken by yours truly, from the Hike4Life expedition


More exciting events here: http://www.vanevo.ca/event s01.html Check out videos of past lectures here: http://www.sfu.ca/cstudies/ science/darwin.htm

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