Halibut Herald July 1

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ALIBUT HERALD July 1, 2009

Remembering Tag

For those of you who’ve just joined us this year, Tag was our 15 year old Steller Sea Lion who passed away a year ago today after a 10-year history of oral & dental problems which resulted in oral cancer and his eventual demise. Look at that face! He touched so many people’s lives without even trying and we’ve learned so much from him about his species that we may have never known had he not been there. LAST YEAR’S PRESS RELEASE: http://www.vanaqua.org/pressroom/BelovedStellersealionTagpasses.html

Edmonton Valley Zoo Shows Off Red Panda Cub

For all you Edmontonians here, I know there are quite a few! http://www.edmontonjournal.com/Travel/Valley+shows+panda/1747 602/story.html

Northern Ontario Blackfly A funny, 15 second tribute to a classic Canadian Pest. YOUTUBE: http://www.you tube.com/watc h?v=h93oo6ek 6WI

Adaptable Robin & Babies

Aquarium's Green Roots Go Deep

The resulting three-metres-high by 15-metres-long freestanding wall designed by Mr. Sharp's Vancouver firm, Sharp & Diamond Landscape Architecture Inc., and housing 7,000 hardy individual B.C. plants - is a striking visual example of the Vancouver Aquarium's environmental stewardship. READ ON: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-onbusiness/aquariums-green-roots-godeep/article1201628/#article

David Suzuki: Celebrating our natural wealth on Canada Day “Conserving our land and waters is a gift to the planet, though much more needs to be done to protect the richness of wildlife and wilderness with which we are blessed, especially in our oceans, as less than .5 percent of Canada’s vast marine realm has legal protected status.” READ ON: http://www.straight.com/article-237650/david-suzukicelebrating-our-natural-wealth-canada-day

Most Complete Earth Map Published The most complete terrain map of the Earth's surface has been published. The resulting Global Digital Elevation Map covers 99% of the Earth's surface, and will be free to download and use. READ ON: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/8126197.stm

Just wanted to introduce everyone to my next door neighbor, Robbi; she and her babies set up nest every spring in the oddest place I’ve ever seen, on top of the fire extinguisher in the hall! But we <3 her company. Sorry I haven’t got a better shot of the babies, enjoy!

June WAS Bike Month, but every day IS Bike Day!

Creature Corner

The ocean is home to thousands of species, from the familiar to the bizarre. Now you can learn about the creatures of the deep in Oceana's online encyclopedia. ONLINE ENCYCLOPEDIA: http://community.oceana.org/creatures

Introducing the Fuel-Efficient Cow If you missed out on last week’s massive critical mass, here’s a pic I took from the foot of the Lion’s Gate Bridge with many more people still behind me! Below, a short video of the vibe last Friday afternoon ☺ YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seBoBepmfaM Critical Blag CycleMass Vancouver: http://vancouvercm.blogspot.com/

Berlin Gives Fixies das Boot As new fuel efficiency standards for cars make news in the United States, scientists in Canada are already developing more fuel-efficient, and more polite, cattle. READ ON: http://dsc.discovery.com/news/2009/05/20/lowemission-cow.html

Metro Vancouver Curbside Composting!

Are the bikes really so dangerous that they shouldn’t be street legal? Is this a setback for bike culture in general? READ ON: http://www.good.is/post/berlin-gives-fixiesdas-boot/

Curbside pickup of food waste is coming to Metro Vancouver neighbourhoods as part of a new organics composting program that aims to help cut the amount of garbage going to landfills. READ ON: http://www.bclocalnews.com/news/49109516.html

Top 10 Cosmetic Toxins To Avoid Good for anyone who applies anything (including soap & lotion) to their faces. If you check the ingredients on any of your favored brands and find they are made with anything on this list… Maybe consider a letter writing campaign to the brand head office suggesting they get with the healthy & sustainably conscious times!

Cousteau Inspires Mexico's First Marine Observatory

BHA - (Butylated hydroxyanisole) Toxic to the liver, immune and nervous systems; possible carcinogen BHT - (Butylated hydroxytoluene) Toxic to the brain, nervous, and respiratory systems; possible carcinogen and endocrine disruptor D & C Colorants - Toxic to nervous and reproductive systems Eugenol - Toxic to the immune and nervous systems, endocrine disruptor Formaldehyde - Toxic to the immune and respiratory systems; carcinogen Nitrosamines - endocrine disruptor; possible carcinogen

The Jacques Cousteau observatory will unite scientific research on the environmental impact from humans and climate change on Mexico's coastlines, and aims to improve public policy to protect them, French and Mexican officials said. READ ON: http://www.mnn.com/earth-matters/wildernessresources/stories/cousteau-inspires-mexicos-first-marine-observatory

Spanking New Sea Lion

P-Phenylenediamine - Toxic to the immune, respiratory, and nervous systems SOURCE: http://www.thegoodhuman.com/2008/05/14/top10-cosmetic-toxins-to-avoid/

Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home

A touching portrait of five animal farmers struggling with the ethical tensions inherent in their way of life. READ ON: http://www.tribeofheart.org/pk.htm PREVIEW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFqRCc08V6k

The Belfast Zoo in Northern Ireland welcomed three healthy little California sea lion pups to three different proud pinniped mothers READ ON: http://www.zooborns.com/zooborns/2009/06/spanking-newsea-lion.html

GOOD’s Water Issue

We Could Be On This List for 2009! Your help is needed: Employee Survey ☺ Your feedback will help to determine how we compare to other companies, and will provide us with insight into the things that we should celebrate and the things that we need to change in order to compete with the best and have an engaged Aquarium team. All of the responses to the survey will be strictly confidential and your completed surveys will be submitted directly to a third party. This link below is unique to us and no one else will be able to access our survey through this link. This survey is for BC based employees only so anyone outside of BC will not be required to complete the survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your results cannot be saved, therefore please complete the survey in one sitting. Please submit your completed survey as soon as possible but no later than July 10, 2009.

