Gun Crime Will Not Be Tolerated The Enforcement, Prosecution and Punishment of Gun Crime must be our priority
Heightened Enforcement Suppress Gun Trafficking Accountability Publicity Legislation
Heightened Enforcement
Increase gun seizures Ensure that cases are ready for timely prosecution Reduce backlog of firearms analysis and data entry
Multi-Jurisdictional Gun Task Force Dedicated Gun Task Force One Sgt. and 5 officers assigned from BPD 5 State Police Officers ATF support Focus on increased enforcement and suppressing illegal gun trafficking
Suppress Gun Trafficking
List of known problem gun dealers Build cases to close down problem gun dealers Combat Straw Purchases Trace guns back to the original purchaser Enforce laws that prevent illegal secondary transfers
Gun Stat
Gun arrests Prior gun arrests Track current cases Time for gun analysis Time between arrest and trial Bail status Outcomes Sentences
Expand Project EXILE’s media campaign Participate in the development of a statewide message campaign that deters gun crimes BPD and Operation Crime Watch will advertise rewards for individuals who report helpful gun crime intelligence
Legislation 1. 2.
Gun Offender Registry Change mandatory sentencing laws to require a range of minimum to maximum sentences Continue to campaign against the Tiahrt Amendment