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  • Words: 1,364
  • Pages: 3
The Diaoyu islands are undisputedly Chinese territory. But does the PRC have the guts to demand for its return now that the USTokyo axis is brazenly claiming the place as Jap property ? Also, can the country work together with Taipei to claim back the islands ? Or is it just the usual toothless bark often associated with PRC leaders of today ? No need to raise a hue or a cry if you do not have the guts to stand your ground. Keep quiet instead. The Japs have absolutely no right to claim any kind of sovereignty over the Diaoyu islands. First of all, the islands originally belonged to Taiwan. When WW2 ended the Americans seized everything they could lay their hands on and that included those islands. When Japan ceased to be occupied by the US military, the islands were not given back to Taipei at all but were handed to Tokyo instead. It was a dastardly act but the US are no strangers to such acts. The US saw Japan as a partner in containing the PRC and the DPRK. Thus giving the possession of the islands to Japan was as natural as a pickpocket passing a stolen wallet to his accomplice. Japan was the aggressor as well as the loser in WW2. Thus it has no right at all to retain any territory belonging to someone else. Germany lost a lot of its pre-war lands to other countries, notably Poland. Even her Saar region was confiscated by France (but has since been given back). Japan was very evil and merciless and was totally wrong and thoroughly criminal in its behaviour. Japan has no right at all to lay her dirty fingers on Chinese soil. None at all. The Japs were beasts during WW2. When I was small, my mother used to tell me stories abou the Jap occupation here. Here are some of them. 1. When Japan invaded China, the local people constantly organised protest marches condemning the Jap invaders. There were always calls being made to boycott Japanese goods. Among these voices were the students of Chung Ling. So, when the Jap Army landed here, one of the first things they did was to go over to the school and round up the students. My mother told me the students were all forced to strip naked and then buried alive in a big hole. 2. The Japs bombed and machinegunned the town centre, actually the main market and people were killed, wounded or fled in terror. Many people ran to a brick building thinking it was safe. But a Jap bomb landed smack right on the building and my mother said that for many days afterwards, voices could still be heard pleading for help. 3. A lot of people fled to the interior and thus many shops were soon abandoned. Some people helped themselves to the unexpected fortune but were later rounded up by the Japs and taken to the local police stations. So, when a relative or a spouse came to enquire or visit, the Jap soldiers would shave the prisoner's skin off piece by piece with a blade, for the person to see. The Japs were really evil beasts, not human beings at all.

4. Since there were a lot of previous anti-Jap activities, the Jap soldiers employed an easy way to round up all the anti-Jap suspects. First, they would catch hold of a local, put a sack over his head with two holes for the eyes and then forced every male to walk past the hooded man. Anyone pointed out by him was taken away and never seen again. 5. The Japs were very sadistic and used very ingenious methods to inflict maximum suffering and pain on the helpless civilians. One favourite method was to shove a rubber pipe into a helpless man's throat and connect it to a tap. Water would then be forced in until the man blew up like a water bag. The Jap soldier then proceeded to jump repeatedly on his body until water and blood gushed out of every orifice. It was really horrible. 6. Many big bungalows and mansions were used by the Jap Kempeitai as torture chambers and these places were abandoned long after the war was over due to unexplained screams and moans. 7. When the Jap soldiers captured any Caucasian man caught hiding in a local house, they would slice open his chest and then threw salt into the wound. The local man caught would be tied to a tree and then a nest of red ants would be dumped inside his trousers. 8. If anyone happened to walk past a Jap soldier he or she had to bow to the bastard before continuing on, otherwise he could ask for your flesh or even your life. He was really evil through and through. 9. All photos and pictures had to be destroyed or hidden away. If a Jap took a fancy to someone's picture he would demand for that person's presence immediately. Failure to fulfill his demand was to invite untold danger. Even currency notes bearing non-Jap faces were strictly forbidden items. The Japs were truly evil devils. 10. A group of people who were arrested by the police for riding bicycles without lights were later executed by the Jap officers. They were led out and then bayoneted and shot to death. Many innocent people who were really not guilty of any serious offence were routinely put to death and sometimes their heads were put on display outside the police stations. Food was very scarce during the time the beasts were here and a lot of people became sick or suffered from terrible diseases. A few locals out of desperation or pressed by the force of circumstance cooperated with the evil Japs. My mother told me that these people were rounded up by the masses when the war was over and taken to the local seaside. These unfortunate people went down on their knees and pleaded for mercy and 'wept like cows'. But it was to no avail. There was just no room for any forgiveness. They were put on a small boat and taken to deep water. A large rock was tied to each person and then they were pushed over the side to drown. It was horrible. The Japs were truly responsible for all the immense pain and suffering. The Japs were truly not human beings at all but two-legged animals from the deepest bowels of the earth. They along with the evil US devils today pose the greatest danger to our peace and security as well as to world peace today. Already the US Pentagon is asking for fresh funds to set up a so-called Prompt Global Strike force using

non-nuclear ICBMs to attack targets presumably located in the Far East. The PRC must stand up NOW and demand the Japs come to their senses and give up what is not theirs at all. Otherwise when the Prompt Global Strike force becomes operational it will be hard, even impossible to force the Japs out. The US and the Jap evil alliance in the western Pacific are out to harm all the weak and innocent. It is so surprising that the PRC at present is bending literally backwards to please and placate these demonic bastards. Have the PRC leaders forgotten what kind of animals these demons were ? What the evil Japs did during WW2, the US military is now doing against others today. Stand up for all the innocent victims. Send the Japs and the US to Hell if necessary. The PRC must build a powerful naval fleet to send these devils to Hell. The PRC MUST acquire a fleet of twenty to forty aircraft carriers. Pawn your trousers if needed, but never ever forgive those demons ! Hell is where they truly belong. The white man has never been clean. His hands are stained with the blood of countless innocent people. His Jap brother is similarly stained in such manner too. These evil brothers are the children of Lucifer. Send them back to where they belong !!!! To Hell with them !!

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