To access the Employee Survey online starting today, please go to https://www.keysurvey.com/survey /258839/ba05/ Pick up a copy today! READ ON: http://www.tedprize.org/sylvia-earle/goods-water-issue/

Beautiful Solar Storage Barn Built From Raw Materials Gallery

READ ON: http://www.inhabitat.com/2009/07/01 /beautiful-solar-storage-barn-builtfrom-rawmaterials/storagebarn_goarch1/

Library News Get your up-to-the minutes news via RSS feed from the library’s What’s new pages. Currently, there are two What’s new pages running a variety of interesting news feeds

*NEW* Library News Page! http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/Pages/LibraryNews.aspx Did you know that the Library has access to over 100 journals and magazines?? At least 80 of these are available full text online. For a complete hyperlinked list, visit the library journals page on Aquanet: http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/Pages/Journals.aspx As well, you can find new books and movies listed on this page of Aquanet: http://aquanet.vanaqua.org/IS/CRS/Lib/Pages/LibraryCatalogue.aspx

Archival Photo

Pierre Trudeau with Skana, date unknown. Photo by: Pierre Dow

Where: Delbrook Community Centre, North Vancouver

Where: Delta Town & Country Inn

Vancouver Aquarium Rate Changes

We Could Be On This List for 2009!

Your help is needed: Employee Survey ☺ Your feedback will help to determine how we compare to other companies, and will provide us with insight into the things that we should celebrate and the things that we need to change in order to compete with the best and have an engaged Aquarium team. All of the responses to the survey will be strictly confidential and your completed surveys will be submitted directly to a third party. This link below is unique to us and no one else will be able to access our survey through this link. This survey is for BC based employees only so anyone outside of BC will not be required to complete the survey. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Your results cannot be saved, therefore please complete the survey in one sitting. Please submit your completed survey as soon as possible but no later than July 10, 2009.

To access the Employee Survey online starting today, please go to https://www.keysurvey.com/survey/258839/ba05/


NEXT BOOT CAMP SESSION STARTS JULY 21 2009 Are you looking to challenge yourself physically? Increase your strength and endurance? Tone up for summer? If so….join us for boot camp! Program Description : This boot camp is a fun, functional, innovative and interactive workout session. The exercises will challenge one’s strength and endurance, improves general well-being while burning lots of calories. The workout moves quickly going from one exercise to the next with little or no rest. Open to anyone who is interested in achieving their desired health and fitness level. Participants will be taught on how to progress the exercises to meet their fitness level. Program Details : Fee : $40 per month Number of sessions : 8 sessions for 4 weeks ( 2 sessions per week) Time : 4.30 – 5.30 pm or 5.30 – 6.30 pm (choose one) Day : Tuesday & Thursday Venue : Stanley Park If you would like to join, contact [email protected], ext. 3558 or [email protected], ext. 3587. Equipment Required : Bring your own mat, dumb bells and resistance tube.

For Sale: Used DVDs and video games DVDs Matrix Revolutions 2-Disc version Superman Doomsday animated movie Ultimate Avengers 2 animated movie The Animatrix Nintendo Gamecube games Crash Bandicoot – The Wrath of Cortex Spyro – Enter the Dragonfly Def Jam Fight for NY True Crime: New York City Medal of Honor: Rising Sun NBA Live 2005 The above are for sale at $7 each, if you buy 3 or more $5/piece

Also available: Super Nintendo games ($4/each or 3 for $10) Jim Power: The Lost Dimension in 3D SOLD Mario’s Early Years: Fun With Letters SOLD Battle Clash (Requires Superscope to play) Nintendo Wii *Brand New Copy* (Factory sealed): ExciteBots Trick Racing - $40

If interested please contact Esther: [email protected]



ENTER CONTEST HERE: http://www.marineph otobank.com/resour ces/OceaninFocusP hotoContestHome20 09.php

Get Some Use from Your Tourism Passport This Weekend ☺

http://www.museumofva ncouver.ca/exhibition.p hp?id=6


2009 Audubon Magazine Photography Awards: Birds in Focus, created to celebrate the beauty and diversity of birdlife through the art of photography, and to honor the exceptional work of talented professional, amateur and youth photographers from all over the U.S. Audubon will be accepting submissions online between May 15-July 15 in three categories: Professional, Amateur, and Youth. Photographers are encouraged to reveal a new angle or perspective in their work. “Think creatively,” advises Audubon’s design director Kevin Fisher, one of the judges. “Originality and drama rank high at Audubon. Include tight shots, such as close-ups of eyes, feathers. We welcome uncommon perspectives.” LEARN MORE: www.AudubonMagazinePhotoAwards.com

http://www.canadahelps.org/GivingPages/GivingPage.aspx?gpID=4311 http://www.focuschallenge.org/focus.html

If you or anyone here at the Vancouver Aquarium would be interested in making a donation (tax receipts available, and 100% of your donation goes to those in need!), please please PLEASE do so! So far, I'm at $0 here at the Aquarium :( I've set up a CanadaHelps GivingPage where you can make donations towards the 2009 FOCUS Hike4Life Challenge. The link is above, as well as a few other informative links as well. And please remember that every little bit helps, and 100% of your contribution will go towards FOCUS to help those in need! I will also be doing something special for all of those who have contributed towards this wonderful cause. I'm not sure yet what this will be, but it could be along the lines of a large, high-quality photographic print, taken by yours truly, from the Hike4Life expedition


More exciting events here: http://www.vanevo.ca/event s01.html Check out videos of past lectures here: http://www.sfu.ca/cstudies/ science/darwin.htm

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